HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1979-5-10 I DEPARTI1ENT OF ENV I RONr~ENTAL 11ANAGEl~ENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ~ Job Address .lC- !~l~~#~t~ r Ai:~~'~!1~y.m.~!r~ 4J7~j{)fW) ~_. City . tLL{j IIBJ~. 17-:03-33.1.\ t//:;llC ll'l... ~pplication for. .~C:Lu-'" ~l~~.&, drO-.l..frL'S;l~j"l..J Structures .now on the property 0 J '1 r_~KU f~tiR;'';;;4Jii~~~p.mp~tty{ &1~H~H~,;;,.h.J r/ C..iNi~:iM: /-/:t.Mq~tti~jJ. C/:~ijilhK Affidavit: . I. ~n) 'l~~:ii{;;feH Irl/ , hereby certify. that this information is true and accurate. If this application is for .an agricultural building it will be used fo,rpurposesall.owed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for'no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: . ./ owner. of record; 'c;ontract 'purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; ./ duly author~zed to ac. t for. the owner. who is knowledgeable of this appl icati~..: .'. . Signature/Address '~'.. 'Lt..lLj)0V'-. ~jv\'...;; ~ \0 ~. ~~. ~ - ~d, (zip) CZJ747 7 Telephone 74<t1-0E;~ or . . 'Date '-"ltJ.... When permit i.s.rea~notifY.: C/ AP;licant r/ Own~r. C/.Jontractor... .!!1::. C/ mail C/ phone Owner -^^R.~. Viflal lv'V'\Q;V\.....~2..:i. a. G:;~ - pkLc.o(ziP)0U1, Phone Contractor "-J\ A- . . . . (ziP,)- ~ Phone Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by ~:S~~:~:~:~:l :~~~~I~.J -4. SI test holes ready DO NOt WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 'P of emp 1 oyees~!~:ijn1t.i $1$( () Ex i sti ng, () Proposed, %~~ BP # ~ ."':' -:-:.a. , SI # Et:i~ tQd~ ~~A!tne~~ // 4 ./~- ~~ .~4~/~~~/ I~I:~I~~II- . ,'tt"".''i/ . )i.O'h{ tOilf Valuation Fee $ c::?. -5": $ $ ~ //'$. -- To~al. Va,luation: $ $ ~a!#mm. -: -- .j.'~i~j~i~i~I~!:~ ~ ::~~ ~ ~~~.~~/ 4% ",t, '",oh"" "bt"" : . l "\ J l Plans check fee $ Wa ter Supp 1y1 )0. YE.., t' . ..,..,.--- Change of Occupancy . $ Proposed X1S lng V ... . _-?r- 6" .fr'~ ~~~~ rcL.~.~ft/~~~~A PERMIT PROCESSING .zo.ne. ";1[//# Part. # V //1-- Parcel # ~ Parcel ~c~~ Minimum setbacks:. . <t;.front . : '; <to stcle ' . ;Ant. ; rear '.com~ents.: UA~~/~) ;/;:r~--~. ..~~.. ~/~. ~f'.-I TObetY~errriit _" /- .: ~. / . BY.:. /r-:4~-,~~ Date~/(:J-.7Cj ~e C~ficaUon Group Fire Zone CP&I' Type. . .To .be typed on permIt ~'For plans information call(ar~nspec.tor) . ~ Di~ections to site. ~ _.~,. By Date Phone. e . C/ SIFO Pl ans to: cpir WPC set(s) set"{s) Date Required Hold Slip to PCC Date Completed Da te to . PCC ~ ;:::o,og t:. / Pub 1 i c Wqrks ~/ Elevation C/ n/a C/ Address C/ Facility Permit .' () Environl)lental Healttl . . 51/1 ~ . . . . . . FOR rNFOR~1ATION about progress of. your ap?lication call: . G74 - In.. . Permit' Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) .,. ~.. . .. ..~ kJ. O. _!'pE; ART{I~~:: O::iN ~I::N:::T ~~ E :::,\~Ei'E NT ~/(;;..6->~~ '.. EUGENE. OREGON 97401 /ddress 4p 7 n,l)"rfiiH';'f')'lf) 1 f'JJvt.f}.:, ' . City ,,'tt.l <;( mshlp, Range, Section, Tax Lot \'1-03 - ,2l~~ \. -4!- loC U 6t,dlVision IGt ~) J Block ~PPlication for ~.C.K)Q~.~.: '.ex I ~tL'V"I-..,"" dr~. o~...ij , Structures now on the 'property vrrra 0:"\0 ., U('(H.~V- Y () Proposed use of property: /y/rRebdential. . C/ Co~me'rcial. /!)/ Industrial () Publ ic Affidavit: I, l~ PiJ J, TL l.r;-I: Jft!