HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/2002 Regular .' l' . City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2002 The city of Springfield council met in regular session in the Council Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, December 2,2002, at 7:04 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorneys Tim Harold and Meg Kieran, Office Assistant Amy Sowa and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Leiken. Mayor Leiken asked for a moment of silence for the three firefighters who lost their lives last week in the Coos Bay fire. . SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. City Manager Mike Kelly recognized Cynthia Pappas, Development Services Department, for 15 Years of Service to the City of Springfield. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Claims. 2. Minutes. a. October 21, 2002 - Work Session. b. October 21,2002 - Regular Session. c. October 28,2002 - Work Session. 'd. November 4,2002 - Joint Work Session - Chamber of Commerce. e. November 4, 2002 - Regular Session. f. November 18, 2002 - Work Session. g. November 18, 2002 - Regular Session. . 3. Resolutions. \ . Slpringfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2,2002 Page 2 . a. RESOLUTION NO. 02-54 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30280: STORM SEWER NEAR 59TH STREET AND ASTER STREET. b. RESOLUTION NO. 02-55 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AWARD COMPETITIVE BIDS AMOUNTING TO MORE THAN $15,000 DURING THE PERIOD OF DECEMBER 10,2002, TO JANUARY 5,2003, WHILE THE CITY COUNCIL IS IN RECESS. 4. Ordinances. a. ORDINANCE NO. 6026 - AN ORDINANCE REGARDING AIR POLLUTION AND AMENDING CHAPTER 4, SETION 4.500 "LANE REGIONAL AIR POLLUTION AUTHORITY," AMENDING SECTION 4.506 "DEFINITIONS," AND AMENDING SECTION 4.508 "PROHIBITIONS" OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. 5. Other Routine Matters. a. Grant a permit to Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to allow repair and construction improvements outside the hours permitted by the city noise ordinance, Municipal Code sections 5.220(l)(c) and (d), with the following conditions: 1) the night time construction is done between June 15 to September 19,2003; 2) any lighting used during the night work will be directed away from residences; 3) the permit for night time work will be revocable by staff based on the number and severity of complaints received. . ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing on Annexation of Territory to the City of Springfield (Peace Health) Springfield Journal Number 2002-09-311. RESOLUTION NO. 02-56 - A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION BY EXPEDITED PROCESS. City Planner Colin Stephens introduced this item. The City Council held a public hearing on the annexation ofthis property on November 4, 2002 and voted unanimously to approve a resolution recommending that the Boundary Commission approve the annexation. Mr. Stephens pointed out the property on the map. The resolution adopted on November 4 contained the verified signatures of the registered voters living on the property at the date of application submittal, September 23, 2002. Prior to the public hearing, these individuals moved from the property and a caretaker took up residence on the site. This caretaker registered to vote on October 21, 2002, hence on the date ofthe previous Council public hearing, November 4,2002, the registered voter petition was invalid. The council is asked to open the public hearing and to adopt a corrected resolution for annexation. . The City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed. Consent from the owner of the land has been obtained. The applicant has provided evidence that the registered voter living on the property consents to \ . Springfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2, 2002 Page 3 . the annexation. The extension of key urban facilities will be ensured by the annexation agreement, similar to the previous agreements between the City and PeaceHealth which require the extension of specific infrastructure prior to development approvaL The annexation agreement contains all of the components, conditions, restrictions and guarantees contained in the previous Peace Health annexation agreement and has been tailored to specifically address the subject property. The agreement will be signed by both parties and recorded with Lane County prior to annexation. The annexation of this property will allow it to be integrated into the PeaceHealth Master Plan, a requirement for development for the Gateway MDR site. The filing deadline for the December 5, 2002 Boundary Commission public hearing was November 5, 2002. Because of the invalidity of the voter petition, this deadline has passed. As such, the applicant has asked that the amended resolution (Attachment 1 of the staff report) request that the Boundary Commission approve the annexation by the expedited process. Councilor Simmons asked a question regarding the voter's signature at the time the application was presented. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. 