HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/25/2002 Work Session . , City of Springfield Work Session Meeting . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2002 The city of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 25,2002, at 5:30 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, Administrative Coordinator Julie Wilson and members of the staff. 1. Joint Meeting with State Senators and Representatives. Mayor Leiken welcomed the State Representatives and thanked them for attending the meeting today. Guests in attendance included Senator Morrisette, Representatives Barnhart, Beyer and Ackerman. The 2003 State Legislative Session will begin in January. Actions taken by the Legislature can have a significant impact on the citizens of Springfield and the city organization. The purpose of the joint meeting with local State Senators and Representatives is to begin exchanging information regarding the upcoming regular session. Mayor Leiken noted that city Legislative Committee members included Councilor Fitch (Chair), Councilor Hatfield and Mayor Leiken. Gino Grimaldi is the staff liaison of the city Legislative Committee. Councilor Hatfield was also a League of Oregon Cities (LOC) Board member. . Councilor Hatfield said the Legislative Committee has worked closely with the LOC in an attempt to craft a common, consistent message to identify needs of various cities/communities. It is important to generate support from within the LOC as well as work with Legislature and Representatives. The agenda item summary report State Legislative Af!enda for 2002-03 included the following topics: . Financial Stability . Home Rule . Economic Development . Transportation . Land Use . Natural Resources · Homeland Security · Labor Relations · Public Employees Retirement System The group discussed various topics noted above. Financial Stabilitv . Councilor Hatfield said the issue of fmancial stability is facing municipalities in Springfield. He said we have an assessed value (A V) increase of 2.5 percent which will not go very far in terms of keeping up with inflation as we prepare the budget. He said the city is looking at ways in which the city can use local options in order to raise revenue. He also noted the Street Fund issue Springfield is facing. He explained that we are working closely with the city of Eugene to develop a local option gasoline tax. The city of Eugene is considering a transportation utility fee. We currently have a million dollar deficit in our Street fund. He said if we go to the State and ask for a state gas tax increase of five cents, which would cover the deficit, we are looking at a twenty cent gas tax increase for the state of Council Work Session Minutes November 25, 2002 Page - 2 . Oregon. That is probably not likely to occur. We are still considering doing something locally to bridge the gap in the Street Fund. Councilor Hatfield recognized that the voters of Springfield granted public safety four years of support, via the public safety levies. He said after four years, we will be back where we are now. The city needs to develop a long-term solution to fund those public services on an ongoing basis. He noted the constraints that are on property taxes and said it is difficult to go out on some sort of basis to voters to change the laws regarding five year levy caps and those types of things. He wondered if there were some other legislative issues we could work with in order to provide, not just Springfield, but all 240 communities of the state, the type of financial commitment needed. Springfield may be in a little better shape than other communities. Councilor Hatfield again said that the issues of financial stability are at the top of our list. He referenced revenue issues as well as the issue of unfunded mandates - what do we have to spend money on. He said its difficult to explain to citizens why we can't fund, for example, public safety services due to the fact there are unfunded mandates being funded. Gino Grimaldi discussed unfunded mandates. He said we would like to look at future issues related to unfunded mandates. He said the Legislature did a good job at the last session in not passing some unfunded mandates. He said as things change and the state comes under pressure, the unfunded mandates could come in terms of shifting responsibilities from the state onto local governments. Councilor Hatfield said the issue of unfunded mandates is a bigger issue for Lane County. He referenced the Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC). He said there has been much shifting that has occurred and resulted in impacts due to unfunded mandates. . Gino Grimaldi referenced unfunded mandate issues and spoke regarding land use planning issues. He said there were some mandates, although staff agreed with the policy, therefore, those are not being brought forward. He said mandates do cost to fund them, although they are good principles. Representative Ackerman raised the issue of financial stability and unfunded mandates. Councilor Hatfield referenced Measure 55 and 57. He said one of those related to prevention of unfunded mandates. It is sometimes difficult to know what a funded versus partially funded mandate is. Senator Morrisette noted that County representatives are always available when needed during session. He said it is important that city members are available and/or represented when needed. Councilor Hatfield noted that the city does need to be in attendance during session. Councilor Hatfield will be available as a city representative. Representative Ackerman referenced Measure 