HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-3-15 (2) I INSPECTION LINE. .' CITY Uf SPRINGfIELD 726-3769 -,'1 Y COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT -;J n EilERGY SOURCES: Job Address (~ T"\flvI+LD,,;L lANli .Srfl.l>. Heat . Legal De'cription ~~ ~4- /4I ~l,.T' . Hater Heater ~ '19 Range I fJO.3 ;;Z3dO n ~ ValUE of Hork: Owner A'~~I() JJJ:t~ l)lS 74lcJ dd IS'.'~o'/ II.., 'IAJ_ ~.... Phone7,1l.lh,. Buil<iino Pennit Info: Describe Hork(i.e.. Build Single A ress ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~tl/tr~ Familv nesidence With Attached Garaael c;.,p (\.{ .vr; '" ~U). {J"K.. Construction lender Address UESlliN TEAM Primary Structural Electrical Mechanical CONTRACTORS Genera 1 . .- . INfORHATlON UNt 726-3753 Sq. Ftq. '.Iain ~q. Ftg. Access. Sq. Ftg. Other New Add Alter Rep. --Fence Demo Change/Use Other - - ~ ~ C), I~ ~ (name) Phone (address) '-1/2Lu/ -4-buJ?LP .I ~ ~~tku 987J (l ir'~. no,) (exoi res) (ohonp no I~ \-{ ~o(..~il ~N~BhCrl :i' I' \ '~'.Hu..b (name I (address. ) llir:s.no.) (pxnirpc:) (ohonp nn. \ Plumbino Y/hLPAtL/!d ~~L;fl ;:'fuE;. I 'l,/')\ Electrical ~1echanical NO.1 Each single fixture PLUIIB I NG ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL I FEE I CHARt;F Nn I Residence of I HI=' I r~AB.G.E Nn I IJ:'~J:' Ir~~ furnace/burner to SQ. FT. BTU's Relocated building (new fix. additional) IS.F. Residence (j bath 1 I Duplex (1 bath) IAdditional bath 1 ~Iater service Sewer Storm Sewer New circuits alts. or extensions Floor furnace and vent SERVICES ;7I!. I '6J. Recessed wall ~n~r.p hp~tpr ~nrl vpnt each Temporary Construction Change in existing rpc;.i qp':nr.~ multifamily, corrm. or Tnnuc;trial Appl iance vent c;~oaratp Stationary evap. cooler Vent fan with sinole duct Vent system apart from I heatinq or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hood and dud. Of amps. ut \ COffi~./IND. FEEDERS Install/alter/relocate dic;tr;h fpprlpr~ Wood stove/heater Of amps. " ~7~~ 3?3! I J}.. ISSUANCE OF PFR!1IT I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that UO OCCUPA[~CY will be made_ of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that~, only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with OP.S 701.055 will be used on this project. ~. llAI-lE (p I ease print)E:meR~P :z:..1>If$'T.w14Ll9's.?'Mc.. SIGrlATUR~ ~ j-Ilz~ ..,... FOr. OFF I CE USE OI~L Y DATE 3 -IS'-8& Zone Fi re Zone Flood Plain BUILDING PER~lIT Charges and Surcharges PLU!~BING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges ELECTRICAL PERlnT Cha rges and ~ \ Surcharges V\ HECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and SurCharges : Type/Const. Bed rooms Stories Units Occy Load Occy Group Sq. Ftg. riain x Value Sq. Ft!]. Access x Value Sq. Ftg. Other x Value TOTAL VALUATION Shstems Development C aroe (1. 5~) Plan Ck. Comm/Ind ____________~/Bldo Ppr J:'",~ Plan Ck. Res 30%/8Ido Per Fee Fence Demo _ _ ____":J_C:~~S1dewalk 1.1'1S A/C Paving ITotal Comb. Permit J Curb Cut I I TOTAL 31,38 . . COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) PERMIT VALIDATION ,. ,...... 1. