HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-7-7 ."""'.~~___..... .1 _ ~.,,,,"'" ".... ..~._.. _..... .~,..-~.~........_.'~..^...'L,.-.......... .. RESID~T1AL" . APPLICATIu.fIPERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ' Job Location: <L23O RAt(~ rwe-: Asaeeaore Map 6 /7 C2Z:3:3 I "'f SPRINGFIELD ~ It Rece.;pt 6 \ I 9&,f} . LJG6 Subdivision: ~~..rwf) Ail7)mfYIl 11') Ta:r Lot 6 mm, ~JM71{ ~ L / 1/ /' Q,mer:, 7,cp?YtJ,t:': ,/~/.AL\IYI! ___'\k1P Address: /4/? k-t=3WY-h /P.I). City: _ <:::U:?/N":.70.f) Phone: 746 55cB Zip: C;7<f77 ,101, \ \ I \ ~Nt:Il" n Addition n Remodel n ,'.!obilil Boma Describe f,lork: 7D .sUlljJ A S}(6!e:17i(l1ILtr~Ii)CJ cY' ev00.!:)'Fl'(t::}11e C/JItJ..srRLC77ClV' 4- (NO R-CCR.HOlXetAYT7-! A1T4CiltlJ ~ 111 G.e-- 1~7-'fJ8 ~---..... ::::to~s 7B?rY1/~ C, / A0L\Nl/ (dr3es;~R.o. 4:7iP,4- ID%/$/~ ~ ) nwnbing . r ,;:;-:~S- 5ir1J/77/ PL/ fi11?!IV['7 45'6I:l)JCf~~ 171';{P, tP/fo/29, -"'?2:r5,;'-~/iJ7 - I Electrical .1?-/NN( .c1P'.e:rRY~ "'T'U4?///;e5.. 'TFI H)~ CR'1Jfr2..- ?O-'Zo7c:. IC0/BJ C:7i7 !~Z I Mechar.ical i!<:;.>:rrlAfY) HnJ11Nh- ;23)y4/2- .BJ~..IJ&/y.? q--;.#() ~'\2Jf I/ZVf3! ~z:3 2:590 Const"'ction Lender ,!J.q?/,/A0'771 ~) ~k'OM ' ' It i8 ths I'8Sp011sibility of thB permit holder to see that all inapecti07l8 are madG at ~hs proper tim~.. tr.at QaCh addros8 is readabZe fl"Offl ths street, and that the permit card is 1.ocated at the front of the prtperty. -4Bui!dirr.g Di.vi::ior: approved plan shell remain on the Building Sit,; at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'pUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job number, job addrcss, type of in3pec~icn requested a~.d when you 1.JiZ"l be ready fol' inspection, Contractors or O/Jne:os ncme end phone nwnbcr. Requests l'eceived before 7:00 tr:% J.'"ill be made th€ same day.. requests mc:.de after 7:00 am will be madil the next :JOl'king day. Date of Application , Gd7/m 'f Value' ~roo,co, Signed: Date: ~OS3V Rp.mJi~p~ T~p~p~tir.~R rv:J SITE INSPECTION: To bil 11KZde aft61' lLJ excavation, but prior to 8e~ up of \ forms, O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covel'ed. ''''\ ~ r;;;l FOOff/lG & FOUNDATION: To be muie L::::lJ afteI' trenches are excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to pouring ccncrete? 1'1 :;) it:: f.X:l UNDERGROrlNTJ PLUMBIN1fo' SEWER. W.4TER, DRAINAGE: . To be TTr:lde prior to fi~- 'Lir.g trenches. , 'd\ r:7l, UNDERFWOR PLU/,mhG & MECHANICAL: lLJ To be made prior to inatalZation of ~ fioor insulation or decking, DEUOLITION OR ;~:OVED BUILDIiJGS ~ Sani ~ary se"..Jer ::apped a.t p~opo;rt'd lir:e :==J Septi~ tank ~~ed and filZa~ with gra~BZ ---, Final - flhen a.bcV6 ite.'1ls are completed ---1 ar~ when demolition is complete or stru~- ture moved and prannses aleaned up. [Z] D ~ r71 FRAHING,' Must be requested after ~ approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. All roOfing bracing 4 chimneys.. etc. nr..lst be ; completed. No wrk is to be can- . .~.cealed until thia inspection has ~ b6~n made and approved. POST ANO BEAM: To be made prior to instaLlation of floor insulation or deaking. )~ ,~) 11../ ')... ROUGH PLUHBINC. ELEt!rRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :.k:)rk is to be covered . ur.tiL thcsB inspections have beer. mad~ and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to pLacir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tion. Mobile Homes ::J Blocking and Sat-~p ::J Plumbing connections -- scwer and wa~er ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up. -.--J and plwnbing conr:ections lTr.ist co approved . boforc requesting elec~riaal inspoc~io:1 ::J Acaes.7ol"d Sui lC.ing --, Final - Aft~r p:}rcr.es, skirting, decks.. ~ etc. are complet~d. D PENCE: Whet: ccr.rrplete -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P,U.E, ' D o [1] (2'] [Z] o ?