7. He noted the impact of this measure as well as the cost. Home Rule Senator Morrisette discussed home rule. He said there is no support for home rule from former city officials, although, there should be. He said Ken Tollenaar wrote the constitutional amendment, which Senator Morrisette will again introduce at the session. It notes that the state shall not pass an issue that is primarily of local concern. This means case law will define home rule. He provided examples of state versus city issues. He said, for example, talking on cell phones while driving is primarily a state responsibility. He is concerned that they may come back with something prohibiting restaurant tax, lodging, room tax, and these are local issues. If proposed/revised wording were approved, we could make the argument that some things are local issues. Senator Morrisette said Ken Tollenaar is ~ery knowledgeable on this issue. Councilor Hatfield discussed issues related to cell phone usage and home rule Issues. . Council Work Session Minutes November 25,2002 Page - 3 . Councilor Simmons briefly referenced information discussed during the League of Oregon Cities conference as well as preservation of local rights. Councilor Pitch said it is important to allow our citizens and community to identify what they want and are willing to do/support, including tax issues (general taxing authority). She said we are seeking the Representatives and Senators to support this in Salem. Councilor Lundberg recognized LOC support, although, asked for suggestions of what we can do to push/support our cause, at the local level. Senator Morrisette said it is important to talk with those that do not support causes, not only those that already support causes. It was noted that LOC is a good advocate and they can be very effective. Jeff Kruse and Pat Farr are good resources. Representative Barnhart said it is important to explain why some issues do not work for the local agency/city. Representative Beyer discussed professional lobby services as well as local and state representatives. Land Use Representative Barnhart said agencies may need to share perspectives with representatives more than once. Representative Ackerman discussed governance issues related to LOC. He referenced the agenda item summary packet, Measure 7. He said the opening statement should reflect support or opposition for the measure. Councilor Ballew said she hopes that the local agency (elected officials / staff) have access to the Representatives and Senator. . Councilor Fitch discussed land use issues and impacts from Measure 7. Representative Beyer said research is being conducted on this issue. The group further discussed the concept of 120 days versus 150 days to review land use applications. She further discussed water and land use issues and the turnaround time for applications. She said this did not have to be in the form of a separate bill, although, .some type of amendment to include cities as well. Representative Barnhart agreed with comments by Councilor Fitch and asked if someone has drafted a bill as a starting point on this matter and forwarded to a Senator or Representative for pre-filing. The response was "no." Representative Beyer said at this stage no decision has been made on going forward or not. Research is currently being conducted. Senator Morrisette said staff/city attorney can provide a draft bill as a starting point. The city attorney may be a good person to draft this up. Councilor Ballew and Senator Morrisette discussed legislative counsel review of bills. Senator Morrisette said the Attorney General or Secretary of State may provide opinion on matters. The group briefly discussed single subject rule. Labor Relations Council discussed the issue of labor relations as well as comparables. The group briefly discussed the difference between comparing to a city organization versus a fIre district. There is a difference in the tax base, work force, etc., related to comparables. Public Employees Retirement System The group discussed Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), updating of mortality tables, cap on returns, etc. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi provided summary information regarding city of SpringfIeld integration into PERS. Representative Ackerman provided additional information regarding actuary tables and rulemaking . Council Work Session Minutes November 25, 2002 Page - 4 . procedures. He also discussed composition of the PERS Board. Councilor Simmons said when you make a drastic change, you have to be careful in the process. He also discussed reserve account issues. The group further discussed this issue in detail. The LOC Board feels responsibility to its employees and it is important employees are treated fairly, as well as the citizens. He discussed legislative issues related to PERS. Mr. Grimaldi responded to questions from Representative Beyer and explained that PERS is a benefit for attracting new hires. Councilor Fitch discussed issues related to PERS benefits as well as benefits to public safety employees. She also discussed the hiring advantage the city has by offering PERS. Representative Barnhart said we need a plan that is fair, something agencies can afford, as well as encourage folks to work in prime working years. Councilor Fitch said public money is being used to fund PERS and it needs to be fair. Natural Resources Councilor Hatfield provided information regarding the Forest Legacy program. He discussed protection issues. Mr. Grimaldi provided additional information regarding the issue. Councilor Hatfield was not aware of anyone that has drafted a bill for the Forest Legacy program. This is our view shed and part of our United Front efforts. It was suggested something narrow and focused be developed. Steve Gordon provided information regarding the Forest Legacy issue. Information was also provided regarding the Forest Legacy program. Representative Barnhart recognized the city for the recent passage of the public safety levies. . Education Funding Issues The group briefly discussed education funding issues. 