HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2005-7-6 The following project as su e fol~/O';- pc:, Flot requl If S _ sP~ii~f:U71m::b , rl.. 1j.J.~ 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FA)Q;~1)11' J6pn ~~~,:. ''': ELECTRlCAL~ERMIT APPliCATIQN Aythonzed Signeture l\ " , City Job Number (UY72,pJ6 -nOj;:),";;). Date Q7/(?rnl;))/17') 6 ; . . . ..'" _." "... ,_ '._ .' , _...' .;... I. .' .. . 1. 'LOCATIqNA.fJNsi'XitAnoN."J:fi{;;;<;;,fi 3. rcoM'P'LilmRsCHEDuLE\BElOWli~~;;:,'"-~r,-'1'itt;:"':\ 39[iS'"'>-'~h?;;~'" '.. \ ',"~""""-'"--'~'-=""-'-'~'" ,"__' """,N ,...."..::c.,.. "\ LEGAL DESCRIPTION A. ~~Kif~~li~t~f~~~~~1~1~4'~~~~~i~~~iV~1~bj I J( ();( ~ -VI 0&3 o-v Service Included - . JOB DESC~ 1000 sq. ft. or less J.. T - .1 / ,/;\ n JI /L '^ L d Each additional 500 sq. ft. or !..1fJ2)f-/ _ ~ :r...~'" K.-Ull0-ctr'"pomon thep,ef>fENTION' 0 $ 19.00 <\. .. . regon law reqUIres you to Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is Each ManutactldlHbme,\l.Iiopled by the 0 . . " not started within 180 day,s of issuance or if work is Modular~Iilwelling:Sersi9!;~Ij-. Those rUle~e",~~~~~ty Suspended for 180 days. ' Feeder 1/111 G)AR 952,001-0010 throuoh ~ rtJ- .;:"'J"'V~"="''-'''''''''''-<:'S'''''''''_' ."---~~ f..~~"f,.vo;::r<h ''-'''1}):Slll'''''''''aii ;\' _~A&-B~2-Qa1 .~ .. 'I :'lec:::~::O~o/~;;:~~~:~ ~,B'2:::;~~~~!IJ~~:i; 1~:~~~c~tiin!., , 201 Amps to 400 Am~~er IS 1.800-;;l32-2341,$.75.00 401 Amps to 600 Amps $125.00 601 Amps to 1000 Amps $163.00 Over 1000 AmpsIVolts $375.00 Rcconnect:Only S 50.00 $106,00 Address m . R,.'x 1/ 9..'1 City c..R(Or:;1,1~' iL Phone 99.5' 9CJ!,? . .\... Supervisor License Number .:J 9 70 -,5: C r',;:r-"";-;";":"'s';:: ~':'6L AF:';~I.T!,:.~~'fflft;~. '" <I . ~.'~.~p~.r~~.. e..~~!:St!l~{_^el~"!~s-, ',,', ,.:t"r3"-\')~""'- \' , . . ~ ,j -'E~' '..::..J . ",I........U'~.....~I,r".........."n'" ,...;. Expiration Date <r - /S-- c ff "" ) (l'J Ie: :>P",\ln(\';~D FOR Installation;'A1teration or'Re1ocation 200 ~~s~on~s PERIOD. $ 50.00 201 Amps to 400 Amps $ 69.00 401 Amps to 600 Amps $100.00 Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "B" above. . f":="-::::r.i-'0""";-";"; '~~.; ", "t'"'"~~, ,.' ".f, n-_ - 4. ~ , .... ,- . I' D.. Branch',Circuits->,",'",. :: .Y'. . .: ~,.'-~':';:/"" .:. 'I"-~" "~71 ,..........._."-~..-..,,.~~.--.... '(" ' . ? Expiration Date /tJ-/-<=-'/'C, Constr. Contr. Number /, <;"'9 <"3' '7 Signature of Supervising Elcctrician New Alteration or Extension Per Pane) One Circuit / V Each Additional Circuit or with ""' ~j, /)/)/ /" _ Service or Feeder Permit ~ $ 3.00 Owners Nam f-/ U LU1/n 'g1 qt.., Address3<?OS ~ ItJ/J1 Ii 0HJ "E. ~~lliieIlap....~~:(~;~6i~etf~~d;eijio(iD~,Med)-7~ft5b i.ns'talla_1J,~j Ciry ~() ~R _ OWNER INST ALLA nON (}i~~ QE~<A' $ 43.00 -</.< ~ Pbone Pump or irrigation $ 50.00 Sign/Outline Lighting S 50.00 Limited EnergylResidential $ 25.00 Limited Energy/Commercial S 45.00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges 4. fJSUBfofAl:f)F1&H~;:,,\::':,:.';,.;:,:~\,;:?"j ) J:l c;-o ~",_"':.,h~i::~_"'~ ,-~"L .: :"\v_'o,~-""';'i.:::Z.:~;~.:....;~.::...J ~_~ 7% State Surcharge G -<;3 10% Administrative Fee The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent Owners Signature: Inspection Request: 726-3769 TOTAL -<; 9~ $07.33 Shared Drive(T:)lBuilding FonnslElectrical Pennit Application I.{}J,doc 225 Fifth Street - Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~J J : J6b/Journal Number . , COM2005-00822 C.OM2005-00822 COM2005-00822 COM2005-00822 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard -! , i ! 'f . . :: J .' \ " .' . 7/6/2005 . RECEIPT #: iiinM, aity of Springfield Official Receipt _evelopment Services Department Public Works Department 2200500000000000887 Date: 07/06/2005 Description Add, Alter, Extend Circ Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By C. PERKINS ELECTRJC Item Total: Check Number Authorization Reeeived By Batch Number Number How Received njm 128776 Phone Payment Total: Page 1 of1 1:26:40PM Amount Due 43.00 6,00 3.43 4.90 . $57.33 Amount Paid $57.33 $57.33