HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-10 I. .. RESIDWTlAL" APPLICAT.PERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet SpringfieLd. Opegon 97477 BuiLding Division 726-3753 Job Looation: =3324 l2A-uE-,',:../-J I,u ccor--. /l--u1C.- ASDeSDO"3 Map N /7 0'::1 Zz 12.. Ta: Lot N 5/t7/J SldJdivision: CUn61': In, kE.. 'j3~<I C; PFLb i CA.IC12i l€ f:A./~c.# i LD RALE.lbH.lLOtJD Pr.onD: AddrS83 : City: I I I UNm. I X I Additien n Remodel n !.fobHR Hom3 Zip: /47-&-8(,,{/ q 7'1?7 Dsscribo fl'orl,: ~\c\.wba.9.- ~bbr1 Dat. of Applicatien 5//0)8" Valus :Jt/, ovv Contractors Addrpss Lise, UBldrs Board R'Q. . General (.RAil,;. C~;.lS"'2"'-c:.'rII>~ :lbo.:, 73.1>-,,,..,jtJ/Et.. Kt<0 1~'!4cm . Plumbing 7;),,/1...,"; P~Y181',y"". ;:l'7~3 jlu-BIVt.Y /.R-N~ Ji:,,6, I Hechanical (J",,,. 'Fp~ 7:2ew 4l';;#9/O/&--. Electrical t!!WJ..lE-1? . I Super'VJ.sin~ Electr,lclan c..e. "Elunzic. 5~ r/U>'''''-''I,1.AHf? ~ Reee-;~t N /'?Jt1 I./lf i -it&. Gb / I \ ~61 11.\ I /"/" ~M sUmodLI7.Cr-../~1! !lIte: 5:/1 D /'R"l ~1:;~8 _1!hnDP . ( Ijfff> -".; K(;> /~-~~!<<; (;,fJf-t-8$>'f It is the l'BBpono;.bitity of tits permit holder to 8S6 that alt inDpBctions. ar. mads at tJ&. pro;>Ql' tlmc~ t".at <<:ah :;db.BS is l'oadab:a fl'Onl the strest, and that t~s pemt oard is mated at t~e fr'ont of the pJ'Ope"qj, . ~Bui!ding cr:vicion approt:od plan sht.:l.l remain on tha 8u~ldinfl Sit:; at all timBs. paOCEOURE Foa HSPECTION R"OUEST:CALL 726-3769 ("ccomBl') state YOUI' City dssignatod ;fob nun-.bBl'. ;fob address, typo of in3peeok" l"squcstcd and 1J.':en you !Jill be ready [01' inspeotion, ContraotO!'B 01' QJnsrs name and phDns number. RSqt.WBts received bsfcl'G 7:00 t:"1 .'ill be mads t~e same day, requests mctl4 aftCl' 7:00 am will b3 made the """t """king day, ..JUw,,;~..d T~~'lIl~t<"r~ Iou" CitJ!:t.oeeignated Job Tfte" I.: Rq ~~9 O SITE INSPECTION: To bs "",de after I xl INSULATION/VAPOR BARRI,ER rNSPEC'I'ION: 'OF:JKJIJTION OR /JOYED BUILDINGS ezoavation, but pM-or to 86: up of To be made afteJ" aU iMulati:m ana tomB. '. required vapOl'- btD'J'i61'8 QJ'O in plac. U E but bsfo"s any lat~. llYpBUlll board OJ' D. NO lISLAB PW/.!BING. ELECTRICAL & wll ooverinn is appUsd. and be'o"" MECHANICAL: To be mads befol'B any 1:1 J' WOJ'k is "overed. any insulation is concoal.sd. . ':l ~ IXI FOOTi'NG '& FOUNDATION: To bs made after trench os arB o:roavated and tomB are erected, but prior to pouPing cencre tz. D UNDSRGROUND PLUM!JINC. SEWER. W.4TER. DRAINAGE: To be roods prior to fi,7.- l;;r.fl t"enc~e., 'd-I i.x I UNDERFWOR PWI.!BING 1& MECI/ANICAL: . To be mads prior to inataHation of S. {tOOl' insulation or decking. [Z] QJ o ~ POST AND BEAU: To be made pM.ol' to installation of 11001' ins~tation or deoki"" ::l~ I ~ I 4'). ROLI{]H Pl.l/MBlflC. EU:C'TR!CA!. .( MECH- AN'leAL: No tJOrk is to be covered ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approved. n.