/;:; /Ai , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. v ' ~ '0 ~ Y7 '( P 1 e a s e p r; n t ) , ."~rJ If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: ~ owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; . ./ duly authorized to act for the owner, who is knowledgeable of this application. Signature/Address '\.(0...\/\. t .I'H IU''J...},O/V\. .~ l() 0 (,.,9d-h PIner/} T~lephone ""411L(')~1 t:z or D~te-n- When permit is ready notify: /-/ Appl icant /-7.ciwn~r /-/ Contractor Ql: I-I mail Owner 1.. ,A jq~"". S l.~(lJ ,~vv..rlN\ . d2...5. ~. Co~tti n\tlfn (zip)~"1""1 . ,. . ( t\. ) A (zip) ,~ ," . 1 LC- _73;;;_~o:,p71 Assigned Numbers ~~~r1 (zip) 07-4\77 g u ~ C/ phone Phone Contractor Phone Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms 4- . SI test holes ready # of employees # of units SDS: () Existing, C/ Proposed, BP # SI # ~ /~4fi'1t~ t~"(~~ "Fee Code /.J /;:?' Description ~, .,r:;;;.-......i _,~v~ ~ .&1 '" r?i. F.~' <Y-Y.',./ / r/.A'" ~....-.>?~ '.- / :~... - ... ~ </(/~. . ~.:.-./.. ,J .. ;"." h!:-"- -. ,.,- -!~;...d or,.r:;;JJ? ,. ,-;. k....;;:;i~/./ /,1 ... ../,.,4 ,~/~..- / ,-,.. //~.' ".~7- .' .J,.' Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Co"t ,. "-.. Valuation Fee ",j,.t~ ~ $ .. ..;;.'~ <-(- ~- . ~ $ $ $ ,.. Parcel # $ each $ each $ $ $ $ $ ." TO~AL. /.. . $ ~jo?S; ~ 41" 7'- .. . > P/ Ii' P b/JJ /"l.,.q""'->:, /;n /L- , _ _,~ f: ~.,.~, A~ r:' I ~ "... .- ~....~- -- ---.. ~.. ,~ _." 4;';. tf . .g:;f!(>,c/f ,,~ ~ fiWUr Parcel Slze v . l '1 m/';/'~JL?'t?..I I' - -=. ;/int. ; rear . Subtotal Total Valuation: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ "~ .... .-. 6J.'V~:da~h"'... . ('~~#' ~ C/ Check # ~ , ~/ Received by >/:!!::.....e....//~' ,. -v~~---: , I Q )I} P t Water .Supply - --'"-'- Proposed Existing Year Installed.4 . , ~ P.-. ;U~ f /' -"" ;..JJ<'.7..d" ~ I-4'f~. ., ~- \/ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone 71//,4- 't, front / Part. "'7~ # j)/ //7-. ; 't, s id~ .7: A ........A 4.-?- .... ~ ~ //--;-:;-,.... / d'/J_ //~ ~JrL-::;()-/ ,tY' ....,~c.w-~.. /v.-. ~ ....,.......--, ., - - / By _ /~ /#./.#' Da te . ~/ /J.- ?tt:p WATER POLLUTION CONTROL . .,. ~~. . < /' ' "/.- ~ ~ .-.' . [""",,;,, }f"";,,tl,," ~.v B...~_7~~. j\: of dSj!!lf'J'dl,l~g. depth of t"och"'.- ~' -. 1 To be typed on permit ! - _ ~ ~ ~ .~~~:~.....--J,4 f ~! tJ/V2Q..-. /(;fl>r?J. In ~ ~J ~ ~ (tJO!-t--' . /7 ,/} /J . '- I 'v, .,. (J < , .{/h4vy<< :;? . Comments .J,; ,;"'A/',.U'// I . V. ...7'-..'.."'.-.... To be typed onypermit " .~ Directions to site ( ) Telephone ~. BY~~ ---- -. -,,,,,,,,- Date _S-.~7! CIS I Fa /~I ep& I CI wpe CI Pl anni ng CI Pub 1 i c Works CI Elevation /-/ n/a CI Address C/ Facility Permit CI Environmental Health r lorl~ LU: Lr'6:1 wpe set( s) set(s) Date Required FOR INFOm~TION about progress of your application call: Hold Slip '0 pee Permit Control Cen te'- U,.1i:e COIT1p 1 e ted 687-HELP Da te to pee (687 -4357) aneco!Jnty Water Pollutiun Control Division Environmental Manaqement Department 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Or~qon97401 LOCATION: Twp.l7 Ranqp 03 Section~3.J.1 Tax Lot # / ~ (Complete the following~ if apolicable) Subdivision Name: Lot # Block # )( , system located on this property has ever failed by discharqing sewage upon the ground surface or into public