HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/08/2002 Work Session . . . '/1 , i .1 , MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, mL Y 8, 2002 . The Springfield City Council met in work session at Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, on Monday, July 8, 2002, at 5:30 p.m., with Council President Hatfiel~ presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were, Council President Hatfield and Councilors, Ballew, Fitch, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Kim Krebs, and members of staff. Mayor Leiken was absent (excused). 1. Update on South 32nd Sports Center Development Agreement. City Attorney Joe Leahy and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis were present for the staff report on this issue. Mr. Tamulonis' said the purpose of this work session was to provide an update and review of the south 32nd Street Sports Center Development Agreement. Mr. Tamulonis said on May 6, 2002, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a comprehensive agreement for the city to purchase approximately 19.3 acres for this project. In addition, Arlie and Company will be donating approximately 10 acres of property at South 32nd Street. All this is in preparation of the relocation from the Gateway area Sports Center, both KidSports' soccer field facilities and Broad Bases planned Sports Complex, and Willamalane in order to develop a regional park facility. He said the comprehensive agreement is now in final form and has been signed by all organizations except the City of Springfield. Mr. Tamulonis referred to the final agreement attached to the Agenda Item Summary (ArS), and highlighted some of the key issues in the agreement, specifically Exhibit C and D. He said Exhibit F lays out the priority list of improvements pursuant to Section 4 e. City Manager Mike Kelly highlighted the proposed terms of the agreement. As part of the overall agreement, Broad Base has had some outstanding costs in terms of planning and adjustments. There are provisions written that Willamalane will cover those costs on an interim basis until the first draw on the construction loan for Broad Base programs. He said a portion of those costs would be covered by the City of Springfield, in terms of making that transition for Broad Base and KidSports from Gateway to the new location. Mr. Kelly responded to a question of Councilor Ballew regarding the exact amount that the city would assume, and said it was negotiated with all the parties as a fair split. Those figures are specified in the agreement. Broad Base has provided the documentation to substantiate the amount specified. Councilor Fitch said in order to move this project from the ever planning to the happening, she supports this proposal. Mr. Kelly said there is one last issue that is not reflected in the agreement that needs to be explained to the council. He said late last week Arlie and Company reviewed the agreement, and . . . " Minutes of the Springfield City Council Work Session Meeting - July 8, 2002 Page - 2 said they would like to be reimbursed for their holding costs at 7.5% of their IMillion dollar purchase from Guistina; the amount ofthe holding costs total $28,000. H said staff has suggested that negotiations begin to resolve this issue that is not reflected in the agreement. He said at this point council can either take action to approve without the additional amounts requested by Arlie, or approve with them included. City Attorney Joe Leahy responded to questions of the council related to Arlie & Companies request. Councilor Simmons said if they are going to exact from us the holding cost, they should then be required to disclose what their donation value is to Broad Base. The council discussed a portion of the agreement on Page 5 d (viii)Page 7 n (iii), regarding the issue if Broad Base does not commence construction within 180 days after the conditions in Section 1 d. They also discussed the issue regarding Willamalane agreeing to subordinate their reversionary interest in the property. Mr. Tamulonis responded to questions of the council related to the site study. There was discussion related to the number of full size fields that are proposed. Bob Keefer, Willamalane responded to the questions of the council regarding the number of fields that will eventually be built. He said the intent is to begin with four fields. Councilor Lundberg thanked staff for all of their hard work, still a showcase project, two non profits, two government agencies, and 1 private developer. She said this is truly an accomplishment, and is optimistic, this is a very good thing for the children ofthe community. Councilor Simmons suggested during the design stages to keep in mind emergency vehicle access. After further discussion, council consensus was to approve the agreement as shown with no objection, and to negotiate with Arlie & Company related to the holding costs, and to also accept an agreement from Roy Gray. Mr. Tamulonis thanked the Mayor and City Council for their support. 2. 10 - Year Service Plan. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi was present for the staff report on this issue. He said the purpose of this work session was to review the proposed service levels for the Performance Indicators. At the City Council meeting of June 24, 2002, the council completed its review of the service levels for Police, Fire & Life Safety and the Library. Councilor Hatfield said council will take the same steps as it did on June 24 when it reviewed the Police, Fire and Library Performance Indicators, and said staff is present to respond and or clarify any questions the council might have. DEVELOPMENT SERVICE . . . .1 Minutes ofthe Springfield City Council Work Session Meeting - July 8, 2002 Page - 3 Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas was present for this report. Customer Satisfaction There were no issues. Results Councilor Ballew said she would like to continue to see a balance of housing available, not just affordable housing. Councilor Lundberg said she would also like to see industrial. There was discussion regarding the need to have affordable housing as well as industrial, and whether or not a target is necessary in order to identify whether or not we are being proactive in this area. After further discussion consensus was to add a target for middle and upper income housing. Ms. Pappas said there is new census data that will be presented to council later in the year that reflects some real dramatic changes due to the council's focus on more ownership and also the different level of housing. She said the one and five years targets are also reflected because there are more home ownerships then there are renters. Ms. Pappas pointed out that in Attachment I Page 11, under Outputs/Demands, number 1 should read "Percentage of online permits obtained (Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing). She said those are really the only permits that they will be able to issue on line. Ms. Pappas talked briefly about the Master Builders program that Community Services Manager Dave Puent is currently developing. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mr. Grimaldi was present for this portion ofthe report. Customer Satisfaction There were no issues. Results Councilor Lundberg said under "informed" said she would like to see that number higher than 44%, as it seems that is the area in which we struggle the most. She would like to see some sort of mechanism in place in order that when we get to FY 13 the percentage is approximately 60%. / Councilor Fitch suggested that it be narrowed down and target the top three priorities. Maybe asking the citizens whether they are informed about principal city initiatives for the year, or I something similar. . After further discussion council consensus was to change the target to 60% for FY 13, and narrowing the scope a little more. PUBLIC WORKS . . . " ,1 Minutes of the Springfield City Council Work Session Meeting - July 8, 2002 Page - 4 City Engineer Al Peroutka was present for this portion of the report. Customer Satisfaction There were no issues. Results Councilor Fitch said in reference to #3 Percentage of Springfield Waterways meeting federal standards, is 75% going to be adequate to meet the federal standards. Mr. Peroutka said staff believes that they can meet 100%, but are being conservative with the 75% figure. , \ Councilor Ralston asked why FY 00 - 03 is 0%. Mr. Peroutka said that means that they have not met the standards, and provided a brief explanation of why those standards have not been met. Councilor Hatfield asked the council if they wanted to proceed with a public hearing on this issue on July 15th, or would it be best to schedule a special meeting on the fifth Monday of the month for July 29th. City Manager Mike Kelly said ifthe council chose the July 29 date, staff may also come forward with ideas for suggested Ballot Measure language for the police and fire issues. Councilor Fitch said July 29 would be her preference. After further discussion consensus ofthe council was to hold a public meeting on July 29th, which is the fifth Monday of the month for this issue., and then a scheduled work session for further discuss of the 10-Year Service Plan for October 14. Councilor Ballew requested that staff include service delivery maps in the materials for the October 14 meeting. 3. City of Springfield Benefit Program Update. Human Resources Director Bill Spiry and Benefits Manager Ardis Belknap were present for the staff report on this issue. Ms. Belknap said the purpose of this work session was to update the council on the City of Springfield's benefit program, and to gain confirmation from the City Council that the current path is consistent with expectation and provide direction to staff of other paths they should explore to control cost increases in health insurance. Ms. Belknap said since 1998 the city's health insurance premium has increased an average of 20% per year and dental insurance premium has increased an average of 15% per year. Future increases are anticipated to be between 10 and 20% per year ifleft unchecked. IShe said the city is involved in several activities to attempt to control the increases. . . . ", Minutes ofthe Springfield City Council Work Session Meeting - July 8, 2002 Page - 5 Ms. Belknap highlighted the information contained in the Council Briefing Memorandum, and said the city is involved in several activities in order to attempt to control the increases. Those activities include: . Oregon Coalition of Healthcare Purchasers . Group Purchasing . The City of Springfield Joint Benefit Committee . Wellness Education . Working with Labor Unions . Prescription Drug Costs Ms. Belknap briefly highlighted the activities the city is currently involved in. She said if nothing is done to change the trend of cost increases it is anticipated that increases of 20% would continue for the next five years or more. She said part of the immediate solution is for employees to contribute more towards their health insurance costs, however, cost shifting is not a complete long-term soiution because the city has to consider benefits as part ofthe compensation package for employees. She said to retain employees and attract new employees, the city must remain competitive in compensation. She talked about exit interview responses, having to do with benefits, we may not be able to save all of those employees, but we need to keep that in mind. Councilor Lundberg asked about the prescription drug costs, and why are they so high. Ms. Belknap said our employees are older than the average. The main thing is that staff didn't know it was a problem until approximately 4-5 weeks ago. Now that they know, they will make some suggested changes. She provided a brief explanation of a formulary program. The council discussed many possible solutions related to the cost of prescription drugs. Ms. Belknap said currently there is proposed legislation being developed, however there is a case pending at the Supreme Court level from the State of Maine. They are waiting to see what the outcomes of that case are. Councilor Fitch said these are all good avenues to pursue, and asked if any of those might be in place prior to the beginning of negotiations. Ms. Belknap said she believes it is working, nothing is going to turn around overnight. As a Board member ofthe Oregon Coalition there are many exciting issues that are currently being explored. Ms. Belknap said 200 employees attended the benefit forum that was held last week. She said 72 employees took advantage of the cholesterol screening. Ms. Belknap said there are many programs available that can be tailored to meet the needs of the city and the employee as well. The council discussed the issue of co-pay for employees. . . . ,.