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B. Legal Description 1. ~xample- Tax Lot 100, lane County Map Reference II 03 43 2. examole- Lot I. Block 3, 2nd Addition to springtield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1. example. heat/electrical ceili~Q/or forced air Qas 2. exa~le- waterheater/electrlcal/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. I. examole- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- if new project, check-new - if addition, .chee k. add. ete. F. Building permit information: 1. .example - construct single family house with an a ttached garage 2. examole - remodel existing garage into family room 3. example - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAfI AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays. Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections. etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blank spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules. the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the fu 11 schedu 1 es C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES D. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is .not authorized to sign the electrical label. --- Ill. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible. Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. ;: '\~ 'y ['5-~ V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Cl erk CL . PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name signature date , ~. . M E M 0 RAN DUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD September 3, 1999 TO: Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department 9 I I Dispalch, Depamnent of Public Safety Springfield Utility Board Rainbow Water Districl Sanipac NW Natural Gas US West Communications Lane County Elections US Postal Service TCI Springfield News Regisler Guard FROM: Lome Pleger, Plans Examiner Community Services Division Development Services Depamnent SUBJECT: Address assignment for proposed Land Partition Plat Number 99-P1278 The property in queslion is currenlly Tax Lot 00907 of Lane County Assessors Map Number 17032300. Allhe request of Rodney & Jacqulein Chase, we have assigned an address 10 Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat Number 99-PI278. The Chase home is currently localed on Tax Lot 02102 of Lane County Assessors Map 17032343, and is on property being developed as lhe River Glen Subdivision Third Addition. A pennil request is being processed, City Job #991176, which will involve moving the house 10 Parcel 2 of the subject Partition Plat. The house is currently addressed 798 Royaldel Lane. The new address once the house is moved will be 708 Blackstone Street. A house currenlly exists on Parcel I, and is addressed 705 Mansfield Slreet. ThaI address will remain unchanged. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3669. Ip . .- G PARCEL A 2B5 SQ. FT. SEE DEED RESTRICTION ON SHEET 2 ~- ~ MCKENZIE RIVEF. ~ , , , \ F I L E NOTE TRUCTURE. TREES, SHRUBBERY OR OON SHALL SE PLACED OR LOCATED IBLlC UTILITY EASEMENT. DATE 17 A_ I'"~ LANE COUN1Y CLERK I OF CONVEYANCES DEPUTY fl... (.).,L D STREET' g . FOUND PK S B9'5B'45" W (3) d ~ NAIL (/)13) . S B9'26'33" E (/).... , . ~ -99.00 (/)(3ji --;;- -([~ ,E 0 · CJ -J. . 