HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2011-8-2 JUL.25-2Bl1 14:28 From:COMFORT FLOW HERTING 15419889954 , , .1 Mechanical Permit Application : Cn\' OF SPRI'IIGHEI.D, OH.EGON ns Fifth Slrecl _ Spl'iIISfklri, OR 'H477. fll(.'i41)72li-J753. r-AX(~4I)n(i-36ll9 To: 5417263689 P.2/9 i)W\CA"W\"" VVI\..'''V'....'') ~f' 'd-V~ *-~"'15 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no.: 5>1(-0 I '377 Dale: (l':2 I ~~ This permit is is.sued Iln!icr OAR 918-440-U050. Permitll expire if work is not started within 180 days ofissuance or if work is su~pcnded for 180 dll:rs. CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION o Rcsir..lentiClI o Governmenl Commercial AND LOCATION CiIY: < SuhdiV1.siun: Name: PROPERTY OWNER ll' Phone:": F.-mail: 1 This inslallaliun is being 1TI1lde. on properly owned by me or il memhcr of my immc:diale family, and is ,xcmpt from licensing requirements under ORS 701. 10, ~ Signature: ~t W c.c CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Signature: 441l-254.'i-J[IIIOXICOM) FEE SCHEDULE Residential QI)'. Cost Tubl ... cost First Annliance $79.00 \ urn3(,t/burner including tlucts and 'Vents lip In lOOk SrU/hr. $17.00 $ Over lOOk In'Ulhr. $20.00 S Heaters/Sloves/vents Unit h~t~ 517.00 S WoodtpcJlct/gas s{ovdfluc $38.00 $ R1:ilil'hJ.lterladd 10 heating uppli<incd re ri,gerndon unit or cO(llin& $y~teml $58.00 S absorplion sY~"l:m Evaporated cooler $13.00 $ Vent fan Wilh cIne duct/appliance vcnl $9.DO $ H(,)(X1 with cxhuus.t and duct $13.00 S Flom FUTTlllCc including vent 558.00 5 Gas pipinR One to four outlets T $7.00 I $ Additional aullers (each) -j 54.00 I $ Air-handliog nni.s, jllcJudlnR duelS Up to 10.000 (TM I $'1.00 I $ Over 10,000 CFM I \20.00 I $ COInl'lrfssor/absorotion llvstem/heat Dunth Up In 3 hpllOOk BTU 517.00 S lip 1<> 15 hp/500k BIU 529.00 .\ Up ,<> JO hp/I.OOO BIt! '43.00 S Up 10 50 hp/l,750 BTlI $57.00 5 Ov,," 50 hpll,75n BTU 595.00 S Incinerators Dome.'ilic incinerator T T $20.00 I ) Comrnen::lal Enler lolal V.aIU.aliOJl of mccl~njcal sySTem and installation costs S "1- Ili EntC:T (.::c; hu:\cd un ...aluatinrl of mechanical s>,~It;:m, etc. $ Miscellaneous fees Herns Cos( Tot.al ... cost Rcinspccrion $58.00 $ Sl'e<;ially requested inspections (per hr.) $58.00 $ RegllJaLed equipmeJJ1 (unclasscd) $13.00 $ Eac:h Ilddldono.llnspertioD: (1) $58.00 $ APPLICANT use (A) Enter ~P,.lhll,ltul of u~lve ree.~ (t'lT enter :':el 5 ~ 'JS" minimum I'et'l uf S 79.0.2) S - (B) ~1{"flkW (~A)) ;lC",6 $ ;nl3- (C) Enu.:r 12% sllTchurge (.12 x [A'-B)) S itJ1L (D) Seismk fee. 1% (.OJ x (A)) $ (F.) Tcchll~logy Fcc (5% (If(A]) $ '-j'/If TOTAL rccs and surchl1rges (A Chr'ough E): $ )24>"" JUl.25-2011 14:29 From:COMFORT FLOW HEATING 15419889954 . , To:5417263689 P.6/9 COMcheck Software Version 3.8.1 Mechanical Compliance Certificate Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code Section 1: Project Information Project Type: Alteration Project Title: SHERWIN WilLIAMS Construction Site: 1520 18TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, oR 97.77 Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Jared Eck Comfort Flow Heating 1951 Don Slreel, Suite 0 Springfield" OR 97477 5a 1-726-01 00 Section 2: General Information Building Location (for weather dat8): Cllm;;ta Zone: Springfield, Otagon 4c Section 3: Mechanical Systems List ~~ 1 System T.)',p,e .& O.l3'5crlptlon HVAC Syslem 1 (Unknown); Heating: 1 each - Unil He~ler, G€l~, Capi;loily = 150 kBlu/h, EfficiEimcy = 80,00% Ec Section 4: Requirements Checklist In the fDlIowing requiren'lenls, the rele....ant code $EI'ction referanC':e Is shown in l J. '+' denotes tl'la.t morS del ails e.r:isl in toe specified cede 56c;tion. Requirements Specific To; HVAC System 1 : U 1. 1503.2.3 +] ~qulpmBnt meelS minimum efficiency: Unit Hoater (Gas): 80.0 % Ec Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable: o 1 [503.2 1 +] Calculation of heating and cooling loads. Design IDf:ld5 ere determined in accordance with the procedures described in Ihe ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183. Alternalively, d6sign loads have be6n de1l3rmined by ~m <lpprovQd l:iqulvatent computation procedura. o 2. (503.2.1.1 +] Packaged Electric Equipment. Specified packaged electrical equipment h<.'ls a heat pump as the primary healing source. D ExcepHon: Unslaffed equlpmenl shellers or cabinets usad solely for personal Ullrtil:&:;;s $ervica fACilities. Lo~tll,)n In pllilTl~/I>IH'C" ...t1",r", compU",nc", Cfln