HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-9-24 r ~ CONSTR{ =TION/PLACEMENT PERMIT 1 /.j A# FOR OFFICE USE ONLY TO\'iNSHi'7 I SUBDIVISION/PARTITION PLEASE USE BLAC~ . RANGE.. 03 I SEc:B3. d INK AND PRINT. I 10 Lr ~IOO LOT/PARCEL BLOCK ~~~;;~~a~~O 9 2 ,- ? I [JTwo Copies of Plans [JTwo Copies of Plot Plans [JMechanical C~ecklist [JPlumbing Checklist. [JPlan Check Info Sheet COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. (if applicable) , LO:FIION7ADDRESS I (J.' "'" ~EOET\.. ~ J''''~.. ->-:, r. . CITY 9 ZIP r PROPOSED USE' OF PROPERTY . ~ .+'f \( 1I II ~ V' \ J"".. ( 1 (I fYLO. OOL GrResidential DIndustrial STQl{~O~U~.~~o~'x, .Wrrl- ~ .5*rn~lt DCorronercial Dpublic DEtj;TQl~EU 1-CS' ~ -.' F ~~ 13LS(jQOO , 0' 'EOOOO)!f , 0' ~ (f' , 0' '~'EO WAT'~ t. '\11 11. . ~?po~ed \~'i-". 2 ~ . ^-^-J(L..{" _ ~ EXlstlng ~~o; ;N~ o;;fi A1'Yv t Jtnrrn~o. . ~~olnleJELEPHoNE HUr1BER co TT~R'S();;~lDn~~ ~~. k/~ n.'to nrllw/TEL4e1.PHoNE N:Dcrro ",',",emR', 0'"' (J'?fTWN' m m, I . 9_=/l rA",,,...:=tn ''I.:.. ~ ~ " I ~ "8 ~ '~Nl-+ 0 !Y1Ul,') LLLZIT l..XIC/@:> .J-,.- ) ~ . ~~'t~ L,,: ~'c,C~:" ~:, :::a, oU ,",,'"",,", '0'0',0 " nO" ""' 000000' "" , 'm"" certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance 'with the Ord> ':IilnCeS of Lane CO\lnty and the Laws of the State of Or~q-:)Jl J.JI.~r..Laitlinq to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structu e without 'the per~ission of the Building Division. I further certify . that regIstration with the BUIlderls Board is In full force and effect as requ red by ORS 7~1.05 , that If exen~t the basls for exemptIon is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are 1n comphance w1th RS 70\.055 W1!al~U d n th1s proJect. I HAVE READ AND CIIECY-ED THIS APP.LICATION THOROUGHLY, . ~ _____ . A A . . ,.....--. . JJ ' 0 Owner y--."~~v'eJ-i- /Ylo/Z.~ X _ ~Z'14- ~actor NAME (please pr1nt) ~ SIGNATURE f "'.Ut.--, - / DATE ~nt [~(~PLANNING;ZONING: Zone /P;J& Partition # Parcel # Parcel Sizej~+- ~ / " · #' ::~.":::,~.:Cb.~~~~'2:'~~J~~.6-L. _~~~~~~~/. . / Date: C;;/rz~-~/ ~ 0 FLOODPLAIN: In flood hazard area? ~o D Yes, see attached sheet. o RURAL ADDRESSING: GRID COORDINATE N' _ SP.NITATION: s. 1. # B. P. # E Date ,. rf. n D, Date: Installation Record Tssued? [] Yes [] No Installation Specifications: Gallon' Tank ,Lineal Feet of Drainfield Maximum Depth of Trenches Comments: -~~ANS EXAMINATioN: .Type 6~) Group ~e.'? J J ~ use~U7MfAb~~~12LDt1 Date: Comments.: Date: /?J-/3--3/ ( D CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT ~.;~~~ ~~,~f -~/#~ /., ~~~///h '" ~ h W.,?';;;,: ~ -~;~~ ~~/~~~ ,.;?-s: tflEi: Fixed Fee! Floodplain Fee Unit Cost . ' Subsurface Fees ~~;l7?~ilding Fee ~ Sewer/Storm Drain/Water Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee .;;? cr.' :::;If:- .::2.,2 q $ R'b2cf FEESB:~I~.:~):p DcK: t/.'7---~;Y--d/ /t:?~/5-%) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ,"""5/::. vv State Surcharge TOTAL FEE TOTAL VALUATION $ ~L/~~ PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per ORS 456.805(1)) DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGE~E, OREGON 97401 C74-194 SEE REVERSE ~ SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ~g~T BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RE~v~r IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN. Have the following information ready: Permit number; job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. .. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED I~SPECTIONS 1) FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation are delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is. poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3) FRAMING & INSULATION INSPECTIONS: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4) LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5) FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. WOOD STOVE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is c.omolete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testlng agency alld the manu- facturer's installation instructions. C. f40BILE HOME: An inspection .is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections. (1) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. (2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management letter. (3) Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspection within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING POOL: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is ins ta 11 ed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (1) (2) Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permi~ holder shall notify.the Department by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall lnspect ~he constructlon ~o determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the constructlon does comply ~l1th such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion. to the permit holder. If ~he construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and s~all requlre satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. . Failure to meet the requirements fo~ satlsfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and thlS rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewaae Disposal From: Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' I 2 3 4 ~ 5 " 8 10 12 14 16 18 C J 20 22 24 26 28 30 I, .. :J '. c 32 34 ~ 38 10 ,t. 1; IJ 14 16 18 ~. ....' c 1\ u '.' j J J ,J W: .0 LANE COUNTY DEPT ENY MGT RECEIPT # 209281 DATE 092481 APPLI~ANTMORSE, STEVEN ADDR 417 ANDERSON, EUGENE, W~EGON . TUi; .1 .''''O::;::n'11 001 01SUPDTY 100 L.OT IiL.I< NEv.) HL.DC;. TYPE 1...i.S'E. F;: BDPhS' --'r !.H.HTS 001 STCHUES :i~BLDGS {)()'l PHONE (~:ODE:, ..I:~PPL. NO (.