3) cS a 0)':;) .1": ~s 1 ... · ",'!>"'~'!>'" ~ 25.00' 25.00 1 . (3). I (3). PAR RIVEE S,W, 1/4. SF. SPRINGFIELL J ,\ \DETAlL "A" \ f'EE SHEET 2 i . " . ~ "'~ ~ ~ ...... It')iO...'..... .....- ",. -:CI) ~Cl ~ ~ ----' Ii! \' ~ \ ~ACATEO RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH 7' P.U.E. RESER V A TlON 1 RECORDED M.A~C." "Z '999, I REEL .1?~("'!. 1l: RECEPTION No. _qqO? 25:.L. ~ LC.O.R. .; ~ " "' ...... "! ,,~ '" '-- PARCELS I Af' COMPL Y WITH DEVELOPMEN THE OVERALL DESIGN ST ANI SPRINGFIELD Dc !., ~ " O";l l%1 ~ ~~ 2 n! 0\O~ ~ ~ p90 , "'~ & ~I 7 ~-ml 00-' ~ ~ ~ % ~ 6 ~ ~'" ii1 70'5 M"'Jy~FIB-t> (c/(/~TJIY4) g '" en "" PARTITIO. PARCEL 1 20.5BB SQ. FT. h 1!Ol :~I ~ aWl , . 0" oN ... ~:> o o ;z, !!: !j) RIVER GLEN L.I C/O FUTURE B P.O. BOX 7425 EUGENE. OR 9" ~ m f:; a t\11f \Q Q l>.1 ' te~ ~~ ~ Z( :-( J>-'-' ?>O 7.00 P.U.E. DEDICA TED HEREON 3 LDI j -+- I. SURVEY ^ AS COUN'j 2. SURVEY ^ IN lANE I 3. SECOND I RECORDEl L.C.O.P.R. 4. UNRECORl THOMAS 1 5. WARRANT CHASE RI RECEPTlO, 6. BARGAIN TRUSTEE NOVEMBEI 1996 IN I IN L.C.O.R 3:k~ :t to ~ ii1 '" "=1:' ii1 PARCEL 0 ~ i?o:a 2 ":~ 00 r-u La.i 0 co 0 o <: 51 :i ~ 10.389 SQ. FT. 2 8 <6::li' ;z..1 0: '" is CJ) \JINITlAL POINT ~ ~ g!l II! FOUND 5/B" REBAR gj" l!l!l! 7"'8 I WITH CAP MARKED ::::::? J 't.81301" (4) ~....-"?'_.. , .,,,,. ",'"". u':: I ."""'.~~~~~~,,~~~~~~~., . o. \' "NfS9.Z6ij. v/ i07.i90'" ~ 0 1/07.79) (4). . q 11").0 .....10 135.00(3). ~'" _ ...!07.6B -q: "'''' ; ~- N B9"26'33" W Iii. .0 I 242.6B 1/). .0 /' (N 89058'45" EJ (3) .....0 .....q FOUND RAILROAD BLACKSTONE ~:\iJ STREET ~ ~SPIKE WITH PUNCH MARK (J}13) I '" jO FOUND 5/B" REBAR.! . lit. 7~ I WITH CAP MARKED ~ ~ 10 ~ ~ "LS 1301" (4) ;;.,g5~ ;ZCJ'I7:57 tf,1"l ~dO W-I'AyRa" 0",0 ;z i'; 4 7a.:; I " '" "', ,0(1) ~~Ci3 0)0-_ "0';:: , 0'" g;z ;z- PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY DEOICA TlON PER OEED RECORDED DCTOBER 6, 19B3 ~ ~ft30 ~~~~p~~~RN~ B335954. '" L.C.O,R. ~":t' '"' EAST LINE OF <0 <0 1 ~a~ OREGON ..' J .u.y 20. 1993 REX A. 8ETZ .2606 EXPflE9 DEe. 31. 1999 REGI8TERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ~ Sp (5. JACOB HALSTEAD DlC No. 47 Tl7S. R3W. WM. (2) (3) I / lBRi,; // BRIDGE ROAD 20 HAYDEN DWG. No. E' III ; (1.1 t ,.,.\ \ \ . -' I l~ ~ >>< CD 0ii1; ',,,,"_ ~~ ~ ~ .......1"'1 ~l.. ~ ~o 'S~.s> ~~ i ~ ;2) I Ul .~. if " . . ;t d .. . III ~ II . Ult . I. f,' ),: I: ,. ~, .,. " ~ ., " ',.1 ,J ~J.' ~, '" o (II N C7l ....~ ~ ' . . . . - o - W I o 01 ~ o ~'l(A,I\~~ 8 ,or o~,() " ~\\ o (jI . ~ :it I ~ (jI I '" ~ l'H ~ .~ " :J> -I 1 ~T -..... ~ 6 \lII . . ~ <:> s:. -\ - ; J> 'V :::; 0 :3- ... (jI Ii) :> (jI , ~- ~ ~ o - W __", -~- ~. - - - - - - ...... '_C':. " .:::;." ~.oo.l";a' ~ lane cou..nty .. AGRICUL.URAL. PLACEME~ AUTHORIZATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~~~~~IZA~~~__~~ o TWO COPIES OF PLOT PLANS 'I\J\1NSHIP STATE DEFINITION: AGRICULTURAL BUILDING is a structure located on a farm and used in the operation of such farm for the storage. maintenance, or repair of farm machinery and cquipm:::nt or for the raising, harvesting, and selling of crops or in the feeding, breeding, rnanagcrront. and sale of, or the produce of, livestock, poultry, furbearing animals or honeybees