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Permit Electrical 2002-1-25
,<:-'lJ.~~-\'lJ.f'o'" . ~e6 C\\\c . f?J~'O~~ Sf(0 . .225 EIJ;THS1'REE1"- _. :,' :O;0~\~~'0o.~" ." SPRll':lGFfELD, OREGO~ 9747.7 . ~(\~Q~~(r:~" ::. . INSPbC)10NREQ.V~T: 72~\<t9~O~: . - OFFICE' 7'6-37'9 . . ''<:'''1;>''1,' ~--." . . J .....,.,:. ~'." 0(\'\ o~'lj,. ~ . "- ~. ~- ~ ~ ." .. .0~ ~~~S~V\l1'. LLHlO",.. ~\'(\ LE~AL RESClUPTlO'l I" -\~()o.O-l91~_{)~~_-- .f~VESC "'POI\........I - - , ~-\J)\~exsiO~~>TICE. THIS PER' ''1- IT or portion - "'- PeL'I' s are nO! :msferable and expire AUt M/rSHAlllffExPIRr=I1::TJ.J If work is not started within I ~o doys HOR/ZED UND~'n'v)il<\i!l'B 1%1~.wORK_ "ri'.''''I\"0 or il'work is SIl$POlldcd for COMMENCEDOR~SAt\hI'qi.R-filRI'4iTlSNOT l~l)day'. ANY 180 DAY ~/.Ili1~ClJNEDFOA .- PERIOD. 1. CONTRACTOR IN51' ALL A TIOl\' ONLY C. Sc".ices HI' Feellel's . ~. ' ....'1] -+- lnstallatinll. Aitcration~ or,' '. ..... Ekctrical'~ont~'icto~hn, CJ t..1P fIe.,' "..'1, Hclocl1tion'" -:., , . VlJU,'\o '~jv.v~ . . .. '-. ill-'- rUles . 'C<lu.. - Addles. .:l 'TS /'({ " 5n Lj.-lfC\(- .1t~:Q~{iOf) C ilOO1lrea~Il~t!r:I;r~II" . .: -=---=- $ 63,00 ~ : '-if' ::- " .-,~~"'F/FfS~"o ef1/6I\'rjjn\ll:!~'ClHa~p~"-'!ip--: _...:_:_:$75.~U_ e,l:. _11.; nlJ,J u)n'.C~ .Phon"~') 8r? "7.!~t'(~u {/'I}.I~O~fJO m~~ {u?;'}J.fi.fJ.;Utililj-;': _~ $125.00 :,' '. ,'. _' ,0...: ''''.''_ 'rtf:J -~I1Bthe-lOb&lriaHq.~g,,()'J{f;!lr~.I('>.'~' $1(.3."0 Supe,,,isorl-icensc Number ,~ ()O G ,:'!fJ16eff0fi' &f1/ep.(ifllfJle~~agfi:2-0Jl h :...:.-:.. $'375.00 _ __, '7.- ,: " - -. ~ '1: _' . ..', ',,".< 'he Or;m,e:gifl"tJJ€rntfi~ rule -6 ~ S -50.00 . .' . _.~ ;-.'7,-". 1 . ~j'- - - . ..'-"''lIe;'" _ ~-"'On 1 J., . fl!t1e'P" 6' ~ . - Expl'i'rl~n,D,Ite -7.....",c?1./,.(Y....-, : .,:~,...""",,;.;...,. ,.1., 1'8mi vtl/'tyN'C'.'. "One --" ';i, :'.:,:::::- '. '-'::'}::'H" ,/,',' - ,., -.- ';..:.;'_.'.::;:_ C. X.GI!lliri'1:.'j.j,?&j,'iit4~ljflf!tli/fj*"~ . '._' _ _....: CO;lStt,'Contr. NUlUfi~{"j?,'qd b:S ~4'.:' : '.. ..:~.:':=-J ',lnSlal~:lti~n. AI!cNrtiou'or itchJrllti~m ' ~ ~..:' .: .,.....:.-:~~.:~./.. :.i"~-~-_" -,"::~-~.:~-:::"-~::~,"'~-:~'~.'~~" ....::._ . .; '+-'~"-"':" ~ I:.xplr:uioll Date I OJ O'lt:.