\CT'JOi\! DESCRIPTION SG) FT Ur...!IT COST Vr::1LU(::lTION .FEE D(~YS BPI NT E RIO !~: F: E ,i 0 D L E. ::> (; ::;: . j Ii:,' . () ::> 'j 07 (; :.3 DP TO EXISTING GARAGE BP :BF) . pp !:; ,::- DP L.' C~ ," ::.~ {) <? ~~ ~:~:i ' F~ (.~ {:l i~l ,'U '.. L. ~L NO. FIXTURES:. .1'1[CH. SUF;.~ . p.CI< [.'/0. CONNECTDF;:S: MECH(.lN I C{~L FEE ST{'ITE .S'I...IRCH(lF:GE PL(:'IN CHECI< F(E i (:)"1 ;;:'):'?;: '! ::; ,. 00 EtleH ;:; :=:; ~.:. .., (l () ,~. .."f n.... ........" 2.24 .. :i: '. ~::; () ~~: 2:3 .". (j (.) i2 E:Y F:LH EST ,. C~(ji\ll::'I...E: T I (]l\! D('~TE '1 () (.) '? i] Ii TOTtiL FEE ~(..)(- 86.2l{. ,. ~ ,. 3 = " -l ~ ~12 " ~;' {T'''!'' ~ 1 ~ 10 ~ ~j , C~ i~:'i or G. : .. {":IF'F: F~{~ FP '. SD::;. S'I F'CK . (:iTI..J- ' I SSI i41 1.1 L SEGl!.J: .r t~ I{ [ ,.,..1 () ~:.~ i6 .8 - I ,0 c w ~ z ~ .2 - o ., o ,. ~ e 14 .li "' . Environmental Managemr---t AC'"j." VITY INFORMATI01~ SHEET lane county COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED~ CD \~ (;16~1 _ 17r:MIJDf=1. FJZ... . - . . PERSON MAfrNG REQUEST 1=t ?o I C6 -z; I GO "tiU ~l5?';;!s~ .. ~' ~~IL- ~ ~ANE;,.r GAM~ -. t PROPERTY OWNER A I ry A\-.l ceR.~ w LA J.../f!!; MAILING ADDRESS l:5c:J~a.t ~ en. CITY \ ~'eA- 0070 BUSINESS TELEPHONE N~MBER err-; 4oG' . STATE ZIP CODE t:-;.. Y-1~~ ctz.. ~TY . STATE crlz1~olE ~V\e=... ~. HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER BUSINESS TELEPHONE NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER Q) TAX MAP/PROPERTY DESCRIP'l'ION NUMBER (from tax maps in Department of Assessment & Taxation or from tax statement): 11 0; ~~ 1/ Township Range Section Tax Lot (s) : ~ut of Tt # I1CJ / I') J . - , OC> /00 By Partition # . Map & Parcel Number: Tax Map & Parcel Number of Adjoining Property in Same Ownership: Tax Lot (s) : Township. Range o None Section o Unknown I Q) SUBDIVISION (if applicable): {;;"1~/ <4_~0/2~ LOT: @ REQUEST (briefly describe information needed): COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR LAND USE, CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS, OR PROPOSALS. SEE *NOTE BELOW. CD TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: Z + Q) PROPERTY ADDRESS.: 411 AuDt::.rZ- ~ LA'\:-le ~~~ 01- 9fJ4D I \ Q) PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: c::; I FAN'\. I ~... acres **FOR STAFF USE ONLY** NmmER: Fli~ DATE: 9/(~7n[ ~ -'-'7.- ~ TIME INITIATED: ~ ~ CHECKED BY: ~ i Sl:!op Barn ATTACHED EXHIBITS: o Plot Plans (2) o Constr. Plans (2) o Site Plan o Copy of Tax Map o Other @ NUMBER OF STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: Standard home \ Mobile home Modular home. Garage I RV in use as residence Storage Other (specify) @ ACCESS TO PROPERTY: Public Road Name Au. ~ ~e... . SCREENING VERIFICATION: Private Road Name By: Road Easement width # of Users Date: @ OTHER EASEMENTS OVER PROPERTY: Time In: Out: ~WATER DISTRICT: @ FIRE DISTRICT: o Accept 0 Rej ect Routed to: @ PENDING PERMITS ON PROPERTY: J__.c.... I So I - 8 I 9/81 REV (OVER) *NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF TAX MAP; SHOW EXISTING STRUCTURES AND TAX LOTS IN YOUR OvmERSHIP. OB- TAIN TAX HAP IN SELF HELP AREA OF A & T. \ COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR LAND USF. OR CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS. {9 PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY .IN DETAIL: ~t:!;. ~ BUILDING REQUESTS: Contractor's # (for mobile home setup also) Directions to Site: ~WIA.\.- ~T y1? \ ~ tz,.,- \~.!~. 0i4 A~~ I . L--'" I Check the type of permit requested: D Dwelling: 0 New o Addi tion o Additional; o Replacement ~eration; o Modular Home 0 Mobile Home - Model Year DRV o Standard Construction; [JPlan Check Only D Commercial: Use. Floor Area ,. DAgricultural: Use D Others: Use ~ of Use Floor Area How? ~~ -rD ~~ o NUMBER OF STORIES ~ Q) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS Q) SANITATION REQUESTS: o Site evaluation for SDS feasibility o New system installation [] Repair/replacement o Alteration/relocation DHook to existing ". ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: **FOR STAFF USE ONLY** ZONE/LAND USE: .. By: Dat'e: Time In: ':)\1 t : o Accept o Reject [] Planning Application o Construction Permit App. o Information Only Zoning: Camp. Plan Designation:__ SANITATION: By: Date: Time In: Out: [] Accept 0 Reject [] Constr. Permit Issue o Site Evaluation Issue PERMIT ISSUED (SAME DAY ONLY): Permit # By: Date: Time In: Out: CONSTRC ~T.ION/PLACEMENT "'\ PERM IT . ~.\.[~. '. ~(}J ~~~;~~a~iI501_31. [JT~O Copies of Pla~s COHPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE. BLACK INK AND PRINT.' DTwo Copi~s of Plot Plans TO\VNSHIP ('T. RANOGE ~ I SEC33: .,', \ I TYOLOTO DOUT OF DMechanical Checklist I~ DPlumbing Checklist SU~O/o:,IP;;4-(C;;abO~ t7-{)3~2o I ~dCEOJCLO~1 1- 3f, DPlan Check Inf~ sheet L4r7DDRESS J I Q~~~G~ UC I ~:Iqr4or ~Pr;;:i~:n~::;OP~T;ndustrial n~:~erf~~:;;OPEQm& ~~~~ ~d \. :.. I DCorrunercial. .OPublic DECldd.: OF PRO~htrrrY\./ ~ I lfillVuOr- h.a.M~~C(Y)OO # OF BEDROOMS ~ if at' STORIES ,.' ,. # ~ E~YEES \VATER ~lPr.Y '. ) , ~posed Aioh2I.5 } ;2', P . (i)ru .,. 