Dtlld",nllnlld (Imh'f NA II nol <Ip~cal>l..r CJ 3. [503.2.2 +) Equipmonl and syslam sizing. He<:lting and cooling oquiprnent and s~stems capacity do nol ~:lceed the loads calculated in acCordanca With Seclion 503.2.1. U Ell:ception: Required standby equipment and systems provided Wilh conlrols and davices th<lt allow sue I} syslem::;; or aquipmenllo operate automatically only wluln the primary oquipment is nol oparatlng. o E:a:CQPLion: MUJliple units of the same equipmanllype wilh combined capacities exceeding the design load and provided with controls thai have tht'l capability to sequence the operation of each unit based cn load. Lou.allolljlll-'llOfH:\Jd-li"C<lwhtll",".V!lW1i;:lIlCl:l<.:.::l"lJ..id,,"tin,,<.l(..nl"fNAirllut:lppli"",bI"r. U 4. (503.2.3 +J HVAC Equipment Performance Requirements. Reported efficiencies have been tested and rated in accordance wllh the applicable test procedure. The efficiency has been verified through ceni!iccllicn under an apprnved cerlific:atiQn program or, if no certification program 8Kists, the squlpmenl efficiency ratIngs are sl,lpportad by datfl furnished by the manufacturer. U o. 1503.2.4.1 -1-1 Therm05tatic Conlrols. The supply of heating and cooling energy to each zona is controllEld by individual thermo~talic controls Ih:';lt respond In tp.mr>p.m.t~lre wilhin the zonp. P~ojed Titlp,: SIoiERWIN WILLIAMS Dala f1Ienama: l)ntitlad.ook t=;!f;port dale: 07f25111 Page 1 of 4 JULc25-20!1 14:29 From:COMFORT FLOW HERTING 15419889954 . . To: 5417263689 P.7/9 Lu<;"liD,' j,l ph:m8/:ii:pe~ij wn..n; <:omplIMCIl (...,., I)" 'r1,.nhfl'ln l<>nl'" N... If nl'>\ ""ppli"oWle): .' 06. (503,2.4.2] S8t point overlap restriction. Whare used to control both hellling and cooling, zone thermo$tallc conlrols provide a lemperatIJre range or deadband of i1lleasl 5~F (Z.S"C) within which lhs supply of ho;)ling and cooling cnorgy 10 lha zone is capable of beIng ShUI off or reducod to a minimum. CJ EX~8p(ion: Thermostats requlring.manual change over between heating and cooling: modes. LOl:""liUrl ill f.'IllIllll~Lle(;.!j Wllil!llll col)lpll~I)CA:I f,.lIl'\ byla."n1l1lell lent",r NA It nol "r>[1~c..,nlc:)' 07 [503.2.4.3] Oplimum Start Controls. Each HVAC system has controls that vary the start-up time oUne system to jusl meet the temperature' set point at time of occupancy lOO".AlliWIl in plall:;.I~f"l(;<l wI1"'1" WfnJ:lljatlUll can DIIICltmlllleCl (enler N....n l10l Atlpl,r.;mIA): o 8. [503.2.4.4 +) Off-hour conlrols. Eilet, zone Is provldad with thermostatic setback controls thaI are controlled by either an 3utomalic time dock or programmable control system, o Exception: Zones Ihat will be operated continuously. o E~c8ptlon: Zones with CI full HVAC load domand not e::.:ceeding 6.800 Btufh (2 kW) and having a readily accessible manual shutoff switch. Ll>\;;:Iliullirlill:,mt>/"fI''';".....ll"ltlOO,,.,(llil:ll)C..<.:l:lnWidellllnlldlenllKNAl1nolflpp!lCllhl"J' U 9. 1503.2.4.5 +J Shutoff damper comrols. Both outdoor alr supply and exhaust a.re equipped with not less than Class I molOrized dampers. U Exception: Gravi\y dampers "hall be permit1e~ Tor Qulskia aIr Inlake Of l'JxMust aitfloWlO of 300 dm o~ le$s. L=ljon in I>I,,,n:01'1-I!o''' ....11"'110 r;.o",v1i"IlUl c.,,[I Uti iU,,,,lir.~tl (tlll~' NA if '101 &PPIlCtlbi8~: 010 [503.2.4.6 +J Freeze Projection and Snow ml1/llsYlil(lm controls. Freeze prolsctlon systems, f,UCIl as Mat lfacing of DutdoOf piping and hg.;)l fjxchclngcrs. including self-regulating heat tmcing, include automatic OJntrols. capable of.shutting off the systems when outdoor air temperatures meat cadA cfitsna. I nr.;>~rnn In pIAnl=J'~;;""_~ wn..rr:o cnmplr;mr-<l r.;:m nr:o irtonllfi..,n (nnlnr N'" il nol ::.ppliQ\!le): o 11. [503.] Humidily control Where 8 humidity contrOl device e.-:ists it is set 10 maintain a deadb3nd of at least 10% relative humidity whflre no acllv{l humidification or dehumidification lakes plClcc. o E.r.caplion: Heating for (Iahumidification is provided with heal recovery or hsal pumpinq and the meel'1l9inical cooling system efficiency is 10 percent higher than required in section 503.2.3, HVAC equipment performance requirements. L()l.:lllicm in pl::'I1~1s1-lel.:s where l.:urnpli",rl<.:e \;Oln 1.110 itl"nlir.~IlJ (..nlr;or N^ if m:>L alJlollit;.ljulll): 012. [5032.5] Ventilation, Ventilation. either natural or mechanical, is provided in accordance with Chapter 4 of the International Mechanical Code. Who.rc mechanical venlilation is provided. the system has the capability to reduce the outdoor Cllr supply 10 lne mInimum reQuired by Chapler 4 of the International Mechanical Code. I n".