HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1975-4-6 " 1,\.\\",,",C\'~,.n.~\ , ,. " , LANE COUNeUILDING PERMIT OR MOBILE '. BUILDING 0 ,~, MH 0 PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS '/(lri~' /..~ H'e USE PERMIT PERMIT NO, , .....: , PHONE ". i'..~"."I." u~o 1-1/1. t C::~.':l"'1') MAILING ADDRESS ~~Ii."':r.-'~r. 0'1":' 'Il~' CONTRACTOR PHONE ..;.....:. PROPERTY LOCATION - INCLUDE POST OFFICE .~t4~ ,~;.,,':~O'1 PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION - METES. BOUNDS RQLeJ__~J" ,.> 0_0), Po p k TWP RANGE..J SECTION .~ 22.1. i i..<?f 9 8.&." k I CODE CENSUS TRACT TAX LOT NO. 1i~hce ;.i :nl'll EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY J'J:':Lll ;~:. LEGAL ACCESS TO PROPERTY RALE I GI:~ICC~ PROPERTY SIZE - FT. APPL. NAME & MAILING ADDRESS EII!'"r r,'~. ("!1l~C\(,:' FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms .. /\. :1tll:t.nIA~l 6':c HAL I r;: 1',10(';;) WIDTH DEPTH AREA STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT Connect to Existing Sewage System 0 TYPE CONSTRUCTION SQ. FT. :I: BDRMS New System 0 VALUATION ";l :r:':i7Jt:CY :'J j"Y. ::~l:C; '~4. SEWAGE DISPOSAL PUBLIC 0 :.,,,\ SEPTIC TANK 0 BUILDING $ WASTE DISPOSAL PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW PARK TRAILER . ,\1:1CilA:lrE TOTAL OTHERD rj.O~ FEES PLUMBING INSTALLED BY OWNER 0 OTHER: NAME WATER SUPPLY PUBLIC 0 o OTHER .OJ I !;.c~ MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH OIST. BOX: GAl. COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS DRAIN FiElD REQUIRED lIN. FT TRENCH WIDTH FT. OR SQ, FT. TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBLIC UTll. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS. FT, FROM CTR, OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FRONT ,) SIDE INT, SIDE EXT. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - DATE ,'O;H: S. -.,,':':lJ :-C' C. :!~.':l:^U0.1 USE CLASSIFICATION REAR DATE /' , .' f , ''.,,," . ./1. I .) t":' BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD Call 687-4065 to schedule all required inspections. All construe- lion shall comply wilh Uniform Building Code, D.E.Q. standards IMPORTANT: for subsurface sewage disposal and county regulations covering plumbing. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side) rORM ::= C55-13 (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG, AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE. OREGON 97401 . - Applic.nt: Gregory Malk~n Journ.l Number: RV 75-069 REPORT or FINDINGS . Prepared Dy: lJelen Newman Date: April 8, 1975 I, I CONDITIONS I AND 2 DELOW fruST DE HET FOR A VARiANCE TO DE APPROVED. 1. CompLiance with any one of the following criteria: (a) That a strict or ZiteraZ interpretation and enforcement of tlw Bpp-cificd requirement lJOuZd resuZt in practicaZ diffic"Uy or unnecessary ha:rdship and wouZd be inconsistent with the objectives of this Chapter. '" I Ii (b) That there are exceptionaZ or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appZicabZe to the property invoZved or to the "intended "se of the property which do not appZy generaZZy to other properties in the same zoning district. This property has an abandoned 60' railroad right-of-way along the back property line. In addition to creating an unsightly condition the abandoned right-of-way is used as a pedestrian way, which deprives the applicant of the normal degree of privacy and security afforded by suburban residential zoning. (c) That strict or literaZ interpretation and "enforcement of the specified reguZation wouZd deprive the appZicant of privileges ZegaZZy enjoyed by