00 Existing O\~ER.,S_N nND :ffimJ0,p QJ. ...~~ illf~) 'f4r~NE ,NUMBEZ CO TTORc..NA:;Y AND ADDRESS C)" '.-rro..,...... 'rELEPHO~R (1(yYY\.O ~ U-Q . (~l Jej CONT~TA ~SR # I DIRE~~~' ~CL'1+((.)~ L.eJL,O X Q;n~9<err0 ,. ~d ('QN\+-Olbvnt1L). 8r~ 0clrJl ~.c)llSfj> , ~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY . u I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED A~PLICATION FOR PERM~T, and do hereby cer~i fy thLlt all i.nformatipn.. hereon i!-> true un? cor.r~c,t and I further. certify that any and all work performed shalr be.done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the La',lIs of the State of Oreq"::lJ1 perLaitling to th"e work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wil'l be ~ade of" any structure without'. the permission cif the Building Division. I further certify . that. registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as requir"d by ORS 701.055, tha.t if. exempt the basis for exemption. is noted . hereon, and that only subcontractors ,and employees who are 1n, compliance w1th ORS 70l,~55 w11~ pe used on thlS proJect. I HAVE READ ,AND CHECKED THIS ~"I~~~ "" ," ~(: )~~o---.'7-5l-~1 g::::.,w '+!JIAe~se print).. ~r~ \;0.- ~ \. DATE 0 Agent I " Zone AcOT- C ' . C . . ~ - H~n~mum Setbacks: L, f,Font' L, side ~nter~or . rear l~:ments:~V\tQjUJ~ pOfYY\(YiQL. ~htn_ JlJil~~ .A+brtC~~ . . , . Dtte:_c- 5S-~ o FLOODPLAIN: In flood hazard area? D No DYes, see attached sheet. Date: ~RAL ADDRESSING:' q~IDCOORDINATE -' N .. GrSP,N'ITATION: s. 1. # B. P. # o PLANNING/ZONING: Partition # Parcel # Parcel Size. ,2.eo E, Date: <Db D D Installation Redord Issued? [] Yes [] ~~ Installation. " Line.al Feet ' Maximum Depth Spec~f~cat~ons: ..e- '4?J/~ of Dra~nf~eld of Trenches ~-J/I ~,o~;,;,-fy~JA. ~ "fJf12rW ~p;J:::/;AM~ fJ1."f!P~.Jko,JJV M/l{{j, ALl. /[P4JIU:CO~ /lMdA,()1Juh "~~Y/CU.;r;Oh1icl 00 - - - f1\-;. 0 alinfJwd iJri:J-4l~kf;,o!tlIAJidil?J/ -2.2 1, ~"'~, 72Jn.J14'Xl ~ ErPLANS EXAMINATIO~:, ,Type. .', ' ~roup., ~ .. G) . .' ;J/7::Fo. c~mme!'t?:~.lJ;~fiee-~~W;~tf'UJ1 ~ ~nt\l~ Lt..'~ _rA!-~, J}J~I~r~-,~~~. !;;~I ,,~I. D F~e.e.. ~ t .' '~$$ ,l5SCQ Floodplain ::-: r--............ . Subsurface Fees. $ !!::!:f:).m $J "0, ao $ .--- $ 15' 1 () D $'LOIe;t> $ iPJo 4' p/) $ - /, ~ TOTAL FEE $~..,i .'~ FEES PAJPA ~Y: ~eck D Cash 1l'V 1!--- By:\JJmP, lA? · Date: 7 0--81 L , ~/IZ,~) DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE" EUGENE, OREGO\" 97401 C74-194 SEE REVERSE Date: CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT , . Description Sq. Ft. Fixed Fee/ Unit Cost Building Fee Sewer/Storm Drain/Water ~ Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check ,Fee State Surcharge C17Jd- () ~ (Jr1f20 . u r\ TOTAL VALbiTION.$ ~-r:::uE ~~v4[~' .:. . .. .17) ,If/ Ui:J.--:- ' PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL);;S~EE (per oks 456.805(1)) " SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN Rt~ULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. ' WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN. Have the following information ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED I~SPECTIONS 1) FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation are delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is. poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3) FRAMING & INSULATION INSPECTIONS: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4) LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5) FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not li'mited to: A. BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. WOOD STOVE: To be made after completion of masonrv (if applicable) and when installatio~ is c~mDlete. Insta 11 ati on sha 11 be in accordance with an approved nati ona lly recogni zed tes tl ng agency and the manu- facturer's installation instructions. C. MOBILE HOME: An inspection is required aft~r the mobile home is connected to an approve~ sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking; footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections. (1) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. . (2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management letter. (3) Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspection within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING POOL: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool i sins ta 11 ed . APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (1) (2) Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance.. Upon completing th~ construction for which a permit has been issued the permi~ holder shall notifY,the Department by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall lnspect ~he constructlon .~o determine if it cQmplies with the r.ules contained in this division. ,I~ the constructlon does comply ~Ilth such rules, the Department shallis.sue a certificate of satisfactory. completion to the. permit holder. If ~he constryction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder ?nd shall requlre salisfa:c:;tory completion. tlefore issuing the certificate.. Failure to meet th'e requirements fo~ satisfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a vjolatio~' of QRS 454.605,~o 454.745 i1nd thlS, ,rule. .f .... Setbacks - Subsurface Sewaae Disposal .. , From: Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' .