HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/01/2002 Work Session t . City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JULY 1,2002 The city of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, July 1,2002, at 6:20 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Administrative Coordinator Julie Wilson, and members of the staff. 1. Lockhaven & Guy Lee Neighborhood Traffic Diverter. Traffic Engineer Brian Barnett presented the staff report on this issue. Staff is seeking council directive to conduct public involvement concerning relocation of the diverter that separates the Lockhaven and Guy Lee neighborhoods. . Council action in the late 1970's caused the diverter to be installed in conjunction with the Lockhaven subdivision. Council action is necessary to authorize Public Works to relocate the diverter south on Don Street so that the residential neighborhoods are connected while continuing the separation of industrial traffic from the residential areas. The Council was reminded that in 1999 and 2000 during the discussion of Gateway area traffic conditions and in 2001 during discussion of realigning Laura Street that the Council directed staff to consider relocating the Lockhaven traffic diverter. At that time Council suggested that relocating the diverter to the south, so the Shelly Street industrial area was separated from the Lockhaven area, while joining the Lockhaven neighborhood to the Guy Lee neighborhood would benefit traffic circulation and the neighborhoods. Moving the diverter south will continue the isolation ofthe industrial area from direct access to Harlow Road and Gateway Street thereby continuing to protect the neighborhoods from industrial traffic. Providing Lockhaven access to the west and north will connect the neighborhood to the park and school and to Harlow Road, eliminating the need for inconvenient out of direction travel eastward to Laura Street. The Lockhaven neighborhood generates about 1,200 trips on an average weekday (ADT) and the Guy Lee neighborhood generates about 1,550 ADT. It is not expected that the averages will change substantially ifthe diverter were relocated. Staff plans to hold drop-in open house type meetings to inform the neighborhood's residents of the proposed project and its purpose, and to receive feedback. The meetings will include aerial photos of the area, traffic count data, comparative trip lengths, etc. Staff will evaluate and respond to the comments. Staff will return to Council in a work session to present options to move the diverter based on technical analysis and citizen input and later a public hearing for fmal action. . Work Session Meeting Minutes July I, 2002 Page 2 . Brian Barnett answered questions regarding lot lines and parcels. He referenced a wall map to point out different areas. Brian Barnett said there have been no complaints received from residential or commercial property owners. Councilor Lundberg discussed traffic issues and flow patterns for drivers. The School District is also interested in improving traffic flow issues. Brian Barnett discussed traffic peaks at 5:00 p.m. and school operational hours. Brian Barnett and Dan Brown discussed council conditions of approval for the Lochaven subdivision project. Council discussed the public participation process schedule. It was noted that this process should occur prior to the fall and reference was made to operational hours ofthe school. Brian Barnett answered questions regarding curb removal necessary to complete the project. Councilor Fitch agreed with Councilor Lundberg and suggested the public involvement process occur as soon as possible. . Staff will provide project updates to Councilors Lundberg and Ralston. Councilors Lundberg and Ralston have council proxy to authorize/direct staff to proceed forward, as appropriate. This decision to provide proxy to the two councilors was made due to the fact that the council will be on summer recess August 1 - September 8, 2002. 2. Median Policy and Local Street Standards. Transportation Planning Engineer Gary McKenney presented the staff report on this issue. Staff is seeking City Council direction to propose amendments to the Springfield Development Code which will help determine when and where raised medians should be installed, revise existing street design criteria, and remove unnecessary and cumbersome proVIsIons. Amendments to the Springfield Development Code (SDC) are needed to establish policy guidance for the use of raised medians on congested streets. The issues outlined below were included in the council agenda item summary packet briefing memorandum. Funds to accomplish the proposed code amendments have been included in the Public Works and Development Services departmental budgets. MEDIAN POLICY The City Council has previously directed staffto develop a policy to guide the installation of medians without requiring Council involvement on each individual project. . STREET STANDARDS Amendments to the street standards in the Springfield Development Code are needed to address several issues: Work Session Meeting Minutes July 1, 2002 Page 3 . 1) Requirements of the Transportation Planning Rule, which implements Statewide Planning Goal 12 (Transportation). 2) Property owners who would be assessed sometimes reject plans to improve the street to current minimum standards due to perceived high costs. 3) Additional residential street classifications are needed to better define the role of collector streets in neighborhoods. 4) Managing the quantity and quality of storm water runoff from local streets. 5) Influencing neighborhood livability through the use of appropriate street widths, block lengths, connections, and alignments. REMOVE CODE PROVISIONS Certain provisions in the Springfield Development Code need updating to improve efficiency. Councilor Hatfield discussed TPR issues, page 2, number 1, of the agenda packet. He was not in favor of reducing our standards, which could eventually drive up maintenance and operation costs. He discussed life cycle of streets and how we reduce "overall" operating costs. Gary McKenney answered questions regarding the TPR language. Gary McKenney discussed issues that will be addressed through this process. . Councilor Simmons discussed reduction of standards noted in the agenda item summary packet. He said the language sounds like we are easing the standards for development on a general basis. He provided an example of the South 52nd Place project. He said the language reflects that standards will be reduced. This could be a problem at a later time. He said this appeared to. be a "generic" change. Mr. McKenney said council would review any proposed changes. He said essential provisions will remain in the Development Code. Councilor Simmons discussed development code changes and the process related to code amendments. Mr. McKenney answered questions related to city maintenance (responsibility) of unimproved roads. Dan Brown provided information regarding service levels available/reduced, with the new fiscal year. Previously, the city may have provided pothole patching on streets that don't meet city street standards. This may no longer be the case given reduced resources/funding. Councilor Lundberg understood the "flexibility" we are attempting to achieve with modifications to the code. She agreed with the proposed concept, recognized the importance of flexibility and indicated some support for the proposal. Councilor Hatfield said he would like to see a proposal that defines some of the modifications. Councilor Ralston did not want to see lower substandard street requirements. Councilor Hatfield would like to review a written proposal. . Mayor Leiken discussed the medians at/near the 58th Street shopping complex. Staff replied that accidents have been reduced, as well as a reduction in complaints received for that area. " Work Session Meeting Minutes July 1, 2002 Page 4 . Councilor Simmons said the median strip at 58th Street is functional. Councilor Simmons referenced the area at 52nd Place, across from bank and discussed problematic signage. Councilor Fitch supported removal of cumbersome code provisions. She would like to review the design criteria and supported use of raised medians within reason. Staff will bring back the following items/proposal for council review: median policy, local street standards and removal of minor code provisions. 3. July 8, 2002 - Council Meeting The July 8, 2002 council meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be provided. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson .. .' Attest: " .