the OWM,'B of other properties classified in the same zoning district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or ma.teriaZly injurious to properties or improvements in the near vicinity. Additional fence height in this location will not have a detrimental effect on public health, safety or walfare nor will it be injurious to properties in the near vicinity, as evidenced by letters of support from neighboring property owners. "LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAmAGEMENT . PLOT PLAN Name and Address of Owner_ (6'<l<:-\,,^,":;\ ~, '~"l' ql\i~\ 'j The bu~lC:i,ng being, cons tructed under this ~' f\: , \\)\. ~\ \t. S\ \ V--- Telephone: 6<;~_~ttl~'.. ~\J-'I..-"'-C:-~ t-'\'-4,- 'ii'" \ -~-_\,----- permit will be used for Date this property was purchased Ulo....-o,,-<>:* 2).( \ \C\ 1 :2., you ever own property ~djaCent to this tax lot? If so, please numbers or draw those properties on the plot plan below, Do you now, or did list those tax lot Indicate on your drawing the location of all homes (including mobile homes) now on the property, as well as the location of the new buildin~. _ h .. _.. + , qsl\C.;':;) , '. - -:- - ~ -:- - -I' - __. ,I ffr.._ ,., ... -..., ,.. - - - - - -, ,.. -- - ]- - - i- - -- . - - - - i - f. ( _ _ n - - ----r l---~~--- . .. ...rJ~}'<:;' ! "':""-J____ I - --"'-j-- "1-.'" - , .~ !.- - 1 , 1 " ,I l,l ,:' - i ' ___ ~a~~________________. . . --: --~. ..," . . (- \... - - -. - - -- -,.0:1, .. .. ..- (..;_'!:~~------ , - .. : ~ ~~ ~ ~.~ ~ :. .. . t-.;;~:::;:: =~~~~ ~>:~ ~;;;~~~ i ~~~ =; ~I..-.. '------------- ___ __ ____~~s:__!II!:_ (--\ . . ~ .""f... ''---)..:'C~~:.._~: <:_) - ....' Name of Applicant (if different from owner): Address Telephone Applicant's Interest: Buyer c=J M74-99 Seller 0 Agent 0 Map \ \ '\ -c:<.. ?1.'.:S Tax Lot \~\-.(.l~ Permit 1/ " . ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 EAST 6TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . YOUR BUILDING ~~ I MOBILE HOMEr IPERMIT IS BEING HELD FOR THE REASONS STATED ON THE BUILDING SITE EVALUATION SHEET. WE WILL HOLD THIS APPLICATION UNTIL IJ.-f2-J1/ 1i-/if75, IF, AT TlffiT TIME, YOU MAVE IlOT FURNISHED THE REQUIRED INFORMATION, AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHMENT, YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE CANCELLED AND ONE-HALF THE FEE REFUNDED TO YOU. HOWEVER, IF THERE IS A PLANNING DIVISION PROBLEM OR SOME OTHER LONG TERM PROBLEM WHICH YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER, WE WILL HOLD THIS PERMIT UNTIL IT CAN BE ISSU~D. M55-88 . . lane county April 8, 1975 (Applicant) Gregory ~~lkasian Re: Variance Application No. RV 75-069 (Address) 690 Raleighwood. Eugene (Tax Lot) 18,400. map 17-03-22-1.3 .. The above referenced application to erect an 8' fence on the rear Dropertv line. II has been: ~.~pproved with the stipulations and conditions stated'below. D denied. The decision was based on the findings of this office (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code 10.330-50. The decision will become final 4/18/75 unless appealed to the Board of County Commissioners prior to that date. An appeal may be filed by you, your representative, or any other interested or affect person in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code 10.330-60. The appeal is to be filed with this office and must state how the decision is in error. If an appeal is filed, you and the adjacent property owners will be advised of the date, time and place of the hearing before the Board of County Commissioners, IF THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPROVED a notice is being sent to adjacent property owners to advise them of their appeal rights. For any questions on this matter please contact this office. &d. ~~~~~_ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - none - PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / 135 EAST 6TH AVE. /. EUGENE. OR 97401 / PHONE (503) 687.4186 . BU ILD I'..G SITE EVALUATI ON Q~ . () BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. :; Y7- 7S- () SITE INSPECTION T '--' <is S,Q~ TAX LOT SUBDIVI~N: LOT: BLOCK: APPLICANT DATE MCl \ -k' G\ c:;l'cx.