\ .... r . . i , I' <' . ~, f . \ LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RE~EIPT {1 )).1) R N (::1 APPLICANT GAMBEE, JOHN rL~ 0000000000000SUBDIV I I. /1.I~:'1 j ,. .;:, I'. .:)< .. .].:. ..::' ,.:, I::. .. .. ., , J ,., -- ,. 'I r, ... ... I'. . u- . r'o., ::. ,I. ),",1... L !..i' I" ::. i.. 1~:' I::. ,7':. . f\. f.J J3.D "~ f"11:"r' t.:} t.:} CODE (IPPI... j'..ICl (ICT I 0(1 DEs'cr;; I F'T I Oi'..) .I3P DP . .p .I3P I{P. ....1::. . PL . .'EeH .:~UR "'.. L . I..' v 1< .~ , ..p PL MECH. ..'LIF: ,.;'CI< CI~iTG : ."E(;~LI : r{.~II<[N NO., FIXTt.lF;;[S': LC t~:)(1iBi SUPP {lPP. F:r-.I FP ,. r:y F;LH I... ,., .,.. .. .. I ...1.:' I A ., :::: '~i . ~:} () ,oj B i . \ - I I ~ ii' t ~ C <l :ii ;:; ~ Cl ii <l " I.:.LI< , 'I,. ~ . L1 ~ I~ r: ?: o !;: <, tr :;; 5 tl 6' 3 :!' D(:~TE ()B., .40 '.j LOT NO UNITS 001 NO STORIES NO J ,SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION / i\!O .. CONNECTOF;:S: i'iECH(~N I C(:IL FEE S'T (:-1 TE SI,..IF;:CHI:~lF(GE PL,(:'IN (HECI{ F[::E 'l nr 1.'("';, ., ~::;., 00 S'!)S PC~( nTH SI CDi',PLE.r I ON I) (1 TE () B 'i "?~] ,oj EtlCH .... ]' r. ". .. I~ IJ. TOT {iL'. FEE'it:':' BL.DGS 00 'i FEE D{iYS :;- , < a I :~ ... .~ o!>o '" ~ (l'J '" "" -:= - i l:.') () .\ .() () 'I ~:} 10 (.) () '10.\ ()() 'll. .4() ....(~>.\ Ot) t.C cr -;:j <..J: <::t: ~ i '1 I iB6.40 C~( j~~+-lgJl- 8') I) -03 - 33, J~J /0-0 '1/71h1~(ft.. ~ )5l>I-}r/ "G~~~t~t:.:.. ~-~---'- .-.----.. ._---_.,,-,. '\'~ -----. .---.-,----~--~ ''Na\-'- ~,-2=~- -----...-- ~~-_A_ _ .~... .~.. '1- u.' ~ ._ -~u--.._,7:'- .. _u~ _. _l~~s~u--l- .. ..-~fL-_. __~~f/a~ u~.. ~-~~ ~-_._-'u--~- .-- " _'~- :--- --~ -- -i~_'~ H ., . . .... __~ ,..._, . --- - -- --~ -- -... - - -- - - - - ~_._-_.__._- ~ '-"'==-""-"--'''''~C::=:-=-----'----'--:-----.. f~- Ii* -------~ j '.r:- -- ,~ .~ .sa " 1, -.--:ii. .. -~----~ - - -"-~-- ~--. ------- '" ., 2 S' ~ C\J ~X) ,,-w...... 31~-~~ ~' - ~: ;4, -,. -.-. - n . - ~~')NF\F~ -0 "- -- ,------- _.- , -1. -~- -..... - c. tR.. I t -1)J~,\VF. . .. iY - ~ ~___~ . -::-:- 100 _' ". ...__".._.........:-..~.:-: :-O.=~?)~.:-_._.:..---_... . , --_.- -- :~ u_ _.__ ___ fa<;\ -"-------'------'=- "_._--t-. -- -- ---- \ 1 I I , ___~ L.~__..__ ._._... - -,.-'""", ~.-.::;:...::::.___"__._,_-.::t..__~_~ "-"::"'=--~~'- ~=-"::"-. . . .' ~~~_~ .=~_.~.O ._~~ :o~_O~! ~_ W i _ 'u"'.. ...,;::-.-. .. . .-1' '3,0);)-'... .~.drl'2~ __m_.._. --~ ... ..'lfl\;~nf~ \~u .--._ u-'-=ll1?-5~ \ _.____~_. .._,~__JUL2.0-1981_"'_=gm__ . JI/ t~ I. . d .,,1 IA n /l1'VJ1I1I.rI- <J1.1.,I .~'A/"U.J... 1a?Ad2.. . BUILDiNG AND . - =..-- _"~/~V~ _1"E.L =/1tJ-~-d/~-f'<,!f-/J&_lJ(;V.<.A_.. - ... .. ~plMr---"-J- 2.~ ~SANITAT/ON~/)IVISION-.;;:- _. .. n-:-. __-d~~~$l9r___~"_._____.___ h~____.H__. _.. --.1'.- lANE.CO~NTY , \ ,-,f:), _ _____".....__ __ ____:.fl!..!..l \ ~ "-'---~.' - .---.-- .._~..-.-:.:.._~-_.__._~~_.__.. ~. ... APPROVED. ~o_~_~_-"' ..e ~:~~~~=0/l;ih~ze _____~.. .e _ .~... ... . ..- . - ~ . - . - -. - - - - - --~- ---------_. .- ..- -------.-- ~-~_---........:...- ---,~ ~-~ HOLDSLftJ APPLICATION # 15D1-~1 lane county ~ )() h V\ (")Q V\Ah e e" () - ~ 17 A1Arl1J,Rs. OV\ Ca V1 f?/ ~- . T llae)/\.p, . t)~ \j ./ LOCATION 417 ri-iIld O,~.S(h/1. La ~'1 Q..... . NAME ADDRESS 97401 ZI P CODE The Lane County Building and Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processing your application because: . . .. .. 1. 12l Incomplete application (items deficient). ZRJ~YJ. (QfaPI, ciillJd, fKp /tliJvlad . ctlo~ s;. cak ~t1=- .~~ D'e-~ ~~ D ~. cA di1wvt, . iAwJ' 3. . 0 ~ Address and/or directions to application site. Proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling. . :/....... Approvable plot plan (see attachment). \1 Ploi- PIQII\D.e.1cll{s I, Notificaticn of date. test holes will be ready. Verification of existing system required (see attachment). Two test holes (2'x41x51 deep) required for expan~ion or repair of existing sewage disposal syste~ in the area of the proposed drainfields. . . " 4.' I2J Other: 1;j~o,1A 1'vJ(A~a~ln(!JUl12S()11YPtPt'rf(Anfo<.A O{jrVj~i1t?-. 0 ~dA.f)(5\fh IA{Q) OA~ A()(?;tliAOd ~~ Y7())J,V ().hJJrlJrrJJJ;;,AoJd .J./rd/tU{J)Jlhlid) (JArkl ~j hLf.Jir dPJ PQfI()lJ.()d -s J\f1x'Pck:;.~ fi(Jh~-r{). .pJbf ,pLClVir1lfC1J.JM-fr) 0 ((Off) fYJl'':..c;n/ . r)Ji ~~z. \( 1I t r (11f2011-: ~}lIlfl;J\.@)pt1Df1PJI,fu ~JJlJI Of) CfJ./VX dumQII1.5/CM ~ fii'{bv.l~ hA1;1 InQ 1i (2)I)J{! 1J~ (fJA noWrP/IA-T YU))p'!'d\1Jj~ /lA IIJN tt1\l,J, 0 'f!.'aphN ) j M O-@rtwef1li1q (p) oIf SiVUr-:-NALD tf1Jd/tAJJe1J. blA (Q )OI;AlrlVV/ul illd.f/ >'11<(ilwt-{k'J ?7t; ( J "-" dJ1~/;dLdol ,AnpM mJl.M7 MOt f'v,. f1~ .J J{?;aiUflA~ lJhu-;f f.nepiJ JOiJ / Ml/f;nr.Ic ~fffall f1A1".,1 u>f.)} //0 / ,!V(fVYI (J/lJJ,f)eJiJ-IVl fIMJl1UflA/J.1d.iL.I/AJA( ,.fIlA/JnA/I/A I rL?tll/J/rhejd! _(?h~.. . .. J ) ) ,+ . 'I(c'-/Ff:../, . , jV.,/\,Y;;.I, . .,.. .- L , .'. . -".J I; i .,iJ' /. j . C p;.V/'.~. ":t> "..1.' .:.-:j 1: "!;;'(.1 (I. r" "',,/'! rtl-7!1r: ..';".: I. 'I IlO)iI' ~/.i( I,!,J ,,' .,,,. ,.'.:" ..v. 'i,J /.~ t! I) ,.J"" ~. , . /~. I' '-''";J.dO'\. ~- ....~ "(-' . },.:.""P' "',' ',....\. ./-..:/-'.,.' ;1r;' .t._ ,.." '~,.",.' ,/1 C fl IT-I, V?, L I ~ I",] l ,1.>'1//1.1"''' p '. ;. /.',...c, '. ., t', . ,. ~., 1 ,."._ J., - ../ . fo;.r.$-.. -~:-,.- :.;"'...:";'1. l:.1 !...)>/v'r4--1__;.l._tY~'i V""~..V("Jt t.(/.....L..l..'Nlvl"-$.~~J..lf./~t~';.i,'"r ~/II~~"l-Jt.,r.t~1"~,... ,(,; ~..'~,.:J. ~/r'.", . " '. j l1.. ,'~ if.' ,. I, ,,1 .1.