<Ill"n In pl~n,;b{j"r.~ ....hA.... r.{>mrll.>.nr.Q .....n h..lrl"nllhqrl (r:onloor NA It nnt I:lppllC.i1hh;:): o 13. (S03.2.S.1 +] Demand controlled ventilation (DCV). DCV is required for spaces larger tl1c:m 500 ft:2 for simple syst~ms and spAces larger Ihan 150 fl2 for mUltiple .!one systems. D E~c~ptjon: SY5terns with energy recovel)' complying with Sp.cHon 503.2.6 U E.1:ception: Spaces less than 750 fI2 (69.7 m2) where an occupancy sensor turns the fan off. cloSQs the venlllalion damper, Dr l;lose$ the zone dLlmper whon tho SpClClil is unoccupied. . Lnr.nIJnr. I" pl~n~~r"r.~ wl'lQr" r.nmp~"'n".. <"..;In 1)1;1 1(!"nl,M(I11 ("nlar N.... 11 ",,1 <lPf>ll~Anl..): o 14. [503.2.5.2 +] Kilchen hoads. Kitchen mClkoup:is providod as required by the OreQon Mecnanic::;::r.I Specially Code. D Excoption: Where hoods ar9 used to exhausl ventilation air [Ilal would othel"tVise be e.1:hausted by ather fan syslems. o Exception: KllCtlan e:r'haust $ySlems that inc::ludf! e:rnausl ai~ energy recovery complying with section 5U3.2.6. LOCBtlon In plflnll:lepElC!l wllere colr'll1liall"", ""'" 1.1" id..rl~r.If<l ("lIh:1 NA;1 rrul...pjJli....I.II,,): U 15.1503.2.5.3 +J E.nclo$i;td parking 9arAgp. ventilalion controls. In Group 5-2, enclosed parking garages used for starlng or halldllng automobiles employs automatic carbon monoxide sensIng devices. 1.,CH".J'IlIor')11 plttrr",'8peC8 wharl.' complianCe C;;ln 1>.. jU""lir.lltl {"Ilia' NA il IIUllllllJlit;aI.JI,,]: D 16. [503.2.6 +} Enorgy recovery ventilation S)h.tams. Individual fan SYlOtems thaI have both a design supply <:iir capacity of 5,000 c1m or groClterClnd a mInimum outside air supply of 70 percent or greater of the design supply air quantity have an en$r'gy reoo\lery syslem. o Exception: Where enl'Jrgy recove'Y 5yslems are prohibiled by the International Mechanical Code. D E:.:r'ception: Systems serving spaces that are nol cooled and are heatod to less than oO"F. U E.xceptiorr Where more than 60 percent of (he outdoor hearing energy Is pro.....ided from sil~recovered or sile solar energy. , ~~~_..- Pruja~t Title: SHERWIN WILLIAMS Data filenamo: UnliUliId.t:ck Report date: 07/25/11 P.age 2 of 4 JUL.-25-2011 14:30 From:COMFORT FLO,~ HERTING 15419889954 To: 5417253689 P.8/9 U E.~caption: Type 1 kitchen e.x.hausl h()od~. o Exception: Cooling 5yslerns in dim ales with a 1-percenl coolin9 design wet-bulb remperature less than 64"F (18"C). o Exception: SY51em$ requiring dehumidification thCit employ series-style energy recovery coils wrl;lpped around the cooling coil when Ihe B....apor~Hive coil is localed upstrlol3m of thQ exhaust air stream. o E:-:ceptinn: Systems B::<haus[ing toxic, f1ammlOl~la, pafnt exhaust. corrosive fumes, or dust. o ExclIption: Lak:1oratory fume hood systems that include qualifying (flalure6. u...,;.,lion In pl..n~llIp"(:,, Wh...... r.om"I,,,n,.., C>ln b.. idellllin"d (",11"1 NA It no' !ll1pllr.AhIQ): o 17. [503.2.8 +] Piping Insulation. All pipes servingspacl:H:.onditioning systems (hot water piping for heat systems, chilled waler, refrigldrarll. and brine piping syslams, and swam piping) are jn511lated as specified by this section. o Exception: Pipe insulation is not reQuifE~d for facrory.installed piping within HVAC equipmen1, o Exceplioo: Pipa in9ulatlon Is nol required for piping tt1at conveys fluids having a design opumting temperature range bet'ween 60YF nnd 10S'F. U Ex:ceptior\: Pipe insulalion is not required for runout f'liping noL e:.:ceedlng 4 n in longtt1 and 1 in. in diameler between the control valve and HVAC CQil. o 18. [503.2.9.1 +} AIr syS1Qm balnncing. Each supply air outl~t I':Ind 20M terminal device is eQuipped wi'cn means for air balancing in accordance with the requirements of IMe 603.17. Disct1arge dampers intended 10 modul.<;lh;l airflow ar'e prohlbltBd on constanl volume fans nod vari.1ble volume fans with motors 'O'n~rsepower. Lo....lil.m,,,,,\i1ntolt>...\lwwl\..l.. ooInPr.tlnCootClilntl...lrlf.nIl1l4l1(Anl..rNp.lfnoIOlrrli<;.;Jb\e}: o 19, [503.2.9.:2) Hydrl:miC $ystam balancing. Individual hydronic heating and cooling ct:lils are equippeo with means for bal.~ncing and pressure tes! connections lut:<:ltiull '" il!l:In8lt:l)6ce wherfl complll1nca (',fin hQ 1"ljnll!IQc1 (<Inlou NA ifnol ,,-ppiil;;Jblc:): o '20. [503.2.9.