HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-20 .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATICaJj'ERMIT 225 North 5th Street ,., Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD Job Location: 1l2l2 q ~O f\lt1 \l1C\ J t \J)\ ~ ~ \~ tJ~d SQ I ()Ta Lot H Df08m ~\) ~=<<I ~t\~ b. pry. P:P! Date of Applicaticn :-Contractors ^drlrp~~ Iceneral./PtP-X \.,l\;;}.J.L.D-l\~l ~\~ \~") ~PIumbing \\, ~ Nechanical \\ 0-...... . C:J.~ctrical ~!i~,<:., r~\l'r'''m ~(\_ , Supervtfling Elet; t r,il: i~ln i' AooeBDor: Map K Subdivision: Q.mer,~'t\.J:-r (\)\ i...\:\ \ C)..QQJL Addr...~ \ UJ\JJq ~~.\ ~r\~ (ty: ~N-,) ~~~ ~ . injl""'- ! ~dditiC" !n n Remodel .'fob~ Ie 110m: Phm',: "f\I'\ -3lo<6~ Zip: C\ 'V\'\ f\ Describe fl'ol'l~: Value \4~,CO Lise. '/I Illdrs lIoar(1 txmc\.\.Ln" ,f I'Jq , o () c9::fJ ~'l:-.C)Cl'- J". tll,\ . ...........r~ ~. dJ ;c.f/77 "' Sigr:ed: LOto: ~^ ~ ('at d'IJ /X4 L- I 1/ Expires Phrnp &!J1.IQn 9A3. \\~5 , R'C~. 4-f\A.\"A ....q{)4,;:) 4 l"Kf\-\~\();i . It 1.6 the rsoponoibility of tl~ permit holder to 866 that all inopcctions ara mado at the p~OpB~ timt, t~at taoh ~'88 ia ~e~~a~:? fl'OI1I th" otreut, and that the PC1'mit aal'd is locatod at the /J'Ont of tho property. tBui!di:1g [r:ui::io~ appl'or.:cd plan s1u:ll pernain on tht Ou~ldblg $its at all times. P,70C~DUP,E: FOR INSPEC'fJON R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (z'ccorc!or) otate your City deoi!}natad job number, job address, typo of in3pac:icll raqucsted a::d when YOII wil Z. be roady for inspcct{,on, COlltractorlJ or <AJnars ncmo and phona number. Requests rllcsiulid bsfa~e 7:00 a"1 ~ilt bs made th~ same dcy, ra~'ostB mado after 7:00 am will b2 mado tho next working day. ;_Rl"l71l':~P.d T"!-;mr>rti(,:r'I.q O SITE INSP!'C"."JON: To bi! IOOde alter axCGv.:ltion, ;'1.It priol' t~ se: lip of forms. O UNDoRSLAB PLL~m[Nr., oLoCTRI~'L & NECHA,'HeAL: To be mada befol'f3 any work is ~ovcred, ~ 10 !o , o FOOTING l FOUND,'TIOI/: To ba ""ca aftar tretlChi!:J are excavated and forms arc erec tad, bu t priol' to pouring ccncret~. U.\tDERC.WU.~ID P:'UM21NC.. SSI/F.,~, f/.1TE.~.J DRAINAGE: 7'0 be tooJa pJ'ioJ' to fiL- lirJ} tl'anc}l(le. UNDERFUOOR rf.UUBING ,~ ;fECHANICAL: To bo made prior to itl:JtaLluttotl of floor inaulction or decking. POST AND BEAI,I; To be made prior to installation of floo)' imH~lation or decki~ ' nnUCf! ?r.u,'m mc /T.f,f.;r.m !CA!.J" MF.Cf!- ANIC,n: No work iir t'o-be <,:ol:Ol'cd ur.til theBe i'13pec.:t.io,:n have beer. made and app!'ove:!, FIREPl.ACE: Prior to plc:.cir.g facing mctel'tals and befor'l! fl'aoning inspee- tior:, FRA}~INr.: Ml::t be rec;ueDted after approv.:Jl of l'ouyh plwrhin(J. zlcctri. cal & mechani~al. Al! rOOfing bracina t chimncya, et~. nr~Bt be :comptatcd. No work io to be con- , coc.lod until t}li-o inspection }IllS . b'~n mad.: and app1'Or.:ed. [B D , ~ I , D o