HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/2002 Regular . . . f.; & MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, JUNE 17,2002 The Springfield City Council met in regular session at Springfield City Hall, Council Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday June 17,2002 at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, and Simmons. Councilor Ralston was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Police Chief Jerry Smith, City Recorder Kim Krebs, and members of staff. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Recognition of ACT-SO Participants. Marilyn Mays, President of the Eugene/Springfield NAACP, was present with Mayor Leiken to recognize the four participants and recipients of gold medals for their participation in the ACT-SO competition. 2. Recognition of Judy Harold - Recipient of the Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award. Library Director Bob Russell was present along with Mayor Leiken to recognize Judy Harold as Recipient of the Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Claims a. Approve the May 2002 Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. May 20, 2002 - Work Session b. May 20, 2002 - Regular Meeting c. May 28, 2002 - Work Session d. June 3, 2002 - Work Session e. June 3, 2002 - Regular Session 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO. 02-30 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30206: OLYMPIC STREET AND 28TH STREET FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS. Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - June 17, 2002 Page - 2 . 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. Authorize the City Manager to Execute the City of Springfield Money Purchase Pension Plan Restatement to Comply with the Final Integration Contract with Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). b. Authorize the City Manager to Execute the City of Springfield Retirement Plan Restatement to Change the Starting Date, and to add Disability credits to the City Retirement Plan from the Money Purchase Pension Plan (MPPP). c. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement No. 19,485 between the City of Springfield, Oregon Department of Transportation and the League of Oregon Cities Regarding State Funding for Reconstruction of 21 st Street, Main to Olympic Street, Project P20273. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Annexation of Property to the City of Springfield, Planning Journal #2002-01-0018, (Crossroads Development LLC). . RESOLUTION NO. 02-31 - A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION. Planner Jim Donovan was present for the staff report on this issue. He said the property owner has requested annexation in order to develop property located south ofthe existing Jasper Meadows Subdivision in the Natron area of Springfield. He said the 1 0.6-acre property has tentative subdivision approval as Jasper Meadows First Addition Subdivision under Low-Density Residential (LDR) Metro Plan and Springfield Zoning designations. City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed. Written consent from the owner of the property has been obtained, there are no registered voters residing on the property. The site is contiguous to the city limits along the north property line; the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) is located approximately 1 mile to the south. Full city services including but not limited to transportation, fire, police, library, schools, parks, sanitary sewer, water, electric and storm drainage can be provided to the property upon annexation. These key urban services can be provided to the site in an efficient and timely manner. An agreement has been reached between the applicant and the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) that guarantees ongoing services to the site while a district boundary issue with the Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) is resolved through litigation. Mr. Donovan said that staff is recommending approval. . Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - June 17, 2002 Page - 3 . Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 02-31. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 IN FAVOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Vacation of Public Utility Easement (Assessor's Map 17-03-14, TL 1002), Jo. No. 02-04- 108. ORDINANCE NO.1 - AN ORDINANCE VACATING A CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT LYING WITHIN PARCEL 2 OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NUMBER 99- P1236 IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. . Planner Sarah Summers was present for the staff report on this issue. She said this is the time for first readi?g and public hearing of an ordinance requesting the vacation of a 10- foot wide public utility easement (PUE), as required by site plan approval to develop an office building, parking and landscaping for Holt International. She said the PUE runs north/south through the buildable portion of the property. The PUE originally ran along the front property line of tax lot 1002. A Property Line Adjustment moved the boundary west along International Way where there is an existing PUE. Vacating the subject easement will satisfy a condition of site plan approval for the Holt International office building. No utilities have been placed in or are planned for the easement to be vacated. Staff received no negative comments from utility providers regarding the proposed easement vacation. She said the easement is being relocated. Ms. Summers responded to a question of Councilor Ballew related to Deadmond Ferry Road. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. 3. Fiscal Year 2002/03 City Budget Adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 02-32 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002/03 SPRINGFIELD CITY BUDGET. MAKING APPROPRIATIONS. LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX. AND APPROVING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM. Finance Director Bob Duey was present for the staff report. He said the City Council is being asked to conduct a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2002/03 (FY03) Approved City Budget and approve a resolution to adopt the FY03 City Budget, make appropriations, levy a property tax, and approve the City of Springfield's participation in the State Revenue Sharing Program. . Mr. Duey said the Budget Committee approved the FY03 budget on May 14, 2002. He said Oregon Budget Law requires that the City Council hold a public hearing prior to any action on its adoption. He said the Oregon Budget Law also allows the City Council to, within guidelines, adopt changes made to the budget approved by the City's Budget Committee. He said these guidelines include being able to increase total expenditures within a fund, up to 10% above the level approved by the Budget Committee. He said there are no limits on the amount by which a Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - June 17,2002 Page - 4 . fund can be reduced. He highlighted briefly the recommended changes by the Budget Committee, as well as the proposed resolution included in the staff report. Councilor Lundberg asked about Symantec and Hynix costs, and asked where they would be reflected. Mr. Duey said the Hynix issue is reflected in this current year, and may affect ending fund balance by approximately $75,000.00. There is a direct impact on property taxes of $90,000.00 from Hynix. Mr. Tamulonis said Symantec would most likely have to pay the fIrst year's property taxes. He explained that they have gone beyond any deadlines and the process that would need to be followed for a 5-year exemption for the Enterprise Zone requirements due to the recent termination of several employees. Councilor Ballew asked Mr. Duey a question regarding the lighting of the Main Street Bridge. She said she would like to propose a motion to restore the funding that she believes came from the Room Tax funds. She asked if it was appropriate to make a motion to restore to the proposed budget, or add it afterwards? . Mr. Duey explained that council could move to add it to the approved budget by recommending that money be used from the room tax reserve and goes into the appropriate line item; or council could direct staffto bring back a supplemental budget anytime after July 1 where it could be added in to the adjusted budget. Councilor Simmons asked Mr. Tamulonis regarding Symantec, if they don't qualify for exemption for Enterprise Zone exemption, then because of their unique circumstances of their expansion, they qualify for a 5-year exemption? Mr. Tamulonis explained the normal process for application for an Enterprise Zone. He said now that Symantec has announced that they would be reducing the number of their employees on July 1, the process has changed, He said we are not obligated to approve the Enterprise Zone. City Manager Mike Kelly said based on research Mr. Tamulonis has done, staff is confident that Symantec will be paying taxes this fIrst year. He said there are some unique aspects that may qualify them for Enterprise Zone for years 2-5. He said as agreements are developed with Symantec, staff will bring this issue back for council consideration, terms and conditions, and again, council is not obligated to approve the Enterprise Zone. Mayor Leiken requested that staff keep the council informed as information is received regarding additional funds that may be available this year. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 02-32. . Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - June 17, 2002 Page - 5 . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO AMEND THE MOTION TO RESTORE THE BRIDGE LIGHTING OF $21,000 TO BE FUNDED FROM THE ROOM TAX RESERVE AND TO BE APPROPRIATED IN THE APPROPRIATE PLACE. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 1 AGAINST (SIMMONS). Councilor Ballew said during the dreary winters that we have, the bridge lighting is one of the nicest approaches to the city, and said everyone is interested in the beautification and an inviting atmosphere to the city. Mayor Leiken said we have voted on the amendment, and there is another vote on the table to adopt the resolution. CLARIFICATION OF MOTION: IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 02-32. SUBJECT TO THE CHANGES THAT WERE REFLECTED IN THE AMENDED MOTION. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 4. Affordable Housing Implementation Project - Code Amendment Adoption. . ORDINANCE NO.2 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS, SECTION 2.020 MEANING OF SPECIFIC WORDS AND TERMS; ARTICLE 16 RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS. SECTION 16.100(3) CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT; 16.120. ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT STANDARDS; AND ARTICLE 35 SUBDIVISION STANDARDS, SECTION 35.040 TENTATIVE PLAN DRAFTING REQUIREMENTS. Planner Kay Bork was present for the staff report on this issue. She said the City Council is asked to conduct a public hearing and first reading only of this ordinance. She said the council held a work session on June 10th to review and discuss the proposed code language. The amendments are meant to encourage higher densities than current practices but within the prescribed densities ofthe Metro Plan; allow a variety of housing types in Low Density Residential Districts that are currently not permitted; streamline the review process for cluster subdivisions; encourage infill on smaller lots and ensure compatibility with surrounding neighborhoods. Staff recommends council adopt the proposed ordinance on June 24th when this is scheduled for its second reading. Councilor Lundberg said part of what is included in the amendments, is to make affordable housing the key. She felt that any developer should make contact with Willamalane to let them know that they are maintaining their own open space and charging the homeowners what amounts to a tax to develop that into common space. That should not impact the overall SDC issues. Councilor Ballew said she is pleased Springfield supports affordable housing, but hopes we are making every effort to provide more upscale housing as well to keep a good balance of housing. . Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - June 17, 2002 Page - 6 . BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE There was none. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from John VanLandingham, Chair, Housing Policy Board, Regarding Proposed Legislation in Support ofthe National Housing Trust Fund. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ACCEPT THE CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION; PASSED WITH A VOTE OF5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. Councilor Fitch requested that the Mayor issue a letter of support for the National Housing Trust Fund. Mayor Leiken agreed to prepare and send the letter of support as requested. BIDS ORDINANCES 1. Repealing Appendix II-P of Uniform Fire Code - "Grass and Weeds". . ORDINANCE NO. 6016 - AN ORDINANCE REPEALING APPENDIX II-P "PUBLIC PROTECTION DANGEROUS VEGETATION" OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE AND UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARDS PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND ESTABLISHING EFFECTIVE DATE OF JUNE 17, 2002. Fire Marshal Al Gerard was present for the staff report, and said he would be available for questions ofthe council ifthey had any. Councilor Lundberg asked what recourses citizens have. Mr. Gerard said he suggests that they contact their neighbors to attempt to resolve. Mr. Leahy said neighbors could trim any blackberries that grow onto their yard. Ifthey are growing in the alley, they may be able to add to Springfield Cleanup. Councilor Lundberg suggested the city could also look at possibilities of initiating cleanup in the alleyways. Councilor Simmons asked if we are extracting the ordinance for a legal reason. Mr. Gerard said yes, if not extracted we have to enforce and there is not staff enough to do so at this time. . Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - June 17, 2002 Page - 7 . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 6016 (EMERGENCY). THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 1 AGAINST (SIMMONS). Councilor Simmons said he believes that citizens deserve to have some protection and legal action. Mr. Leahy said he would look at the issue, and provide council with some alternative ideas and suggestions. Mr. Kelly said on this issue, as well as animal control, both were reduced and approved in the budget. It was previously mentioned by council that if additional moneys were found, they would consider reinstating one or both of these services. He said it appears there may be some additional funding available through taxes from Symantec. He said he is not advocating that that money be spent on animal or weed control. Councilor Ballew said she is sure there would be interest for reinstating some part of animal control, and wondered if that could be done through a supplemental budget transaction? Mr. Leahy said yes. . Councilor Simmons said if we have elected not to replace the animal control officer, we should look to the county. Ifthe county has statutory responsibility to provide animal control, we ought to turn over the licensing to them as well. We have to make a decision, either get out of the animal control business or do it right. Councilor Fitch suggested that this be something considered in the 1 O-year Plan. If it is deemed a high enough priority, a decision needs to be made to add it back within a supplemental budget. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports Councilor Fitch said they had a work session earlier with LTD. Council received a briefing on the downtown and BRT issues, and said she appreciates the questions council brought forward. There is a great group of citizens on the committee, and she appreciates the experience at that table. BR T is moving forward and is in the refining of the routes and maps right now. . Councilor Simmons reported on the Watershed Council. He said regional representatives from the BP A are touring various projects on the river. Theyhave identified a species of endangered fish, with numbers significant enough that they may be able to remove it from the endangered list. A Scholarship was awarded to Katie Metz from Mohawk High School, and they are hoping that Thurston will be included in the environmental studies next year. The Watershed Council is working on a nonprofit foundation called the McKenzie Watershed Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - June 17, 2002 Page - 8 I . Foundation, which is separate from the federal partners. There are some issues regarding setting up the foundation and he would like to talk to Bob Duey about the possibility ofthe city assisting with the fmancial components ofthat. There will be a raft trip for new legislators on July 12 in hopes that they will be supportive of watershed issues. Councilor Ballew attended MPC along with Councilor Hatfield. Mayor Leiken said Willamalane is sponsoring an event this weekend, and will host Los BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Discussion of the Proposed Intergovernmental Agreement for a Reconstituted Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Partnership. Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis was present for the staffreport. He said council reviewed the proposed agreement last week in work session. There is one area that the county and the two cities will discuss regarding Article 12 Arbitration. Mr. Tamulonis reported briefly his discussion with Peter Thurston regarding the proposed agreement. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER REGARDING SIGNING AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT AMONG SPRINGFIELD, EUGENE, AND LANE COUNTY THAT REFOCUSES THE EUGENK..SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN PARTNERSHIP ACTIVITIES, SUBJECT TO ONE CONDITION THAT THE COUNTY DOES APPROVE THE $170,000 RFP. MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. Mr. Leahy said that after reviewing this agreement, they felt that paragraph 12 regarding arbitration could be left in with an adjustment or taken out. He also noted that there does not appear to be a requirement in the agreement for any private donations of funds. Discussion was held on other details of the agreement. Councilor Lundberg said when this was discussed in budget she thought it was a oneitime fee, but now it sounds like it is an annual fee. Councilor Simmons asked if there was a time frame for the recommendation for grant funding from the county. Councilor Hatfield said the recommendation from the League of Oregon Cities (LOC) would probably come in July, and the board would act in August. 2. Willakenzie District Fire Protection Contract. . Finance Director Bob Duey was present for the staff report on this issue. He said in 1998, the City Council approved fire service contracts with Willakenzie, Rainbow Water, and Glenwood Water Districts. It was discovered last year that the Willakenzie's contract was not signed and returned. He said city staff and Willakenzie representatives have been working to update the contract so that both bodies can give approval by the conclusion of this fiscal year. Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - June 17, 2002 Page - 9 . The new contract is almost identical to the old contract with one exception regarding billing. Mr. Duey highlighted the terms of the contract, and said the fmalized proposed contract covers both the FY02 and FY03. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR RENEWAL OF FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES FOR THE WILLAKENZIE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT. THE MOTION PASSED WITH, A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. I-5/Beltline Environmental Assessment Comments. Traffic Manager Nick Arnis was present for the staff report on this issue. He said Carl Wieseke from ODOT was present as well to respond to any questions related to the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the 1-5 Beltline project. Since the city initiated this project many years ago with ODOT, and because phase II ofthe project is important to our city, the staff comments weigh very heavily towards the highway administration approval ofthe EA. He is asking for council to accept staff comments, and to advise Councilor Lundberg about the direction the city may choose to take. She could then take that forward to the Beltline Decision Team. He would also ask to leave the record open to see if a compromise is possible with the Gateway owners. . Mr. Arnis discussed a recent public hearing, which was held on June 5th. He noted that Councilor Lundberg was present and from the public testimony he believes there was support for the interchange, but not much support for the three intersection ideas. Harlow neighbors asked that a sound wall be included along 1-5 and there was discussion about the future Peace Health and the traffic issues associated with that. At this hearing there was discussion about taking this intersection out qfthe EA, but FHW A wouldn't do that unless we could prove the Gateway Beltline there would be no impact in 20 years if nothing were done. He talked about the advantages and disadvantages of this intersection. Recently there was $18 M allotted to the interchange last fall. Ifwe don't get the EA done in a reasonable amount of time, the funding for the interchange comes into question. There is a lot happening, and we are on some narrow time lines. He believes there can be some compromised language developed that speaks to the interchange and intersection. Councilor Ballew said it is important that we try to be accommodating, however, first and foremost this is a safety project and we need to do what is smart engineering. She asked whether or not we were still in a good engineering decision position? Mr. Arnis said the alternative interchanges are appropriate. Option 3 seems to be the preferred option by staff.. Our design codes follow the national standards for engineering. Councilor Simmons said when reviewing the pivotal nature of the interchange, it needs to be the best engineering. The true way to handle this is to reconstruct the interchange for the long term needs. We need to have some sort of compromise