HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/2002 Regular . . . ,j . I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2002 The Springfield City Council met in regular session on Monday, November 4 2002 at Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Council Meeting Room at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. . ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Councilor Hatfield was absent (excused). Also present were Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Office Assistant Amy Sowa, Police Chief Jerry Smith, and members of staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Leiken led the Pledge of Allegiance. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi recognized Tana Steers, Springfield Police Department, for her 15 Years of Service to the City of Springfield. 2. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi recognized Dennis Shew, Springfield Fire and Life Safety Division, for his 25 Years of Service to the City of Springfield. Councilor Simmons also recognized Dennis Shew's work on the Emergency Preparedness for Y2K. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Claims a. . Accept the September 2002 Quarterly Financial Reports. 2. Minutes a. September 16,2002 - Work Session b. September 16, 2002 - Regular Session c. September 23,2002 - Work Session d. October 7,2002 - Work Session 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances . Springfield City Council November 4, 2002 - Regular Session Minutes Page - 2 5. Other Routine Matters PUBLIC HEARINGS, 1. Amendment to the Springfield Development Code, Adding "Transit Station" to the List of Permitted Uses in'Article 19 Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District. ORDINANCE NO.1 - AN ORDINANCE ADDING "TRANSIT STATION' TO THE SCHEDULE OF USE CATEGORIES FOUND IN SECTION 19.060 (BOOTH KELLY MIXED-USE ZONING DISTRICT) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE AND AMENDING SECTION 19.1lO(5). SPECIAL USE STANDARDS. TO CLARIFY THAT THE 200 FT. SETBACK REQUIREMENT FOR BUS TERMINALS AND HELIPORTS FROM RESIDENTAIL USES SHALL NOT APPLY TO "TRANSIT STATIONS". AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. . Planner Mark Metzger was present for the staff report on this issue. He said in June 2001, the City Council took formal action to designate vacant land on the south side of South A Street, between the Springfield Service Center and Les' s Canopies, as the preferred site for the proposed new Lane Transit District (LTD) transit station. The site is located within the Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District, which like most of our other zoning districts, does not include "transit station" among the list of allowed uses. This amendment corrects that oversight for the Booth Kelly District. Transportation facilities, such as heliports and bus terminals are allowed in the District with the provision that these be set back 200 feet from residential uses. The proposed amendment to the Springfield Development Code adds "transit stations" to the list of permitted uses within the Booth Kelly Mixed-Use District and exempts them from the 200-foot setback from residential uses. The amendment does not exempt transit stations from noise attenuating barriers or other mitigating measures that are required in the existing Code language. L TD conducted an extensive Environmental Assessment (EA), as part of its federal application process for funds to build the station. Noise impacts were examined as part of that EA. The proposed site is already affected by traffic noise from South A Street, as well as frequent train traffic on the Union Pacific line that is just south of the site. The impacts of bus noise and station operations were projected and mitigation measures were considered. The LTD report concluded that with mitigation, nearby residences would suffer no significant noise impacts. It is the conclusion of staff that the 200 ft. setback is not considered necessary in this instance. Councilor Ballew asked ifthe transit station also referred to railway stations. Mr. Metzger said that in its present form, this ordinance only refers to bus transit stations. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken will keep the public hearing open until the November 18 Council Meeting. No action was taken. The ordinance received a first reading by title only. . 2. Annexation of Territory to the City of Springfield (PeaceHealth) Springfield Journal Number 2002-09-311. . Springfield City Council November 4, 2002 - Regular Session Minutes Page - 3 RESOLUTION NO. 02-52 - A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE-CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION AND REQUESTING THAT THE ANNEXATION REVIEW BY THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION OCCUR DURING A PUBLIC HEARING. " Planner Colin Stephens was. present for the staff report on this issue. He said the applicant, PeaceHealth, has requested annexation ofa 1.97 acre property located east of Baldy View Lane abutting to the south, east and west annexed property that is also owned by PeaceHealth. Mr. Stephens referenced the property on the map. Because all urban services are not currently available to serve the property, the city and PeaceHealth will enter into an annexation agreement (Attachment 3 to the Agenda Item Summary) detailing how these services would be provided and limiting development on the site until such time the services are extended. This agreement will be recorded prior to the Boundary Commission public hearing scheduled for December 5. . The City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed. Consent from the owner of the land has been obtained. The applicant has provided evidence that one hundred percent of the registered voters consent to the annexation. The extension of key urban facilities will be ensured by an annexation agreement, similar to the previous agreements between the city and PeaceHealth, which requires the extension of specific infrastructure prior to development approval. The annexation agreement contains all of the components; conditions, restrictions and guarantees contained in the previous PeaceHealth annexation agreement and has been tailored to specifically address the subject property. The agreement will be signed by both parties and recorded with Lane County prior to the Boundary Commissions public hearing on annexation. The annexation of this property will allow it to be integrated into the PeaceHealth Master Plan, a requirement for development for the Gateway MDR site. The master plan should be submitted shortly after February 3, 2003. This agreement does not require payments for off-site transportation improvements. The clause in the initial annexation agreement with PeaceHealth allows them to bring in and additional 1 0 acres ofMDR property without paying these additional costs. Councilor Simmons asked if the alteration to the offsite agreement for this parcel affects the offsite agreement on the other parcels that have already been annexed. Mr. Stephens said it did not. