HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/23/2002 Work Session . ' iF~' City of Springfield . Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2002 The city of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, Sep~ember 23,2002 at 5:30 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. , i I ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield (arrived at5:32 p.m.), Lundberg, I Ralston and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Hatold, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Police Chief Jerry Smith and members of staff. Guests: Oregon Department of Transl?ortation Representatives. , 1. I-5IBeltline Interchange Update. . i Traffic Manager Nick Arnis was present for the staff report on this issue. He said the purpose of this work session was to provide coun~il with an update about the I-5IBeltline interchange Environmental Assessment (EA) disc~ssion with the Gateway Owners for Positive Change (GOPC), the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the city of Springfield and to receive direction from council for the ~takeholder working group meeting. Mr. Arnis said a primary issue about tl,1e I-5IBeltline EA is the alternatives proposed for the GatewayIBeltline intersection. For the past two months city staff and Councilor Lundberg have met with representatives from GOPC and ODOT to find a compromise regarding the Option 3 Alternative (Attachment B) or the couplet alternative. A compromise solution has been negotiated, and there are two parts to the compromise worked out by the parties: text in the EA will contain a section about how the GatewayIBeltline project is implemented (Attachment A). . Mr. Arnis also referred to an overhead map ofthe referred to attachment. The conceptual I locations of driveways will be shown ~m the Option 3 alternative with the understanding that during a preliminary design phase sollie of the driveway locations may change or be modified. Major points in the implementation text have the city performing the preliminary design work for the GatewayIBeltline Option 3 alternative with a local steering committee of property and business owners, and Game Farm residents. Discussion was held regarding which ~usinesses might be impacted. Mr. Arnis responded to comments of the council related to the' possible movement of the Chevron station. He said there are some other vacant parcels that might be available for relocation of the station. Mr. Arnis said the SWG will meet on ~eptember 24 to make a recommendation to the BDT who will meet October 8. The BDT will fdrward a recommendation to the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) for a [mal deCision in early winter 2003. . , Mayor Leiken asked if Commissioner Dwyer had been contacted with information related to this compromise. : Springfield City Council September 23,2002 - Work Session Minutes Page - 2 ' . Councilor Lundberg said both he and Councilor David Kelly were provided with this information , via e-mail. Councilor Kelly had some :questions following the e-mail and Mr. Arnis has responded to those questions. i Mr. Arnis said this solution has a life expectancy of 20 years. He said traffic counts and levels of service counts would be done periodically. . I I Councilor Simmons said when travelmg the couplet, the time differential might not solve the problem once the PPE is installed. It might reduce vehicular conflicts; however the reality is we fouled up when the intersection was brlilt initially. He said the businesses that will be impacted are going to be strangled because of the lack of accessibility. Councilor Lundberg said many of the business owners were present at the meetings to come to this compromise solution. ' Councilor Fitch said she supports this compromise. She knows it's not the perfect solution and that crossover easements might be neeoed, but she also believes the business community might be more willing to discus~ how they can rhake it work. I . Councilor Hatfield congratulates Coun,cilor Lundberg and staff in negotiating this solution. . , Councilor Lundberg said Mr. Arnis and Mr. Wieseke from ODOT worked very hard as well as the residents who participated. ' Mayor Leiken thanked GOPC for theit support and is happy that everyone was able to work together. I The council discussed questions relate? to bus stops and BRT. . Construction will begin in 2009. Ther~ might be projects that begin before that, but staging the projects in preparation for this new int~rchange development is important. i i 2. Intergovernmental Agreement with Lane Countv Regarding the Pioneer Parkwav Extension Design. Construction and Funding, Traffic Manager Nick Arnis and City J;:ngineer AI Peroutka were present for the staff report on this issue. Mr. Peroutka said that the purpose of the work session was to review the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and direct staff on any changes needed prior to bringing back to council for approval at a future regular session. The proposed IGA provides for joint ~nding of the Pioneer Parkway Extension (PPE) and delineates responsibilities of both Lane County and the City in the management, design and I construction of the project. 'One signifiicant part of the agreement is that Lane County will provide right-of-way acquisition services for the project and would like a council resolution authorizing them to initiate condemnation proceedings, under direction ofthe City Engineer, in the case that negotiations for the need~d right-of-way fail. . , Highlights of the proposed IGA include: . Springfield City Council September 23,2002 - Work Session Minutes Page - 3 . · Shared funding of the project costs: Lane County will provide $5.2 M; City of Springfield to provide $2.75M, plus all sanitary sewer funding contribution of PeaceHealth-owned and city-owned right-of-way; · County to provide surveying, majority of engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction management; , · City to provide public involve~ent, obtain needed permits, provide lead for overall project design concepts and d~cisions, perform detail design of street lighting, landscaping and sanitary sewers, give County authorization for right-of-way acquisitions, including any necessary condemnation proceedings, and take jurisdiction of road after project completion; · If funding for the proj ect exce~ds the total proj ect cost, County and City will distribute remaining funds back to the agencies in proportion to their initial financial commitment of funding. City agrees to pay all project costs, which exceed the amount of funding available through the initial [mancial commitments. The City of Springfield obligations fm contributing to the project funding will be obtained as follows: . · PeaceHealth is obligated to pay $2.75 M of Pioneer Parkway costs, based on the initial property annexation agreemen,t dated June 7, 2001; · PeaceHealth has an unlimited obligation to fund added costs of any enlarged cross- sections or intersections ofPi~neer Parkway which exceed the originally scoped project concept already approved by City Council, and which are shown to be needed in the Master Planning traffic impact studies. This obligation is based on the June 4, 2002 annexation agreement; I · PeaceHealth is obligated to provide right-of-way necessary for the project as it