1. Terri Harding, 132 E Broadway, Eugene, OR representing Satre Associates/PeaceHealth. Ms. Harding answered Councilor Simmons' question regarding the registered voter on the property. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 02-56. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND o AGAINST. 2. Public Hearing and Adoption of Two Resolutions and Three Ordinances Amending Fees. ORDINANCE NO. 6027 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING APPENDIX 1, DEVELOPMENT CODE FEES, AS ESTABLISHED IN THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ORDINANCE NO. 6028 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING ARTICLE 1, "SPRINGFIELD BUILDING CODE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE" OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT; COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION "BUILDING SAFETY CODES," AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ORDINANCE NO. 6029 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 105.9 AND 105.9.1 OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE AS AMENDED, CHANGED AND MORE P ARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AND SET FORTH IN THE "CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 1997 UNIFORM FIRE CODE AMENDMENT" PRESCRIBING FEES FOR INSPECTION OF OCCUPANCIES REQUIRING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PERMITS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. . RESOLUTION NO. 02-57 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN AMENDED MASTER SCHEDULE OF RATES, PERMITS, LICENSES, AND OTHER FEES AND CHARGES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. \ . Springfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2, 2002 Page 4 . RESOLUTION NO. 02-58 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING A MASTER SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES, RATES, PERMITS, AND LICENSES. Finance Director Bob Duey introduced this item. The Resolutions and Ordinances being presented pertain to a variety of fees throughout the city. When staff completed the comprehensive fee review during 1999, it was intended to both allow a comprehensive look at the current revenue program for fees and charges at the city, as well as provide a mechanism that would allow for annual reviews. The purpose of the annual reviews would be to ensure that the amount charged for services at the city would continue to meet the Council adopted guidelines for cost recovery. The annual review has been completed and the changes being recommended at this time for fees contained in the master schedule of miscellaneous fees, fees established by the Municipal Code, the Development Code, the Building Safety Code, and the Uniform Fire Code are being made to address the city's increased cost of providing these services. The emergency clause is being used so the fees will be effective with the start of the new year. Mr. Duey said that staff is reviewing some additional changes for later in the spring. Councilor Ballew asked how the fee increases were determined. Were they based on cost of living increases covering one or two years? Mr. Duey said the 7% figure was the cost of service change over a one year period. This increase takes into account cost of living raises, merit step raises, health insurance increases and retirement rate increases. The OPEU contract was taken into account also. . Councilor Simmons pointed out the ambulance fees. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 6027. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST, IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 6028. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 6029. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 02-57. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND o AGAINST. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 02-58. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND o AGAINST. . . . \ . Springfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2, 2002 Page 5 3. An Amendment to the Metropolitan Area General Plan Diagram, a Concurrent Amendment to the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram and Concurrent Rezoning to Change Existing Light- Medium and Heavy Industrial Plan Designations and Zoning Districts to Community Commercial, Parks and Open Space and Public Land and Open Space (Jo. No. 2002-03-0063, City of Springfield, Applicant). ORDINANCE NO.5 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING APPROXIMATELY 35 ACRES OF LAND FROM LIGHT-MEDIUM AND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL AND PARKS AND OPEN SPACE. ORDINANCE NO.6-AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MID-SPRINGFIELD REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING APPROXIMATELY 35 ACRES OF LAND FROM LIGHT-MEDIUM AND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL AND PARKS AND OPEN SPACE CONSISTENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM DESIGNATIONS FOR THIS PROPERTY. ORDINANCE NO.7 - AN ORDINANCE REZONING TAX LOT 500, ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-02- 31 FROM LIGHT-MEDIUM AND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (5.1 ACRES) AND PUBLIC LAND AND OPEN SPACE (29.24 