~ 'to] Manuals. The conslruction documents require th::lt an operating and maintenance manual be provided to lhe building owner by lhe mechanical contraclor. S~e long <:Ie;;criptlon for spE:/cific..~llions. L.x;;,\iuil ill "lall;,J8po;.cs."I'I~efl:l cornp!1"nQ:l ~..r, /'l.. Id.."1l1i'H1 <,"oll;r NoS. j{ nal ,"'ppli=bk:}: o :;'>1. [503.2.10 +J Air SYlio1em DesIgn and Control. Each HVAC system having a total fan system motor nameplate hp e:-:ceeding 5 hp meets (he provision~ of Sections 503.2 10 , tl1rough 503..('.10.2. L"",,\i<Jnlil ph:"l8h.<P~"::6 WI,l:Iffl {;(lrnplIQne~ CliII'\ tI.. 1(1onUh"c1lljr,1ll'T NA II n<ll ."pf>ll=bll:)' U 22. (503.2.10.1 +) Allowable fan floor horsepowQr. E<lch HVAC system i3t fan system design conditions does nO[ exceed tho ;Jllowable fan system motor namepll;ltt;! hp (Oplion 1) or f.an sY~lem bhp (Option 2) elS shown and c.alulated In requll't;ln\ent dalails. o Exceplion: Hospilal and laboratory systemslhat utilize flow control de....ices on e:-:haust and/or return 10 maintain space pressure rp.laboflShiPli nac8ssary for occupant heallh and safaty or onl,lironmQntal control shelll ba PQrmlned to use varlabl(1 volume fan powar limitalion. o E.xl,;QPlion: lndividuJ! exhaust fails with motor n<3meptate horsepower of 1 hp or less. L[)~lil.\11 ill j.lllmo:;Jl<llr:(;~ wfn:lI" UJIIII<\i::lllc" l;&r\ b" idt!IlI\tl~cl {enl&rNA 11 flol app~c:.aDlel. o 23. [503.2.10.2 +] Molor nameplate horsepower. For (1;;101'1 fan, the selected fan molOt is no larget lha", tM firsl l'!lliailable molor siZE! greater than (he bmke horsepower (bhp). U EKceptinn: For fans less than 6 bhp, where the first available motor larger than the brake horsepower has .a namepll'll(l rtiling within 50 percetrt of the bhp, seleclion of the next larger nameploSll5 r'r1oter size is allowed, o E.xceptlon: For fans 6 bhp .oJnd targer. where the first aV<lilabl~ motor larger than tha bhp has a. nameplate rating within 30 pSfl;ent of the bhp, selection of the neAt larger namepl{lle motor size is i;llIowed Lnr.llru:", tn I'r."n,.f~f''''''' wn..rr.o ~oml'll"Inr... r.:'ln b" I<1Rnli~"l1 (<>111<., NA ri nnlllppllr.:'lt,lr-,): o 24. (503.} Large Volume Fan Systems. F;an systems over B,OOO (7 m3/s) ctrn wilhout direct expansion cootlng Coil$lhat s.er...e singl~ zoneii reduce airfloW based on space lhermos/at heating and coolJng demand. A two-.$.paed motor or variable frequency drive reduces airflow to a m(l':l:imurT') 60 percent of peaJo: air1low Dr minimum ventilalfon air requirement as required by Chapu~r 4 of IhB International Mechanical Code. whichever isgreatflr. o Exception: Systems where ~he function of the SUpply elr i'!'i for purposes other than temperature control. such as mainlaining specific humidity leliels or supplying an e:lhaust sys1em. L""'''lio;ln In rl"nJ>.!~("''''>i ""/'I.",, oomplJJ>1'It;:9 r....n hf;ll(l"nllflw !enJ",r N)lo II r>ol ",..p~r;"hl(o): o 25. [503.2.11] Healing outsido n building. Syst9ms installed 10 prOVide Ileat oUlslde a bulldJrig are radiant 5ystems. Such t1eating systems are controlled by an OCCuparic.y SQrl$ing devlCl;f Dr a timer switch, ~D that the system is automatically deenergized when no occupants are present. l"""llnn In fll"n~I"'r-:~ .....h..'.. r.o:>rnpll~nul eMl Oll' k1!mlll'l..d (enlel NA II no! llppUCfOOJ.:l): Project Tille: SHERWIN WILLIAMS Data filename: Untilled.cck RElpon dale: Q7/25/11 Pag~3ollj JUL"<;'5-201t 14:30 From:COMFORT FLOW HERTING 15419889954 Section 5: Compliance Statement To: 5417263689 P.9/9 Compliunco Stalomenf: The proposed mechanical alter.Hion project representod in this document Is con~Jstent with Ihe building pian:;, SpfH:ificalions and other calculations submined with this permil application. Tha proposQd mechanical alleralion project has been designed to meellhe Oregon Energy Ertle/ency Specialty Code. Chapter 8, rsqulremen!s If'} COM~h~d~ Vef$jDI'l 3.8.' and 10 comply with the m~ndalory requlrl:ltnenlS III Ihe Requirements Checkll$l. ,. Jared Eck - Commercial Design/Sales Name - T\118 ~----./L s~~t. . Project NOles: REPLACE GAS FIRED UNIT HEATER Proj~ct Title: SHERWIN WILLIAMS Data filenrJml;l: Untitled.eek. 9/zS-/;' -'----"""7"" ) Date ' Report dale: 07/25'11 Pago 4 of 4 JUL.25-2~11 14:28 From:COMFORT FLOW HERTING 15419889954 RE%NOR Model UDAP == -~ ilI!' '. O. ....".,;1 A p,:'/.