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. 1. Philip Farrington, 677 E. 12th Ave., Suite N-225, Eugene, representing PeaceHealth. This parcel was recently presented by offer for acquisition to PeaceHealth. It may be utilized for road alignment to the hospital property and as part of the master plan. Mr. Farrington is available for questions. Councilor Ballew conftrmed the property being discussed on the map. . I 2. Terri Harding. 132 Broadwav #536, Eugene, representing Satre & Associates. Ms. Harding summarized points in Mr. Stephen's staff report and pointed out the criteria for approval for . Springfield City Council November 4, 2002 - Regular Session Minutes Page - 4 , annexations. This property in located in the Urban Growth Boundary. She outlined all required services and noted that they are or will be accessible to the property being annexed. Councilor Ballew asked a question regarding power to hospital. Philip Farririgtonanswered that the hospital would be serviced by Springfield Utility Board, but will also have back-up . emergency generators on-site. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 02-52. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE 1. Steve Moe. P.O. Box 847, Springfield. Mr. Moe is here tonight to speak regarding state funding that may be available in Glenwood for sidewalks. Dave Carvo suggested Mr. Moe look at the south side of Franklin Boulevard. Mr. Moe walked the area and talked to property owners regarding this option. All are open to this proposal. Mr. Moe has heard rumors that staff is looking at other options rather than a sidewalk. He does not want to loose support of the businesses if staff chooses another option. . 2. Dennis Wartenbee, 2587 Grand Vista Drive, Springfield. Mr. Wartenbee spoke regarding hook up of sewer on Grandview. He and the neighbors from Grandview were given the understanding that this would go before the city council and they would hear something at tonight's meeting. He wanted to bring up a couple of issues 1) When the development was put in and they were putting in septic tanks and drain lines, they were allowed by Lane County to put in substandard systems, which are actually in violation ofDEQ. 2) Some of the neighbors would like to subdivide, and hook up to city water. It would allow them to sell part oftheir property, build on the other part and would make it more valuable. The property has been annexed since Mr. Wartenbee has resided there. COUNCIL RESPONSE Mayor Leiken acknowledged that staff was to come back in a couple of weeks from his presentation and apologized that they were not prepared with that information at this meeting. He assured Mr. Wartenbee that staff would contact him and would provide a written report for the council for the next Regular Session two weeks. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Petition signed by 34 citizens calling for improvements of Rainbow Drive north of Centennial Boulevard. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO ACCEPT AND FILE THE CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. . . Springfield City Council November 4, 2002 - Regular Session Minutes Page - 5 Councilor Fitch said that she felt that the response from staff was appropriate. She pointed out that it is nice for citizens to sign a petition, but the citizens who will be affected by the fmancial . impact of improving the road should agree that they want the improvements, too. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports 1. Councilor Fitch reported that there is a BRT meeting tomorrow night. The Springfield downtown station is coming along well. She brought back questions from Steve Moe about bike paths along 14th and that is still being considered. Councilor Pitch visited many groups regarding two levies, but was very, very sorry about the recent fire in which a child was lost. Her thoughts and prayers are with the family that lost the child. . 2. Councilor Simmons brought up a concern about the notice regarding agendas for the Planning COnimission, which states that the public has to pay for hard copies ofthe agenda. He is concerned that this does not meet the public participation goal. He asked that this issue be . revisited. Councilor Ballew said it is not unusual to charge the public for information. Councilor Simmons understands that, but feels there needs to be constant outreach on land use issues. He does not believe that public notices should not be fettered. 3. Councilor Lundberg reported that the Northern Link Committee met last week. All property owners along that section of Deadmond Ferry Road are now on the stakeholder committee. This includes at least 25 people, each with alternates. She if hopeful that a recommendation can be brought before Council sometime the first of January. They have settled on criteria for what the Northern Link should be. The Beltline Decision Team meets next week and she is very hopeful that they reach resolution at this meeting and figure out a solution. 4. Mayor Leiken reported that the new executive director of ESMP should be announced this week. He also thanked Councilors Fitch and Ballew for sitting in on the LCOG gas tax meeting. Springfield staff and Eugene staff should be commended for coming up with a solution for the street fund issue. Lane County does not seem to be on board. 5. Mayor Leiken reported that Red Cross had the .grand opening and ribbon cutting of their new building in Eugene. Representative Peter DeFazio was present and cut the ribbon. 6. Challenge of Change Conference sponsored by OECDD and AOI was two weeks ago. Mayor Leiken was the speaker in the morning of the conference. The Mayor met with the new OECDD Director Katy Coba recently and was impressed with her knowledge of what is going on in Springfield. 7. The Mayor reminded the audience of the election tomorrow. . 8. The Mayor reported that the Skateboard Park Construction kick-off will be this Thursday, November 7 @ 11 :OOam. . Springfield City Council November 4,2002 - Regular Session Minutes Page - 6 BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER There was none. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY There was none. ADJOURNMENT The Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Amy Sowa ATTEST: r. ~LO~ ~ . . "-