ACRES) CONSISTENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM DESIGNATIONS FOR THIS PROPERTY. City Planner Greg Mott introduced this item. The City Council initiated these changes on March 11, 2002, to facilitate the relocation and construction of sports facilities to this property from the Gateway site. On November 19, 2002, the Springfield Planning Commission conducted public hearings on these proposals. The hearings were closed that same evening and the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of all three actions. These changes will support the relocation of the proposed sports center and existing athletic fields from Gateway to this site in central Springfield. All but the northern 5.1 acres will be conveyed to BroadBase Sports (9.84 acres) and Willamalane Park and Recreation District (19.4 acres.) Mr. Mott referenced the map. Mr. Mott gave council members a hand-out dated November 25 from DKS Associates which is an updated version of the handout in their packets. Carl Springer P .E. prepared this report and was available for questions. Land Use Attorney Ai Johnson from Portland OR was present to give the staff report on the property to be rezoned. Mr. Johnson said the property discussed is well located with good access and meets many of the objectives of the City. He said this property does not have natural resources impact or flood plain issues and fits the recreational needs as stated in Goal 8. It also meets the needs of Goal 9 and is not taking land out of industrial land, but is replacing it in the property at Gateway. The key goal is the transportation rule. He referenced a memo in their packets. Mr. Johnson described the changes in the zoning in detail and referenced the map. He described the facility's uses and layout once it had been built. He gave the options available for meeting the state transportation rules and options which are included in the memo. Under the zoning laws there is a certain amount of traffic allowed. He explained the number of trips and how they were determined. Councilor Hatfield felt that the traffic numbers were high. . . . Springfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2, 2002 Page 6 Mr. Johnson said that these higher numbers are included to show the worst case scenario assuming something else was done with the property. If the property is developed as now planned the traffic numbers would be much lower. Councilor Lundberg asked ifthese were peak hour numbers. Mr. Johnson confirmed that was the case. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. 1. Larry Reed, 722 Country Club, Eugene, OR, representing Arlie and Co. He spoke in favor of both item number 3 and number 4. This rezoning will fulfill a community dream. Arlie and Co is proud to be part of this. They will be retaining 5 acres of the property for a retail facility to compliment the sports facility. He described some of the stores envisioned in this facility. Arlie & Co. donated 10 acres to BroadBase and sold 20 acres to the city. Mr. Reed said this is the first of its kind and will be modeled and emulated throughout Oregon. 2. Bob Keefer 200 S. Mill St, Springfield, OR. Mr. Keefer is representing Willamalane Parks and Recreation. He wanted to thank Arlie and Co. for their part in making this project a reality and the City of Springfield, including Mike Kelly's leadership, for getting Willamalane involved. Mr. Keefer also wanted to thank Giustina for allowing the property to be sold at a reasonable cost to allow this to go forward. This was definitely a cooperative effort. He is in support of zone change because it insures the property will be used as all envisioned. He discussed the traffic limitations which would only be effected during peak hours. He said that is something that can be managed with scheduling. Next Monday the Council will have a joint meeting with Willamalane. At that time they will discuss how Willamalane is already in the process of looking to hire a landscape architect to begin the process of designing the park site of the facility. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. Councilor Fitch asked that this item be brought back to the council next week, December 9 for a second reading and a vote to allow those councilors who have worked on this for so many years to have a chance to vote on this. Mr. Mott said that they will have to have the second reading at a regular meeting and Council would need to have a copy of the ordinance to preview three days prior to that meeting. Councilor Hatfield is in favor of holding a special regular meeting on December 9, 2002. Mayor Leiken recognized Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis for all of his hard work throughout this process. He also thanked City Manager Mike Kelly and Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi for their leadership to fulfill this dream. He feels this will be a lasting legacy that this council can be proud of. The public/private partnership has been the key. He had been told that mid-Springfield had been left out regarding development and this will bring vitality to that area. He thanked Arlie and Co. and all those involved. Councilor Ralston asked Mr. Keefer a question regarding