~~t III,; " ~.;.; DESCRIPTION STANDARD FEATURES OPTIONAL FEATURES - FACTORY INSTALLED FOrm R2....c~UH (V(lll'.:IiO(l H) Page f5 To:5417263689 P.3/9 ! Page Number' of ______ Power Vented, Low Static Axial Fan Unit Heaters- for Residential and Commercial/Industrial Use Sizes 30-125 approved for utility applications such as residential garages under CSA International Requirement 10.96 - U.S. and CR96-0005 - Canada ~...--'" 7~ fffS:... ~ 8@ GSA 2.6b !lNSI Z83.8b Rezno~V3 Series Moesel UDA? gas-flred unit heat'e1'S are ~vallable In 14.slzes ranging from 30,000 \0 400,000 BTVH gas Input SiJ:ea 30.-' 25 !Ire approwd for r8slden1iel application. All size$. ar, ~proved for ~ommerci-a\l induslriallns.lBllal.lons. Model UDAl' heatl!B are lieslgnud ror 62..83% lhermal effidenq ana 81"8 approved ff)f IMlsQaUon In the United Stale!> and canada by the Canadian Standllrds. MPocialiOll (CSAl. RezrlC)f V3 Serit!l.& unit healens have 8 refr$$hJng new IIppc8raru:e wUh II gloss)' white Cflbinet finish and less visible hardware. Ead'l f.Jze cabinet Is easily 5wJpended from e:irnsl' Lor 04 s.uspenatoh points. Or. an optional hlmgcr kit for Sizl:!l) 3Q-nS aUo~ for cdll15l mounting, The low ~t8go l$rtniMI strip on (~ outsIde of (he cabinet m:akes connedinv comr'Df wlrlng etlsy' wllh no panel, (Q ~moye, The addItion of B -GOO tl!:m'UMI to the &lrip, alol"G with the new de:lian of the clrcull board. atlows for {on only operation (withou1 addinu relays). AJ1 LlOil,f1 h~\/., "factory Installed ga:lljr,e nipple II) the enel'mr of Ihl! c~IMt for easy gM selVlce connectIon. The I)rtHtml1'\8nl new Irnemul feature Ie 1he lo:ma G;D Pleal 9:1c.harQOr and $Inglo burnflf combusUon ~ytltern. otner elan:dard features Indude II ~jl1gllMilltga 92$ VBt>M. multi-by Cllr,eI 'parle; IgnlUan wlth 100% lockout. prell~ sure a.-wftc" to verify vent now, ratuentty Isolated 'Venter mo1or, venter ~1 ""U'I tmprtWel'l hOLmlng, fCsnlenlly Isol;ated axle! fan ~n(l mQlor asaemtlly, ahd 11 high temperal'ure limit CXlntrol. Sltea. JQ..12!5 alsO indude a natTWl rollout sarety switch, Operllliof'l ili canUQllea through an InLegr:a.t&d clrcun. board, The clrCJlt board monllorllo heater operaticn and h.u LED dlagno!Jtlc: Indlcal"r Ugh's to kief'ttlty abnormallnolln conlrol functions. lhe V3 Serlu unIt he8te~ tire deaigned 10 provida wllhe fel!IUlel :;au eXpc!ld In a Ru.n:or healer plus 1m. pr'Q\led efficiency, enl@:!' lNtlllation, and 8 new took" borh jnaide lthd aut. Leek rar lhe llnlque vrhlt.e unit wlth no visible Ironl and bOl!Qm MrdWare:. det:p red IDLJVeflS, b(adl. flide handle, and Ilngled comer W k.r1oN you tle'te 8 genuine Reznor unit b1 rhOhl~ & Bmts. . SLzC$ 30..125 certified for reaidenLial healing appncadon . Slzn 30..4DO cer1lned' for commerclaVlndus.lrl:J.II'lUllng appllcarlon . 6<:...e3% Thermal ~rtlclenl. - TOP In tbi cJass' . 6().<<1,"F Ai:$a ra/'lgEl . TcoR5:"'lilaniurn EltabUlZeo aluminized r:lIlell"lea.l uchanger . PlJl.enled~' TCPR~. !lingle burner cornbusllon fOY$lttm Including a one-pll!lCe bUTnIlr u$8mbly . 116/1160 Supply ""lla\le . 115 Voft open fun molor wffh in/ems! avenoed pl'otectlon . Trans10rmer for 24-von conuab . Imegrale(l circuli DQercl YAth dlagnasllc: lndlcalor Ilghts . Mun.j..try dill'ctllpark iuruliol'l With 100% l~out . Fan (elay Onduded on the drc:ull bOard) . Single-Slags oaturnt g:lS \l'nlve (field lI,djustBble lOr operatiol') to 9,000 n, eleva1.ian) . Vibration/noise Isolated fan and venter molo~ - dWgrttld tor low no/s~ operuU"n . 2.pl tml1.ol1-pt Suspension - standJJrdon all &hGs . E.:tI..eI11l.d lerminaJ J1.trlp 10r 2..-\/011. wiring . Extem,8,( g~:1 connection . FU'l1 ran guard - _ngln..red far Sldory . ImproWJd clI~n81 du.lgn with less v\.Bltlle hardware and a NEWRezncf ilppeEiranl:z:l . Slnglltosl:age, propane gas valva (field adJuslable fer operation to 9,000 fl ele\'8lian) . Two.slage nabJI'81 gu or propare gElS valve - SizeD 60-400 . 409 or :!I16 Slalnleu steel heal e.ch.l1nse~ . 208 or 2:30 Slng!l!l phl!ll1e vohage . TOla11)' enCloud f.Jn motor {SIzes :)0..250, 11SV only) . CClmmon venting wilh olller gra\tll)" verrt.ed Ca1$gol')' I appD"nce'G) (Sima 30..100) .. U.$. P,1llll.11I No. 6,B8ll,UO JULc25-2a11 14:28 From:COMFORT FLOW HEATING 15419889954 To: 5417263689 P.4/9 PugeNumbe:r _of_ OPTIONAL FEATURES. FIELD INSTALLED . Vcnl cap . Tl'WJ;rmO$.lal Thern'1~1a1 gLlefCI Yo'llh lodtIng eover Vertical louver'!'l - new de~ Downlurn nozzle kl15 - new de.fglJ . Gas conversion kIts (natunU end propane) . MllosterlSlavE: CQfrttQt$ for zDJ'\lng up 1.0 &.b: units . CefUng suspension kil. Site& 30>-125 . H.anger klrs for 1. pipe . Slepl;fown \tan"fornnrf (for 23013 and. ..60/S supply yoltsSle) Manutd shutoff vBl...es Su, '0 .. .. " ,M u. ,.. 