HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-8-26 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 LOT' . SPRINGFIELD e. JOB NUMBE!l qC) II Cr ~ 225 Firth Stlcel . ~,-~. ~~il{ii:'~141J SUBDIVISION: OWNER: (.1 A3f/~' (Yl U 1 )u, ADDRESS: ~ 2.. t1l.A'4 f'\ T ~) . '.\ CITY: ': '~V' \ V'C\ r't 1,t1 ~TATE: -ue.-'fY' DESCRIBE WORK: \~a U~ Ale ~ 1UI\1-.J U NEW REMODEL PLUMBING' MECHANICAl' ELECTRICAL' QUAD AREA: . OF BLDGS: OCCY GROUP: . OF STORIES: WATER HEATER: ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHEJl PHONE: ::J~I-.S11,.,% ZIP: qlii-' CON ST. CONLfl:~qJL EXPIfAuuJa ~E REQUIRED INSPECTIONS D Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover. D Rough Electrical - Prior to cover. o Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtain permanenl electrical power. o Fireplace - Prior to facing materials and framing Insp. o Framing - P~lor to cover. D Wall/C.clllng Insulation - Prior 10 cover. D Dryw.1I - Prior 10 laplng. D Wood Slavo - After 1"5tallallo". D Insert - After fireplace approval and Insl.llallon 01 unit. D Curbcut & App."oach - After forms are crr:clcd blll prior to placemont 01 concroto. laADDRESN ( ltl'ffr6't }1AOljlf \ - J - OFFICE USE - LAND USE: _ . OF UNITS' CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: RANGE: __ . r-LOOD I'LAIN: ___ ZONING CODE: ____ /11 OF 8DRMS: SECONDMIY HEAT: ____ SOUAnL' FOOlACE: _______ To ft)f1ucsl Sf" InsplJ~lIon. you must call 726.3769. ThiS Is a 24 hour rccorcJlng. AlIln~pcctlons rcuueslcd before 7:00 a,rn, will be made. the same ,:"orklng day. Inspecllons requested after 7:00 B.m. will be made Ihe following worl( day. D Temporary Eloctrlc D Site Inspection - To be made after excavation, but prior to settlng forms. o Undersl.b Plumbing/Electrical/ Mechanical - Prior to cover. D Footing - After trenches are excavaled. D Masonry - Sleel location, bond beams, grouting. .. , , D , Foundation - After forms are erecled but prior to concrete placement o Underground Plumbing - Prior 10 filling Irench. D Underlleor Plumbing/Mechanical - Prior to Insulallon or decking. o Posl and Boam - Prior '0 floor Insulation or decking. o Floorjlnsulallon - Prior to decking. o S.nltary Sewer - Prior 10 filling Irench. o Slorm Sew.r - Prior 10 flfIlng trench. D Waler Line - Prior 10 filling trench. D Rough Plumbing - Prior to cover. o Sidewalk & Drlvewill' - Aller excavation Is complete, fOlllls and sub.base material In place. D Fence - Wtlen completed. D Streot TrOGS - Wh~n all required trees are planted. D Final Plumuing - When L111 plumbing w~HI{ Is complete. --i...--.j Final Eleclrlc<ll _ When all ~ectrlcal wOJI\ is cOlllplClc. ~nal Mcclwnical - Wilen all ~ mcclwnlcal wOII~ 15 complete. D Final Oulldlng - Wilen all required Inspections have been approved and building is completed. 1ft; DOlhar MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS . D Blocking and Set.Up - When all blocklnu Is camplcle. D Plumbing Connections - When home hilS been connected to water and sewer. o Electrical Connection - When blocklnu. sel-up. and plumbing Inspections have ucen approved and the hOlllo Is connected to the service panel. D Final - Arter <.III required Inspections arc applovcd and porches, sldrling, decks, and venting have been installed. ~. . Lot faces Lot Type ,.'.' . Lot Coverage Setbacks . ~ ;:;SE _GA~ ACC I 1':!..____,_ Lol SQ. Itg. Inlerlor Corner Topography Tolal helghl Panhandle IS THE PflOPOSED WORI~ ;r'1 THE ' HISTOfllCAL DISTflICT. Ofl ON THE HIS10fllCAL RIZGISTEfl? II yes, Ihls applicallon I11Wi! he signed and npplovcd by the Ifltilorlcal Coorulnalor prIor to pmrnlt i~;:tlance. -L-_ ___ CUI.de.sac _"Y._ _ _____ _L_____,_ BUILDING PERMIT ITIZM SO, FT. X $/SO, FT. VALUE Main Garage " Carpor I TOlal Value Building Parmlt Fcc Slate SurCharge , I Tolnl Fcc (A) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures FEE Rcsldcnllal Balh{s) N' Sanitary S,owcr Water FT. FT. Slorm Sewer FT. Mobllo Horn~ Plumbing Pormlt Stato Surchargo TOlal Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnaco E)(haust Hood vf' Venl Fan I iii~;'nser N' --p /S.UV / (J . oD l O::?L~ 14 B-h.,- SO Mechanical Pcrmll Issuance . Slale Surcharge Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home Slate Issuance Stale Surcharge Sidewalk It Curbcul II Demollllon Stalc Surchargo Total MIscellaneous Pcnnlls (E) AMOUNT DUIZ (excluding eleclrlcal) TOTAL B CO And E Combined) (A, . '. " APPROVIZD: _ ------ BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECI( AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is gran led on the express condil1olllh.lllhc said construcllon shall, in all respects, conform 10 IIle O/(Jlnance adopted by Ihe City of Sprinufield, inClUding the Development COde, rcgul;'l'lIng lhe construction ntHl use of bulldlnus, and may be SUspended or rcvol~ocJ ;11 any limo upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. Plan Check Fec: Dille Paid: .----. Recelpl Number: Received Oy: Plans n~vjCWCd-riy- -..---.-- Dale Systems Developmenl Charge is due On all uncJm'elopcd properlles within tho City limits WhiCh are bnln{J IrnlHoved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS " By algrlaturc, I Dlalc Dnd n')100, that I have carorully OXollllnod Iho comploted Bppllcatlon and do hereby certify 1l1nt ell Information hereon Is true and correel, and I further eCrllly Ihat any and 011 Work pcdormod aholl bo dono In accordance with tho Ordlnancos of tho City of Sprlngflold, Bnd tho Ln\Ys of tho' Slalo of Oregon pertaining to Iho worl< UU8crlbod horl)ln, andlllal NO OCCUPANCY will be "lOdo of ony 8tr~cturo without pormlsslon of the BulldlllU Safely Dlvlslr,". I furlhor certify 11101 only contractors and employoes who arc In compliance with ORS 701.055 will be u5cd on lhls prolect. I further agreo 10 ensuro thai all required InspOCtlons ore. requested al tho proper time, Ihal oach addr08s Is roadt/.lJle from tho strool, thai tho pormlt card Is loealed at lho front of tho property, nnd tho approved 801 of plans will remain on Iho ~II05-all~ Signature '.:-_ Dale ~b?,A 'q VALIDATION: OJ;:; L/L./ RECEIPT NU~k~ / 7 ~ . DATE PAID i"1 (,,:60 --::_ AMOUNT RIZCEIVED -S::>L 1-cu/- c::- RECIZIVED BY LJ-,.-mtJf ______