HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/16/2002 Regular . I I I I I I I I I I i The Springfield City Council met in regular session on Monday, September 16, 2002 at Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Streetl Springfield, Council Meeting Room at 7:05 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. I' ATTENDANCE I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2002 Present were Mayor Leiken, and Cou~cilors Ballew, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were Assistant City Manhger Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Police Chief Jerhr Smith, and members of staff. I i I Councilor Fitch was absent (excused).! I I I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE . I Mayor Leiken led the Pledge of Allegiance. I SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT I I. Arts Commission Brochure "A Walk of Art". I I Barbara Thompson, Librarian I introduced Judith Macomber, Chair of the Springfield Arts Commission. Ms. Macomber said sh~ was pleased to present "A Walk of Art" brochure, which is the newest addition since 1990, and idcludes some great information. She circulated an I additional brochure titled "Art in the Mbrary ". She said these two brochures are available in the Springfield Library and Museum, as ",ell as the Springfield Chamber of Commerce,' Lane County Visitors Center, and the Emerald Art <Senter. . CONSENT CALENDAR I I I I IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR . I BALLEW TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH THE EXCEPTION OF I . ITEM 3-C. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. I I 1. Claims a. b. c. d. . e. f. I a. Accept the June 2002 Quarter~y Financial Reports. b. Approve the July 2002 Disbutisements for Approval. c. Approve the August 2002 Dispursements for Approval. I I 2. Minutes I I June 10,2002 - Work Session I June 17,2002 - Joint Work Session with Lane Transit District June 17,2002 - Regular Meetfug . I June 24, 2002 - Work SessIOn: July 08, 2002 - Work Session I July 15,2002 - Work Session i Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - September 16, 200~ Page - 2 . g. July 15, 2002 - Regular Meeting h. July 17,2002 - Team Springfield 1. July 22, 2002 - Work Session I J. July 29,2002 - Special Regular Meeting 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO. 02-41 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30267: CALVARY TEMPLE - ALLEY PAVING NEAR 11 TH STREET AND CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD. b. RESOLUTION NO. 02-42 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30239 - 34TH STREET WASTEWATER SYSTEM EXTENSION. 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. Approve Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Application for 42nd Street Center Tesoro Alaska, Inc., located at 316 42~d Street, Springfield, Oregon: b. Approve Endorsement ofOLCC Liquor License Application for Steve & Cindy's Country Burgers, located at 647 West Centennial Blvd., Springfield, Oregon. . ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR Councilor Simmons requested this iterh be removed from the Consent Calendar and voted on separately. He said while this project is critical and essential; there are two areas of concern. 1) There is a driveway issue that has plagued one of the homeowners on South 58th where the property owners' driveway offsets the:garage. He said prior to the overlay, there should be corrections to that offset. 2) No cost benefit analysis is included in the staff report related to the surfacing material. 3. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 02-43 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AWARD COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR SOUTH 58TH STREET OVERLAY, PROJECT # P20290. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT ITEM 3-C RESOLUTION NO. 02-43. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. , PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Ordinance Establishing Liens for Improvements to Water Street, and Vicinity, Project #P20100, and Declaring an Emergency. . . ORDINANCE NO. 6023 - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING LIENS FOR INSTALLATION OF PAVING, CURBS AND GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, STORM Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - September 16, 200? Page - 3 . DRAINAGE, STREET LIGHTS, AND STREET TREES FOR WATER STREET, FROM F TO G STREETS. AND M TO N STREETS. AND F STREET FROM KELLY BOULEVARD TO WATER STREET, AND VICINITY. PROJECT #P20 100, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY,! OREGON AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Accounting Manager Valerie Warner was present for the staff report. She said this is the 19th . time staff has come before the City Council regarding projects on Water Street. She briefly reviewed the milestones that the city cpmpleted in planning, constructing and assessing the projects in the area. The city has completed a local improvement project for Water Street, from F to G Street, and M to N Streets, and F Street from Kelly Boulevard to Water Street and vicinity, Project #P20100. The council is requested to conduct a public hearing and adopt the ordinance assessing the properties for this project in the amount of $78,180.00. The ordinance contains an emergency clause to make the effective date immt7diate as staffwould like to enter the liens on the city docket as soon as possible. Ms. Warner said staff has received several comments and inquiries about this assessment roll from various property owners. She said Public Works and Development Services Department staff continues to work with the citizens to resolve the issues. She said there has been one formal objection received in the form of a letter from Mr. Aaron Howery. She circulated a copy of the letter for council review. . Ms. Warner responded to questions ofthe council related to the formal objection, and said again this is the only formal objection that has been received at the time of assessment. She said there have been two people inquire as to the! way in which the CDBG subsidy formula was applied to their income levels. She said staff is currently following up on those inquiries. Councilor Ballew asked that in the future staff include a map of the impacted properties that are being assessed with the staff report. ' City Attorney Joe Leahy in response to questions of the council said assessments are arrived at and formulas are then applied. He said if someone received a lower assessment based on income, doesn't mean that some else's assessment increases. Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis responded to additional questions of how assessments are applied and how the formulas are used in determining assessment levels, and eligibility levels of block grant funding, etc. Councilor Ballew asked Mr. Leahy when or how does the,city consider they have received a remonstrance request? Mr. Leahy said a remonstrance is considered when a document is submitted and signed by the property owner that indicates they are remonstrating against the assessment. He said the engineering/public works department (j.nd traditionally this council has been liberal, but the property owner needs to provide some'indication that they are in the remonstrance process. He asked City Engineer AI Peroutka whether the date for remonstrance was past. I . Mr. Peroutka provided comment from the audience that was inaudible. Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - September 16,2002 Page - 4 . Mr. Leahy confirmed that Mr. Peroutka had indicated that the remonstrance date has past. Mr. Peroutka came forward to address:questions of the council related to the remonstrance issue. He said the City Council has establish~d by resolution a written policy on formula, income level, and amounts of assessment applied. He said City Council could choose to change the policy if they wanted, and that change could be ,established by resolution as well. I Councilor Hatfield asked if there was *nything about this project that was done differently than other similar projects that the city has done previously? Ms. Warner said no there was nothing different about this project. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearihg. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 6023. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. (EM~RGENCY) BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE . 1. Cheryl Brown, 790 West N. Street, Springfield, spoke in favor of reinstating the Animal Control Program. She provided information related to barking dogs, and dogs running at large in her neighborhood, and inquired as to why she must pay a license fee for her dog, when no laws are enforced. She r~quested assistance from the council in this area. Mayor Leiken assured Ms. Brown that the council was making every effort to address this issue, and requested the Police Chief Jerry S~ith visit with her. Councilor Simmons said during the budget process, and because of the budget shortfall, the Budget Committee and ultimately the City Council made a conscious decision to eliminate the enforcement of the Animal Control program because of the limitation of funds. He said it is clear that the county has statutory authority and obligation to enforce animal control. He said what had been hoped is that there would be mo~ey from the Symantec process to assist in funding that program. He said right now it is uncle~ whether or not Symantec will qualify for the Enterprise Zone state exemption. He said this issue is very inflammatory and problematic and needs to be addressed once and for all as an elected body. He said during the budget process for next year will be no different, how can we talk about reinstating a program, when we may be eliminating or cutting it again. He said Ms. Brown raises a valid public safety question, and again it is time for this elected body to make a positive and conscious decision to either identify the funds to reinstate the program, or turn the pro~m over to the county to enforce. Mr. Grimaldi said the Animal Control 'issue is scheduled for a work session discussion by council on October 7th. ; ! . 2. Steve Moe, P.O. 847.Springfield, spoke about several issues, one is an issue he is dealing with the Oregon Department ofT:ransportation (ODOT) related to use of four driveways on his property. He said he has three :30-foot driveways and one 12-foot driveway. He now only has access to his 12- foot driveway: as the rights to his other three driveways have been taken Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - September 16, 2002 Page - 5 . away. He spoke about the Texac6 station in Glenwood closing. He said he also had a meeting with ODOT about their Springfield Bridge and Preservation Project, and said council recently had a work session to discuss this project. Mr. Moe suggested that lighting be added to the approach structures again, and was told by ODOT staff that if the lighting has historical significance, it can probably be inCluded as part of the project. He urged council to have those discussions with ODOT bef0re the project. He also spoke about the Resurfacing Project that ODOT will be doing within the next two years on Franklin Boulevard. He said in 1948 when Franklin Boulevard was constructed there was a 4 foot asphalt sidewalk on the north side. He circulated photographs of what the sidewalk currently looks like for council viewing. He said the sidewalk has not been maintained, and barely exists. He said he suggested to ODOT that when the overlay project is dorte to add a I-inch asphalt overlay or better yet a concrete sidewalk that.would be an asset to Glenwood. He said there are also ADA issues and BRT stops to take into consideration, and thought LTD might want to take a look at this as well. Councilor Hatfield asked Mr. Moe fori additional information regarding the denying of access to his driveways on Franklin Boulevard. i Mr. Moe provided him additional infofmation, and said during his discussions with ODOT, he informed them he would be coming before the Springfield City Council in hopes to generate energy from the city in order to help them take the funding they have available and apply it to the sidewalk issue on Franklin. . Councilor Hatfield requested that Traffic Manager Nick Arnis review this issue, as he is not aware of any access control on Franklin Boulevard' as being an issue. He said there have been many discussions regarding what is considered a state highway versus a highway arterial. I 3. Dave Carvo 4010 E. I 6th Avenue. Eugene, - spoke about concerns regarding the installation of a mobile home at 4029 East 16th in Glenwood. Mr. Carvo provided some background information and requested assistarice from the Mayor and Council. Development Services Director Cynthfa Pappas was present to provide some brief history on this issue, and said she would provide additional written information in the Council's Communication Packet within the next week. ' j Mr. Leahy responded to legal questions ofthe council related tq the issues that Mr. Carvo has raised. Mr. Carvo provided comment from the audience, however, his comments were inaudible. 