17. '00 m .., '" ". 400 SWH ~O.OoO 045.000 80,000 76,000 1D5,DOo 12D,t)(')tI 150,000 17!OOO 200,000 226.t10rol 250,000 800000 ,tio.OOO 400,000 1~IMe(l1.iI'l9C-llpl!.dty 'WIh S.S 13.2 17.5 22.0 ,,)0,8 35.2 "3,D 51,2 SILiI IiS,it 73.2 ".. 102,5 117.1 Therm81 emdBncy ('Ill) S2 " ., " " " " " " " " " " " OutpulHwng EHUi-I 2-4.600 ~~50 .tl9 BOO 62250 117.160 9".600 1:2' 500 ,":S.2.S0 16G,OOO 1815.7050 207.600 .:z49,000 280,500 :,;\,2 ODD Cl-=Ity~ tWIt1 ,., ,Hl 14.15 1".! :25.1lI >9.2 .... "2,5 48.6 6.d.7 60,8 72.0 B6,1 97.2 (d.J. Conn.-alotl NalUrzl 1/, 1/2 1I:! ,f> Tf> 'I:! ,/2 ,Il '12 ,,.. 31. '" '" 31' (lnort.C1Io) 8 Pn;lPllIl. 11' '12 112 'f> 'Il '12 1I:! ,/2 ,/2 ,/4 31. sl< ," '" Vem ~rrec::t1P" $ll'e ., (Inc"- . . . . . , . 5 , . . G . . ~lamAli'l() Conl1O! Am.DB. ('2~ voft) '.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 '.G 1.0 1.' 1.0 1.' 1.' ,., 1.' ,.. '.0 FllIllolld Ampq (11~ ....t1I1 1.' ,. ,.. ,.S ,., 5.' 3.' ,., '.B '.5 ,., '/1.0 11.0 11.0 Ua.xIrT\iJFT1 C>r9r ClJI'l"nt ProtadirJ.n 15 ,. " " '6 " " " " " ,6 ,. ,'Wl" 20 2' NOrmlll Pa.,lrt:J Consumpllon ..S '" ". 217 V, '" ,., s., .., '" ,., lD61:l TO,", .... ",,"T OIild'lllJg6Air 'l&m.per8UJre Ri~" SO " 50 BO 60 oo oo " .0 .0 oo GO oo oo '" NrVQ!l.lme CF" ... .29 7" ." ,.... '6>1 10;;:' 2242 2GB< 2862 320Z '8J1j3 u" 'm ,,'/mlnuta 12.9 11.8 21.B "'., 36.7 4.5.9 ",,' S!.! 72,6 81.6 90,7 t06J1 12&.9 14~.' OlllCl'lllrgo AJ( Op.nng "' 0." 0,96 1.16 1.~5 2.01 2.0' '.56 ,... "'B 3.51 ':1:51 .olI.19 ....79 4.79 ,,",C '" 0." 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.19 0.19 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.3:\ 0.33 0.-45 0,46 0.45 'PM .n .ss ." 7/0 '" 7&3 ,<2 ." '"'' S" '" ... ". ,os, OUlpUl Vldoclfy Wmlnlola ". 200 ... ,,. ". '45 ." ,., ". '50 ". 7.44 ". ,,. FlJIl MotDr HP l 0"", 0.02 O,OJ 0.09 0..' '130 1120 '16 ,.. ,.. 11< 11. ,/2 '12 1/2 Encloved 0.06 D,Oe- D.OB 0." ". ,1< 11< ,/4 ,/4 t/4 ", 1/2 ,/2 '" foen Motor RPU 1550 1550 .... HiSI) 1060 100SD 1050 1050 '060 1050 1060 1050 1050 1050 FL'\f1 D13!Tlet.ef l~hMl 10 '0 ,. 12 ,. ,. " 'S ,. 20 .. .. .. 2< SoUnd Levd "'''iI!I <0 '0 .. .e S. 55 A S> 53 .. 5. 6. B, S2 "" Awroxlmelll Ne' Ib4 54 s. " " e. '01 H2 ,., 107 '03 .,. 26. .04 ". INIojght '" ,. " " " .. " .. .. .. .. '22 "3 ", Ap~raximQllII Ship ,.. ., .. 7. " ,,, '" '04 210 219 ,.. m 321 "'. '50 vJeigrlt >7 '0 ,. '8 " 56 " 10. 100 111 ", "8 . 157 ,S, JJtw J, TECHNICAL DATA Model UDAP ~CS,a.r.al,l~liItOt'lIIlI~\D2tlXlh... . S~.'-mllror",",~"l\oQ"~FIgl8IUgrugliU\I~."Dl~~......u;;., I: S~1lI'lc";lIr",,",~d;am.'CllnTflllYtloIllIIIDInd;..-.rtDl"'\IwrlllI1gI~NIIlIJ8I."CImlI-'U'V.n~lcll:llrnwl.i1I Cl~.1'i 1Icm~ ~l'l,nldl.OWl~"'Wl1ID-'81G.f8Qln.:t. . MODI"" 2..25. ('-g*u n'dD(fLA.). ..-nde~'~ar FLA M_l. I'OIJlldfldID LhtI..--l' <ll:n\rtttWt;~ .......bb1, ~ t.-bt. .JllI<>ltwrlr~inlhbmbl..it.blIiloIrd<ll"llltJtzrt.r:r.q~.ttlIls1am.rd11e"W(Jl\DplIt'I1:Ir!roollll". ~ \{. .1. . t-I "V It- \ Vi:> \ < ... 0 . .pJ ~'- ~ .1tY ~11 ~ 1"- Ivf/ ~ Forrn RZ..c-UH (Vel"llon H) Page Q To:5417263689 P.5/9 JUL ,. 25 - 20.11 14 : 29 Fro m : COMFORT FLOW HERTI NG 15419889954 , , DIMENSIONS Modal UDAP t.1/16-(2mm) ~a.ge Number _ at_ 51.. A g C 0 ~ F " H J " M N p Q R '" .. 121/a 255(8 '0 1313/113 " ;1:1 Ql16 !i~tl$ 6112 211/16 37/8 173/B 1111' 45f1' " b 9/16 50 15118 255/8 13 1313/16 :n 219116 7718 . '12 5112 I7I1l 17 31& 11/16 45f16 " 101/2 " ,S,fB 255/8 13 " 130'16 '2.75/8 21 BI1t1 7711l . '12 5112 "Ill 173/11 11116 45116 " 10112 'DO 23 lIB ;1:55/8 21 131:'.111'1 ~1:I 5ri 21W16 Hlf2 "12 "'" 3718 17 "e 1"'6 -4 !in6 " 10112 ". 23118 255/& 21 131:l11t1 211 31'8 219/16 ><112 .,12 '01' ",. 17 )" 111'tli. 4~t1i 13 10112 HiO.176, 201/8 38U,G ,. 23 <> ""'" 0112 81/.lI 57/16 .'12 2511116 ,,,,, o:lf1a 22 3/115 1631B 260 226, lUO 261/6 :.'I8311fl " '3 <2 "'" 13 1/'~ IIn/tlS . .'12 2511/16 1:11. 1I:J/1B 22 3116 151313 :!OO,3&o, 3111/8 ., 3D " ., "'" 111/18 . 1113116 7:S11G 2711/16 1M .011. 22 311e 18::lJ16 ..' 'w. A B C 0 E F G H J " .. N P Q . "',as (308) os, 254 ", ..0 ... '" I.' .. .. ..., 17) '10 ,'" , " ,.., .51 >3, '" ". ... 200 '" 1<0 .. ..., , ". ,'" 267 " ,.. .51 >30 ", 02 "', DO ,.. 1<0 (9lH 144"1; 11'1}- -'"0 3'" 26' "0 587) 0" ", ", Z? 54, ,., 16fi} '" 1981 {4Ol11 17 ". '50 2" 126 587\ 651\ '" '" " "" 36' 185) 222\ " ..." 17 1\0 ". "'" 1&0,17&, (S11) (9tO) {IIIDS) (58.) (1,~7) (IHIS) Q18) (210) (1:1e) 1m) (""I ('51 (206) (....) 141!) "0 m z.. ... (970 '50 "64' 1/1,067\ UUI9\ (332'1. 