HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/22/2011 . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Minor Modification Required Project Information ... . (Applicant: complete this section) A licant Name: Kat Smith Com an : Phone: 541-520-8077 Fax: Address: A licant's Re .: JeffSakacsi Phone: 541-686-4540 Com an : Schirmer Satre Grou Fax: 541-686-4577 Address: 375 W 4thAv~nue.Suitc 201 Euene Ol.e&~n9740] "...-..:....,;-. Owner: Jennifer Mathews Revocable Trnst Phone: Fax: .c Com an Address: 450 Ful Vne 1100 ASSESSOR'S MAP N Size of Pro ert : 23474 sfor.54 acres Acres 0 S uare Feet 0 Pro osed Name of Pro"ect: The Grateful Grind Description of Pro osal: If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Develo coffee kiosk. Vacant A o TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: PRSJ..OO1-0{){01 Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 Original Submittal Revised 2/25/11 1 of 10 . - . . . Signatures lhe unders1~1tCd ~dmowl!ldge. that the 1r.f000Inatb1l~ tlIis IlClPfI(:\!Uotl is COl'1'ect and acalfirte. Applicant: =t-l..;~64dJ.J.0_~8~TJC.. Sig.rtnure U . 't1:r.4THL'r-'A.J~) !::t .sIn I if-! Pr nt Dilte: .J"~ I q . dOli If the 8PiJl:tetlt il: flolllle "'NnQr, tl'1e owner ~ereby Qrants perml55klf1 tor lhe a""flc...! to act ill i;i~Br 1x:h.1f. OWner: sJ.~ JttJ Nrf#.. M41ilfPWS Print Date: Date Received: AUG 2 -2 2011 Original submittal n......lI.~. ...,.,rl~ t "'] f/\P' tn . . SITE PLAN REVIEW MINOR MODIFICATION APPLICATION The Grateful Grind lls III GstelliTay Street Springfield, Oregon 3b';,b C4~~ Assessor's Map 17-03-15-33 Tax Map 1100 August 22, 2011 Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 Original submittal . . August 22, 2011 Planning Department City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Narrative The Client is proposing to construct a small coffee drive through kiosk on a site that was previously approved for the same use through Site Review, City File # DRC2008-00014. The previous coffee kiosk and site improvements were constructed in 2008 through an approved building permit, although Final Occupancy was never obtained before the previous coffee kiosk, 'Just Brew It' closed for business. The coffee kiosk building was removed and the site has been vacant since. Our client is proposing to install a new coffee kiosk and utilize all site improvements that were previously approved and constructed. Changes to the original approved Site Plan will include the addition of a patio east of the drive aisles as well as a reconfigured ADA walkway leading from the parking spaces at the west of the site across the drive aisles and to the proposed patio. New bike parking will also be installed adjacent to the walkway. The client will also replace the originally approved and installed plantings that have perished in the absence of an operating business on site including the installation of additional trees that were previously not included in the original planting plan. Damaged items on site including the drive aisle curbs and trash enclosure will be repaired as necessary. There are no plans for future expansion. There will more then likely be 3-4 employees (in shifts). Planning Copy of Deed and Preliminary Title Report Submitted along with this application. Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application Not needed for this project. Three (3) copies of the Stormwater Management System Study. The Stormwater Management Study was previously submitted and approved through DRC2000B- 00014. Three (3) copies of the Modified Site Plan Sets. Submitted along with this application. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions A. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions was previously submitted with the approved Site Review (DRC200B-00014). We are submitting a Site Plan which details both the existing and proposed conditions. The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface area, clearly indicating what is remaining and whads being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings. See Site Plan. Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 The Grateful Grind Site Plan Review Minor Modification Application 2 Original Submittal . . The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourse and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map. The site is not located within a watercourse. The 1 DO-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision. The site is not located within a 1 OO-year floodplain according to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map 41039C1133 F. The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department. See Site Plan. Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when. measured 4 1/21 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas; wetlands and rock outcroppings. See Site Plan. Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical report prepared by and Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils andlor a high water table According to the Soil Survey of Lane County, the site is composed entirely of 32 Coburg-Urban Land Complex. The depth to the water table is listed at 18-30 inches with the Frequency of Flooding and Frequency of Ponding listed as none. Available Water Capacity is listed as high. Site Plan Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer. The Site Plan has been prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect. Proposed building: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setback from property lines, and distance between buildings. See Site Plan. Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs. No existing or proposed fences or walls or outdoor equipment. There is an outdoor trash enclosure. See Site Plan. Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; Including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping. There are 22 total existing parking spaces on the property of which two are ADA spaces. See Site Plan for location, aisles and striping. Two parking spaces near Game Farm Road will be designated for The Grateful Grind employees. One of the ADA spaces close to the coffee kiosk will also be designated. See Site Plan. Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces. Building 126 sf Parking & Circulation 15,870 sf Landscape 7,430 sf Total Development Site 23,426 sf Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 Original Submittal The Grateful Grind Site Plan Review Minor Modification Application 3 . . Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district. There is no Solar Access Permit on this lot. On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation. See Site Plan. Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curbs and curb cuts proposed to be closed. See Site Plan. Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces. Two bike parking hoops for shori term bike parking provided west of coffee kiosk; see site plan. One long term bike parking space provided at the west entrance to Chase Bank. Location of existing and proposed transit facility. There are existing EmX transit stops one block norih on the site on International Way as well as to the south of the site on Gateway Street. The area is also served by the L TO #12 bus route which has a stop approximately two blocks south of the site on Gateway Street. Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed dedicated or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, or other similar public and semi-public uses. No areas on this site are being conveyed, dedicated or reserved for common open space, etc. Phased Development Plan Not applicable to this project. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan An Improvement and Public Utilities Plan was previously submitted and approved through ORC2008-00014. Improvements and Utilities have been installed and are shown as pari of the Site Plan Grading, Paving & Stormwater Management Plan A Grading, Paving & Storm water Management Plan was previously submitted and approved through ORC2008-00014. All Grading, Pavement and Storm water Management has been installed. There are no revisions to Grading, Paving & Storm water occurring with this proposal. Landscape Plan A Landscape Plan was previously submitted and approved through ORC2008-00014. Planting was installed to the specifications of the plan, but some plants have since perished due to neglect. Plants will be replaced according to the approved landscape plan. See Site Plan for planting information. Architectural Plans See attached photo. On-Site Lighting Plan See note on Site Plan. Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 Additional Materials That May Be Required Where a multi-family development is proposed... No multi-development is proposed as pari of this project. Original Submittal Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW. The Grateful Grind Site Plan Review Minor Modification Application 4 . . . The site is not located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any WQLW or within 100 feet of any top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils andlor a high water table present. None necessary as there are no unstable soils or any high water table present. Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district. Site is located within a Community Commercial Zone. No additional standards necessary. If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19- 100. There are no trees proposed to be removed on the project site. A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property. The site is an asphalt parking lot; there are no wetlands on site. Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review. No permits being submitted. Where any grading filing or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development. Site improvements have already been constructed. No grading or fiffing is proposed. Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100. These conditions do apply to the project. An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's Urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer. No annexation application necessary as part of the project If you need any other information or have any questions please don't hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, Schirmer Satre Group 9-10~ Jeff Sakacsi Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 Original Submittal The Grateful Grind Site Plan Review Minor Modification Application 5 . l I , .. '. ~.~ , I ,.-.- :'1 I ., -. ..' I . - - Q N N N g <C -~ 11I - - oE .0 :> en Cij c: 06> Oc: o j . ~--:... ... After recording, return to: Ellen D. Adler, Attomey Speer. Hoyt, Jones, Feinman, Poppe, Wolf & Griffith, PC 975 Oak Street, Suite 700 Eugene, OR 97401 Until a change is requested, all lax statements shall be sent to the following address: Jennifer L. Matthews. Trustee 450 Ful Vue Dr. Eugene. OR 97405 ~... .-----.-. - _._-~ Division of Chief D~puly Clerk Lane Count.y Deeds and Ri!cl>rds l~~~.