HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 02-31 06/17/2002 . . . . RESOLUTIONNO 02-31 A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION BY EXPEDITED PROCESS. WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed; and, WHEREAS, the property is vacant, and, WHEREAS, the property owners of the territory proposed to be annexed signed a consent to annex form (Exhibit 1); and , WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and contiguous to the city limits; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that the property can be provided immediately with a full range of urban services in accordance with the Metro Plan; and, WHEREAS, the City supports the applicant's request for Boundary Commission approval. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territory to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: (See Exhibit 2 of this Resolution). Section 2: The Council supports the applicant's request for Boundary Commission approval. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 17;= th dayof June, 2002, by a vote of 2.. for and --.0... against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfiel :~~ REVIEWED & APPROVED AS,TO FORM, l -~..)~,~......) ~~ DATE:_~Lg_)2~'4.. OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY JAN-09-02 WED 05:51 PM BRANCE ENGINEERING FAX:541 746 0389 PAGE 2 . ~ . 'i.;-../ PETiTION SIGNATURE SHEET Owners I Electors (Note: this petition may be sign~ by qualified per.'10ns, even though thi.-'Y do 110t know their tax lot numbers.) . NAME ADDRESS TAX LOT NUMBERS Twp R See ~ 1/16 Lot # 135 6t11 Avenue East, Eugene - (Example) John Doe ~l:'~ '-.\....."(..,c..t'.~.~tL 2622 SW Glacier Pl., See 11 ) 18 02 03 00 00 SOl ~eeH W.a~ Redmond, OR 97756 - d"J./V/ ~ ( ..--/ /P ( "2... ~ 7..- "Z.. SoW G-l...<.,"e- ~ Pf,:l "tc (I~ - tG e.cl..~d..nL) R- 9275(1,; IB oz. 03- 00 OD S"D l .~ ~'-Jde....... L. J~ .~..G ) 11" " 'Y --....-. . \,... . . - ........----- -... ~ . ~ - -., . l ---.. - .~...- ~ \.j ..- L - · With th~~~ature, r am verifying tllat r have the authority to eousent to the annexation on my own 6 behalf ot' on behalf of my firm agency or trust. Ja~uarylS, 2002 Branch No. 97-173E EXHIBIT 'AI ANNEXA nON BOUNDARY JASPER MEADOWS FIRS1' ADDITION . SITUATED in UnincorpQrated Area of Lane County, State of Oregon in the West 112 of Section 3, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Witlamette Meridian and described as follows: . BEING a portion of Parcel 1 of Land Partition Plat Number 99-Pt279 as platted and recorded Augnst 17, 1999 in Lane County Oregon Land Partition Plat Records, said portion being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the easterly soutbeast comer ofthe R.O. Hixon Donation Land Claim No. 47, Townsbip IS Soutb, Range 2 West oftbe WiUamette Meridiah; THENCE, NORTH S90 44'28" EAST 1356.19 FEET (see note at end of description) more or less along the north iine oCtbe Joltn Smith Donation Land Claim No. .48. TOWllship 18 South, Rauge 2 West ofthe Willamette Meridian to a point on the future east margin oCthe . southerly extension of a firture roadway baving a proposed right-of-way width of 200 feet, said point lying on the soulll margin of Ml. Vernon Road (a 40.00-toot wide Right-of-Way);and also being tlle northwest comer of that certain annexation to the City of Springfield as described in Lane County Boundary . Commissioil File No. EC SP 00-43 willI effective date of November 8, 2000; THENCE, leaving said point of con;tmencement and aiong said future east margin, and west line of aforesaid annexation (EC SP 00-43) along the following two (2) lettered courses: (a)alohgthe arc ora curve to the right, having a radius center that bears SOUTH 74' 28' 28" WEST 1740.49 FEETtnoreodess, a central angle of" 17' IS", and a Long' Chord of SOUTH 1 r 52' 53" EAST 221.26 FEET more or leis, ail arc distance of 221.40 FEET to a point of tangent line and (b) SOUTH 08' 14' 14" EAST 905.38 FEET more or less to the centerline of an existing drainage ditch and southwest conier of aforesaid linnexation (EC SP 00-43); said comer.being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the lands described for annexation herein; . THENCE, leaving