waters. by clogging or backing up, or in any other manner. .. I have no information that the existing subsurface sewage disposal I have information that the existing subsurface sewage disposal sys- tem located on this propert.y has failed in the past by discharging sewage upon the ground surface or into public waters, by clogging or backing up, or in some other manner, and that: The system has not been repaired. The system has been repaired and has operated continuously since the repair without other failures. Date(s) repaired I have had personal knowledge of the performance of the existing subsurface sewage disposal ~ystem located on this prooerty for years and _ months. ' The existing sewage disposal system consists of: a) Septic tank has a gallon capacity. b) Number of drainlines c) Length of drainlines d) Distribution box? Yes No . . The existing septic ~ystem was installed under Lane County Building Permit # This system last served a dwelling having bedrooms (include all rooms which could be used as a bedroom, though actually used for other purposes such as for a den or a sewing room) OR, if for commercial use, this system last se~ved an establishment having. employees, and gallons/ day sewage flow. This system was last used on (Date). (Date) ~ In case of an addition, the new portion will be existing drainfield. APPLICANT:~ ;~.-d~./'L. , .PROPERTY 15WNER: j- -IY.es r- ... No DATE: s;-- /O-/~'7 . . / feet away from the C74-156 WATER POLLUTION rr,NTROL DIVISION / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL,MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ,ENE, OREGON 97401 / (503) 687-4061 . L. "'/C. I' I: '1'/- I " / . . \.L.,D t?~ <Sr- . ,':':!.'j~ , '7 .. .'- I / .;, / I ..,."",'4,......' .} r--.., l,..{ /..,., f , . '.t'o' .' , i' . J~ .}~~ U,;:~ I \ CEJ.JT"':"ll.;tht~ ::l~j'- . .\ :' "'j rr' Il r,,\, !., II ~ ,/1 , . ~ , \' '. f 1 [~ ) -< l) 107'/ I, ,'.. c ~.' : ' ~: r I.; :. \ j I ~u"d ;l'"\C) Sefbo.c.k Ll\..,<:!. '. 1- - -- - - -- - - -,.. ~tn1- -' \T I ".' V _ ~ if) ~ r{ ~ I (' 'b . ~ J.l __J~~l ~~ 1'"\-9-_ S~1 ..Q~.L . L mc, ~ J_ C t.:.:. t-i--;- Cl-J l'-i I /".... ~:;.>.,~.:p..1l"'T.t'r-....r-~_'~..nJl.:..".::~~--'-'~___..__.,..._'- . ./ Ie"",: r.(' ; d d I 00 f .. t.' I !J..1 :: ---? r III I I I J ~40""''''>~. III__F . L__.....:...& 1" . II' L -f ~ - :: '), Lo-,- I ). ~ ~ ~j: " -< I ~ ~ , I .' LOT Z-. ... 1\ xi i '~ _oJ ~o:Co' :t ~~ L-C>I .~ I :l.,' : ~" _F~l \ /~- -" ...:..;;, -......1--- __ t ij ; O:?~' ~ If I --t .0 l(l '1\ ! I I .. \ ~ -===- ~ I' I j J {ol ~ ~l ~: ( 1 z'S. ::4' . h ~~...J"""";"_~';'~""~~ ~ ,f 13 TAXLOT 17033311001 LOT BlK 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 UNIT COST VALUATION FEE D LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT APPLICANT LIlEGREN KEN DATE 051079 SUBDIVISION NEW BlDG TYPE USE R NO BDRMS 04 NO UNITS CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT BP BP BP BF' BP ElF' Pl NO. FIXTURES: MECH SUI~ PCI< SOS lC 132379 SDSR SIFO cpr WPC .'"" I NO. CONNECTOf~S: MECHANICAl. FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE: PLAN ELEV ADDR FP COMPLETED !{Y ::~ 4.00 EACH::" 4% ~) i:: 25.00 ENVH TOTAL FEE** 25.00 CI' I : - ' ,I I I '\ I / I ! I I I " I '-/ I ( ;;). I I - I I , I I I } I 1 ", I \...._\.. I , I I .., I I~ , I -\ , I I