-,. ... . I 1.1.. j t.., / .' _.. " . ~..../ .... ,. ~ ',. . . . :- "Ij/'it,..... r~, ,p)....~. /j.J' '?!!) I..~.",~ I .l,;, '""" .t/"/. ;"10/.,- J.1.'J.... ..".. ../.tft""jo~/' .). ..t ,.~ ........ ..'. . .'i . J ... "'. . ,., ..e',,' +,...,.,....'....,,'# 1'.//;""I~."""..,;{.( /'.".,", .'.,ilf!'r' ,",.{..V'0 <'..).1/";.. f', ....',i.;(I;./ ... r;;;;}/ J t - . I . . ' '.'~.., ... 1!/ ---t t. l~. '/J-~/v\..r! " .f " , klV.1u) AM / I )J(fdfAh() (rf \ . /3 J1Jj.l/l /1-:;) ! SlGNATURE ,.. DATE (J / ~.'-~() to q : 0D&1;1) A.10~ I from f' to 6,' 30 OFFICE HOURS PHONE I~ no.resp~nse has b~en received in regards to this matter by CY-I,A1J(}..u-E\ i the. apPl1C~tlOnw'll be den,ed. . . ... ft5'WM!~~~1~) , - BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGmENT DEPARTMENT . COURTHOUSE-PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING /' 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE. OREGO~ 97401 I PHONF (5011~R7-4nfi - < , << . , J- ei ~[ e: . I I' . ., , i: q- ~ ~ ~ ~ ;; !' <: "t " ,. '.~ .., ~ It.; ..... C;j .l; N "" .~ ... I. _ X CI 0::::::: C (.C ex "X I 'I~ . v- \ APPLICANT GAMBEE, JOHN I...~~ '1 7(~33311 001 00SUBD I V , ~ ~EW BLDG TYPE . USE R NO BDRMS 00 NO UNITS 001 . ~ODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT P INTERIOR REMODEL DP DP P BP BP CI( PI,.. MECH UI=< {!i~ . Slh I...r~NE COUNTY DEfT ENV MGT I:~ECEIPT ::l: ADDR 417 ANDERSON LN., 1 ~}<:) 1 fl1 DATE <:) 70881 . EUGENE} m<EGON LOT BLI< NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 COST VALUATION FEE DAYS [' I r L C i ~:; 0 1 0 1 I:tf~ r~ A DE P () SIT NO. F :r.)(TUF~ES : 3 NO. .' 4(~000 i ~5 . ()(> EM:H .... . I . SDSC CE;RT. OF CONNECTOF:S: fv1ECHAN I CAL FEE ST A TE SUf-i:CHAF:GE PLAN CHECK. FEE ADEQ. 4"/ t" ~) (:) ~~ 06.00 50" (')0 '" .CATG: (.~PP I=< A - FP S'D,S' SI PCK OTH lSS .f."SEfW.: 0 1 2 3 1 J> I' "" - ,. j.:.'~ BY CAD EST. [()f'jPI...ETION Df~l TE (~80481 TOT(.~L. FEE*.* 1 36.,00 CI( 11_0. __.1 ., C" . .~ -;; ~ ~ ~~"'" 2..4 .~ ,':-~-~~. '-":"~'-""\ 1(\ 1: I:l"- 11 l. !:' C""'<~~ , ]\1 \N \N"-'. , I N~~ , I / c.\....!:)"::.~ W\Nt::'l~'N:l I 1~"1\~\'~ ~ I - -::-=:~~_. __ ____ __ ! ~ ~_ ---. - - J <2-~':S'O 'D()~~ ~ --- - o r->'- I. I I~ .j I. \ ' .J~ C~SVC~ \'l^ ~~~ I l I I . I <6~ . "\~ ::::) .~ ~, / ' / I - ! - I I -.--'---- --l~ =- -}.- -'5 ; I. l _1.~"=I--.;;.;.. __ I -t,. t I -I I <':"---. I.! ..--- -.-". -.-.- _..-- .. . '. ,- ~ - - - \ 2 K~ ,,,,,,-VIe ? A" ~ D~~ KC \='LA \...""6 l.N\1~. ~\N~\.-...'e D ~ ~ R....... i ~\ I \ - WA\...L-C,.- ~t.R€\c Lln 3-0\' WOOD ~ ~Qti'\lB U ,k,.:'-f \-) C. \J\' G h. ~cVV\ ~.~ ~ .12~,-,~~ \N h~.-:>~v-j 4~ +'-<:1 L 4" \ ... I -' ~._-. . ,,~- i --....!.-. . , @ l t l ---_ ___ ,~~ - ~ t'~! I I: I .L --- --~ ..----~ I' "- II ~ ---- ~ 'K!)OY'A. ~ t Cl -:z. :1 1 l I J i ,.:-=_ _I .~--'.--. I -\ \2- ~ K~"c...-e 'W\N~~ ~VV\ A~' +() 2.4 \l \. nts, TL. Plat Subdivision Lot Plan Block C74-1S0 Vicinity Map Job Location Permit fI Permit fI Permit. fI (Address ), For For For -1 I I ..L~_ I ! ! "" ~ l.- e / \')<J ' 21 C:;::>' Jl' ~! 0' ".,1 '<1; Permit fI Permit if Permit fI C~~N'I ~.,--" ,---_.-::.... 1 "l'~"'N e,i:.\,,;, ....... ::r .. -.. '---1 ;-: 0 \)~ t;. . .. 'IS' i .-..,--~ -~--"..-- ! i -------- -0 lA~'A.. . \ .. ) i) ~ )',It~ .~---~. H __l I - I II ji ~~,"E U ! -. -i----, i . ..------.-..-._______.__.._h__ __. I'S~~ _1__. _I -.. -r -- N ~\) For For For ~ /j\ o (? (J\ i .f- - _ I .1 i I i ! ,", lane county BOLD SLIP "lci~' . APPLICATION # LC 11)01-81 LOCATION 417 ANDERSON LANE, EUGENE, OR 97401 .JOIm GAMBLE ~7 ANDERSON LANE EU~. OREGON 97401 NAME ADDRESS The ZI P CODE held for the following reasons: 1) PROVIDE 2) TWO SETS Of' ,'I.ANS IN CONf'ORMANCE WITH THE REQUIRED INf'ORMATION 'HIGHL"IGHTED' ON THE ATTAC'ED SHEET. (MINIMUM PLAN REQUIREMENTS) NO WALK-INS. TELEPHONE FOR CLARIFICATION BETWEEN 1 :00-4:00 PM ONLY. WHEN SUBMITTING ADDIT.tONAL IN~ORMATION AND LEAVE WITH RECEPTIONIST. 'HOLD-SLIP' ROGER L. MCGUCKIN SIGNATURE 08-04-81 DATE SEE ABOVE OFFICE HOURS 687-4061 PHONE This application will be held until 08-26-81 _ If the information required above has not been furnished by that date your application will be cancelled. Bu i 1 d-i ng fees pa i d for permi ts cance 11 ed under these c i rcums tances wi 11 be prora ted according to the work that has taken place as of the date of caniellation. BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061 '.~'~~~~~~'~"T~!li~!'I~~I.~__ .. lane county L' I~' ~ APPLI CAT ION # _LC--.!591.:.8L________ LOCATION 417 ANDERSON LANE, EUGENE, OR 97401 ___.J_Ql:ilLGAt~Hll.r 417 ANDERSON LANE [UGNENE. OREGON 97401 NAME ADDRESS ZI P CODE The above application is being held for the following reasons: 1) PROVIDE 2) TWO SETS OF PLANS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIRED INFORMATION 'HIGHLIGHTED' ON TH~ ATTACHED SHEET. (MINIMUM PLAN REQUIREMENTS) NO WALK-INS. TELEPHONE FOR CLARIFICATION BETWEEN 1 :00-4:00 PM ONLY. BRING THIS 'HOLD-SLIP' WHEN SUBMITTING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND LEAVE WITH RECEPTIONIST. ROGER L. MCGUCKIN SIGNATURE 08-04-81 DATE SEE ABOVE OFFICE HOURS 687-4061 PHONE This application will be held until 08-26-81' . If the information required above has not been furnished by that(fate your application wlll be cancelled. Buildi~g fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be prorated accordlng to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation. BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th.Avenue / .Ru~li~ Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061 MI~IMUMPLAN REQUIREMENTS r~~o sets of plans are required t how the following:] bne count y All Plans shall include: 1. Name and address of' property owner. .2. Name and address of the person who prepared the plans. 