open space. Is it compatible to other agencies building on the site such as Kidsports? Mr. Keefer said it was compatible and that there was already a plan in place for a Kidsports office on the site. The ordinance received a first reading by title. No action was taken . . . Springfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2, 2002 Page 7 4. An Amendment to the Metropolitan Area General Plan Diagram, a Concurrent Amendment to the Gateway Refinement Plan Diagram and Concurrent Rezonings to Change Existing Park and Open Space and Community Commercial Designations and Zoning Districts to Campus Industrial (Jo. No. 2002-03-0062), City of Springfield Applicant. ORDINANCE NO.8 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING 22 ACRES OF LAND FROM PARKS AND OPEN SPACE AND COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL TO CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL. ORDINANCE NO.9 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE GATEWAY REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING 22 ACRES OF LAND FROM PARKS AND OPEN SPACE AND COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL TO CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL CONSISTENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM DESIGNATIONS FOR THIS PROPERTY. ORDINANCE NO. 10 - AN ORDINANCE REZONING TAX LOT 100, ASSESSOR'S MAP 17- 03-15-13 FROM COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL TO CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL, AND A PORTION OF TAX LOT 1000, ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-03-15 FROM PUBLIC LAND AND OPEN SPACE TO CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL CONSISTENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM DESIGNATIONS FOR THIS PROPERTY. City Planner Greg Mott introduced this item. The City Council initiated these changes on March 11, 2002, to facilitate the relocation and construction of sports facilities in central Springfield. On November 19,2002, the Springfield Planning Commission conducted public hearings on these proposals. The hearings were closed that same evening and the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of all three actions. These changes will support the relocation of the proposed sports center and existing athletic fields to a site in central Springfield (32nd Main). That site is also the subject of proposed Metro Plan and refinement plan amendments and zone changes. For additional information please refer to Attachment 1 of the staff report. Mr. Mott pointed out property on the map and explained which part of the land is being retained by city as public and open space. He said the Planning Commission recommended all 6 changes being presented at this time. Attorney Bill Kloos of Eugene was present to give further explanation on this item. Mr. Kloos presided over the assembly of the application materials and the findings in the council's packets. Mr. Kloos described the application ofthe property and how it pertains to goal 12. He referenced Mr. Springer's memo regarding the traffic summary figures. This memo gives the worst case scenario in all areas and still shows a net reduction of traffic at peak hours. This satisfies Goal 12 and truncates the transportation analysis. This rezoning will work well for the community changing it from community commercial to campus industrial. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. Councilor Fitch would like to bring this forward next week for a second reading and a vote along with the 32nd Street rezoning item during their special regular session. ' . . . Springfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2,2002 Page 8 Councilor Lundberg wanted to publicly acknowledge the fact that although there was a concern about the traffic impact ifthere was a zone change, this will actually improve the traffic impact in the Gateway area. Councilor Hatfield agreed and felt it was a great change in the zoning. The ordinance received a first reading by title. No action was taken BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE. 1. Gary VanderMeer, 2604 J Street, Springfield. Mr. VanderMeer would like to ask council as they move forward in the selection of the nodal selection committee that they consider the make-up of the committee. Currently there are nine citizens from the community as representatives on this committee. There will also be representatives from ODOT, LTD, the County, the City Council, the Planning Commission, Willamalane, ESD, transportation and public works. He would like to suggest citizens from three other groups. 1. Due to the growth of the minority community, he feels it is important to have minorities represented on this committee. It is important to reflect the views of all of the community. 2. A key component of nodal development is the concept of having viable businesses in those communities. He requests that a representative from the economic and business development community be appointed to give input. 