HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/28/2002 Work Session . . . .1 City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2002 The city of Springfield council met in work session in the Library Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, October 28,2002 at 5:30 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston (arrived at 5:32 pm) and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Police Chief Jerry Smith and members of staff. . GUESTS: Lane Regional Air ,Pollution Authority - Director Brian Jennison, and staff member Kim Metzler. Police Planning Task Force Members - Patrick Lucanio, Chair, Steve Cable, Roxie Cuellar, and George Teneyck. 1. Lane Regional Air Pollution Authoritv - Amending Springfield Municipal Code Sections 4.506 and 4.508. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi was present for the staff report on this issue. He introduced Brian Jennison, Director and staff member Kim Metzler of the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority. Mr. Grimaldi said the purpose of this work session was to review a proposed ordinance with suggested amendments to the municipal code as it relates to control and or abatement of air pollution in the city. , Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (LRAP A) is the primary authority responsible for the control and/or abatement of air pollution in the city. As part of its duties, LRAP A is responsible under its rules and regulations and Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR), for administering the most current OAR, which concern air quality. LRAP A is Lane County's air pollution authority with offices located at 1010 Main Street in Springfield. A seven-member board of directors who are appointed by the respective city councils and the Lane County Board of Commissioners govern LRAP A. Membership includes official representatives from the city of Springfield, the city of Eugene, the cities of Oakridge and Cottage Grove (on a two-year, rotating basis), and the Lane County Board of Commissioners. In addition, there are three citizen appointees. The elected official from the city of Springfield is Councilor Dave Ralston. Springfield Municipal Code 4.500 - 4.512 deals with solid fuel heating devices (woodstoves, pellet stoves and fireplaces). LRAP A is proposing that the City Council amend these sections of the Municipal Code to bring them into line with current federal air pollution standards, to prohibit the burning of garbage, and to make other minor changes to facilitate enforcement of the code. Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - October 28,2002 Page - 2 . The requested code revisions add the new federal standard for fine particulate matter (PM2.5); prohibit the burning of garbage in a solid fuel-heating device; and establish opacity limits for smoke from s~ch devices. PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 microns or less) is a pollutant that is primarily generated from combustion sources. Recently, federal PM2.5 standards have been set to protect the health of sensitive individuals, and LRAP A maintains that it is necessary to amend the Municipal Code to include the use ofthese new standards. Mr. Grimaldi provided a handout, which highlights some additional changes requested since the Agenda Item Summary (AlS) and staff report were prepared. He said these changes were as a result of a meeting LRAP A held with the Eugene City Council. The Lane County Commissioners have not acted on the proposed ordinance, however LRAP A would like Springfield and Eugene to agree on the wording and adopt the ordinance, and they will fill in the urban growth areas with Lane county at a later date. There are no direct financial or resource concerns to the city of Springfield with respect to these proposed code revisions. LRAP A has been delegated by the city to enforce these aspects of the municipal code. LRAP A views the proposed revisions primarily as compliance tools to assist in the resolution of neighborhood complaint situations. . Mr. Jennison highlighted information contained in the AlS, and said what LRAP A is requesting is that the Springfield City Council add language to the existing ordinance that would allow LRAPA to call a Stage I red advisory, or a Stage II red advisory, based on either PM 10 or the new PM2.5. He said they would like to also add a prohibition of burning garbage (with the exception of natural gas fueled log lighters). Mr . Jennison and Ms. Metzler responded to questions of the council related to the amended language and the process they take in notification for the different advisories. Ms. Metzler briefly outlined enforcement and the steps followed when a complaint is received. After further discussion, council consensus was to go forward with the recommended changes and directed staff to prepare the necessary paperwork to bring this ordinance back for a public hearing in November. . 2. Joint Work Session with the Police Planning Task Force. Mayor Leiken welcomed the members of the Police Planning Task Force (PPTF), and thanked them for taking the time out of their busy schedules to attend this work session. Police Chief Jerry Smith was present for the staff report. He said members present from the PPTF include Patrick Lucanio, Chair, Steve Cable, Roxie Cuellar, and George Teneyck. He said he appreciates the work of these citizens who volunteer their time. They have been particularly valuable over the past few years to address the number of issues, as well as the council in making good recommendations to the Police Dept. and being a good sounding board to reflect the views ofthe community. . Mayor Leiken said he wanted to take a moment and recognize the valuable work performed by the late Sean Wilson. He said Sean was an outstanding member of this community, and was a Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - October 28,2002 Page - 3 . member of the PPTF and a Planning Commissioner. He was a friend to many and worked very closely with many folks, and the loss is very profound. Mr. Luciano said he would be highlighted information contained in Attachment 1 of the Agenda Item Summary (AlS) "Updated Police Long Range Plan", and then turn it over to Roxie Cuellar who would provide information and progress on the public safety levy campaigns. At that point staff could then offer information on crime trends in the community as well as other valuable information. It is the duty of the PPTF to provide citizen input regarding police policy matters and implementation of the City Council adopted Long Range Strategic Plan for Police Services to the chief of Police. The PPTF meets not less than quarterly and is required to provide the City Council with an annual report of its activities. . Mr. Lucanio provided some background information related to