-.. Not Applicable No Yes CK'D BY:~ ~- 9-?S' 1. Zoning Ordinance Compliance: Zone41~() JfJif (..y'6. Setbacks from c/1'of road: 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compl iance' ~) () ( ) Front Ilh1 3. Required Access () () ( ) Side Exterior 4. Building Site (Area, Width, Frontage) ) () ( ) Setbacks from Interior lines: 5. Other (see comments) ) () ( ) Side .CJI COMMENTS: ~""'::"-"'--..o"'O /J?aP_J~t,.d..%~n Jea:.E'p'~ ~o /'l. _ /' _ __ ~:!~- f"i---. ..?:> -" ~ .t' ~ 7'"~ ~~ ...A::'cl....~<:~c.:r-~ .kf/ ~ /// / ~..r_ PLANNING DIVISION PLANN I NG 0 I V I S I ON A.., ,,'" PEND I NG: YES \ "1 NO \ ) APPL I CAT! ONn ,R // "'7.'>- e:; P BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Not Applicable No Yes 7. Plans Submitted () r-) ~ 8. So i 1 Stab i 1 i ty (foot i ngs) () () ( ) 9. Flood Plain () () ( ) 10. Other (see convnents) ( ) (;\')-( ) COMMENTS: -Id4IJ;r ~ ~ ;P~ 1Jh?/-U/. WATER POLUTION CONTROL Not Applicable ( ) ( ) II. Meets Department of Environmental Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: CK'D By:e 1I~L'I- 9'- 7.5 / DATE No Yes r-) ~ ( ) ( ) CK'D BY: DATE TO APPLI CANT: ~ Your Building I Site Inspection: L(/~JJI7) Can be approved. ' 'lie), ~ Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item NO. I - above. ~ Questions and further information on items I through 6 contact the LANE- COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions and further Information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ~Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. --{ } Is being returned. ( ) Your building permit application fee is being. retu'=.ned under seD.iU:ilte cover DEPARTMENT OF lNVIRONMENTAL MANAGEM~NT 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 C55-28 ., LANE COUN.UILDING PERMIT OR MOBILE BUILDING:; MH 0 MAILING ADDRESS Hce USE PERMIT PERMIT NO. / ~ -' _1_--- PROPERTY OWNER PHONE CONTRACTOR MAILING ADDRESS PHONE PROPERTY LOCATION -INCLUDE POST OFFlCE PR(!/(: lEG~L DESCRIPTlON- -----=rwP - V RANGE ETES.~~DS lop<. ~ SECTION '1 4id..~ / TAX LOT NO. I CODE CENSUS TRACT APPL. NAME & MAILING ADDRESS FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY LEGAL ACCESS TO PROPERTY PROPERTY SIZE - FT. WIDTH DEPTH AREA Connect to Existing Sewage System n TYPE CONSTRUCTION SQ. FT. 1: BDRMS New System 0 VALUATION- SEWAGE DISPOSAL PUBLIC 0 BUilDING WASTE DISPOSAL PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW PARK TRAILER PLUMBING INSTALLED BY FEES OWNER 0 OTHER: NAME WATER SUPPLY SEPTIC TANK 0 $ OTHERD PUBLIC 0 o OTHER TOTAL . MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAL. COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS DRAIN FielD REQUIRED lIN. FT . TRENCH WIDTH FT. OR SQ. FT. TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBLIC UTIL. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS FT. fROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT Of WAY USE CLASSifICATION fRONT SIDE INT. SIDE EXT. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - DATE REAR DATE BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUilDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD Call 6B7-4065 to schedule all required inspections. All construc- tion shall comply with Uniform Building Code, D.E.Q. standards IMPORTANT: for subsurface sewage disposal and county regulations covering plumbing. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details an Reverse Side) (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 fORM::: CSS-13 . . " ... I; SITE I NSPECTI ON ApPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED 0 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED / I 01 SAPPROVED L-/ DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED 0 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED L-/ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL INSPECTIO~ ApPROVED 0;)01 SAPPROVED REMARK 5 ~~ DATEI/-;l. ~ ./)j/INSPECTJ: ~ Cl I --- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE Cl NOT READY TO ISSUE Cl DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS JI'\.I .{..,I ~ //,"" ~ Ad ,r- . 7t/7-7j-wJ1~ ~ 'I~ (4' ,--- +' I ~ I ! i . "'\ . ! Y.. ~'av'" '6 ~L...,... bc.rC'---'6J---J \',--k.=T l~"A. C \:, ) (~;:)\ Cp~r-'--t.d- =--.~ c...n_~<;" \.--TvV '1 b +--+- 4'1L\ - L. Y:. ~. , -~. ., .-..,......" . '\ ~~ \ \ I 1 ! 1 ; ;. I i , . , 1 ---.t- i .,.....".-:':" -~. ~ - . ,'-;-" I I , .._I \ I I -T--- i I I f \ , i I ! , , - ----,.., ( ./' I ,....--.. 1 1 /~ 1 \ \ .".._L.... '_", ;0:;'" '" f' ., ,.--<;."",,' -~,.,.......,_. ~'.- "-- '~"'~','-;~"---~""--,. ) 'SJ+ I \ '\,/ ,-._' ~'.'~~t'....._-.....'>..o...-;-.'IJ . PERMIT il '-\'-\\\ -"S- NOTE: NO PERMIT WI E ISSUED UNTIL THIS APPLICATI.S BEEN APPROVED ~ APPLICATION FOR: I :/ CONSTRUCTION' MOBILE HOME c=J PLAN REVIEW c=J CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY c=J c=J OWNER(-W'wtW:.t A:. M.rUt.r,~~I\.,... hCiC', lcJ~Cl\.,,~ \ .~~ Address City [:::::J CONTRACTOR S; ~ Name Ran~~ction .=J:J I ~x Lot \ <p.,~~de Subdivision G ~ Lot" - Block Property Acreage ACCESS TO PROPERTY ~Ro.d\.me~ ~=- \~, c::,h~ad ~ Existing Structures on property~~\ n .- O~~~ <: :) S ~ ~ . \..:.::,. ~ ~ 00" ~ ~ C"'\C". ~ - -\.c.-:, ( \.C)C\() '\ Be~Of f ic e Us e Onl vXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXlSJosqO{]O{XXXXXXXlOOOOQ(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ....... . ~ l ~"' ~ \ Sq. ~ fJBedrooms Valuation -0 . E', '0<'--,' ""~ ~. r::\ .~ P,....""'-'. ~ .1) V :::>~". s -- - - ~ .... O.S. REG. U \'\ Twp. ~'0--"-1 Ql..t(J I ~iP Phone \ 11.\1'4R~( Address City Zip Phone Census Tract;G/- FO I$/f) Width______Depth Property Location - O..\r SEWAGE DISPOSAL: f\ c~ Site Inspection U ',,,, WATER SUPPLY: Wall Spring' ______ Other FEES: Bldg. Waste D1sp. Plumbing Plan Review Mobile Home 1% Surcharge TOTAL ,.--..... ~ ~D~' "'~<.~,~ Existing Sewage Disposal System [:::::J w System Required [:::::J Public Communi ty CJ CJ . ~ ,?/ ~ sme of Community or Public System ~~ PLUMBING: Installed by Water Connection Name PLUMBING FEES: Sewage Connection CC;-_CJ~ -.::::.." O~ Lkr CHECK e ~i..\ PLANS 7' L..J.!3 YES FACILITY PERMIT Signature of Appli Fee Received By: Min. Septic Tank Capacity DrainfieId Required - Lineal Feet Type of Construction Group Fire Zone Use Classification BIdg Setbacks - from Center of Road Right of Way: Front A/A Side Int. ,4/-r7 Side Exterior PlANNING: ~ C55-11 Rear <:9 IRA Zone DATE: y- 9- 7-' DATE: _ ~ILDINGII DATE: '\\-~.c::, 011. "w:'? fJ : ,~~. J.... <\ -(o~ ~ l... 0"' ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SANITATION: LANE COUNTY DEPAR1MENT OF ~ ~' .,.../ ~ . lIIi RSVP MEMO . flSTATEL EDEM SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MESSAGE 0 " TO I DATE October 22, 1985 URGENT o LAND, MANAGEMENT DIVISION 125 E. 8th Ave. Eugene, OR 97401 . l?YBJECT Sept ic Inspection 12...H. Roberts, 3220 Raleighwood ~ L Atten: Carol ~ -Enclosed please find a,check for $60.00 to cover. the cost of a.septic inspection .on -3220. Ral~ighwood St., Eugene ,OR 97.401- "- 17-03-22-13-18400 - , - r-, SIGNED Loan Clerk REPLY /",'!'," ---..., - }(I., {-~ ," . " " , ,.. ;),\ iF ;1\:"rl it,. " " . I' ,'~ \ 1'''' RSVP " - ' --r - g, l' SIGNED 11.1': f' 11.... ~ !) N\' fJ h'SiP N,"; ~ "J) i'i\! j' N.