HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-3-25 .: .. RESIDENTIAL.. COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEPMIT ~ SPRINGflELD- 225 North 5th Street . . - Springfield., Ox>egon 97477 ; Building Division ~' 726-3753 = ~~ '" Rcce-:.':)t .#.t:t Sf' 2.& 7 of- Sf! 2/orf" Building Permit 4 % Plumping Permit 4 % $ 5.00 .20 5.00 . .20 $10.40 ASGessors Map #- Job Location: 208 Allen Avenue2-.Spr~ield. OR 97477 T= Lot #- Sulxiivision: OLmel': Donald Abraham Address: 208 Allen Avenup. City: Springfield, OR !Xl I I I I ; I I II""" Phone: 746-1437 Zip: 97477 Describe Work: Addi ticn Install Solar Resources Int' 1 Mark IV Domestic Solar Hot Water System RemodeZ UobiZe llama Date of AppUcation ,:ontrcu;tors GeneraZ Mtn Shadow Hames PZumbing Doug Richards Phnnbing neetrieaZ Neehar.i.c.::Z Conat1'UCtion Lender VaZue Adiires3 Siqr:ed: Date: ~~ ,~ -o/5--6L- Eise. # :f/:07663 ff'Nm h :/f20-1fi2TR E:::i;iras Phone Bl Hni: PI: 4/82 2/83 3/83 hRh-RC;C;C; fiRR -'1 1R l) It is the responsibiLity of the permit ho1.der to see that an inspections are made at the proper time. that each ~ess is readabre from the street. and that the peI'm'it cazod is Z-ocated at ths front of the property. .BuiZding [)i.vi::ior: approved pZan shan ....._w. on tha BuiZding Site at aZZ times. ,7~w-~i~~ . PROCSDUl?E POR INSPECTION REQUEST: Can ~ u-ecorderl state YOU'l' Ctty designated job 1UI1T'.bezo. job adtboess. type of i713pecticn requested ar.d. when you. uJi.7.Z be ready for inspect-'..on. Contrcu;tozos or IA.mers name 'and plums number. Requests received cefozoe 7: 00 .r.r ..'iZZ be made ths same dc:y. requests made afta' 7:00 am uJi.n be made the nc:rt :.JOzoking day. Re~i1'"d i1'!S1:JI~~t1:r:?'I.R : O. SITe INSPEC':ION: To be !1ItZIU, after =ati':Jn, but prior tc set up of forms. ~:D: UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. eLECTRICAL & :' MECHANICAL: To be mads before any : wozok is '::OlJe1'ed. !D FOOTING ,~FOUNDATION: To be nrzds after trenches are e:raauated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring aOl'lCZ'et,;. ;0 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING; SE:W'eR. W.1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to lU- "U,..g trS1lChes~ ~D UNDERFWOR PW!.aJIlIG & MEC'flANICAL: To be made prior to instaZZation of f100r insuZation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made l'riozo to inatalZaticn of j1oozo insuZat;icn or dsc:king. ROUGH PUJUBI!lG. ELECTRICAL & MEC,'1- ANICAL: No :.!Ork is to be covered ur.ti 7.. thcse inspections have been mads and ~~.vJe~. FIREPLACE: Priozo to pZaci,..g facing materials and before /~ _..':'ng inspec- tior:. ;0 '0 :0 :U FRAHfllG: Must be requeotad after approval of rough plwr~ing. elec~;- cal & mechani..::aZ. AZl. "!'Oofing Ozoacing & ahirtr7u;ys. et.::. rrr~st be =letcd. No wozok is to be aon- aeaied until this insUBCticn has been made and ~<'~. v ved. '- YOUZ' City Derigrratsd Job Numb6J' Is: 820239 D INSULATION/VAPOR BAP.11IER I.'ISPECTION: To be made after aZZ inBul..::ti..:m ar.d. requi.rad vapor o~ are in p Z4ce but oefore any Zath, gyp8t/1fl board. ozo r.xzZL covering is appLied. and before any insulation is conceaZed. D DRYWALL IllSPECTION: To be mads aftar aZZ drywaZZ is in pZ4ce. but prior to any taping. D MASONRY: St~eL Zo.::ati07!' b~ , beams. gzoout'l.ng or verttcaZs "n aacordance uJi.th U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTO'IE: After inataZZation is acmpleted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are ezoected but prior to pouring .::on...