HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 8/3/2011
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City of Springfield
August 3, 2011
Steve Hopkins
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FROM: Clayton McEachern, Civil Engineer
SUBJECT: PREll-00015 Courtney, Development Issues Meeting Considering
status of a floodplain classification.
I have reviewed the material provided by the applicant and provide the following answers
to the applicant's questions.
1. Do I need to raise the' grade by 3" and if so, I would like to discuss options for
doing this.
· One method to satisfY the requirements put Jorth by FEMA to remove a
property from a floodplain is to raise the whole parcel above base flood
elevation or to raise the building pad above the flood plain. It aoes appear
from the material provided such a solution would work Jor this,parcel,
however the WHOLE structure would need to be raised above the BFE and
placed upon a suitable Joundation, not just a raised portion oj the ground
around a structure. This raise will need to be in excess oJO.3 oJJoot, which is
3.6". Due to irregularities in mapping and hydrology it is usually accepted
practice to build anything subject to flooding I fUll Joot above the expected
flood elevation.
2. IfI need to place fill to the raise the grade even by a small amount (3" deep,
2-3 feet around the perimeter of the foundation), would this require a
Floodplain Overlay application and approval? Would it require an ;LDAP?
· Application questions answered by Planning. Any fill placed in a regulatory
floodplain requires an LDAP. However be advised that placingfill around a
.residential structure does not satisfY the requirements to get a LaMA as
residential structures MUST be above the BFE and cannot be floodprooJed
3. Do you agree with the BFE provided by my surveyor? Apparently he used
the BFE set in the Clear Vue Estates Plat as part of his determination.
· Without a clear explanation and documentation oj the entire method used Jor
determining BFE it is impossible to comment on the validity oJa BFE
provided by another qualified professional and ultimately determined by
FEMA. However different reaches oj a watercourse can have drastically
different flow characteristics and determining an accurate BFE in an
approximate study area is a non-trivial exercise, and usually cannot be
extrapolated from either an upstream or downstream reach. FEMA seems to
Note: As is stated in your Development Issues Application: The Development Issues Meeting is not a land llse
decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant': or tbe City to any
course of action. The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints. The status may
change oyer time as development conditions or standards change.
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have provided a BFE in their reply paperwork and this is the value the city
will use in determining any application, pending FEMA approval.
4. Will the City sign off on the Community Official section of the LOMA-F
· At this time it does not appear you have met the requirements of a LOMA-F to
qualifY a residence to be removed from a regulatory floodplain. The entire
structure must be above the BFE, including any attached garages. As such
the city cannot provide an approval on any application sent to FEMA
requesting such a reclassification.
Other Comments:
Upon a recent site visit it appears that the property in question would be the most likely
area for any flow in the channel that exceeds the bank to run into and the home is at risk
for flooding, as much as any property adjacent to a watercourse is. This reach of the
channel is part of an approximate study area and exact base flood elevation and
floodwaylj/oodplain demarcation has not been accomplished. This makes. determination
of the exact status of the residence in relation to the regulatory floodplain extremely
difficult. .
Date Recelvetl:
Planner: .::
8-3-1 J
Note: As is stated in your Development Issues Application: The Development"Issues Meeting is not a land use
decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the appli~~ or the City to any
course of action, The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints. The status may
change over time as development conditions or standards change.'