or for dairying and sale of dairy products or any combination thereof including the preparation and storage of products raised on such farm for human use and animal use and disposal by marketing or otherwise. AGRICULTURAL BUILDING DOES NOT INCLUDE: (a) a dwelling; (b) a structure used for a purpose other than gro..ring plants in ....'hich persons perform more than "'i4'4 hours of labor a week; (c) a structure regulated by tho.:! State Fire Marshall pursuant to ORS O1.apter 4761 (dl a place used by the public; or (el a structure subject to Sections 4001 to 4127, Title 42, United Statos Code (the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968) as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder. (ORS 456.758) I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION, and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct a:1d I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance wi th the Ordinances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO CiANGE OF USE will be made of any structure ~ithout first obtaining the proper permit(s) from the Building Division. I HAVE READ AND QiEQ(ED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY AND I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ nlE STATE DEFINITION FOR AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. I understand this application in only for the purpose of locating the structure to assure proper setbacks from roads, property lines, and related facilities. fi',.In ~ (~C~ ~r~n~ -a~~~c2~fi( "1-2.4 - $.1. DATE THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT. Call for a placement inspection prior to pouring concrete, setting poles, or frama.ng V8~' ocation of th~Jroposed structure on the site.8ntL:iJC:,rj~I//1l P.~T ~-r.3 9~ t7~:PIl-\J&l\, / IA MINIMUM SETBACKS: I' rjt()~{ \14 ~ ~~~_~~ Road center line, front c5(O t'f2.DP &rJ1f center line, side /0 _ Property line, interior ~~1S7 rear ~~, FACILITIES: Proposed construction will not increase sewage flow. field. MINIMUM SETBACKS: Do not park on or drive over drain- existing and replacement sewage DATE l' ~ 1f.JY' & COMMUNITY DEVELOPM~T'/ (5/82) Eugene, Oregon 97401 TRS, TT Plat Subdivision Lot . . ./ ! Plan Block C74-150 Vicinity Map Job Location Permit {j Permit (j Permit fJ . N (Address) For For For Permit {j Permit {j Permit {j Me l<el'l"Zt't!:' l?/t/~r /" l./3; 9 ( Aotd il. 1m I a ~ ~.9i><./ l~ ~- (/&-- ~7~ ~rt)-/ /ttI&~/;~ R(Jyalcl.j 1-",--- Q fl,M 7 fl1 :J I. '6 Hddt'n p /,dyo R d For For For --., l. , )5:1 ') " \ 1 '. "" , . S. . -!.. 10 . 12 J.!.. 16 . 10 1!.. " . " ..!!.. ..!!. . " T \ 2!.. " . " ....( - <' .. ."'1 48 .- ;....-) .:::'..,. '1-' i;":::S: f"'-"> C_,-, - S'I'" SO. .. - '-,/,,' ,~ ..- 1\--., " B;-' " ,,3082 ,'\G ,;-' c-..... . " Tl I 2!..~ ','__ -. ..' ~1 ..:-1.:', " - r'r^"/i:~I" B' _...-"~' " u " .- ,~, .. E.. .. -. . . , ,,30'L2 ','C'>' :~~\. ~~c;-;- ;=-\C..... ~~~: '.," '''/! . . ._~ ,-,. - , '.~J~' I="""C"' I::. ...,-' "V .. ," -.-- ., .",:.,- - C~.\~ C,~ASE, ~~T\:'. 38 .-;i_~.:. . :(:): '23000.' '::)00 - NE~ B~DG ~YPE NR o;l;'\r:'~' ~~:-j.:- 40 ^,I._., - ... ~:n'lt. ,-'I='f-..... i;I~' f~C1 :':Cr~ D:::S;:;:-~J" ":'"':1(;:< 42 :r: - ,. ...1..1-',. ~C-:~D:\' dS:::~ F~ BJ.j~~f"~S (i ,.