or correct design strategy. He relies on staff to develop a solution to meet the 2030/2040 processes. Staff needs to come forward with options and plans to guide us out ofthis process. . Mayor Leiken said in the last 10 years the dynamics have changed. When reviewing option #3, it seems closest to meeting the needs of the area, even though there are still challenges. From the Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - June 17,2002 Page - 10 . perspective of staff and engineering, option 3 is good work. When we continue to plan, however, our challenge is looking forward to the changes yet to come in the Gateway area. He likes the idea, if we can from a legal perspective, of decoupling the intersection from the EA or putting language in theEA to move forward so as not to lose the funding. Mayor Leiken thanked Carl Wieseke for his willingness to communicate with city staff to assist in finding a solution. Mr. Arnis said the EA could be updated every 3 years and the intersection option wouldn't have to come online for 5-10 years. When the Pioneer Parkway Extension gets built, the traffic will continue to be monitored. He said part of what staff is suggesting is implementation and direction for the intersection. The project is so large at Gateway Beltline, and staff would want to develop it in stages. Councilor Fitch said she would support leaving the record open. Finding a solution is a key issue, and it is important to see if progress can be made. Mayor Leiken said Councilor Lundberg has done an admirable job. . Councilor Lundberg supports keeping the record open. She supports the comments that were submitted in the staff report council received. They gave an accurate representation. She said she would like to see answers to legalities, what can and cannot happen in terms of trying to decouple. This is a process that has gone on for a long time. She said a process was agreed upon in terms of how it is going to happen; however we keep working around the process and she is very unhappy with that. She is in complete agreement that the all parties should work together on the intersection issue. How are we going to keep it whole while providing safety and having traffic impacts mitigated? She is supportive of continued conversation, but only with staff involved in those discussions no elected officials and no BDT members. She is not ready to decouple, as there is too much at stake. She agrees that it has to be for the greater good of the community, and we need to come up with a solution that everyone can accept. She feels we need to get back on track and stay away from the decouple decision now. Councilor Hatfield thanked Councilor Lundberg for her work on this project. His involvement has been basically as chair ofMPC and actions he has taken have been by the direction of Mayor Torrey. He does not believe this really was a good process. It has brought us to a point where the issues are not being resolved. He too gets phone calls as a councilor. He would like to see this get resolved in a way that is technically and economically sound for the businesses and neighbors. He supports the three options. He hopes there is an acceptable option on the table after all ofthis process. What is outlined in the staff report is good. 1) Can we have time to continue working with property owners, ODOT and the city to resolve the issues? 2) He supports going back to look at alternatives, to possibly put other options on the table. He is prepared to recommend the technical comments as well as the strategy. Councilor Lundberg agrees to keep the public record open. . Mr. Kelly said staff has discussed at length the various ObOT projects; there has been a lot of activity on all three projects. He asked Administrative Assistant Julie Wilson to schedule a meeting with Councilor Lundberg, Councilor Hatfield and Mayor Leiken along with staff in order Springfield City Council Minutes Regular Meeting - June 17, 2002 Page - 11 . to determine what staff is doing. He wants guidance from elected leaders to help staff'manage projects in the best possible way. He feels it will be help for all to get together for this discussion. Councilor Lundberg asked for the legal opinions about the roles of the individuals involved. Mr. Leahy said he and Mr. Arnis talked and doesn't think given what Mr. Kelly has said that Mr. Arnis has formulated all ofthe questions. He said he doesn't want to be put in position where the EA on Beltline was deemed legally inadequate because it failed to consider related impacts. He doesn't want the city to be in a position where we have an incomplete assessment. He will sit down with Mr. Arnis to formulate the questions, and allow him to provide response. Cou,ncilor Lundberg said her last conversation with Bill Dwyer involved getting those answers. Mr. Arnis said jurisdictional questions remain to be answered, as well as others. Council consensus was to accept the staff report. Councilor Hatfield asked ifthere was any objection to the approval of the Resolution Supporting the Grant Request of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Partnership to Lane County. RESOLUTION NO. 02-33 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE GRANT REQUEST OF THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN PARTNERSHIP TO LANE COUNTY FOR $170.000 IN VIDEO LOTTERY RECEIPTS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES. . By Consensus the City Council approved Resolution No. 02-33. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY There was none. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs (" ~~ Kim Krebs, City Recorder .