3. The scale on ill drawings. *4.' An accurate description of the building use. * Plot Plan to incl~de: 1. North point, property boundaries and dimensions. 2. Existing structures and dimensions, distances from boundaries and other structures. 3. Proposed structures size, location and distance to boundaries and other structures. 4. Location of septic tank, drainfield and replacement area or sewage system hookup. 5. Locat'ion of \vater supply. 6. Location and dimension of utility easements (if applicable). 7. Location and dimensions of vehicle access to the site; *and off street parking. *8. Location of all signs (if applicable). 9. Township, range, section and tax lot number (and metes and bounds description, if not an entire tax lot.) ml1!B'U~~fa~Jf.p;Wl."Ii'$~to\'!~~),tu'C1e~~.i]$1ir." "Ik!2':'" .,,, -~_. -9.-..... - ... .. ._..~. .w...",--,,_ -~ .. -. -"5 -To:y[~r=' 'Ti:" fes';;:tbJj~~c'~:, 0 t he r. ~ ;;~l (1\,9",. --'rt'.. ...,.. .""."~'--' '.' ..... ?J eto~a'sz)~1 ,,"\#i~""a .... ..... +:--. ../ ".):.;~1 r. 9:$ra"Q,.:~it;'.Q}?:"~ "aH'S',;';:e:bnnecf."i'cfns i~a.oa\colJs:t'rLict i on:: m.etpnoaXi ~ 'a,e..c... ,~.~.I~'~I~j,;'$; ..,,: '.B~. .;t'frcl~:t.. :'.id..:....1.,t"~,r. ';~~';l" ~ "";(' .'1f" S{",:..H~~1'4'1jII1l~iI;".'b'i'1;' .A; )~,,!;1' . ,. 'f- : ." ep,.Ii:.. ~(.'.&.ett<i,urawlngs;s;a-nu,.. e a~.,s'. 1, . ann. lca ,:e ; . .uf.iN:4~u-r..e.~~ e.~1:9h:f.o:\?l:'ea:c:t:iyt'bJss.,.us.~dr ..-~'" .',Co: .. wtl!R~ii\a '" aj:lon~;".Jloo'm.; "'wa.n ,:'ancj.. ce.n-i-n-g'\-;-rrSUraFi on: ~ ~tB:l:A'~'s~ : " '~'i'Yi'cit~:',1{hh.; t<a'c';,~.r ~;o( 'a'fNfl oor'~ :te']i';rn" '?~'~d 'rO'of. ,] "ifqgl~iiierhbe' aih'S~;i~;~~'de~s.:~.ti'd:<rc?6Jfu~r{~;.";~:t.:-,.,. 'I~, . _~, '.<1. ,.9. ",", .... '". h/fl' .~;~, ::~ nJ.~~ -", ~ fJ' l-~ r' . ~ 1 .J):J;li'~q:JkR..:t., qLL~LQeJaJJ.s~tp'?"l.ncJ-uq.:.' :' . ~t:ts:Qc;a:t\ij61:F;~~s~jlz~e~:(\hCl~Pina\ter; a lf~oJ.', a 1 F.1:~1 n\:'ducJ5.J~ air in 1 et s, air ou t 1 e ts, ven t i 1 a- t~i,on~a.iJ~Q. . and combustion air openings and ducts. 'g,~'~:':6~;a~t~i~dn':<'~' ans~;;i,'f,({r'hAQ;~~ hea t pumps; and *bo i 1 ers, condensers, absorp- tion units, refrigerant compressors. c. Rate input and output capacity, in Btuh or KW, for all furnaces, heat pumps; and -,l.'boi 1 ers, condensers, absorpti on uni ts, refri gerant compressors, uni t heaters, heat exchangers, etc. d. Location, size and material of all products of combustion vents and chimneys. e. Rated CFM at all exhaust fan, supply air and return air openin9s. *f. Location of all air dampers and fire shutters. *g. Details of method of attaching fire dampers to construction as well as size and gauge of materials. Cl.~..r.:Lfj__~~_tion: *In addi,tion to other' required plans, these plans are required \'Iith cOIl11l1ercial/industr'ial plans, vlhen aoplicable. .;., .,' . ',"<<<\0 ,:~dr\'OlS't'$~,~ ~'~~g<' ~;:lfaen:s,",and0a'c'CeS'sF"oT\e mtll'g' ;s~~.~.;,),. . ~t......."" F'~""""!'" ':': .,,, ',.' '~" ." ,u,c~'ili":l:<![; .., t:L 1"~ t'l :1H:j,,,,.'i. ,.-t;--"'~'''' In; " :-l::i'~~',-,,;-,>..~~:." .:j~ "~~,~~i- '~"': U\8. ' l~I(,"-:, " n ''',~n,:Sl~.f . . '~''" ., . ' "oM~:fa;oOr.:' . hl n\t:'O'f.Fn~'~ <a:i1 i:l": el-rsHWt~;:fbdiXdjh""'~i17 ."..,::.tlii~. -.'-- .It.. .,' .~h.''''", . ......,~.,.. . ., ..I. -"...._~~~9..,"-'"i li: g'S,,:,;~ ' '.' . ~.. ~4~tJ "_, ,_, _,' . . '.? /ra.nd>pi:e<yts"'r.,J .,.:f.:. 1.....~, ~,l...i';. '~1.." - .1,. 1j . ~ . 'DEP'ARYttlNT OF HEALTH AND StNITATION LANE COUNTY COURTHOUSE EUGENE. OREGON August 29, 1972 l"1-&'D. SPEUt.1AU, Ra7 . . . . ~lr. Leel11l1er t 5e-cretary LaneCou."lty Planning CuuwJ.ssion Courthouse Eugene. Oregon Rei Ray Spellman t-1ir.or Subdiv1510n 'hip. 17 Range J Sec. .3J.11 T.L. 11100 Investigation of the above described. property L"ldicatel3 it can be approved for the installe.tion of 1nd1vidtLal subsurface sewage disposal syatem6. JOHN c. sm. NER, R.B., Director ..... 1.-----/ Duilding m:ui Sanitation DiVision T . By: S.N. Rubini, R.S. Sanitation. Division SJ.1R:rd CC I Ray Spellman 417 S C--arden l~ay . Eugene, Oregon ~~.Jy .' ~\ J(f(.t.t./n. d I ec/'( ,,~. 0Jd J'~/7? L{ ~/1/7:EC"PT Nb. 'j''' 11 Twp. OJ 7-.".2 If - J'I- tJ 3 ~ 3 1/1 I () 0 RANGE SECTION "TAX L\.. /1'-03 CODE ~'I(~~ -- .;:.::........ 'f L.. - 3. f) 0 CENSUS T:~ACT ~. DATE ?-/~z') OWNER~ '/ . I S u -e-j.?-A d A/ OWNER'S CONSENT YES l/<..1 NO I REQUEST FOR SITE INSPECTION TH I:, f S A PREL I M I NARY REPORT WH I CH DOES NOT I NSURE THE I SSUANCE OF A FUTURE PERMIT~ ANY PLANS OR ~XPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT OVIN RISK~ AND ~~~~, (P--J), ~ /~c/f/ }f;~O_: 0;; O~-CZ, BUILDING YOU~ NAME ~ No. SITES $ ~Ol ()O $ $ JO,OO .~DDRESS No. ACRES TOTAL TELEPHONE No. APP1}IACAN~S ~ ~%E':E_~T. IN 9YPE,.RTY O. ~ROPOS~~ USE O~~RQ.PERTY ~"3l/o-~3 5?'.s- ~."...-~ -7)J~&<y- A~ P~~RTY SIZE LE9;L ACC,! ES5 - RoKD NAME SPECIAL PERMIT AREA URBA~ZING o ~ ~~)O1'_ 4.:J~ YES I I NO t>c::::L YES 1><'1 NO T,fUCTURES /J ~ Is PROPERTb!,jJ):iJ.NnR~E MILE OF A CITY,? tf'h-/~ / WHAT CITY?~~..:/..M. YES lXJ NO WA ER SUPPL Y ,c , II OTHER I DISTRICT 1.>-4 SPRING WELL I I SPECIFY PROPERTY LOCATION: (DIRECTIONS) "/./,7 d..A{)~ / AREA I I '1dJ O?