HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments COUNTY 7/28/2011
L1MBIRD Andrew
FIELDS Phil [PhiI.Fields@co.lane.orus]
Thursday, July 28,2011 12:54 PM
L1MBIRD Andrew
PETSCH John S; PARKER Laurie M; PAUGH Jennifer A; RANDALL Darrell L;
(SPR) PRE11-00014 (Brown) (Thurston Rd.)
TP File:
Tax Lots:
PRE11-00014 (Springfield)
Elena Brown
Elena Brown
8067 & 8101 Thurston Road
101 & 102
Partitioning of 2 lots within the Springfield UGB
Comments from Lane County Transportation Planning:
The subject properties have frontage on Thurston Road, the adjacent portion of which is an urban (within the Springfield
UGB) Lane County maintained road It is functionally classified as a Major Collector road, having a minimum right-of-way
width of 70 feet for development setback. purposes [Lane Code (LC) 15.070(1 )(c)(i)(cc)].
Any structures proposed on lots 1, 21, and 19 (which have frontage on Thurston Road) as shown on the applicant's
conceptual development plan are subject to the Building Setback Requirements of Lane Code 15.070.
Pursuant to LC 10.600-10, the City of Springfield shall have the responsibility and the authority to administer its land use
regulations on urbanizable land (unincorporated lands between the Springfield City Limits and the Springfield Urban
Growth Boundary) within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. Unless and until Thurston Road is annexed and
jurisdiction is transferred to Springfield, it will remain under Lane County's jurisdiction, and Lane Code requirements will
Transportation Planning concurs with the applicant's concept of a single shared access approach from Thurston Road to
serve the proposal. Because Thurston Road is a Collector, it is subject to the access management requirements of Lane
Code, including, but not limited to the following:
LC 15.137 - Access Management Requirements
(3) Where a right of access to a collector or arterial road exists, the maximum number of approaches to the road from land
within one contiguous ownership shall be one, irrespective of whether the land may be divided into two or more lots or
parcels or whether property frontage and spacing standards of LC 15.138 would allow additional access points. More than
one approach may be considered if, in the judgment of the County Engineer or designee additional approaches are
necessary to accommodate and service traffic to and from a property, and additional approaches will not interfere with
driver expectancy and the safety of through traffic on the road.
(5) Driveway and road approaches on County Roads shall be located where they do not create undue interference or
hazard to the free movement of highway and pedestrian traffic. Locations on sharp curves, steep grades, areas of
restricted sight distance or at points that interfere with the placement and proper functioning of signs, lighting, guardrail, or
other traffic control devices shall not be permitted.
The existing access approach is located on a curve with limited sight distance due to the degree of curve and the
presence of large trees and mature vegetation. It is unlikely that a second approach would be approved along the subject
property's frontage while these conditions exisl. All proposed lots will be required to take access from internal roads, and
not directly from Thurston Road.
A Facility Permit [would] be required for placement of facilities within the right-of-way of Thurston Road. facilities and
development includes, but is not limited to, road improvements, sidewalks, new or reconstructed driveway or road
approach intersections, utility placements, excavation, clearing, grading, culvert placement or repiacement, storm water
Data ~eceived:
Planner: AL
. .
facilities, or any other facility, thing, or appurtenance [LC 15.205(1)]. A Facility pel [would] be required for the existing'
approach to Thurston Road, in order to verify that the portion of the approach that is within the County right-of-way meets
current County standards [LC 15.205(3)].
In accordance with Lane Manual Chapter 15.515, storm water runoff from private properly shall not be directed to the
road right-of-way, or into any Lane County drainage facility, including roadside ditches. Ditches adjacent to County roads
are designed solely to accommodate roadway storm water runoff.
Thank you for providing the opportunity to comment on this proposal. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free
to contact me.
Phil Fields
Lane County Transportation Planning
3040 N. Delta Hwy.
Eugene, OR 97408-1696
Date ~eceived:
Planner: AL
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