~F:PLACE: Prie" to plc.cir.g facing matePi.a~B and beforB framing inspec- tior.. FRA'~ING: Muat bs requeoted afte.,. approval of rough p~wr.bing~ alectn- cal & mechani.::al. Al! roOfing bracing ~ chimncys~ Bt". must bs . comp~stcd. !lo work 1.S to be con- . cealed until thio inspection has . beo:" made and approved, [ZJ [JJ []1 o ").. &) FIliAL PWNBIIIG ~ FINAL ME~I/ANICAL ~ FINAL ELECTnCAL ,OJ @ :All project oonditions, ouoh as the installation of stNtlt tJtStlS~ co::rpIotion of tit, . roequired landsccpir.fl, eta,. must be satisfied befo"e the BUILDING PINAr. can}e ""qu.s.~d. FINAL BUIWING: The Pinal Buildi", Inepeatio" '/!IlUIt be "equeDtod after t~e Final Plwnbin3 Electrical, and Mschar:ical InspeotionD hQva been mads and appJ"Ol1ad. \1 r-;;j DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be mad. L6J after all drywall is in plaoe. but priO" to <my taping, , O MASONRY: Stool location~ bo7u! beam3, grouting 01' VB1'tioals in aocoPdance with U.B.C. Stlotion 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted, D CURB & APPROACI/ AP!/ON: After foma are o1'8oted but prior to pouring OOn.:Jl'Bts. D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Po" all """- orete paving lo1ithin stl'Bot nght- of.""y. ta bc made afte" aH 6>:oa- vating camplsttl & fo~ work & Dub. baSB ma:tsM.al in pZaae. ::J Sa,.i~ 'BlJBl' oappod at p,:"p..ty Ur.e ::J S.ptio tank ,"""'Ped and li!Zod wi t~ ;/"",.l ] Final - flh6n abovs ittI:rIB ars ccmplotcd ar~ when demolition is oamplste OP DtruJ- _e IIIOvod and p"cnrlses clsaned up. 'Mobi.Ze HOmtl8 :J Blocking and S.t-up :J Plumbing oonnsot~ona ... BQJBr and wat,r ..., Eleotrioal Conn..titm - Blooking. set.u, --.J and plumbi>lg OOM.ations "",st be app"o.sd bsfOl'o NqUBSting Bl80~M.,!at in8pso~ion. :J Aaoessol'Y Build{,ng ] Pi>lal - Aft.. p~""~'s, skirting. decks, eta, ""e oompleted, D 'AT.L MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS /lUST BF: ACCESSIBLI1, ADJUST/rElIT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO crn I Pap. ! of 2 D :'ENCF:: Wher. oomplete -- PJ'OIJids gateD 01' movable s.oticne through P,U,E, o ----- -..-.-. -~-~~-_.- -.--. ... r {JOB L-COC'i NO',B'7C>~'9 SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- IZono: L~h,...:"//-> occuoonc. G4 R--;;> , Lot Sq, Ftg, LOT TIPE ~ of lot COtJerage Interior" ,f of Storie. Comer Total Height, Panhandle Topogrophy CUl-de-.ac I ITTF.1f I Mai" I Cc3'>aaR I CarooJ"t IAcae88o~u I I I 1 I hZ?'nPtrd L/97PI. Is,D,c. r~.FTG I I ( ual.UCJ ),5 :z: TOTAL VAWE " Bui1.ding PGl'mit .State Surclraroe lITEM Futures Total Cha:l'gs. Residential () bath) Sani tary $eLJer I Water N~ I I I I I x I I I .1',' I I I 17 ~~?l? I I I I Value i I I Ii I I I I I J TYDe/Cor.at: ~ a- Bedrooms: II Enernll SOW'CCB I I !leat Access. 1 I Watl!J' .'