> Minutes ofthe Springfield City Council Work Session Meeting - July 8, 2002 Page - 6 Ms. Belknap said the goal is to have all employees partner with the city. She said the Police Association is the only group that is not currently participating in a co-pay program, however staff has made them aware that is the goal for the future, and during negotiations this will be discussed. ' 4. Drainage Construction Agreement for MountainGate Subdivision. City Engineer Al Peroutka was present for the staff report on this issue. He said the purpose of this work session was to review the attached agreement and direct staff regarding any amendments needed to allow council concurrence with the agreement at the July 15 regular seSSIOn. Mr. Peroutka said during the review of drainage plans for Phases I and II of the MountainGate Subdivision, it became clear that there was not adequate drainage service to allow development of these phases or to allow annexation of future phases. The developer has agreed to extend the needed drainage system, at their up- front cost, however they cannot guarantee the ability to build the project unless the city will agree to assist them, if required, wIth obtaining the necessary easements for the drainage project. The developer has also requested that the city agree to reimburse for the cost of this SDC eligible drainage project through collection of storm water of SDC's from the site as it develops and payment to the developer until the costs of the project are paid back. This is somewhat different then, but not inconsistent with, the normal procedure of providing "SDC credits" for the construction of an SDC eligible project. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has verbally agreed to provide temporary drainage service to the site through their existing drainage system in Main Street until the permanent drainage solution is in place, thus allowing the development to move forward more quickly. Mr. Peroutka referred to attachment A ofthe AIS as well as a large map posted overhead. He highlighted the project as proposed, and directed council to points of interest on the overhead map. Councilor Ballew asked in light of the new requirements on storm water treatment, and in light of all the new construction, is staff trying to anticipate ahead, or is staff operating business as usual until the final decisions are made. Mr. Peroutka said there are some requirements on the subdivision as part of the master planning for detention, water quality aspects, and retaining some of the natural drainage on the hillside. They will also be required to make sure their wetlands are hydrated. Councilor Fitch asked who the involved parties were. Mr. Peroutka said MountainGate folks are the McDougal Brothers who also own property out in the Jasper area. He said staff has been in a long negotiation with them as well as other Jasper area property owners related to the Jasper Extension Project. He said many of the property owners are willing to sit down and negotiate, however there has been some resistance on behalf of the McDougal's. \J . . . t" Minutes ofthe Springfield City Council Work Session Meeting - July 8, 2002 Page - 7 Mr. Kelly said what the developer is doing is attempting to develop a comprehensive public draining system.. They have come forward to the city and have stated that if they are not successful in being able to negotiate with the neighbors, would the city be willing to come in and assist them with information, support and or public condemnation of the land for a drainage easement. At this time does council wish to deal with those separately, or have a conversation with the McDougal Brothers. He said cooperation should go both ways in the discussion of MountainGate and the Jasper Road Extension Councilor Lundberg said she doesn't have a problem with the city being involved with this work. She is looking at the terms of us giving SDC credits, negotiate what that value might be. She said it may be for the public good, however this is a developer, and that help may have a value, but whether or not we recoup that assistance is in question. Mr. Peroutka said based on the city's standard practice the credits are available. He said this would go beyond that with this proposed agreement, we would collect SDC from the MountainGate development, and hand them back to those that have made the improvements. Development ofthe two phases requires drainage to be in place. This is where ODOT's temporary drainage service comes into play. Ms. Pappas said this might be an opportunity to say to McDougal we will help you this way, but require that they price the homes on the lots within a certain price range. The council discussed the best approach to assist in this development as well as gain some added cooperation with the Jasper Road Extension. Councilor Ralston said we have the opportunity now to tell them what the rules are, and that must be done. Councilor Simmons said we are asking folks to give up a certain percentage oftheir rights, so the McDougals can make a profit on their property. Development is very complicated, there needs to be some discussion if we cooperate with them in this way. He said we ought to be willing to assist, but not too sure the financial transaction outlined is not being overly generous. He said the city has spent a large amount of money to date, and has not recovered much in return. Councilor Hatfield said the McDougals are able to pay a fair price for the easements, if the city is able to assist in some way then he does not have an objection, however, condemnation is not an option. After further discussion, council consensus was direct staff to schedule a meeting with the McDougals in order to determine and discuss the greater Springfield and negotiate the public interest, which would include the Jasper Road Extension. Council also directed staff to report back to them as to the results of that meeting. 5. Filbert Grove Mobile Home Park and Fire District. City Manager Mike Kelly said a memorandum was sent to the council via the Council Communication Packet on July 3, regarding the Filbert Grove Mobile Home Park Subdivision and Fire Protection. . . . . . ..'- Minutes of the Springfield City Council Work Session Meeting - July 8, 2002 Page - 8 Mr. Kelly said the residents from the Filbert Grove Mobile Home Park Subdivision have requested that city staff send a letter to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission recommending approval oftheir request to annex their territory to the Willakenzie Fire District. He said at this time staff seeks the recommendation of the City Council in this matter. Fire Chief Dennis Murphy responded to questions of the council related to emergency response. He said the Filbert Grove Mobile Home Park Subdivision currently has no fire protection. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, Springfield Fire and Life Safety would respond. He said based on the rules of the State Fire Marshall, we do bill them for the response. After further discussion, council consensus and direction to staff was to write a letter of support in light of the life safety issues of our new neighbors. They concluded that this would also assist in building a bridge to the future. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ~~ Kim Krebs, City Recorder '\