~l~m I!IIII! Ililllllllll !IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $31,00 00673361200500154220~20028 03/04/200503:50:14 PM RPR-DEED Cnl~1 Slh:15 CRSHIER 04 $10,00 $11,00 $10,00 " " " WARRANTY DEED TO TRUSTEE OF REVOCABLE TRUST Jennifer L. Matthews, Grantor, conveys to Jennifer L. Matthews, Trustee, and any Successor Trustee of The Jennifer L.Matthews Revocable Trust Under Agreement Dated February 23, 2005, including any amendments therelo, Grantee, all of her interest in the real property located at 3545 Gateway St., Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point which is North 890 56' 00" East, 629.54 feet and South 00 04' 00" East, 10,00 feet from the Lane County brass cap monument marking the Northwest comer of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46 in Section 15, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, said' point being on the Southerly right of way of Game Farm Road East, said point also being 30,00 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said Game Falm Road East, thence following along the Southerly right of way of said Game Farm Road East, North 890 56' 00" East 86.62 feet; thence leaving said right of way, South 00 I l' 08" West 271.16 feet; thence North 89" 48' 32" West 86.62 feet; thence NOlih 0" I l' 08" East 270,77 feet to the point of beginning, all within Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, The property is free from all encumbrances except easements, reservations and restrictions of record for Lane County, Oregon. Lane County Assessor's Tax Account No, 1461043. The true consideration for this conveyance is other than money: for estate planning purposes, WARRANTY DEED TO TRUSTEE OF REVOCABLE TRUST. Page 1 of 2 I Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 Original Submittal . . Grantor covenants to and with Grantee that Grantor is seized of an indefeasible estate in the real property described above in fee simple, that Grantor has good right to convey the properly, that the property is free from encumbrances except: easements, conditions and restrictions of record shown on Grantor's title insurance policy when Grantor purchased the property and liens, charges and encumbrances created by, through or under Grantor, and that Grantor warrants and will defend the title to the property against all persons who may lawfully claim the same by, through, or under Grantor, provided that the foregoing covenants are limited to the extent of coverage available to Grantor under any applicable standard or extended policies of title insurance, and warranty claims against Grantor's predecessors in title, it being ,the intention of the Grantor to preserve any existing title insurance coverage and claims against Grantor's predecessors in title. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. DATED the 23"' day of February, 2005. J..~ Jennifer L. Matthews' STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) The foregoing instrument was aCknowledged before me the 23"' day of February. 2005, by Jennifer L. Matthews. OFACIAL SEAL . HOLLY HALL i NOTARYPUBUC<mEGON ". .' COMMISSION NO. 368480 MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 6. 2007 /rtlA Notary Public for Oregon I WARRANTY DEED TO TRUSTEE OF REVOCABLE TRUST - rage 2 of 2 Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 I Original submittal . . ~ Western Title&Escrow Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County 497 Oakway Road, Suite 340 Eugene, OR 97401 Office Phone: (541) 485-3588 Office Fax: (541) 485-3597 Prudential Real Estate Professionals Attention: Mike Heckard 497 Oakway Road, Suite 400 Eugene, OR 97401 Date Prepared: August 18, 2011 Report Number: 49290 Lot Book Service: $200.00 LOT BOOK REPORT We have searched our Tract Indices as to the following described real property: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" and dated as of August 11, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. We find that the title is vested in: Jennifer l. Matthews, Trustee, and any Successor Trustee of The Jennifer l. Matthews Revocable Trust under Agreement dated February 23, 2005 We also find the following apparent encumbrances prior to the effective date hereof: 1. 2011-2012 taxes a lien in an amount to be determined, but not yet payable. 2. An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: September 29,1989 Document No.: 89-44184, Lane County Records In favor of: City of Springfield Amended by instrument, Recorded: Document No.: March 6, 1990 90-10797, Lane County Records Date Received: AU6 2 2 2011 Original Submittal Lot Book Report Page 1 of 4 ~ Western THle&Esccow . . Lot Book Report Order No.: 49290 3. An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: November 20,1990 Document No.: 90-55714, Lane County Records In favor of: Pacificorp dba Pacific Power & Light Company Pacificorp dba Pacific record to Springfield provisions thereof, Recorded: Document No.: Power & Light Company, duly assigned their interest of Utility Board, by Assignment, including the terms and January 22, 1998 98-04087, Lane County Records 4. An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: February 14, 1991 Document No.: 91-07857, Lane County Records In favor of: City of Springfield 5. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: February 27, 1991 Document No.: 91-09673,91-09674 and 91-09675, Lane County Records 6. An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: May 23, 1991 Document No.: 91-23997, Lane County Records In favor of: Rainbow Water District 7. Terms, provisions and conditions of easement, including but not limited to maintenance provisions contained in instrument Recorded: November 12, 1992 Document No.: 92-63872, Lane County Records 8. An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: November 13, 1993 Document No.: 93-75004, Lane County Records In favor of: City of Springfield 9. Terms, provisions and conditions of easement, including but not limited to maintenance provisions contained in instrument Recorded: April 29, 1994 Document No.: 94-32116, Lane County Records 10. Covenants, easements and restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion, national origin, or physical or mental handicap, imposed by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: April 29, 1994 Document No.: 94-32242, Lane County Records Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 Lot Book Report Page 20f 4 Original Submittal .~ We 5 ter n Title & Ew,w . . Lot Book Report Order No.: 49290 11. Terms, provisions and conditions of easement, including but not limited to maintenance provisions contained in instrument Recorded: May 2, 1997 Document No.: 97-30198, Lane County Records Re-recorded: Document No.: May 22, 1997 97-34875, Lane County Records 12. Terms, provisions and conditions of easement, including but not limited to maintenance provisions contained in instrument Recorded: July 25,1997 Document No.: 97-50362, Lane County Records 13. An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: July 25,1997 Document No.: 97-50363, Lane County Records In favor of: Western Service Co., a division of Washington Mutual Note: Taxes paid in full for the year 2010-2011 Original Amount: $2,509.58 Tax Lot No.: 17 03 15 33 01100 Account No.: 1461043, Code 01900 This report is to be utilized for information only. Any use of this report as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property': described will require payment in an amount equivalent to applicable title insurance premium as required by the rating schedule on file with the Oregon Insurance Division. The liability of Western Title 8< Escrow Company of Lane County is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. Any questions concerning the Lot Book Report should be directed to Jerrilyn Eggerat 541- 431-3710, or email atjeaaer(lilwesterntitle.com. Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 Original submittal Lot Book Report Page 30f 4 ~ Western Title & Escrow . . Lot Book Report Order No.: 49290 Exhibit "A" That portion of Parcels 2 and 3 of Land Partition Piat 91-P0084 described as foliows: Beginning at a point which is North 890 56' 00" East 629.54 feet and South 00 04' 00" East 10.00 feet from the Lane County brass cap monument marking the Northwest corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46 in Section 15, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wiliamette Meridian, said point being on the Southerly right-of-way of Game Farm Road East, said point also being 30.00 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said Game Farm Road East; thence foliowing along the Southerly right-of- way of said Game Farm Road East, North 890 56' 00" East 86.62 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way, South 00 11' 08" West 271.16 feet; thence North 890 48' 32" West 86.62 feet; thence North 00 11' 08" East 270.77 feet to the point of beginning, ail within Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 Original submittal Lot Book Report Page 40f 4 -~ Western Title&Esccow . . ~ We 5 tern Title&Escrow Compliments of Western Title & Escrow Company. This map is not a survey and we assume no liability for inaccuracies. b . ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ " 82.78 ~ S69"SSW-33G' PCl.1 GAME FA~M ROAD EAST ~---_._~-.- ------------ ~ -~----------------- I:Oboooooooooo, PCl. 3 1100 0.54AC , / /1600 064AC I / ,. / "" "% 1! r,,~\ , / . . e /1500 ". "'v"'. 0;,. "!>0 2.09 AC / / 'i>,~ , / "" , ii' , / 4/ .1, , ~./ / , \?'JJ~ , / , , 150' , N80OS9'55'W / . 1401150- 0.04 AC " NS-9'SO '" , , 120'il ,\" 1.29AC', (":\ \(YJ O~?~h _ __ ~'~~,Q.~.l_~ ctO: o \. 290.63' ------- o \. PCL.2 o " o ' o " o ' o " o ' 00.95 AC.S. \ 0.34 AC.S. 00 " o " o " 04588 86.62'\ d89'48'52"Et15.00" 00 .\ 00"""(5' "1>0""10 -?-O.", (> O' .~ 0 o ;, ~ ISO' , , - f.<;,,,, \ g;';:\~ r:\ ~~~ 0' ~\ ~\ ;, , , , Q \1' \' A ,\ 12. ~\ ~ \\ .L.. \\ <f> \' --\ ,\ ?J \\ '" \' '" ,\ --\ " ,\ " ,\ " ,\ [,6.15' " " , ' , , , ' , , I' , I z PCl. 2 ~ " , 0 1400 0.65 AC \03_5\' tl11'0~'~r t: z- '0":,, ~~'" PCl. , , , , , , , , , 1300 0.66 AC Date Received: AU6 2, 2 2011 Original Submittal . . TRANSMITTAL LETTER Date: 8.22.2011 To: Andy Limbird Company: City of Springfield From: Jeff Sakacsi Project: The Grateful Grind - Minor Modification. Quantitv Date Drawino Name Other 3 8.22.2011 Site Plan 1 8.22.2011 Application 1 8.22.2011 Written Statement 1 8.18.2011 Preliminary Title Report 1 3.4.2005 Copy of the Deed )!(For your use -IY'1'or approval o As requested ~ For your review and comment REMARKS Hi Andy, Here is the Minor Modification submittal for The Grateful Grind coffee kiosk located at 3545 Gateway Street. Please let me know if there is any additional information that you require or if there are revisions that are necessary. Thank you! Schirmer Satre Group Sincerely, <9.- ~~ Jeff Sakacsi Date Received: AUG 2 2 2011 Original SUbmittal ~-J~_ PLANNERS + LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS 375 West 4th, Suite 201, Eugene. OR 97401 Phone: 541.686.4540 Fax: 541.686.4577 www.schirmersatre.com ~ .~. + LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS + II,', I - I ::-- '''. ....../