-;;):.it..,~.:~: ::"~~-~:.:.. '..,~~~~_:~02:~ml:s_o~le~~_-::.. -, ."";'~ -.:~_,~ s)o;on.~.~ ., ,""'-- .. --,;;,-< --: 20J':l.m~(i}_40Qall,lpS '.' c.:._" ~ $G9,OO _ , ,. :.,.;:;.:$jg'~~ltl!rc.~f S"flen;.~ing glf~(trici;tn ". .' "'()ver'4~I....'.? flQ:j}:.mp~ c' _' _"..: ~ ,~JOn 011 ___ :-,;':-:,~,.~:'~c!;-'_:~,./7 //-:-~ '~~:'~~b~;~rimpsorl09(iYOHS'~:~:_. -- . .. '~'- ...._~~< ""'-'~~.._- n"'Uleh Circuits . .~;i':~;;;,:fc;;~~,::~~~~_- ..~'"",, ~E\\~' Nc\:Jl!:~!~tion or ExtenSIon Per7"~:~:':~." "._' . ..--- .:.: ~tl~r~~B--!S~~ S;.L~jj::o:d- \)( One Cir~U1l - . ~hbo 4g,"-O . -=-- . .-::. Gil)'~~' .' : -:--: .- Phn~~"-'t~Q=J_ D1Q ~r.... ' - . . ~.. . !r.--r:A 'f.) " >'O\~~~~-l~S ,\L~Kl:10N': .:.' , . . .. '_, _ ,.. . '-~".'.' _ ~ ','.. ...1.-, ~ . Tho.iIi~I..lJilitioil is.~~rg.nl;)dci.-GIl;' . : . _" ,. ,prqpcrty l-~wn \i'LtiC.~isnot in~!lded.. . . ~". fQr's~t~i:-l~l$e ,Or reiit. ~. ' -.,: _ .:" ., ,.,' ~~.~,~~ .. ....-;~.-.._~.;.~. ..,....-.' ~. . . - -, '" , -'. ........ '." '.. El ", _ (leAL PERl\'I1T APPLICATION , . ..' . '.: '1\i\kf\i\(in'^i~ANS#:bl-0008001 . C' . .Iull N"mllcr~UGl!u...'-VJ~L._V_MTE:FEB 11 2002 :', ' . AMT.RECfi:2 $ 326.95 1 ,OMPLETE FEE SCffEDULE BELOW CHANGE: . ~'~'~ . , . ...., ,-- . : '. -. CASHIER: 005 . . ~/;. ;;:~' NC~Y;'R~sid('.ntj;ii:'Si~~-'c ~r ",', . I\iulti-F:uuily (lcr dwellint; unil. Se.n'icc !nc!uucd: Itellls Cost Sum 1000 s~.ft. Qr less Each llddilion.11 50D $106.00 $ 19.00 S 5U.nO , -.' --!' ...-. Each ~Arlrl'jtinnal Cirell!1 or \vith Scrdcc orFeeder.?ernlii ... ~~'$3.bO :...'?.~ '. .' -:-;.-.'" ':'rr.. ,'-........ E. iIIi.'ccll'lOeollS (SoJ'\'iccffcoUo,' "ot I"d,,"o") . :~?'2h :il}S_taHation . i'\irh6'or'irdgation SignJOutli lie 'Ligl~ti])'g lituitetl'EllergyiRes LiIiJitcd E.:n:;rgy!Co;mll~ . . . "':';0 . . ....,~--,- i\linimumJI~ct~'ic p'ermit In!'pectillll ]:ee i!i $J5.00 + Surcl1;1q~!;f~S :......':..; ,:;...~, .1. ~., _ . '4' . ----.,.- '; -:..-::::;........~ . '.':~ 4.,,"0 _3, ,2. '::...... _b.6$ -5"? ,~:'- ..",-..::..,,-.,,-, ,~ " -' . , ~. SUliTOTA,LOF ABOVE 7':.';. Sta(~ Surcharge So/u Administr:lHycFcc ~:--o . ,..:"_,_""-''''''_'.__,, . _. ~-t-..,~:,- ,: :: -., .. . . . ;"J. tle" - .~. .- . - (\," ." - . -' .- '. - - ". .:.e~~,~. "~"'-'.'_" TOTAL