HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-10-6 .. RESIDr.r.ITIAL" APPLICATlf!lf;PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: fJD~o ~(\if.Q ~t H ASOBSDOl"S Map /I Subdivision: City: Q.mer: '\.,\.9 ~ \ ') } Address: I'\d-~ 0 n n n n Ne>M ~ ~ O\Cj \ fl, Co .p)q Addi ticn RemodeZ .~lobi Ze Hc:n(J Date of AppUcation Contractors . General i Plumbing I Heehanieal I E.!,,,ctrieal (I i J Wi) 0 n r-, ,Superv1.,.ing Eleetr~eian .R- Phone: l4 \0 .ct\W Zip: 6scPibe fl'Ol"k: D.~'S f\lr1 Va lUB / \ BIdrs Board Re\!. Phnnp Addrpss , Lise. II r-Un r"'Tl\ \f", _ Receipt # \SO:S9 v Siqr.ed: Date: rfiCDCJ , n . Co . XLi gxtiires It ill ths responoibility of the psrmit holder to BSB that all. inopectiona ars made at the proper tims# t1:at each ~e88 is l'oadab!e ftaom tM street. and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. .Bui!di~ Divi~i..or: approved plan shall. remain on the Building Sit~ at all times. PtlOCSDURE FOR IN.~PECTION RE:OUEST;CALL 726-3769 (l'ccordepJ state YOUI' city designated job numbeI', job addPcs8, typo of in3pec~icn . rsqucstcd and lJ,:en you LJill be I'eady foI' inspection, ContJoactoros 01' CUnars nama and Fhone numbCt'. Requests I'ecsived boforos 7:00 c::l t..'iZl be made the same day, roequests ma.de after 7: 00 am !Jill be made the next WOI'king day. . "I , . " Your City Deoigr.atcd Job Number Io: B:1 ((") J..() Rnnyi.,.p-p TU/,;tp".r.tiqnfl O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation. but priOI' to set up of forms. D.WM~uB~u~mG.uE~M~L& MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be TTrlde after trenches are excavated and forms are i~I'ected, but prior to pouPing cCl:cretQ. UND8RGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER~ W,1TE.ri~ DRAINAGE: To be fTKIde pPiOl' to fil.- lir.g trenci:es. o 0; UNDERFLODR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatallation of ilool" inauZation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to 'Ii instaHaticn of fZoor ins16lation or decking. ~ f"{J/ROf./GH PUNnINC. (ET.ECTRTCAL)& MECH- ~ ANICAL: No :,)Qrk~overed ,ur-til these inspections have beer. made and apPl'oved. O Fr.r?EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. O FJUU~ING: ~~st be requeated after approval 0.':- rough plwr.bing, alectPi- cal & mecha.ni.~al. All l"Oofing bracing & chimneys, etc. l1r..lst be ; completed. No tJOrk is to be con- ,.'. cealed unt~l this i.nspection has .be~n made c.nd approved. O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTIOH: To be made aftel' all insulati::m ar'.d ., rcquiI'ed vapor baJ'I"ierB are in place but before any lath. gypBUlOl board or wU covering is appZied~ and beforoe any inouZation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPE~ION: Te be made after all drywaU is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamD, gl'OUting or verticals in accordance LJith U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. o CURB & APPROACH APRON~ After' forms are created but priOl' to pouring oonarete. SIDEWALK & DRlt~AY: For all con- crete paving within stroeet right- of-IiXJ.Y~ to be made aftor all exca- vating complete & foPom WOl'k & sub- . base material in pla:Je. o o FENCE: When compZote -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. I DEMOLITION OR NOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani tary 8e'.Jer .::apped at p~opert1i lir:e ~ Septi~ tank p-.c:7ped and fiU;:~ L1ith ara:Jel I Final - rlher. above items are completed ~ and when demolition is complete or stru~- ture moved and pr~3e8 .::leaned up. Mobile Hemec =:J Blocking a1Uf Sat-up =:J Plumbing connections -- scwer and wa:ol' ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections nr",st ce approved before requesting elec~rical inspec:ion =:J Ac.::essol"d Building I Pinal - After p:}rches, skiI'ting, decks, ~ etc. are ccmpletcd. o 'All pl'oject conditions, such as the installation of stl'eet trees, c~~lation of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be requested. o FIliAL PLUM3IIIG o FINAL MECHA/lICAL ~FINAL ELECTRICAL o - ,.- o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be roqueated after the Final Plwnbing Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inopectiono havo beon made and approov2d. o "'AU, MANlIer,F.S AND CLF:/1NOUTS H1J8T BF: ACCES$JBr.F:, AD.mSTtfF.NT TO HE /.!.1DF. !!1' NO C:JST TO CTTY I Pa[~(~ of 3 I JOB NO. I Zon.: Lot Sq. Ftg. I of lot Coverage !i of Stories TotaL Height Topography I lITEM I~~:n SQ.FTG Garaoe Cal'OOl't I Acaes80ru I I TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. {vat.UCJ 1. S:t: Buitding Permit State Surcharge TotaL Cha.~ge3 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Occuvancy c4 WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle CuL,de,eao x Value CHARGE lITEM I Futures IResidential (1 bath) I Sanita1'!J SeuJ8ro Water NO. FEE PLumbing P6l'mi t State Surcf'.arge Total Charqos I ITEM . NO.' FEE I Res. Sa. fta. I N6>!/E:t:tend Ci"ouits ~-;- I Te;mporary Service I !:1 !) ~:'ot~o~;:lit Stats Suraha1'Q6 Total Charges lITEM Furnace ETU' S E:1:haust Hood Vent Fan I WOodSt07J8 Permit Issuanoe Mechanical Peromit State Surchazoae NO. I FEE Total Charaaa I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SecuM. t.1I Dsposi t I Storage I MaintenantUI I Pemnt I TotaL aha"".s I Curbout I Sid_Lk I Fena8 I ELeot"ioaL LobeL SOP>O Mobile Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:.' I I I I I [);.J~,'SO I I~"S .n( 1?/1.:S0 I ,9-% loCI . ~<(; . I I I I CHARGE CIIARGE I .().() I I I 3C\. '5~I. L-COG'" I Lot Faoes ' I I P.L. INo"th East South IWest Type/Cor.st: . Bedrooms: I Enerq,l/ Sou.rces Heat Access. I Wats,.. Yp.ntn.,. I Range I I Fireolace I ' WOOd3tOV6 Tuve Setbacks House Garage -- Fees Building Value & Permit This pernrit io granted on the erpreos condition that the 8d.~:d construction shatt, in aU respects, conform to the Ol'dinance adopted b'y the City of Springfield, including the Zoning erdinance, reguLating the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, and maybe sUGpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . . Plan Check Fee: Date PaUl: Rec~ipt H: I Signed: Plumbing .' PermIt No percon Dhatt construct, install, alter or change any neW or existing plumbing or drainage syste:n in whole or in part, unless suc;; person is ths legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operatec by the appli- cant. . Electrical Permit Where State La1.J requires t;..at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label, has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit . Pl.an Bxanl1.ner va,e I I I . I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the oompLeted appLioation fo" pemit, and do hereby certify that all inforrmation herson is true and correct, and I further certify that any am aZl WOJ"k perforr:rred shaZl be done in aceoJ"- dance rvith the Ordinances of ths City of SpringficZd, and th~ La:.Js of tha State of Oreg.:m pertaining to the lJOrk deseribcd herein, c:nd that NO OCCU- PANCY wilt be rmde of any structura LJithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractors ar~ empl~yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.0SS will be used on this project {!~,if/~- ~(17:J