122.) (229) no, luF "51 ,.., (S6.ll"' . (3W71- 3Po. J60, {S8?) ('."'1 (7.2) (Sa.4l (',067) (B98) (433) (229) (~l[lO) (HIS) (70:)) {J5) 12Gll) (....) (0lil11) 4<1. 0::: o Z N UJ ~...-Il% -) -) P PandQ. 11 t t-f.I!lngl'lr Oimenal!;ms TOP VIEW , for 4-PI t SuspellsiOn Qj 3/B".16 Female Thread , l' w all5L1Eipensil)n points 1 I, 1T B o FRONT VIEW .. t: Jl CLEARANCES FROM COMBUSTIBL.ES R. Hanger Dimensfon for 2-plSlJspElrl!,iol'\ Combustion Alrlnrel E F RIGHT SiDE VIEW (Accee:1i P:enel) r::=J Flue NOh-Ac..c.NA To CClnnlild.or Acc..... Panel .", l!IoUonf Rear 51.. lnd'llllt. m'" In"""" "'.. ""'he. m." InCPle.llmm '""''' m.. IncMI mm ;\1).121 , 2S , 162 .. '" 1 '" 1 125 .. .57 1&C1-4l1Q . '0' , 162 " "5' 2 " I I 25 ,. -I "7 Form RZ.C-UH (Vert>ion H) Page 10 "SIJ,jp,,,.,d mil 11"""'_0 tlurtl'h. 6aTlDmi. _ aUrrWUffI ofS.(f.W) aalllYll thw&",= JUL"i;>5-201.1 14: 28 From: COMFORT FLOW HEATING 15419889954 To: 5417253589 P.1/9 Comfort Flow Heating 1951 Don Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 F A X COVER SHEET DATE: TO: ATTN: FROM: .7/'1;'/11 City ofSpringtidd DAVID BOWLSBY PHONE: ,H.1.7'l(j,.'J7.5.~ F A,'X.: 5-* 1_7 2(-i..'1()R~) Mt:I~IlY Noel PHONE: ;'4172(>.0100 FAX: .51-1.981).99.5+ RE: Mechani(:a] Permit Applicarion Number of pages induding cover sheet: 4 4 Message: Hi David, Here is an application to replace a 150,000 BTU gas unit h(~att~r - gas line is exisring as it is a push/pun rcplau"oeut. I hOt"" included the submittals and the COMdwcl, forln. Please call with any questions, Thnnk you, f..1~ NoeL Crnn!')rt !'low Heating Commercial Department melany@comtorttlow.(om SP~..:N..G.~.FI.E?iJ ~~ ~OREGON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth SI Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone. 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 www.cLspringfield.or.us Building I Commercial Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-01877 IVR Number: 811180122338 permitcenter@cLspringfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 0810912011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 08109/2011 0810212011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 02/04/2012 $0.00 SITE ADDRESS: 1520 18TH ST, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703253107000 SCOPE: Heating System WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace 150k BTU unit heater (new unit wt. is 172# and is less than existing unitwt.) OWNER: ADDRESS: MACKINNON FAMILY LLC 3540 SPRING BLVD EUGENE OR 97405 Phone Number: unknown CONTRACTOR INFORMA TION ~ Contractor Type Mechanical Contractor Contractor Name COMFORT FLOW HEATING CO Lic Type CCB Lie No 460 Lie Exp 06f27/2013 Phone 541-726-0100 BUILDING INFORMATION I # of Units: o Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: ... .,sq Ft Garage: Sq Ft Carport: Sq Ft Other: Occupancy Load: Electrical Specialty Code Edition:ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to Springfield Fire Code Edition: follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility . . . J\lotificatioq CAnter. Those rules are set forth Mechanical Specialty Code Edltw'"OAR 9529.181-0010 through OAR 952-001- Municipal I Development Code: 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by Plumbin9 Specialty Code Edition: calling the center. (Note: the telephone Residential Specialty Code Editio/il:llmber for the Oregon Utility Notification . . . Center is 1-800-332-2344). Structural Specialty Code Edition: # of Stories: Height of Structure: Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Hazmat: o # of Bedrooms: Sprinkled Building: Fire Alarms: Energy Path: Site Information I Engineered Fill: Fill Volume: Flood Hazard Area; land Hazard Area: Retaining Wall: Soils Report Required: NOTICE: THE WORK THIS PERMIT SHAll EXPIRE IF AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR MIY 180 DAY PERIOD. ,"".,' Springfield Building Permit 8/9/2011 11:07:27AM Page 1 of3 5~~~N. =-. FIE~ ~~ ~OREGON www.ci.springfield.or.us CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Commercial Permit PERMIT NO: 811-5PR2011-01877 IVR Number: 811180122338 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 pe rmitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 08109/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 08/09/2011 08/02/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 02/04/2012 $0.00 SITE ADDRESS: 1520 18TH ST, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703253107000 