3. He requests a representative from the low-income housing community. Currently there is a crisis in affordable housing. He noted the programs in place through the City such as the SHOP program and the Block Grants. He feels both of these could be involved. Mr. VanderMeer asked that Council ask Planning Commission to add citizens from those three areas to make a successful nodal development. Councilor Ballew thanked Mr. VanDeMeer for his suggestions, but pointed out how difficult it can be to find volunteers. She feels, however, that it is a very worthwhile goal. COUNCIL RESPONSE. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS. 1. Electronic Mail (E-mail) Message from Alice Parman, 836 Taylor Street, Eugene, OR 97402, Regarding Peace Health Project. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH, TO ACCEPT AND FILE THE CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BIDS. ORDINANCES. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL. 1. Committee Appointments. . . . Springfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2,2002 Page 9 a. Planning Commission Appointment. The City received two applications for the vacancy on the Planning Commission. The two applications received by the City are from Anthony Corpron and Greg Shaver. Both applicants reside within the city limits. Greg Shaver resides at 1225 Water Street and Anthony Corpron resides at 6349 F Street. Mr. Corpron and Mr. Shaver were interviewed by the Council at their November 25th work seSSIOn. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPOINT GREG SHAVER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO FILL A VACANT POSITION, WITH A TERM EXPIRATION DATE OF SEPTEMBER 21,2006. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Business from Council. a. Committee Reports 1. Councilor Lundberg reported that she had the pleasure of greeting Santa at Valley River Center and reading a Christmas story to children. 2. Councilor Ralston reported on the Housing Policy Board. The board discussed the SHOP program and the residency requirements. He asked if a staff member could explain to him these requirements. The board had discussed whether or not Springfield money should be used for Springfield residents or should also include residents wanting to move to Springfield. Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis explained that there are two funds for the SHOP program. One of those funds is from the state to be used for residents in the Urban Growth Boundary. He said these funds could be discussed and compromises made. Councilor Hatfield asked if the purpose of the funds was to bring homeowners to Springfield or to allow renters in Springfield to purchase a home. Councilor Lundberg said you would not want to limit your pool of possible 'clients'. She felt it would be worthwhile to have further discussion regarding this issue. Mr. Tamulonis said they have not annually used up all of the funds for Springfield homeowners. Councilor Ralston asked Councilor Lundberg about the tobacco sales ordinance and if it included prohibiting advertising. Councilor Lundberg said it did not include advertising, but that tobacco products would be placed behind the counter. Councilor Ralston talked about the problem of large trucks blocking traffic on Marcola Road going towards Q Street. He asked if it had been looked at and if a back shoot road from 42nd Street had been considered. . . . Springfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2, 2002 Page 10 3. Councilor Ballew commented on the exhibit at the Museum brought in by Jack Gischel depicting home life during World War II. She said it was very worthwhile. She also reminded folks that Holly Days is scheduled for December 5. 4. Councilor Fitch asked a question regarding the nodal selection committee. Staff responded that there will be a beginning date and a sunset date. Councilor Fitch has no problem adding the folks Mr. VanderMeer suggested. 5. Councilor Simmons discussed the initial failure of nodal development in the Portland area. A large firm has since moved in and the financing has been taken care of. He said it is a reminder that even when things appear to have failed, given time they often work out. This location is now a finished nodal development. 6. Mayor Leiken noted that he will not be in attendance on Monday December 9. He reminded everyone of the Celebration in honor of Councilors Simmons and Lundberg which is scheduled for December 12 at 4:30 pm in the Library Meeting Room. b. Other Business. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Sewer Extension to Grandview Estates. City Engineer Ai Peroutka introduced this item. At the November 18 regular Council meeting, the Council chose to move forward with the installation of a pump station and other work necessary to serve GrandView Estates and the surrounding developable area. Council requested that staff work with the GrandView property owners to come to some agreement about financial participation and timing for the project. Staff has continued refinement of the planning for the sewer service area and has drafted an agreement. Mr. Peroutka met with residents of the neighborhood. About 5 properties were represented at this meeting and he felt there was good support to go forward with project. He gave them the draft agreement prior to the meeting. He also gave them estimates on