-rete. D SIDEWALK & DRrIEWAY: For aU aon- azoete palling uJi.thin street right- of-way. to be made after aZZ e:raa- vating ccxrrpl.ete & fol'i'lf wOrk & ::ub- base material. in p1.a::e. D !?ENCE: r.rher. aorrroZ.;te -- Provide gates azo mOlJabZe- sections through P.U.E. o DEMOLITION OR ,1.101::' 3UIL:::ICS ~ Samtary SelJeZ' ,::c;ped ::t ;;:'OP';:!"i:"i lir.e =:] Sept~ tank p-.mIped <X",c fUZed :Ji.th ;rrz;;eZ ; --, Final - .flhen above it2~S are C"...r.rpZeted , ~ ar.d when iemoZitior. is co~Zere or atruc-' ture moved ar.d pr;:mises .::l.eane.:: up. : I MobiLe Homes =:J BLocking and Set-up =:J PZumbing connections -- s;::,;er c:nd water ---, EZectricaZ Connection - BZock-:.r~. set-u~ --l and plumbing aonr.ectians m-~3t ::~ "":'::'.....;ed beforc requesting eZe~trical. ~r.speavion i =:], AcoeSGoZ";i Bui7.d.ing --, FinaZ - Aft;:r. ?ozoa.,hes. skirt-:.'f1{!, Moks. ~ et.::. are comp~et;:a. D AZZ [ll'oject conditions. such as the instaLlation of street trees, ac:-rpl.J~ of ;he required 7..andscc:pi,..g. etc.. must be satisfied bcfozoe tr.e BUIIJJI;-:G FI:1AL .::an ::13 r2quest2d. ,CXJ FINAL PLUMBING : 0 FINAL MECHANICAL o PINAL ELECTRICAL o @ :?INAL BUILDINC: The FinaZ BuiZding Inspection must bl3 l'equested aftezo the Pinal ?lumbing electrioaZ. and Neohar.ical Inspeationo hava been made and approved. *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEA/IOUTS MUST BE AC;;ESSIBLE. ADJUST!fENT TO BE M.~DE AT NO COS? TO CI'!'Y I r::"-2' 1 . of 2 _ ,_i , . :,,~:~-;!,~,:':~ " .,,;. . - . -'-......0:--..-.:. ...:..=....-=::::..:.:';=_-:=~_.., ..,.,-- ~~.... _. v.. Job Nwrrber: 820239 Zone: Occupancy Group: WTTYFE Lot Sq. Ftg. % "f Zot' C6verage # of Stories TotaZ Height Topography lITEM I iMain i I Ga:ra:; e I Carport : I Accessor'U ' I I , SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. (va/,ue) 1.5 :;;.: BuiZdir.g Permit State Surcharge TotaZ Charges lITEM ! Fi:l:tures l.'?esidentiaZ (1 bath) I sanitaZ'y Sewer I Water NO. FEE 1, PZwnbing Permi t State Surcr.t1I'ge To-caZ Charoes lITEM I Res; ."Sa;' fto. I Na7,J/Extrmii. Circuits. NO. FEE Temporary Service I, , I EZe~tricaZ permit' State Sur~har~UI, TotaZ Chal'qes I ITSM . NO.. FEE Punr::zce' ETU' S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Fem I Woodstove Permit Issuance Me~hanic.:zZ Permit State SUZ'charGe ' TotaZ Charoes I -- ENCROACHMENT -- \ SecrJ.rityDeposit I Storage I Ma~nte=e ' I Permit TotaZ 'Characs I curbcut 'I Sidezua Zk Fen::e EZectricaZ LabeZ I MobiZe ""me I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" Interior Corner PanhandZe CuZ-de-sac x VaZue S l).oo .20 $ 5.20 CHARGE CHARGE $10.40 - ,........- om'.' __..__._._..,__..___... Page 2 . L-COG #: Reference Nwnbers: ' . Tiir:eICor.st: Bedrooms: ' II Enerpl Sources I', Heat Water .'leateI' I I Range , FirepZace , Woodstove ] Tl!ve Lot Faces'- I P.L. Worth lEast South West Fees Setbaaks I House ) Garage I Access. Building, Value, & Permit I \, This pem t is granted on the express condi tion that the said' constrouction ' shatz. in atz respects. confoI'l1l tq the Ordinance adopted by the, City of SpringfieZd. incZuding the Zoning OI'dinance. reguZating the ccnstrouction and use of buiZdings. and'ma.y be suspended or revoked at c::ny t-":.me upon vio- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances; pran Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No peI'son shatz construct. ins ta ZZ. aUer 01' chtmge any new 01' 'msting pZwnbing 01' drainage system in 'whoZe 01' in part. unZess such peI'son is the ZegaZ possessor of a vaZid pZwrrber's 'license. except that a person may do pZwnbing work to property which is oumed. 'leased or operated by the appZi- 'cant. ' .. .~, Elec~..QIPermit Where state LaJJJ requires that the eZectricaZ work be done by an Etect;r>icaZ ContractOI'. the eZeatr:ica~ portion of this permit shatz' not be vaZid untiZ the ZabeZ has been signed by the EZeatricaZ Contractor. ' .. Mechanical Permit l, .. /7 pJ~ 3,-2.Z -, ~<-- ua-ce I r { .. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted app'lication for pemt. and do hereby certify that aZZ information hereon 'is true and correct. and I fJ.1'tr.er certify that anyar.d. atz work perfo1'!/led shatz be done in acoor- dance with the Ordin.:znaes of the City of Spri.ngficZd.. and the LcPJs of the State of oreg"n pertaining to the work i!.escri.bed herein. and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ be rmde of any structure withou.t peI'l1lission of the BuiZding Di- vision. 'I further certify that onZy contraat01's and empZoyees who are in c~~Ziance with ORS 701.055 wiZZ be used on this p1'ojeat .. J} 1/i1it~- ~~/. z. s I11I4n- l? 'L Date