SCOPE: Heating System WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace 150k BTU unit heater (new unit wi. is 172# and is less than existing unit wt.) DEVELOPMENT INFORMA TION ~ Frontyard Setback: Interior Setback: Sideyard Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setback: Overlay Cist: # Street Trees Reqd: Paved Drive Reqd: % of Lot Coverage: Highest point on structure to north property line: REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ~ Street Improvements: Storm Sewer: Storm Sewer Available: Speciallnstructon: Subdivision Accepted: Notes: Sidewalk Type: Downspout/Drains: Valuation Description ~ Description Tvoe of Construction Unit Amount Unit Tvoe UnIt Cost Value FEES PAID ~ Description Technology fee (5% of permit total) Mechanical Plan Review Fee Mechanical Permit fee (based on value of work) State of Oregon Surcharge (12% of applicable fees) Total Amount Paid Amount Paid $4.44 $22.19 $88.75 $10.65 $126.03 Date Paid Reciot # 08/09/2011 2011002215 08/09/2011 2011002215 08/0912011'-------2011002215 08/09/2011 2011002215 Springfield Building Permit 8/9/2011 11 :07:27AM Page 2 of 3 SP.RIHG FIE~.D J - .~. . OREGON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726'3676 www.ci.springfield.or.us Building I Commercial Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011"01877 IVR Number: 811180122338 permitcenler@ci.springffeld.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 08/09/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 08/09/2011 08/02/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 02/04/2012 $0.00 SITE ADDRESS: 1520 18TH ST,Sprin9field, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703253107000 PROJECT DESCRiPTION: SCOPE: Heating System VVORKINVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial Replace'1S0k BTU unit heater (new !Jnit wt. i![j 172# and is less than existing unit wl) Plan Revie.w ~ D~Dartment Application Acceptance Received Due Date 0810212011 08/02/2011 ComDlet~d 08/03/2011 Result Application AccepLed Reviewer David Bowlsby EnergyCode.Revi.ew 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 0810912011 .j .I 1~~~~InlS-~~p~::~:;I:::'f~~:~* ,.";:';o8ICi~j26}1,."'Jq~/o~29I;f:;T:~[iq~1;~. :;; \ j~~~~::2'~'.~,~~~i.";..( -::C11ris:iG~h?~t~F'''~ ~',: [~~.~:,~~;~Jjp~i:S;ji:;;,.r\,,,:t2b '~>";:~~i~ "~;', ~Jd~>t;: '~,~:",;\.t:,.' ':~,:" ,j" 'w"" i,i";~,f",~;: ,: ' '<:,: ,_../ .::~ .4' I:" . " ~~.~ .J",',L"";" , ".'JI i~f,_j;f' " , INSPECTIONS REQUIRED ~ Inspections 2300 ROU9h Mechanical 2999 Final Mechanical Rough ,Mechanical: Prior to. Cover Final Mechanical: Whf!n'all niechanical work, is complet~. By signature, I stale.andagree, Ihall have carefully examined the completed. application and do hereby certify that all iriformation hereon is true and correct, a'nd'l further certify that any-and all work performed. shall be done in accordance with the O~dinances .of Ihe City of Springfteld andlhe Laws of IheSlate or Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will~e made of any slructure wilhout permission 01 the Community Services Division, Building Safety. (further certify that only contractors and employees who araln'compliance with ORS 701..o05~iIL.be'used.on tNs proje~t.! (ur:ther agre~ to ensure that-"all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable'from the !?tf'"eet, that the permit card is located 8tlhe frontortiie property, and the approved.se! of pians will remain on the sile at all times during construction, . r:f'1/L1 Date Springfield Building Permil 8/9/2011 11:07:27AM Page 3 of 3 .. SP~~~':E~ ~. ~OREGON TRANSACTION RECEIPT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St Springfield, OR 97477 541.726.3753 www.ci.springfield.or.us 811-SPR2011-01877 1520 18TH ST perm itcenler@ci.springfield.or.us RECEIPT NO: 2011002215 RECORD NO: 811-SPR2011-01877 DATE: 08/09/2011 lbES.CRIIWON ." ~". .'"~i "F "....F!' ">>.,:,." ,,-v.c ':~4f': ',"'J!,CCbUN;rcCODEL,' c. .. .. 'AMOIJNf~DOE:"f:~",::" 'I Mechanical Permit fee (based on value of work) 224-00000-425604 88.75 Mechanical Plan Review Fee 224-00000-425604 22.19 _ Stat,,_o~ Or".g~~.Sur0ar!!_"J.1~/~of appl~sa!,!.e fees)__ 821-00000-215004 1065 ____ Tec:h-,,-,,-~!!y f".~~!, of permit total) 100-00000-425605 444 TOTAL DUE: 126.03 :.:_:,__.,A~i?YN;r'PAID,-'.'}-~ j~~ 126.03 LPAXME'NTji'f~~:.tLt.~PL'~WO~ "cAsfuEfl'CCAR';ENTER j " Credit Card COMFORT FLOW HEATING C( 075360 -,':: COMII'I.EN,J:S': TOTAL PAID: 126.03