~. ~ (./Y (/' r APPROVED .,/ NOT APPROVED REASON FOR NON-APPROVAL STATUTORY AUTHORITY ORS. 431.130 AND 447.020 OAR 41-020 PAR. 1 I I INSUFFICIENT LOT SIZE FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND WATER SUPPL Y. OAR 41-030 PAR. 1 I I HEAVY IMPERVIOUS NON- ABSORPTIVE SOIL. OAR 41-020 PAR. 1 I I WATER TABLE ABOVE MINIMUM STATE STANDARDS I I OTHER /' t/ COMMENTS: ENGINEERED SITE MODIFICATION FEASIBLE YES I NO BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED BRING THIS FORM TO THE BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION AND MAKE APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMlT. IF THE PROPERTY IS A PORTION ONLY OF A TAX LOT, A METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF THE PARCEL MUST BE FURNISHED. EXACT SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WILL APPEAR ON THE BUILDING PERMIT. Two SETS OF THE BUILDING PLANS AND PLOT PLAN WILL B~E:U\RE~ r-l r-\ LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION _ ~ ~~ ~THORIZED SIGNATURE 8;-;) J.- 71- C55-32 DATI \ .. TwP ~"'"/7 " RG. .-0<3 ,c cl. {) 7-),8" ~ '3 y- . 3 '3 I II T. L ~ 10 0 " OATE ~'21'-7'2 '. .. '. COORDINATES E - I I N /' CENSUS TRACT 13 I~I I ~ I arb I SIGNATURE ~ ~ POSITION N<(;- I I~ CHECKLIST CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING SITE SUITABILITY FOR DEVELOPMENT UTILIZING SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL METHODS GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. DISTANCE TO COMMUNITY SEWERS 2. DISTANCE TO PUBLIC WATER '-. A.'i! MILES OR FEET, SOURc[5:~(" v A. MILES OR FEET, SOURCE 3. . DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN THE AREA (SHORT AND LONG RANGE POPULATION OR HOUSING DENSITIES) DU = DWELLING UNIT. A. COMMENT 1 DU/AC~ OR LESS i , 2 - 5 DU/ Ae,RE /:/6 - 10 00/ ACRE 4. ---- PERCENT OR NUMBER OF FAILING SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS IN THE GENERAL AREA~~ % A. HAS ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEY BEEN CONDUCTED YES NO DATE 5. PROJECTED PLANS AND/OR STUDIES FOR PUBLIC SEWER OR' WATtR IN THE AREA. (INDICATE . IF ADOPTED). COMMENTS: SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS 1. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS A. 0'/~ /0 A M-. Top SOIL DEPTH AND TYPE ~ /CW"l SUBSO I L O( PT" AN 0 TVP ( 2?;' // },-;.), f '1-,., 'Yn P rf, i: ~J'lttJ MOTTL I NG DEPTH '~--L. C>t--t '3 (; Y B. C. D. WATER TABLE DEPTH II /7 ~' COMMENT E. FILL FEASIBILITY COMMENT F. PERMEABILITY G. PERCOLATION TEST, RESULTS M55-26 .' ~~ .' 2. SURFACE DRAINAGE CHARA~.ERIST(CS SWiLES DRAINA( I A Y S ( P,E P T H) , ~ - ~ DRAINAGE OB~TRUCTIONS COMMENTS FLOODING 3. WATER SUPPLY EVALUATION - CHEMICAL, BACTERIOLOGICAL, PHYSICAL, QUANTATIVE WATER SOURCE: P~BLIC ~;GENCY SPRING WELL A. LAK E RIVER COMMENTS GEN.AREA SPECIFIC SITE B. WELL DE'PTH C. JOINT USE OFWELL,(# OF PEOPLE SERVED) NUMBER OF PERSONS TO BE SERVED FAMILIES 4. ADDITIONAL AREA AVAILABLE FOR USE IN CASE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FAILURE: No YES }/ AMOUNT AND GENERAL LOCATION 5. ACTUAL USEABLE UNDISTURBED OR UNALTERED AREA AVAILABLE FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL - EASEMENTS, ORA I NAGEWAYS, TOPOGRAPHY, A. SLOPE l' /100' '. 0 /' / B. AMOUNT USEABLE AREA l'/ A "- Lf'f SHAPE, SIZE, SLOPE " I Pr'i- L-/t- C. TOTAL SIZE OF PARCEL> REMARKS: 6. PREVIOUS SITE INSPECTION YES NO/' ; DATES 7. 0 1ST ANCE TO: CREEKS , STRE AMS , RIVERS CANALS LAKES , PONDS. , OTHER, SPEC I FY : 8. TYPE OF STRUCTURE AND APPROXIMATE SEWAGE FLOW: SINGLE FAMILY ,~D 6 GPO MUL T 1- F AM I L Y GPO, INDUSTRIAL GPO, COMMERCIAL 'GPO INSTITUTIONAL GPO NOTE: SOIL ABSORBTION AREA IN SQ. FT. AREA NECESSARY FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS t;c>~ . ----------~------~--------------------------~--------------------------------------. DATE REVIEWED BY ACT! ON : ,. ... :' \ .. -.') '. , 10. .. wt;:..-.;" \..1"-lE: OF" R.I::., CAMPB,,-\...\- -- Q,L.c... NO. 5~)\\,-;,) I:<.~W) W.M, .(- t c..E.NTE:I'>-lN\~'- BLVD. (NO A~<c::""S ) 5 'O~. ee'" ~ "3CDO.3o I :'08.00' 1:.2..' , o I/) r- iD cJ ::~~~'-o ~". "'" ../~ "2" \~ A~~ ~ r(/~ I.J} l' <[-k: .JI ~ ~~o Do' "\.I'..J 'Co~. e.O' . , :,GO. co --- \ ~o. Z,.,O' - o o I' .L. 0 00 VI ~ rL lllJ: 01- 1r:L 4~ ~~ P tC>-.\<..<:. ~ L. 'C.. 41,55'3 ':=>Q. PI", . \. \0 AC-.:L ~ :G' l~ l ....VJ I .. ( , I N 'e>~o CO' v-J < AC/:>Iu . Dec, TO' HAflt-E. '3Q' P::~K c/ L.- To P/L.-. ... '" , l1) 1il r j .' .~ ? (fJ , tri 1- +1 .J- If)- _ _ III O~ ~ ~:~; ~7; : LANE COUNTY.' PLANNING OFFICE . ~~, ~,~ ~<'-~ '{:: (~>; . \11- CO "\ \~. . . ~ " \~ \ ~\ ". '\ ' . '. ~~\\ \)' , '~, ~~~~ .', \}~\,::' l.~\:o' .,~j/.' \~\\\'/ LEE c., PLA!o-..l"Ts) PE. 54- CE.N"TE..N"-ll h\..- LOOP) E,0GE..t-.lE.., ORc:..GON P Ro ~ E. c... "T tv\\ t-J.of?- S'-.)6DI'JIS\OW OW N c:..R... \o(R. U M D \ EC.-\<.. B'RDs, LO~\\Ol'--l ~E-'/Ar.) ~EQ. ~~. \'Y1S, R. -=:,W) \N ,M. \.....A~c::. C.00N""'\'--() OR~GON Sc...A-Lli::...', \" --= IDa' AUG0S\) ~~;TL ., '- ~ .. .. o If) ~ cJ 5 f o o --1- 0 . ff! l{) ~ 19 1'1'1-- \ \\ !~ ~ I ('1 I ;\ ----: 5CA.LE.', ["--: IDa' ( C~""'''''''-'IV\AL... 'OL..UO, ,j~~ //W/o// V~c..I~\\Y 'J //1/1/ -/,/ o0'o~~/uJ/ MAP ~ ~~~~~~;/;/t/ 5CAu~.: 2 r Q.. ~ \ " " 4:-00' 4 /~Jl . //~ <:i.~'i:~ ///;. ~~ /; Vv,,-"?--- " \ \\ \ -,~-f4jI .. ,... " ,. tvt . /7'J /I T_ "'"2R f S~3:.