the Police Long Range Plan. In 1994, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 94-34 (Attachment 4) creating the PPTF to develop a Long Range Plan for providing municipal police services. The council then adopted Resolution No. 96-15 (Attachment 5), which adopted the Long Range Strategic Plan for Police Services (1996-2016), and called for updating at five-year intervals. In February of 2000, a subcommittee of the PPTF began the process of reviewing and updating the Long Range Strategic Plan. He said what council has before them is the first update, and is intended to provide greater detail for the next five year period. He said the PPTF reviewed and updated three working papers, which had been developed as background material for the original Long Range Plan. He said those working papers include: · Attachment 1 - page 33 "Appendix 3 - Findings - Existing Services - Update". · Attachment I - page 39 "Appendix 4 - Trends and Issues - Update". · Attachment 1 - page 47 "Appendix 5 - Accomplishments and Challenges -1996-2001". After reviewing and updating these papers, the PPTF worked through each of the goals of the original Plan to determine three things, 1) whether or not the goal had been met, 2) whether it needed to be modified or updated; 3) what the appropriate policies and strategies would be for the next five years. Mr. Lucanio said after several months of hard work the PPTF made the following determinations and recommendations. The two basic thrusts of the original plan remained unchanged and they are, I) to provide excellent services in response to high priority calls and to enhance the . departments ability to provide prevention, education, and problem solving services; and 2) the major recommendations are to increase staf~ng levels and to move forward with plans to fund an construct a new Police/Courts facility. Mr. Lucanio said the PPTF recognizes that despite the financial challenges facing the city that several accomplishments have been made. He briefly highlighted those accomplishments. . Mr. Lucanio concluded, having served on the PPTF from it's inception, first as Vice-Chair and as Chair, he has had the privilege to see the Springfield Police Department at a most intimate level, much more than the average citizen. Both under the leadership of Chief Bill Deforest, and Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - October 28,2002 Page - 4 . currently under the leadership of Chief Jerry Smith. He said he believes he speaks for all members of the PPTF when he says that the citizen's of Springfield are indeed fortunate to have leaders of this quality. Moreover, we as citizens are indeed privileged to have a Police Department that truly meets its own motto of "Committed to Excellence". Under current circumstances, the men and women of the Springfield Police Department are indeed providing services above and beyond that which is returned to them. Tonight in his capacity as Chair of the PPTF, he would publicly like to thank Chief Smith and all the members ofthe Police Department for truly being committed to excellence. Roxie Cuellar provided an update on the public safety levy campaigns, and responded to questions of the council related to the different activities that are taking place. Door to door literature drops, telephone banking, public speaking to citizen groups. A table will be available at the Lane County Fair Grounds on election night, and welcomed councilors, and said she believes that celebration will be in order on November 5th. She thanked the council for placing the Police levy on the ballot first; she said strategically it was a good decision. Chief Smith said a large number of citizens are showing up for informational meetings. The council and PPTF members discussed different aspects of the current levy elections. . Mayor Leiken said Councilor Simmons would be leaving the council in a few weeks and thanked him for his service on the PPTF. He introduced Councilor elecUohn Woodrow, and said he would be designated the council liaison to the PPTF after formal committee appointments are , made in January of2003. Chief Smith expressed his appreciation to Councilor Simmons for his service as well. He has put a lot of time and energy into the PPTF and said Councilor Simmons will be humbly rewarded at the next meeting of the PPTF for his fme service. Chief Smith said with respect to the Updated Police Long Range Plan, staff would like to prepare a resolution for council consideration and approval, similar to what originally was adopted in 1996. Chief Smith said he would like to highlight the information contained in Attachment 2 "2001 Annual Report" for council and respond to any questions. The Council discussed the various committed crime statistics. Chief Smith highlighted an event that recently occurred in an eluding charge. . There were discussions regarding the need to address the revolving door issue at the Lane County Jail and repeat offenders. There were discussions related to the Bond Levies that Lane County has on the November 5th election ballot. . Management Analyst Mike Harman briefed the council on the impact of the Drug/Prostitution Free Zone Ordinances that were passed by council, and provided statistical information related to those crimes. Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - October 28,2002 Page - 5 . Chief Smith said the department is continuing to impound vehicles in Driving Under the Influence (DUII) and Driving While Suspended (DWS) cases, and provided statistical information related to those impounds. Captain Lewis was present and responded to questions of the council related to the different cnmes. The members of the council commented individually on the work of the PPTF and thanked the members for their commitment and service. Councilor Hatfield mentioned the work that the League of Oregon Cities is doing to put together a legislative plan in order to change how municipal fInancing is done. He highlighted briefly the work to date. Councilor Lundberg requested that staff obtain a copy of a recent publication titled "The Effectiveness of Community-Based Sanctions in Reducing Recidivism". She thought the report was published in September 2002, by the Oregon Department of Corrections. Mayor Leiken asked staff to obtain information from the Lane County Budget (Public Safety and Criminal Justice) for the last few years. He is.interested in reviewing that budget for information related to the allocation of county payments to public safety reserves. He asked that staff provide . that in a communication packet in the near future. . Mayor Leiken thanked the Police Planning Task Force for attending the meeting, and again expressed his appreciation for the valuable work they perform; ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs { ATTEST: ~ LD~ ~l)V..J .