-, (.; .- ._. N,~ '.'0.., J. '..IN:;:-;'S (';'0~ ,~IDJ;:~ ~ r: ':+...- 0,)'" I NO. CCN~i:::CTCmS: .";::""C:~'-f\IIr9j._ ',':::- S-rt-ITE Sl1;:;:CHt)':;'G~ ~-~_.AN Cl-~EC:: cc:: ,:;:C'::' ..: .~ ~'~N . '~~.: l::"!" 'r (: i'~ D?~ .~. ::: S':Dr-:~: ES \_F<::T ',,...,." .. ....., :~:f.;:",:)GS {.\O', ':23',' \..':~:...,.;r-",-IOt: ; 5 . 00 EACH .. J1 .,~ T;., t,:3 i~ ';"0.1',,' J -- ll'~ ~:. 1,._ ::~::~ 'L .~. , . M .., 7-16 FEE. :: J ,)() ,,,", .. 0: . . i. I . . . . i . . . . . '". 1')l_:, ,<,,-,'. . ~" I .... ,.. '-'{"' .Ill'il",}. . .. .: ; ~ .~ . -12 ;; ::.j J.) . 5. 4 3 . - ~LANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN~ ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET bne county ~ COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! IZ, cl he-V C-.bOS't."" PEI0"UN MAKINli REQUEST 798 Ro.,cl o;./cI(!> / L Q I? ~ AlAILING ADDRESS ^ rcnn q /Jot:!}c/ c;!)f"('_ ? 7'177 / 9TY STATE ZIP CODE 7~C. (. r7.1 HOME TELEPHONE # SOI""7>f!' PROPERTY OWNER MAl LI NG ADDRESS C!TY STATE ZIP CODE BUSINESS TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHDNE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2.. PROPERTY ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) ~~ t)j' 2'3 T HIP RANGE SECTION /'0 () 0 TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING _~~ \6Nl V~~ TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4'7 .'1~ ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) PI? (; r C /')n ~/"'t';fC! _f!{ /06 . .-.e.r~ TlM l/f' rlorn.Jt<'~ j?nr f"en r!>rf2 ,,"3 ~~ on</J"'r-';P/dt:'!e w/I-LnoI/OI.L""j(" r,~v(fr rib,.. !Vot tras~,'''(1 eqb/J:)InL~lIf . ~ ~ b /' 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: be) 1'1'/, IV-M 7.ff, 8-/.(' Cladeh fi;-,~l' /fd. ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** -- NUMBER DATE . -f '" VI ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: . -f r-: TIME IN: OUT: jL 11-03 - 25 ec- lonu ~ LANE COUNTY OWN~a ~/ce..,.fi ~/L d. .li-L..-; w~~ EET BACK REQUI ~EMENTS L, FRONT ~( YL, SlOE ~'JO~~HbR'i~LB~RMIT DIRE~ONS TO SITg! /1 71'<6 fAfl/tdJ'dtt& SITE ADDRESS c:; .- - . INSPECTION RECORD ., PHONE NUMBER 1!-.7 INTERIOR - REAR PHONE NUMBER ~~LUMBING FIXTURES A ;7f~ / ,4 / " I::,?/;e;;f-A /l :::;'/) -? ;' ./VP __ PERMIT NUMBER FOOTING / FOUNDATION INSPECTION OR MOBILE HOME SET UP INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector CONCRETE SLAB / UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector UNDER SLAB / PLUMBING GROUNDWORK INSPECTION Approved Correcti on Di sapproved Date Inspector ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector FRAMING INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector INSULATiON / VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector LATH ( GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector FINAL WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved Date Inspector FINAL INSPECTION BUILDING Approved v/" Correction MOBILE HOME ~ Disapproved Datell-Iq.-tr.? Inspector- ~A')/ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Approved Correction Di sapproved . TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date Inspector Form C74-197