runs through their property (June 7; 2001 and June 4, 2002 agreements). The City is proposing to contribute right-of-way previously purchased from Southern Pacific Railroad north of Harlow roadl. · PeaceHealth is obligated to provide $600,000 towards construction of the sanitary sewer trunk line in the Pioneer Parkway right-of-way (June 7, 2001 agreement). The City has already budgeted $600,000 fo~ this project. Councilor Lundberg asked a question ~egarding attachment A page 2. She asked for clarification on who is responsible for public involvement and notification to the public so they are aware of who is providing the notification. I Mr. Peroutka said the city would take the lead responsibility of those details. Councilor Ballew said it would be helpful to put together a chart showing who is financially responsible for each area in the project'. She would like to see something that specifically highlights the overall project cost. Councilor Simmons said, as we get clqser to the PeaceHealth project, there is one component that has not been addressed regarding the l~fecycle analysis process for durability and wear. It is not within the standards. These pieces are; absent from the agreement. . Mr. Peroutka said our design standards do have a life cycle analysis involved. The intent is to do the lifecycle analysis. Springfield City Council September 23,2002 - Work Session Minutes Page - 4 . Don Maddix is Lane County's head acquisition specialist. He said in the proposed agreement Attachment A items 9-11, the proposal is that the city contract with the county to do the acquisition work on behalf of the city. The properties will be acquired in the name of the city. Some of that process could include gofng through the eminent domain procedures. Mr. Maddix provided a handout title "Lane County Right of Way acquisition process", and highlighted the information contained.. He noted that there could be as many as 40 properties that will need to be acquisitioned. The county will notify the owners throughout the process and educate them about the process. Hopefully all acquisitions will go through a negotiated settlement process.. H~ said most people are willing to negotiate once they understand the process and that they are being treated fairly. Mr. Peroutka pointed out that all acquisitions would be approved through city staff as noted in item #11. Mr. Maddix responded to questions of the council regarding who will determine public purpose. There was discussion regarding the pr6posed agreement not describing the parameters of the process that define the scope of the pr6ject. It is not stated how much it is going to cost in terms of the project. . There was discussion related to the ex~sting refinement plan. I , Mike Kelly said the split of the responsibility is art administrative not a policy issue. The right of way acquisitions will be for the develqped areas. Regarding the property north of the PeaceHealth site, the developer or owner of that property will be obligated to dedicate and fund the right of way through that property.: The city will be financially responsible for acquiring the right of ways for the original alignment, but when the master plan is received and it is determined that additional property is needed, the ~eveloper will be responsible for those costs. Mr. Peroutka said this agreement is the first step in the big picture. They will be working closely with the developers as they move forward with the planning ofthis project. Councilor Fitch said this is acceptable land would like this brought forward to a regular session. Mayor Leiken asked Mr. Arnis to pro~de an update on the Northern Link. Council will withhold questions at this time, but can direct them to Mr. Arnis via e-mail. Mr. Arnis said that some things were put on hold related to the Northern Link since it was presented to Council a year ago, but they have begun the process again. They would like to get the agreement signed. Two meetings l;1ave been held and a stakeholder group has been developed. Councilor Lundberg is the! council liaison for this group. 3. Oregon Public Employees Retirement Svstem (PERS). Mayor Leiken asked Human Resources Director Bill Spiry to introduce his new guide dog Rafter. . Springfield City Council September 23,2002 - Work Session Minutes Pa~-S I . Benefits Manager Ardis Belknap was present for the staff report on this issue. Ms. Belknap spoke in response to a request by City Council regarding the City of Springfield's funding status and the largely unfounded liabilities b~ing incurred by employers in PERS. Ms. Belknap said at this time, the city obligation is considered fully funded through PERS. However, PERS has informed the local government agencies that rates are anticipated to increase by approximately 4% beginning July t 2003 and by an additional 6% beginning July 1, 200S. The city's current rate is 9.82% of the employees' salary. It is believed that the city will be somewhat insulated from the anticipated increase starting on July 1,2003. The factors that may prqvide this insulation are the funding status ofthe City, the low amount of assets the city had in pr;RS during 2000 and 2001 when PERS and the city's significantly greater percentage oftier2 employers experienced the major losses. Tier 1 employees have a greater impact on P~RS rates primarily due to the guaranteed interest earnings. " Ms. Belknap talked about fiduciary responsibility and current lawsuits that are being pursued. She discussed the successor plan and/or a possible tier 3. Action she wants from the council is to have council be involved through the LOC decision- making process on which initiatives to develop and how to give support to the process. Ms. Belknap responded to questions of the council related to the expected rate increases. . Councilor Ralston said he believes the' PERS system is going to bankrupt itself, and strongly supports a tier 3. Mr. Kelly said historically PERS has done very well. He said the long-term vision will hopefully be solvent. He said the issue at this titile is managing this short term deficit. The only city employees at this time in tier 1 are the ,firefighters and 6 or 7 tier one participants that integrated in April. . Ms. Belknap noted that we are increasing the percentage of employee contributions to deferred compensation plans. . Councilor Ballew asked Ardis to provide information related to actuarial tables. Ms. Belknap said once the tables are fully implemented it will be 7 - 9% less for employees. The tables are set up on the basis oflife expectancy after retirement. Those who have already retired under PERS will continue to receive the same benefit for the rest of their life. The group that hasn't retired yet, but is close to retirerp.ent, questions the projected amounts they are to receive. The unions are saying that the yearly statement is a promise to what employees can expect. There was discussion regarding the number of employees currently employed and qualified as tier 1 members. ' Councilor Fitch said she appreciates the update, and looks forward to seeing the rules. She asked Ms. Belknap to forward any information . Springfield City Council September 23,2002 - Work Session Minutes Page - 6 . ADJOURNMENT , The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ATTEST; ~. Kim Krebs, City Rec rder . .