D D Your Ci ty Dcaigr.a tcd Job Number 10: ~ INSUf,A'l'JON/VAl-'OR 8ARRIf:R INSPECTION: To be made after all inuulati~n and requ~J'ed vapor ba:t'riors aJ"O in plaoe but cefore any lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applisd# and boforQ any inDulation is concealed. P/1nS\/n ., DfWLIT ION OR !.IOVoD BUILDII/GS :J Semi "tQ1'Y SBUel' oappod :it p~opcrt;. Zir.e :::J S.pti, tank pump.a and filha ..nth .ra,.l --, Final. - '{hen above items are completed ~ ar.d when dsmolitior. is o~npleto or Dtn.~. turD moved and pr~sos oleaned up. Nobile nomeo :::J Btaoking and S.t-~p :::J Plwnbil1t1 connections .- Dt1JOI. and wa:al' :::J Eteotrioal Connaotiol1 - Bloeking# Da~.up and plumbing eonnootians nr~8t to appro~Bd boforc requBsting elso~rical inspoc:ion ~ Aeooasorll Building ] FiM! - Afto. pD.oh.., '.ki.ting, ate. lD"tJ acmpletcd. decks, r71 DRYIIAU. INSPCCTION: To bo fOOds ~ altel' all d,'ywaLL io in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steal location, bo~d beam3, !}T'Ou:ill(} or verticals in accordance ",it}, U,B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTO'lF.: ccmplt.!tcd. A[te"I' i'IDtallation 1.0 o 'ALL PY'OjCI:t condi.tiona, vue.': au tho i,nstallat-:.on of O:l'eat trees, co:;rplotion of the' 'l'eqllircd lam!9cc:pil:g, etc., mus~ bo aati8fiod before the BUILD1NC FINA4 c:an ,!Is r6quDDt:Jd. o FIliAL PLW.!DI11G D FINAL f.fE':flA:lICII!. ;[2;1 FINAL ELfCTHICI.L Ip o FINM. BUIJ.f)[NC: 'l'he P-inal Building 11IopaatiotJ mllDt bo roqucotad after t}IO Final PllUnbill1 Elcctz"ical, mId Meehar:ical Inspectiono lIavo boon made and approlJi!d. CURn & APPRCACfl AP80N: Alto":" forms.. a:t'e erected but pr'iol"' to pouring .::on'::"I'ete. SIm:f/A(,K .f DRIt'f:f/t.Y: For all eon- CJ'ete pauiruJ withil1 utr'aet ri(}lJt- of-way, to be ,nado aftoI' all exca- vating cClnpletc & [amI LXJrk & cub. base material in pla~e. !'ENeE: Jt}ICr. compkta -- Provide gatcc or movable Boationu thl'ough P,U,E.. 'M,L '.fMIlIOLoS ANO CU,'ANCU'l'S !lUe7' m: ACCoSSI8LF., ADJUST/foNT TO 80 1l1DE AT N~ COST TO CITY I Po!,a of 2 I JO() No.8lrbHo b"".: '\..I\\L Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ Dr lot CDverag< .If of StorieD Total Height Topography I liTF.1f /"".(.-U:II IC<-.J'nr.e I CartJct't l/IcCC3!lOt'11 1~~~4 I I I I 15,0.c, TOTAG VAwe (lJC.Luc) 1.5 :J: : Building Permit .sea to SU1'charga Total Charge. -~F. I I I I I I I I I ITE:N !Fi.rtlaco IneeidR"tial (1 bath) I Santt.1ry Sewer> I Wct(!r I PttUT/bing Psrrr.i. t Stats Surcr.arge . J'otal Charqe. JTt;u 'Rf?:J. Sa. rtn. I N.;w/Extend Circuito I Temporary Servico I I NO'1 [.:)~I I I I I Ela~trioal Permit Stat6 SurchnrQ6 Total c;ha;rS;tJ8 ---rO'j I I I I I I I I IITSH I FUrl\1CI! E!TU' S I Exhauo t I/ood I Vent Fan I I Woodnto:J(I P81'mit IS8uanoB M8::hanical P9""i."t StatD Suroha~c Total CharaoQ -- eNCnOACHIfENT -- I 1.'i'I!C:lritl( D3'f?!?:Jit I Stor~(Jn P." '~'1lI",..,.,,,. '. I J.Icr1:"tt!nan~e I PCTTflit I ':1.. 