//TAX LOT /U,-/ CEl. ..IS TRACT ~ 2- ]/70 "BUILD"ING,S.ITE EVALUATION () Building Permit Appl ication No. (~'Site Inspection /tJ/ 77'y' APPLICANT: NAME 0 U/Yld/'sc..h- /] HS; ADDRESS~':' b X'" !~y PHONE '3 ~)- S/ '!yr DATE .-5-I'.~ ( ) Pre-Perm it Investigation LANE COUNTY PLANN I NG DEPARTMENT' NOT NO app I i cab I e J. .Zoning Ordinance Compl iance , ( ) ( ) (Zone W~-r ) (....(/... ( ) 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compl iance 3. Requ i red Access ,e) ( ) 4. Building Site (Area, Width, ( ) ( ) Frontage, Setback) 5. Other (see comments) ( ) ( ) YES NAME, DATE ( ) ( ) (/ ( ) (~. IA~_. , 8-/7= 77... COMM ENTS : ..A MJ_A:.'~;..",\ _y )ts..t::>,u 1~/(ont.) 'I~ ~~~.;---' ~~.o:: c;.,~~ t~ 1"'7~ ~ -r ~1.1; ~ P~~e....~ --{ ---'- BUILDfNG INSPECTION SECTION NOT NO YES NAME DATE apD I i c'ab I e 6. Plans Submitted ( ) ( ) 7. Soil Stabil ity (footings) ( ) ( ) 8. Flood Plain ( ) ( ) (~7#~ 9. Ot he r (see Comments) ( ) ( ) f>-' /7 - f-z- v COMMENTS: I SANITATION SECTION NOT NO YES J N~ DATE app I icab I e (~.~ . ~:.-!l/-7'L 10. Sewage Disposal ( ) i{ ) - II. Usable Area ( ) (') ( ) 12. Water Supply (~ ( ) ( ) 13. Ot he r (see Comments) ~ ( ) ( ) COMMENTS: TO APPlI CANT: Your Building Permit / Site Inspection: ( ) , Can be app roved. () Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item NO. above. Quest ions and further informat ion on items I through 5 contact the Lane- COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT.. Questions and further infonnation on items 6 through 13 'contact the Lane County Buildinq and Sanitation Division. () Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. () Is being returned. () Your building permit application fee is being returned under separate eover. LANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 135 Sixth Avenue East, Eugene, Oregon 97401 PHONE: 342-1311 EXT. 231 LANE COUNTY BUILDING &. SANITATION DIVISION 135 Sixth Avenue. East, Eugene, Oregon 97401 PHONE: 342-1311 EXT. 411 M55-28 NO-' E ,~,U;",,,,CI-.H:CKL.\SJ-.2.N REVERSE SIDE ,J"=:::-=~"";:::;;~""~~-'=----'~-~"'---~OO NO;'--"-~I R I T E--m~;:;-Is--~'~~'c [--="-"'" ~ I~" . b '" . . tp"a1'~~DprOVeQ ;:15 a rmoor SU QIVISIOn /1 b~ th~ L2i1; COlJ~,t,Y L&(1d D~~p;I??me~~~ ~.' M ri';Vi;:';'" 'O['f'PPlU'" oq '-'/. y- ,11 ....-. # .IY ""l""'r~' r'fi'li " ~;' (;";':r'~-('t'a' ';~... 'y'" . ",,, I t\...,<,:"C"~ ",.,.,.."~~l,\~,(,..,(\.: 'X', , ,~: ~ f3j~~-.:....;&l!~::.v.~l~\.,.. ,} "~)\..)., ~"",4~'" ! C '''''-'-. ~.--<~.~ 3. , ' r \v ~ \j' revising, tt~2 lot li.nes as sho.....}1.) I establishing building setbick lin28 45 fe~t north arid of .the lot line b2tween lots 1 and 2;. ...:f,</.... ........-. .r: ~..Jr'.:t.ln....l ....-.:,~tl- c :':'l ~ t .,.! 10 f '-'A'OlCcc <.-l.on, 01. c."'., 1. 1L he' '- -'--6LlL 01. ""c.)" 0 pro\ !.c.._ or:'2- \.:i.dth of 30 feet LeO,ll conterline for Ge.l:den \'ic~y. / '~-~'~~;;~~'~'.;;_;~~~L- _.~~=~--~~,,~=-=.~.xT=n=='f\;1TNOR~~sGBDTVTSTON='-=-=-'---" ~-'-""~1 , ,_.n______. PREP".RED ~y , ! ~ " :-<;;,(/_\ ~r _ _ ?_, _ ~t'-E~.l:~?:~\~L Wi~{ C::Y,:;;.c .....,.,s:'... v:':'.2.: U 1,._(";;;:.: \'S.c_~ j't ~~:.. c Lo~:~~~~ A ^ -;, 'I' ~") C!---:.:______.:::_;.::.~ ;;':'N:i<:::;~ ~C:f' '::sc::,'S, I \_=>..::U I\=> ''''';~~,(:j':,?,=_-::;):'..." ij , ,SECTION -:-~)-::;:. ,.~ '-.~, '-F --_~- -'1- ~.... -.. j",-.~.- -.,'.... -..... - - -. I'=~;_\::.\i.::-.t-.".,-',n~\ L ~, HI_<!"?:~=:_ u - - !sc;\! '.!-c, ",;~:;t"'-'> ':?:=~___~R~i~{ "2Z~?i;~:,:;~::;~~~j .. . ' l D t;s..ul L.,(::::) t 1....9 €:.. " .. '''\' '" ..\ ~'H \W rl~ . . _ J ~;LiZ"- =z. .. ~. "01~'l) ~ G) ~ ([~ ~ /}n.., "J~',o eru 1972 . ' LANE COUNTY .HEAlTH. DEP1, :\ \ J' s: ~ ~ III '., !l.i ~ " ~4 ~ I ~ ~~ . I CE.~JT"'\-\l,WU~ '-j~- 0~' " f.! y/:% """"_ Q ;-n:;, .~ i..:- t".. /L . ~ ""),, -- tU ..,;[.,), . ,\ "'1/) '''; , '~r{J .' ~ . '~G/!.e",,_ -~ ,/\C, \ '-II'T""'" .....'A9 , Ce ;.Ji::;.!..r':oU.~ ~:r:'t!Ir.t'=.~----~- , .~ ~ ~)\Vf'!ER t . :.. UD F~ :. '.)~~' , . l: . ~j F'H (, ~!;: '! I I I. C~N~ 1 I i ~ , . {~ ~ l ~ ~. . ,: ~ ~ ~ . ~ r. ! .::.. j-...j, t--.i 1/,-- L:- . R:.:, LV 1,:::,;~ . "~~...____-.......--........____.,~~_~ .,.~~. ":~. 4-'--"-:'_-- fC;;;-~"~" Ii I I I [J IJ.o....."',e II I 11- -. _ ,~ III III ~l I ) , .~J::p f"->U.\~d""';:J~ rl-<--; UL' -:, " I . ~,) .li~ l 1 LOTI ~~- p.;,u.ld ;~:L~dbC\C. k .J:in~ 1 ~"f - -I 'iT', d . ~ -'~ if) ~ rl . . I {' 'L-'- [L' ~.1. ,......:..P-:o\.I!I.E....'..,...,~ S~TOCl:::.~. m:<:>,~ -1_ _ I '2j I I 1 . I -<\~ I' ":. - ~e,;d i j I 1 j/~ I I LOT. 2-' ~~c./ :t ~ " ; i ...,:.... i L LOT Q ! ~~ ~. I 3'" 1 !. 12-5.:::4' . \,,1 .\ \..---'~~~-=-~ 5 , ,. f ~ j ( 9 ~ 1. (i 1'1 " " ~ ~ ~ y ~ ',r,~ ~. ,I (; 1.11" " :03 , THIS' MAP is FOR THE PURPOSE OF MINOR SUB DIViSION APPROVAL. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO RePRESENT AN ACCURATE SURVEY OF Tn':: LM!D. I ~ ~ ! i ~ -~._~'. . . ~ i . C:;F- APr:1r.;:,OUl;.;.l_ J, . ,.:'.__ U SOllr~~~ t.0t:i 1. Il-o~- ~.~. " August 29. 197;1 ~:i-:';;) .if &J.~1JC~ f nal' ~ fI.r. Leo Mill.. 5e~" MlU$ CountyPl~ CcEra1l1u.4cm COllt'thOU::;$ E~e, Ore&Qn ~ ? fte" b7 Spollraan ~ Jubdiv1i.d.on Ttlp. 17 .~"$ J ::1e~.. ',).11 '1'.1... .}100 Lly~l;.'tiaat.1on of the above dOliller1bed pr~7 1nd1eat.e! it ~, be approved tor the 1n$tallatlon of 1n4111dual aubourtace Q~$$ d1~po;Ml ~_s.. \.::::/ J' -./ JOHN C. STONmt. it.,}.. lJb'"~ , Balld1ng and. atmitat.1Gn Division ~ ~mtu~1 ~ '\<V f\ ~;;; t~rv ~ ~.\; ~j \pI 8)'1 S.!f. .Aub1n1, n.3. Srmita\1on tl1V1~on CC I ~ SPf)1l.mm1 417 is GWen flW, Eugene, ~ /( Ai ) , I