\I'/' R~\ ['it) 11.1'1 I' .'I,~ "r) DATE GB.101 lNSTRUCTtQNS TO SfNDER-l. KEEP YEllOW COPY. 2. SEND ORIGINAL AND PINK COPIES. INSTRUCTlONS TO RECEJVER-l. WRITE REPlY, 2. DETACH AND KEEP PINK COPY, RETURN ORIGINAL TO SENDER. " ca Lane County Authorization for: SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FOR LN. RV. G-G- 1o~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~ Application/"~~~~~ Perm1t' /7'f 7/J /-0:"-> rowi,si1; I RANGE 03 Sf~~~~~;R/;~~: (if~:~jble) ff<<41r n t .. b ~LOCATION ADDRESS lj STREET I SECTION I TAX LOT nOUT OF 22.1.3 18,40(}-' I LOT/9RCEC I BiK CITY ZIP FROpoSED USE OF PROPERTY GJ Residential D Industrial o Conunercial 0 Public. fl'l-Rk 3220 Ra1eighwood Ave., Springfield STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY 97477 SFD UUU:;(.;TIONS TO ::lITE vESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIFIC Septic system inspection for loan review only " OF BEDROOMS I fI OF STORIES I fI OF EI-1PLOYEI:S O;~1JER I 5 NAME AND ADDRESS Roberts, CONT~~~~~ AND OSR # ~~ate Federal Savin~s & Ln. Ass. P:;RNIT TO BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESS) DECLARED ~ VALUE WATER SUPPLY o Proposed ~isting TELEPHONE NUMBER f. 0, '0-t.- !9~7, c::.'4fi.<.l (/ TELEPHONE NUMBER ~J>C -.2/3 '/ TELEPHONE NUMBER State Fed. - Roz Engel I KAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, and Jo hereuy certify t.hat all infor"mation hereon is true llnd correct, llnd that I have the following legal interest in the propctty ~ Downer of record; D cont:.Cdct p"rcha~er; [1gauthorized agent. _ I f~rther certify that any and all work perfo~d shall be done in ucconlall<;:.' ....1 th tht! Ot"d1.nanctls of Lane County and the La....s of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be l!I.lde of any structure without the pcmi$sion of t;he Building Oivia1on. 1 fur- ther certify that rcgi8trlltion with the Builder's Board is in full force ilnl! effect. as rcquit"cd by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basb for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. ~~ NAME (please print) SIGNATURE /d -2 '/-r!'f DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION ~AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! o PLANNING/ZONING: Zone Partition It Parcel +I Parcel Size Minimum Setbacks: eL, front CL. side interior rear COMHENTS: For Ln. Review purposes onlv. No special Dlannino action rcmdrcri . ten I:5ta~laVon 10- ?4-A<; --W- - Group Use COMHENTS: Dale: n 1 r;:>\?a/ _ ~~" -.P-r !/J --J,J. - j?J ~pJT~PROVE'tl~r.6j OFFl'':IAL/DESIGNEE (oer ORS 456.805(1)) - DATE LANE COUNTY D R ~T OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGE.T DIVISION, 687-4061, -LJ " 12-'ST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9 ~...:... '(i......J SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION C14-25R~ r SETBI,cr::S A~D OTnER CO:>OI1'10::5 OF APPROVAL ~IUST BE STRICTLY DESERVED. VIOLATIO:J CA:-l R!:SI.!LT IN REVO- C';,10:1 or THrs i'r.R~lIT. eITATIO:; u:mER PROVISIOClS OF L'\:->i: c.'U:;TY'~ INFRACTION ORDI::';:\CI:, AND/OR OTllER REMEDIES ALLO~ED BY LAW. IIOIlEN READY FOR r:;SPCCTION. C,\L:' 687-';065. ,\ ~lINnlu'\l OF ;\1 LEAST 24 HOURS ,\OV,\;:::I: NOTICE FOR IN5PEC- nU;I/ lU;QI,;t;::iT::i ;.i~::;T U!:;; GIVE::. HiJ'JC the tollowiflC)" information ready: rcrmit number, job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and pho~c hunber, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REOUIRE~ r::SPECTlO:lS: 1. 