fees and costs, etc. They do not seem to be against the project, but want to know exactly what they will be paying so there are no surprises. In order to give them exact figures, staff will need to meet with residents individually to determine the number of plumbing fixtures, distance to lines, etc. Staff is offering a service for individual consultation. Mr. Peroutka will then go outand poll all property owners. If there is a majority of interest, they can go forward. Staff will keep the council updated. Councilors Ballew and Simmons asked about the figures and the approximate amounts the residents were glven. Mr. Peroutka said the approximate figure given was about $3000.00 per household Councilor Simmons asked if there would be a credit allowed. Mr. Peroutka said there would not. Councilor Ballew asked about laterals on the properties. . . . Springfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2, 2002 Page 11 Mr. Peroutka said they should be in place on all occupied properties. Residents had asked that if this goes in will all residents have to hook-up. Mr. Peroutka confirmed that they would all have to hook-up. Councilor Hatfield confirmed that they would need a majority in favor for this to go forward. Councilor Simmons said that although it originally had seemed that the majority of homeowners were looking to subdivide their property, only 5 lots of the 15 can be subdivided. The motivation of making additional dollars impacts only a few of the property owners. THIS WAS AN INFORMATIONAL UPDATE ONLY. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN. 2. Resolution Initiating Project No. P20322 Installation of Sanitary Sewer and Drainage in Laura Street From 300 Feet North of Lindale Drive to the South 1170 Feet and Vicinity. RESOLUTION NO. 02-59 - A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO INSTALL SANITARY SEWER AND DRAINAGE IN LAURA STREET FROM 300 FEET NORTH OF LINDALE DRIVE TO THE SOUTH 1170 FEET AND VICINITY. City Engineer Ai Peroutka introduced this item. This $182,000 project consists of installing 1170 feet of sanitary sewer and 720 feet of storm sewer in Laura Street to serve the developing area of north Laura Street. The project has recently been proposed by the petitioning developers (see Attachment A) as a way to provide key urban services to their properties, shown within the assessment boundary on the attached vicinity map (Attachment C), and allow development of those properties. The project is timely, as it will provide drainage that was required anyway for the Laura Street realignment project at the north end of Laura Street and will allow extension of sewer service to be placed within the realignment project. . The cost sharing proposal for the project is to assess the developers for storm sewer and sewer costs along their frontage on Laura Street ($122,000+/-). The City would pay sewer costs from the south boundary of the assessment area to the City sewer trunk line ($50,000+/-), a 450 foot distance. The City sewer cost will be reimbursed as properties along the sewer connect and pay connection fees. In addition, the City would pay a portion of the storm sewer cost ($10,000+/-) for over-depth and upsizing of the pipe to serve other properties and for the street realignment project. The attached waiver petition contains signatures of 100 percent of the property owners proposed to be assessed for the project construction. Funding for the City's cost of sewer participation and assessment funding is proposed to be transferred from available reserves and will require future Council action for a budget transfer. Funding for the City's cost of drainage participation is proposed to be paid out of the Laura Street realignment project funding as a necessary component of that project. The value of the property proposed for assessment exceeds the required minimum of two times the value of the proposed assessment as shown on the attached LID evaluation report (Attachment B of staffreport). Staff recommends initiation of this project. Councilor Ballew asked if these properties were currently in city limits. Mr. Peroutka said that two are in city limits and one is not. It will require an extraterritorial extension. Councilor Hatfield asked if this is part of the realignment and will prevent tearing up the road later Mr. Peroutka said that was the case. . . . " I Springfield City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - December 2, 2002 Page 12 Mr. Peroutka said that was the case. Councilor Simmons asked if staff was coordinating with NW Natural Gas and other utilities for any other service drops so that all could be installed at the same time. Mr. Peroutka said yes, it is standard procedure to give utilities advance notice. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITHA SECOND BY COUNCILOR FTICH TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 20-59 WAIVING THE NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING PER A SIGNED PETITION BY PROPERTY OWNERS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. Other Business. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Amy Sowa .~. Altes' ~ Kim Krebs City Recorder Lyle Hatfield Council President