HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-3-20 ...' . \ " '" I' t - l. " .'! . . , .. r" '""0. 225 FIFTH ~TREET , .', J " : , " "ast"e~CAL PERMIT APPLICATION ,SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477: . -'. ',.:':, sll\)",i\\eOecl\IC lall, -r-.. . , 1).' _. INSPECTION REQUEST' 726-3769 ~ : I 10Iectl'sle<\Il\le itvJob Nu I-f.. (~l j~~jfr\fJfOO08j49 OFFICE: 726.3759 ' : , : 1 \0\\ci...\"'6~oes:"9t I . iJATE:MA~ 20 2002 " .: "'~"\"'6la"~ '3. ~ CHE EBELOW AMTREGO:2$52.90 L LOCAT~b.N-,QF INST.ALI-!AT~~O~a~ ~o,,\"'6 : 'd j . '.' CHANGE: .t,/O-Ki)aJ~' - ,_.J.. J . e' ntial-Singleor' . . . CASHIER: 001 to. _~\Illo. Multi-Family per dwelling unit. 0" 5''6'- LjGAL DESCRll'TION I o(\Lo.o Sen-ice Iucluded: jji)j,' 3t+ :Y? tJllt:~ >",>,11 Items Cost SUJ)l .1 ttJE5f~~<JeA.-/~~/7 , Permits are ilOn-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuauce br if work is suspeuded 'for 180 days. . $106.00 1000 sg.f!. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manufd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 19.00 ,. , J .' $ 50.00 2. CONTIl-ACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY , B. Sen-ices or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Rclocation: J, , ' . , Electricar-i:;ont~acto;~s- /i;(~c.iRl< 'I ((JYtruli, :' ::. , ",' ',or Address O. 0'. b cJX 2. V9 :3 3 /' . , \ '" / < . " / A~if5~,,,,,Xl{g~~Ji.} 3(, folJ.Q,W; Wl~s idP,Prtectp.Y.,'/;le Or~gqp,tJtj~ty . Notifti!a"hoh 'l5erl~e7~Th'bSe ffile!,~7slrl()rth in ~aflg,-jlqJallOl~)ll!Py.g)l ~2:O01' . 0090:Vou may ObI..". w;mwotU.t'; "I<,~ by ~~~t~~t~~~~ "",?E~Pir~HtWa~'1:'f?J1!J~ $50.00 $69.00 $100.00 Address ! ,-.'. \ 200 amps or les: $ 63.00' 201 amps to 400 amps ,$ 75.00 e 401 amps tol600 amps $125.00 '601 amps to 1000 amps $163.00 b\\1?e1'1CJtJ!l amps/volts _ $375.00 ...--:- . THISP'k1!iAA19~U.EXPlRE1FTHE-WO~O,oo - C. Temp'ift.h:~r-lltr:,!jc\'Y'llilfili1Jreli\PEflMlT IS NOT In"tl!lmM[Nm!l!l'l.!i.b,'I81A!3#titniiliitDFOR . .At1o~~R1Pf<drfe~fllOD. 20 I anips to 400 amps "'''''--_.Qver 401 to 600 amps .. Ov~r"600 amps or 1000 'volts see "Bll above''"'"'''-~~,,--.---~-,_ . l\ \ ! \ , Branch Circuits }. New/ Alter~tion or,Extension Pe/Panel ,(If . , '1 . .. On'~!Ci~cuit . ~..'-L'$~300 ;' //. . , ) . Eafh Additioual Circuit or with servi'f' " , or Feeder.Penuit . '.. $ 3.00 " {", .i", -.,.... _ ~ .: ." '\.. E. Miscellaneous (Sen-ice/feeder not included) J. _,A .,.,' , , " '-Eac~in.~tqllatioi1 . .. \ t; Pump o,:irrigation ~$50.00 :' Sigu/Outline Lighting $50.00 :: Ljmite\LEnergylRes': ' $25.00 ': )...imited Energy/Com~'. $45.00 " ~.,. . !,'. " "Sigm~t~rc'of Supcn'ising Electrician ',~' "";e,,; C\ j-~'~_" ,) i1:.2L.f\-' . . OW11~rs Name~fl:J!'}Ja~MC.}' ,(,,)1) ?DU~~) City '<;6' ,~: . Phone?it -;PRY,? OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is. beiug madeon property I o\VU which is hot intended for sale, ' lease or rent;,' ., OwnctS Signat,ure: " , ~~":: , . I':, l' Minimum Electric Permit' Inspection Fee is S45.00 + Surcharges " .oil, '-.' ':: _,' 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 4-& . '-TO 7% S'ta.ic S~~charge 3' .:.::l 1... 8% AdmJnistrative Fcc',' ~? ' ("r,/ TOTAL 5":2 . '/ 0