4"""'"", Total Chal"{I-otJ I c;w- beu : I SidetJo.1lk. ,r:'cm::n F:lnctl"ical I Mobi la 110mB Lobel , I L_.. REQ,- L-COG't " 1.,.... ~ FI;I; FSE ";;"',.,,1 Interior ", Corner Panhandle Cut-do-aac x Value I I I I II I -. -, ill..5CQJ --'",. I. j II \ tL c:,{11 I c:::.,,~':l., I J (LJ;.D3 . I CI/ARr;E I I I I I I I I f\1CL> I I I l,!:}iLSOI I I I I I :;)J . 50 I I I.I~ I Ic9 D,{o-3l- I CI/ARGE I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIILI- I I ' "J,..;"""" '1-<1""'.' I I I- I , I I CHARGE I I I I I I I I I I J.Q,Cj /~/"j . 'i'Hr~/Cor:n t: Bedro",<,;o: f..ot Paean - I I p, G, INorth IEant ISoutil IWant Sc tlXlckfJ l ((DUO" I f';m'(1(lf? I I I i I I II It.ccenn, I I I II I II I II I II f.11:!rOIJ SO;I1'CI;r, !feat W(lLr./' !/('{)t,.,l' Rallr;n Firf:f1lnr:.? Wood:; to!,:1Z T;II'(I F,'u?n Building Value & Perm i t Tlrin flcnnit 1:1) !7t'(HlL'(:d 0/1 tlra (u:prann conrliLl:on that tiff] lI,Jid. co,,::t./'UcUr. nltall, ill n[l. t't?flll(;:CL:l, cOlljonn to the 01'(!J:lJdl:r:l: :uJopt.,'.! ;,!, thr. City of Springfield, 1:lId/UJ::1l!1 :.lIc :~ollil1a Crd~l1n/l(:f:J l'r::lll 1.,;/. in:l th.: c:cll,'1LI':t.::Licll and ur.a of ]nll:tdillg:;, and m..!.! lw o/lcpcJldcd 01' l'cl)okcc t:L CJ:!i t~l.,,:: llj'OI: Ul laLio1t of any pr.?/Ji,'1im:n of r,aid 'Ordt:,:n."ce::, . I Plan Cileck Fee: r"] \ . 'B;~ leate Po,d: ~ \ \ ,J.r) <i<..q II1",c"'l'i II: ,012,QR'1 ISig"ed: cCil~ ' Plumbing Permit No pt?rcoll olinll COlllJtl'l/Ct, inotaL!, altar 01' ciU1l1gC GII!J naw cr C:::ilitillo plumbing or drainage n!.!ntC7t tn :.Illata or in part, w:lc:;:; ;;uch p:r:iOII io tIll leoal pocncr.nOl' of (1 lJall:d plwnbcr'e licclt::cJ exccpt tJ:c.t a 1''=:'':;011 maE-' do plumhill(} /Jork r,o pt'oflt!l't;y IJlIich ia ow'1lcd, lcaacd 01' ojlCI'(;~,;d by the cppli cant. Electrical Perm it WlIl!l'O 5tata f.aIJ t'r.quil'f!!l that tila electrical 101m'.\: b.'! donG l,y 17/1 Slf!~tri.ca Contractor, tilt? rJLact1'ical portion of 1;hiJ pCI'1l1it :;J/llLL r.ot be vali.d wlti the Iabal lino bean oi(}11r1d by the ELectrical ;,OIlt.l'a.ctor. Mechanical Permit ~~~ oG-/"S-89 vaL.: I IlAVE CAnr.FUUS EXAMINED tho completed application for pl!rmit, and do Iloreby cartify that all i~fo:mation horool1 io trwl and correct, tm:i I furtJlor carti[y that allY ar.d an IJOrk porfor:nod IIlJal! be dO:1Jl il1 aecor- danca lJith the OJ,din:1.11.cno of tho. City of Spri'10ficLd, and th: La-.J6 of tha I State of Orcg,)11 p$rt..1illillf) to tho IJOrk caRcribcd hcre~ll, cnd tJttlt NO OCCU- I PIJNCY wiLl. be M1.:!C of ally Dtructu)'a without p3rmin:Jio:1 of thn Buildin{1 Di..- vision. I flwtJIf!r cnriifii that O:1l.y contra.::tOl'a a::d C71pl..::JYOt;8 who aro ill compliance with eNS 701. oS!. wiLl. bo uoed 011 thin proJact ._~//~-?J )'1f54!V ; ~/p~ k::~ -li..- fl.ltr.