said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNiNG and along the south line of aforesaid annexation (EC SP 00-43) along the following six (6) numbered courses: (I) SOUTH SO' 25' 16" EAST 61.17 FEET; (2) NORTH 86' 27' 12" EAST 82.67 FEET; (3) NORTH 86' 49' 03" EAST 76.61 FEET; (4) NORTH 79' .45' 30" EAST 150.01 FEET; (5) NORTH 81' 53' 56" EAST 237.55 FEET; and (6) NORTH 57' 53' 30" EAST 17.85 FEET to Ule southeast comer of aforesaid annexation (EC SP 00-43) as said comer lies on the west margin of Weyerhaeuser Road (a private 100-foot wide Right-of-Way); THENCE, leaving said annexation boundary aud along said west margin ofWeyerhaeuser Road as said mlirgin is common with the east line of said Parcel 1 along the following three (3) numbered courses: (7) SOUTH 37' 30' 22" EAST 402.71 FEET to a point of tangent curvature to the tight, (8) along said curve to the right, having a radius center that bears SOUTH 52' 29' 3S" WEST 904.91 FEET, a central angle of21' 30' 00, and a Long Chord of SOUTH 26' 45' 20" EAST 337.60 FEET, an arc distance of339.56 FEET to a point of tangent line and (9) along said tangent line, SOUTH 16' 00' 22" EAST 84 FEET more or less to the: fut1lre southeast comer of the future subdivision of Jasper Meadows First Addition; TUENCE. along the general southerly and westerly lines of said future subdivision of Jasper Meadows First Addition the following seven (7) numbered courses: (10) SOUTH SI' 37' 28" WEST 651 FEET more or less; (11) NORTH OS' 14' 33" WEST 249 FEET more or less; (12) NORTH SI' 45i 27" EAST 30 FEET more or less; (13) NORTH 08' 14' 33" WEST 136 FEET more or less; (14) SOUTH 81' 45' 27" WEST 30 FEET more orless; (IS) NORTH 08' 14' 33" WEST 120 FEET more or less; (16) SOUTH 81" 45' 27" WEST 285 FEET more orless to a point 011 the aforesaid future east margin of the southerly extension of said fuhlre roadway; and 'tHENCE (17) along said future east margin, NORTH OS' 14' 14" WEST 272 FEET I1tore or less RETURNING to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 10.6 ACRES more or less. '. TIle location of lhe aforesaid 200-foot wide roadway and future plat boundaries of Jasper Meadows and Jasper . Meadows First Addition are subject to minor revision in the platting process. The courses in this document Ihat arc common with those In the annexation of Phase 1 (EC SP 00-43) are based on U,e latest platting IInd survey information available. TIle bearings and distances called are not the same as in the previous document for Ihat reason; however the lines as called are one and the same. IT IS THE INTENT OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTIONTHA T THE ANNEXATION BOUNDARY EXACTLY MATCH THE FINAL PLAT BOUNDARy OF THE FUTURE . SUBDIVISION OF JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION WITHOUT OAPS OR OVERLAPS. . . 1--1.1.. o/f? / 2.-/31 I? (){) :;, . TPOB . o ~ t'1 Cl o 'Z U'J ~ > ~ t'1 -- ,.l., -- Cl EXHIBIT "B" ANNEXATION EXHIBIT MAP JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION W 1/2, SEC. 3, T18S, R2W, W.M. LANE COUNTY, OREGON r- ):> Z rT1 () o c Z -I -< (j) \l() :0- - -I ~-< ~o rT1""Tl S z o N~ -.\- N .;.. \-t :;. ~ '"rJ C ~ C .... ~ t'1 t'1 X ~ t'1 '2: U'J .... o Z ..,.. -- - """'i > -<. o "Z '"T1 o >- ('J Cl - "-- ----- - ~- I REGiSTERED r,:;- PROFESSIONAI_ I LAi\JD SURVEYOR . pHASE: oj "I::"ADOWSp 00-43) P<;:({/v- ...r 5 JJ-\S ...7. A -(ION (c.- ANNc.'< tfl S81'45'27"W 30 :l: N81'45'27"E 30 :t z o N'3 .;. .;. \D . \-tV' V', :Z . '~ ~~ EXPIRES DEe. 31, 2003 '-" z >= (J1 x_ UJ.L V u.. t- OiS Ww ~~ ..1<t fu~ 'z<t wcr. va SCALE: 1"=200' JANUARY lB. 2002 PROPOSED ANNEXATION 10.6:l: ACRES <': O~\\\ q \\ ~ v' \\ ~~~ -' l7'~ ~~'J)(5\ 6' O. -' P<6 0'. . '"b (<- ~ ~ '6Q 651 :l: LINE TABLE I LlI\J E BEARING L.EI\JGTH L1 S80'25'16"E i 61.17 L2 N86'27'12"E 82.67 L3 N86'49'03"E 76.61 L4 N57'53'30"E I 1785 L5 516'00'22"E 84I ~) Branch Engineering, Inc. ~ 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541 )746-0637 FAX (541 )746 -0389 PROJECT No. 97-/73E Ci) a:: <:t: (\J o "' a:J " 0> ;: "0 h .Ci) /. uj 2: 2: <:t: "" . r, r.:.. (J) " ~ a ~ o ;:::: <:t: ;.:- l1.i 2: 2: ;< lL.i "" f'-. f'-. (J) " "" f'-. , f'-. (J) '. f'-. (J) (J) " ~ ci 2: lei S: a