4; Elaine Phillips, 1445 Willamette Street, Eugene, provided background information regarding the services that Lane Micro Business provides. , COUNCIL RESPONSE Councilor Ralston asked how much revenue is received in dog licensing fees. Mr. Grimaldi said approximately $12,000.00 annually. . Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - September 16, 2002 Page - 6 . Mr. Leahy said in preparation for the October 7 work session if council had information they would like the City Attorney's office to review regarding the animal control issue. Councilor Simmons said the issue is clear, the city has a budget deficit, and the County is obligated by Oregon Revised Statues to enforce. We either fund the program or turn the enforcement over to them. Councilor Ralston requested staff locate a letter that council received approximately six months ago from Judge Sinclair from the Cen~ral Lane Justice Court related to the Animal Control issue, and include it in the staff report for the October 7 meeting. , Mayor Leiken requested that at least 60 minutes be dedicated to the work session discussion on October 7. ; CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS BIDS ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments. . a. Planning Commission Appointments. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO RE-APPOINT SEAN WILSON AND LEE BEYER TO THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A FOUR-YEAR TERM EXPIRING SEPTEMBER 20, 2006. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. . b. Historic Commission Appointments. , IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILO~ HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO APPOINT DONALD MCCORMACK AND DEBRA O'NEALTO THE HISTORIC COMMISSION FOR A FOUR-YEAR TERM EXPIRING MARCH 1, 2006. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. c. Appoint Springfield Chamber Of Commerce Nominee to fill new Springfield Business Representative Opening on the, Lane Workforce Partnership Board. . Economic Development Manager Joln;1 Tamulonis was present for the staff report on this issue. He said the Lane Workforce Partnership requested nominees from the Springfield Chamber of Commerce to fill an open position as required under the new federal organization. Federal regulations guiding the partnership require the city of Springfield to appoint from business nominations made by the Chamber of Commerce. The Springfield Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors approved the nomination of Rosemary Pryor from McKenzie Willamette Hospital to Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - September 16, 2002 Page - 7 i .\. . be appointed by the Springfield City Council from the list of nominees to fill a term expiring December 31, 2005. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO APPOINT ROSEMARY (ROSIE) PRYOR TO THE LANE WORKFORCE PARTNERSHIP BOARD FORA THREE-YEAR TERM EXPIRING ON DECEMBER 31, 2005. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. '2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports Councilor Simmons provide a briefup,date ~m issues related to the McKenzie Watershed Council. Councilor Hatfield said he and Counc~lor Ballew attended an MPC meeting, and provided a brief explanation of issues discussed at that :meeting. , Councilor Lundberg said another meeting was held today discussing the I-5/Beltline interchange EA. She said ODOT has indicated th<l;t access is not a high priority. She said a meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17,'to talk about the Northern Link. I I Councilor Ralston said the Lane Regiqnal Air Pollution Authority would be attending an upcoming work session with the counc,iil to discuss some proposed changes to the Springfield Municipal Code related to woodstove ~urning. ' . Councilor Ralston reported on the Hurpan Services Commission conducting a special study session meeting regarding the effects ~f the budget cuts and what is on the horizon for the next few years. ' Mayor Leiken expressed his appreciation to the city staff that coordinated the Day of Remembrance event that was held on September 11 at Island Park, he said the event was well attended. He said Administrative Coordinator Julie Wilson from the City Manager's Office worked very hard and expressed a speCial thank you to her as well. Mayor Leiken said September,20th is POW/MIA day and a brief ceremony willbe held at City Hall with a POW flag raising ceremony. He said the flag would then be flown each day from that point forward. He said this council is plessed by having four veterans who served their country, CouIlcilor Ralston, Lundberg, Hatfield and Simmons. Mayor Leiken said he kept very busy during City Council recess, and provided a brief explanation of the different events he ~ttended. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER There was none. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY . Springfield City Council Minutes i Regular Meeting - September 16, 2002 P~e-8 : . Mr. Leahy said during recess there weJ;e two litigations commenced. One of which is an appeal - to Court of Appeals of the Boundary Commission decision on Eagles Flight. He said it is unknown at this time what the basis of the appeal is. He said City Attorney Office involvement would be minimal monitoring at this tiebe. He said it was filed by Rural Thurston and . understands they are appealing the a~exation itself. The second involved an appeal on the West Eugene Parkway (WEP), and involvesiall three jurisdictions. ADJOURNMENT The Meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.~. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs \ ~. Kim KrebS~er . .