/f!atl'l' I I Range I I Fireplace I I Wood~ tot:e II Tilre I Lot Face. - I Setbaek. I P. L. House I r:arage INorth IEo.t I ISouth I Iwe.t I Fees Building Value & Permit This permi't ia granted on the oxpress condition tl~t the Baid.con3tt~ction shall, in all 1'6GpcCtO, conlonn to the Ol'dinalwo .'ldopte.l h'y the City of Springfield, including tile Zoning Crdinanca, rngulatill(} tha CCllDtr'.f~ticll and uno of buildings, and may blJ sUDpcmded or revoked at Cl:Y time upor: vio- lation of any provisior,s of said'Ordinanccs. . 1&<7, 5"~ - ). ~.Z31 /72,731 ' FEE I 7.E)0 I I I I I / <S'. -a> I-~ .7S"1 /<;:;":?,s1 ' . I CHARGE I I I I I Plumbing PGl'mit &y, Stat6 SIdC".arg6 Tota l Chaj.a08 I1T8M I Ren. 50. fta. I N3W/EJ:tend Circuits lremporary Servic6 i I ND, I FEF: CHARGE.' I I .1 I I :77.S0 I I -::?7~ I- L-I /./3 1 2:1'"",,:;, l ' I I '2~:l~/~- I I Eleatrioal Permit Stat. Surcharae Total Charas. I NO, FEF: I 1/ I 8Y7E'#V Z>~~.&,"".-<1- lITEM I F'urnaae E'fU' 5 I E:z:hau. t Hood I Vent Fan Woodsto:Je Permit Issuancs CHARGE I I I I I /<): O'f:> -l, I .?S-I j./5': 7s-1 ' I. I I I I I, --::r."= 0,= Mechanioal PGl'mit ~N. Stato Surcharae Total Char,,;'o I -- F:NCROACHMENT -- I seC'..!rit~ Dal?!!.:Jit, . (.t.! II ,I I Stor~g(J ,""," ,';'\IIM't"'Il\'" l ~f\"" I....,. ~ ' "I" 1'.,., n, ./, .....~. ,'j.' I r". II I MaintenaMQ I Permi t I r~bcu~. I Sid_ lk _~op'al ChaJ"f1os .c'cnac EIsctrical Labtll~_ Nobile Hcrn6 _I TOTAL ~MOUNT DUE:' I I I J.~ ,:" ot, <H "'-'-? /7 .~... ar" .....:-.c:.......--.~...-,4:"..J ~~"-.....'---I- t- IPlan Check Fee: I Cote Paid: I Reecipt 1/: I Signed: to/f) ,OJ? t? - i()-9.GJ Plumbing Il! J J/iM-U.. .{;IJ;.JJWr\ Permit No percon ohall constMlct, ino~ll} alter or chanGe any ne~ cr e=isting plumbing or drainage oyste.71 in whole or in part, w:leos suel1 pel'oon is tho legal poSSCSROl' of. a valid plwnbcl"s liccnaeJ except tr.at a pc:'con may do plumbing, work to propel.ty which is otJnodJ leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical wol~k be done by an Eleatrical ContNctor, the electrical portion of this permit shall root be valid w1til the label has been oigned by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit ~~~ ?.fi;:;.:--.:<'> -{tdi ~t.l1er - - ----- ,... tfa1--:z::?-g9 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permitJ and do hereby certify that all i'nformation' hereo'l is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d alt. work perfor:ned shalt. be dO:'le in accor- dancll with the 01"din:.mces of tho city of 5prin(Jfic'Ld, ar:ad the: La:..,'S of tho State of Oregvn p$rtaining to the uol"k described herein, end tl~t NO OCC~- PANCr blitl be rra.do of any structura blithout p:zrmitJ3ion. of the Suildil1(1 Di.~ vision. I further certify that o~ly contraatOl'8 a;~d e.71pl.::yeeB who are in ccr.rpliance with OR5 701.05S will be used on tl1is project I I I I L_~ #JJ Si(Jnad / ~~J'8,,} Date I