'Foundation Inspection: To be mil(Je after trenches arc cxc3\'ated and forms erected and when all ~atcrlalS ~or the toundation are delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed ~transit mixed~) is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-rloor Insoection: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building serVl~e e~uipment, condult, plpln~ accessories, and other ancillary equipment items are in place but beiore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. ~raminq , Insulation Insoections: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, and raclng are 10 ?laCe and all pipes, fireplaces, chimneys, anc vents arc complete and all rough electrical and plumbing arc approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. Lath and/or Gvpsum Board Ins'p'ection: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, ;.nterior rno-eXICrIOr, 1S In-prace but berore any plastering is applied and beiore gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 3. 4. 5. ~ Insoection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. ~o work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall b~ given only after an inspection shall have been mace of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. Block NaIl: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This InSpectIOn is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbin9 and electrical inspections have been made and approved. a. Wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is complete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and the manufacturer's installation instructions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved ;ewcr-or septic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, s~irting, and plumbing connections. 1. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or 8S recommended by the manufacturer. 2. ~obile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- plain management letter. 3. Nobile home tiedowns, when required, and s~irting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. Swimming Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade wnen pool-rs-installcd. ,;PPROVED PLANS NUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. TillS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }\ORE THAN"180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION HAY OCCUR IF THIS PERo'lIT WAS ISSUED ON TilE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POWT or REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL 00 SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE ~ DISPOSAL SYSTE~IS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall notify the Lane County Department of Planning and Community Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the permit, holder. If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to \ meet" the requirements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a vio- l~tion_of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 anu this rule. . Setbacks - Subsurface S~waqe Disoosal \ Septic Tank Drainfield From: Interior property lines 10' 10' Edge 01' road rlGht-of-way 10' 10' Buildinq foundation 5' 10' v;ells. other ....atcr sources 50' 100' , , . . - .[ ..