-"'l FII/AL PLUMBING 2:.4 FINAL MECHANICAL '1~ FINAL ELECTRICAL AZl project conditions, ouch as the instalZation of street trses. ca~lation of the requil'ed landscapir.g.. etc., 1I'lU8t be satisfied bcforil the BUILDING FINAL can DO requost3d. I~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must ba roqueated after tho Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspilctionn have been made and approvad. >tALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE.J.fADE AT NO COST TO CI'1'Y I Pafo 1 of 2 .' pcge . I JOB NO, ~S3D SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- L-COG~ Zone: '-1)~, oc<:upanc;;.: ;p.~i~/ TYPelcor.st:..F?' Bedrooms: ,",? Lot Sq. Ftg. R..,-:;>o LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - /?".~ - r I Eneray Sources TuDe S of lot C3IJerog" /6" ~60 . L Interior I Setbacks I I Heat ~r p>~~)"" c: . I P. L. I House Caraqe Access. J I Water' .lip-attn' ;5~. # of _tOM-es -7- Corner INorth 9.. ~ I I Range .., Total Height -:2 // Panhandle IEast::;r,..:oS-'i y~' I I Fireolace Topogra:Jhy O..:;;::~ CUL-de-sac ISouth 4i' I I Wood"to"e <' IWest 'A? Jiil/ I I IITEN I Main I Gc:r>ace I Carvo:rt I t!::!.<Jfu . I I IS,D.C. I SQ,FTG /b~ qa;5 /?2 TOTAL VALUE (vat.uc) / ./:-zl 1,ox (/~ Building Permit State SUrcharge Tota I Cha."ges I ITEN NO, FEE l Firtures I Residential CEbathJ I Sani tar;; Sewer II I I Water II I 1~72'9f= On:".,'~d Pl.wnbing Permit State Surcr.a.:roge Total CharGes IITEN I Res. Sc, fta, /~!?:2 / IN6LJ/Eztend Circuits I Temporary Se",ice I / I b==-.4 ~/.C~II" I I '38/ I "(~; 01 I i-lip ~I I ~cACJ~7V ~.r/G' I <:f~~~~ ~1/:Z7:""" ITOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' ;J!7/~. &6' IITEN I Furnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood Vent Fan WOodstOV8 Securi tu Der>osi t Storage Maintenanae Permi t I I Curbout I Sidew lk I I I I <%sd I 97"..52:> ,. FEE I CIIARCE I ~-e.1 1/ I USl> I 1::2' IS:-- I 6, <>= I I I I I I I I I I I I I NO. I Ele~trical ~~rmit State Surcharae Total Charc;es p.~. 1;0,1 Permit Issuance Mechanical. Pel7f'd. t State Surcharae Total C11arat;ls -- ENCROACHMENT -- Total Chal'QOS / -:::("2 ' I Fen::e e?PCLabe1. ~ Nobile Home x FEE /h.SO -l,.:, .83 /?~ 3:;;3 . I ( I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compLeted apptication fop permit, and do I hereby certify that atl infor'mation hereon is tpue and correct, and I , further certify that any ar.d aU work perfomled shatz. be done in accor- I dance :.lith the Ordinances of the city of 5pringfietd, and the: La:.;s of tha .. State of Oregon. portaining to the work described here~n, end that NO OCCU- PANCY UJilt be mde of any stpuctura withou.t permission of the Eu.itding Di- r/?trision. I further certify that onty contractors ar.d e:npl.:Jyees who are in 1>3 comptiance with'ORS 701.055 witt be used on this project Vatue ,b:<':~"'" 1//.'#. I. I , =3'/"7. <>OS I /s:~1 3'p'f,7'si:;- ).. CHARGE I s:z.sz, .qo.-I I;)",:~ I I '2.0. - I I 1~.7~Dc:::>1- ~ I :5:~ I / /2.~8~ . CHARGE 3'? :5C:> /5 dt> ?::>.~sz:>1 ?~=e>I....1..-1 /'3. ~t::> /5: A!:> ,zr~ -- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition that the said construction shatt, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfietd, including the Zoning Ordinance, regutating the construction and USe of buitdings, and may be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vio-; lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Iplan Check Fee: ~ -r, S5 Date Paid: &P::' (> / - 8' V IRecdpt #: II ' / 'j, 4 I Signed: ~~ Plumbing Permit r-- No person shatt construct, instatZ, alter or change any new or existing ptumbing or drainage system in whete or in part, untess such person is the legal. possessor of a vatid ptumber's license, except that a person may do ptumbing work to property which is ow-ned, leased or operated by the appti- cant. . Electrical Permit Where State !..aLl'requires tr.at the etectM.cat work be done by an Eteatncat Contractor, the etectPical portion of this permit shatt not be valid until the tabet has been signed by the Etectrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit " M#-=-~ Pian Exam1.ner t;; -.::2~-&'8 ua<e I . p43 Diit. " '-" '-\ S- "", Sign2d -