2. Planning Commission Interviews. City Planner Mel Oberst introduced this item. One vacancy exists on the seven member Planning Commission due to the death of Sean Wilson. The term of this position expires on September 21,2006. Sean Wilson was appointed to the Commission on September 21, 2002. The appointment for this position is for a four year term. The appointee needs to be a city resident as the by-laws allow only two planning commissioners to reside outside the city limits within the city's urban growth boundary and those positions are currently occupied by Steve Moe and Marilyn Phillips. The bylaws also specify that only two members of the Commission may be employed in the real estate industry. Currently, none of the commissioners are employed in that industry. The city received two applications for these vacancies on the Planning Commission. The two applications received by the city are from Anthony Corpron and Greg Shaver. Both applicants reside within the city limits. Council briefly discussed the interview questions to be asked. Anthony Corpron was interviewed. Mayor thanked Mr. Corpron for applying for the vacant position. The Mayor and council members provided introductions. Mayor Leiken explained that a decision would be made this evening. Mr. Corpron provided response to the various interview questions asked by the Mayor and Council. . Councilor Ballew thanked Mr. Corpron for applying for the position. Council Work Session Minutes November 25, 2002 Page - 5 . Greg Shaver was interviewed. Mayor Leiken thanked him for applying for the position. Greg Shaver thanked council for the opportunity to interview for this position. Mayor Leiken noted that we had two excellent candidates for the position. Council discussed the strengths of both candidates. Council noted that both candidates were very strong and able candidates. After lengthy discussion council agreed to appoint Greg Shaver to the vacant position at the next regular session meeting. The mayor and council requested that staff encourage Mr. Corpron to continue to be involved in city opportunities and to apply for future board, committee or commission positions. They again noted ability and . experience of both candidates. Mr. Oberst will notify both candidates of council direction. 3. Eugene/Springfield Metro Waterways - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers General Investigation Study. Maintenance Manager Ed Black introduced this item. He also recognized Rick Hayes, Corp of Engineers, who was in the audience. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has completed the first phase [Reconnaissance; Section 905(b) Analysis] of the Metropolitan Waterways General Investigation Study in October 2002. Staff will present the [mdings of this analysis and an outline of the future roles, responsibilities and actions required for the continuation. . In February 2002, the United Front succeeded in obtaining federal funding for the reconnaissance phase of a General Investigation study by the Corps to comprehensively address future water-related projects in the Eugene Springfield urban watershed. No local matching funds were required. The reconnaissance phase began last May and the resultant October 2002 report, a copy of which is attached to the staff report as Attachment D, established a federal interest and recommends the study proceed to the feasibility phase. The reconnaissance phase report includes the Corps' justification for recommending the project move to the feasibility phase. It also provides a basis for interagency negotiations to determine agency roles, a project schedule, and cost-sharing responsibilities for the feasibility phase. Attachment C of the agenda packet is an October 14 letter from the City Manager to the Corps expressing the city's intent to enter into these negotiations; the letter does not financially obligate the city to any aspect ofthe project Mr. Black provided information on this topic and answered questions from council. Ed Black said the city of Springfield's share of cost for the feasibility study will be about $150,000 - 200,000. The amount is still unknown and this is an estimate. He explained that the Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act mandate work on this project. There are many other waterways that can be included in the next phase. The group also discussed water entrance into Springfield, in future years and funding issues related to the feasibility study. Ed Black confIrmed that this is just an initial step to negotiate with the COE regarding the feasibility study. He said we do have funds available at the $150,000 per year, when including in-kind services. . Cynthia Pappas said thee legal status of Big Island is still under private ownership. . Council Work Session Minutes November 25, 2002 Page - 6 . By consensus, Council instructed staff to begin negotiations and report back to council for further discussion! direction. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 p.m~ Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson .~~ Kim Krebs . City Recorder . . Lyle Hatfield Council President