HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/10/2002 Work Session ..;. . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDA y~ JUNE 10, 2002 The Springfield City Council met in work session on Monday, June 10, 2002 at Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Jesse Maine Meeting Room at 5:31 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Kim Krebs, and members of staff. Mayor Leiken announced that Stu Burge is recovering nicely from his recent hospitalization. 1. 1 0- Year Service Plan. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi and Finance Director Bob Duey were present for the staff report on this issue. Mr. Grimaldi said that the purpose of this work session was to review the narrowed proposed performance indicators, and provide direction to staff regarding any desired changes, or modifications. He said in late June and early July the council would hold two additional work sessions to establish long-term service levels for each performance indicator. . Discussion was held regarding information from the Blue Ribbon Panel, Springfield Tomorrow and Indicators relating to the same issues. They all include good information for council as they review this process. Mayor Leiken said the idea of this discussion is to figure out what services are key, and how to fund those services. Councilor Hatfield said the Blue Ribbon Panel was trying to put a levy together to enhance services. This discussion is to determine what we want the service levels to be in the next five years and how they fit within our budget. This is not a levy discussion, although it may be part of the solution. POLICE The Proposed Performance Indicators were reviewed and discussed. They discussed property crimes and non-emergency crimes, and how the indicators measure our department with other agencIes. Councilor Fitch said she would like to add "percentage of repeat offenders". . Councilor Ralston said performance measures for traffic patrol aren't reflected and he would like to add those to the list. Chief Smith said the number of traffic citations issued, or the number of accidents would be a comparative measurement. . . Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - June 10, 2002 Page - 2 . Councilor Ballew asked Chief Smith what other activities are important in addition to patrol and investigation. Chief Smith said call takers initially take approx 1/3 reports, and with the staffing levels at what they are this is a challenge. The crime prevention component is also important, but is very difficult to measure. The drug investigation process and INET were discussed and how they could be included as indicators. Councilor Hatfield said he believes this needs to remain at a higher level of performance indicator, not necessarily referring to each type of crime. Councilor Fitch said overall they are feel good indicators. She would like to see the number indicators grouped together. Councilor Simmons said he agrees to keep the focus narrower. Councilor Lundberg discussed problem solving to help reduce crime by tracking crime in the community and then measuring the effectiveness of intervention and prevention. FIRE & LIFE SAFETY . Councilor Hatfield reviewed the performance indicators for Fire & Life Safety (Attachment 1-' Page 2). He asked for additions, changes, and deletions. Chief Murphy discussed the contrast between private property and public and commercial property regarding enforcement of fire safety issues. Councilor Hatfield said if we set the standard at the national standard, we could interpret whether or not we are achieving that. Councilor Ballew said all these indicators talk about what we do, not anything about what we don't do. Councilor Simmons discussed preventative measures that we can ask homebuilders to take to lower the risk of fire and thus save taxpayers money. He said the technological changes are important to take into consideration when setting those indicators. LffiRARY Councilor Hatfield reviewed the Library indicators. Library Director Bob Russell said these indicators would be used in a new survey of customers. Councilor Lundberg said she would like to see a measurement of how many eligible citizens use the Library. This indicator will be added as #6. . . Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - June 10,2002 Page - 3 . PUBLIC WORKS Councilor Hatfield reviewed the indicators for Public Works. Public Works DirectorDan Brown explained the purpose of each indicator, and responded to questions of the council. Add #6 - How does the public feel about the condition oftheir street system? What is their perception? Sanitary sewer overflows and backups were discussed. Maintenance Manager Ed Black responded to a question related to prevention of the sanitary sewer overflows. The indicator that is currently being used is valid. Mr. Brown said a tremendous amount of energy and money are invested into evaluating and predicting where an overflow might happen. Replacing, upgrading, and improvements are currently in place to prevent an overflow from happening. More discussion followed regarding overflow and how it could be monitored in terms of maintaining the system. Councilor Fitch said she would like to add the following indicator - "Number of miles of streets unpaved and/or streets below city standards". . Councilor Simmons discussed the importance of being able to serve the needs of new development as well as existing development. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION It was pointed out that 1, 2 & 5 are all in the statute. Councilor Fitch said she would like to add the following indicator - "percentage of online permits". Councilor Ballew said she would like to add an indicator reflecting customer satisfaction. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Councilor Hatfield outlined the indicators for General Government. He said he would like to add an indicator that tracks the number of people who actually take advantage or utilize the web site. Councilor Ballew said item # 4 needs to be reworded in a way that records the level of satisfaction. . Councilor Hatfield noted that the last page is a tentative outline of what we hope to accomplish in the coming year. It also includes conducting a public hearing before the council on July 22. By the end of this year, we should have a game plan and strategy to put pieces together in coming years. He said it is not going to be an easy journey. Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - June 10,2002 Page - 4 . Councilor Ballew said this is a valuable exercise. What it gets down to is listing the programs, putting a dollar amount on them, prioritizing them and drawing a line. 2. Discussion of the. Drinking Water Protection Plan Addendum (2002). Planner II Sarah Summers was present for the staff report on this issue. She said the City of Springfield adopted a Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Plan in 1999 that addressed only groundwater. At that time, Springfield took all of its drinking water from wells. Since then the Willamette well field was determined to be under the direct influence of surface water, and the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) will soon be using water taken from the Middle Fork Willamette. The proposed DWP Plan Addendum (2002) incorporates a surface water management area as required by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). A surface water element of the DWP Plan is also required by Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) Goal 5 protection requirement and Metro Plan Periodic Review Work Task. . Ms. Summers said the Addendum is a policy document that follows the format ofthe Plan. She said is has been written based on the result from a Potential Contaminant Source Inventory done by SUB which meets the Oregon Health Division (OHD) requirement to assess major potential contaminant sources that could impact public drinking water. OHD requires treatment for organisms over and above the requirements for groundwater sources. SUB is constructing a slow sand filter system within the Willamette well field, which will filter both groundwater and surface water intake from the Middle Fork Willamette. She said the Addendum includes a delineated management area per DEQ for surface water of the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed. All of the management area is outside the boundary of Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), and will be a co-operative effort between SUB, Lane County, the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed Council and other organizations and governments. Councilor Hatfield asked what feedback she had received. Nancy Moreno, Springfield Utility Board, said both the Watershed Council and Lane County have been notified and provided a copy ofthe policy document that would address issues within their jurisdiction. She said she has not heard anything back from Lane County. She said she has been working directly with the Watershed Council in their outreach and indication, and said that Chuck Davis from the SUB water department has been sitting in on the policy board for the Middle Fork Water Shed Council. Councilor Hatfield said he hopes that what Springfield puts into a policy document would not . conflict with anything that the county must implement. Ms. Moreno said when the Plan was implemented the County was very much in agreement and was planning to use more or less the same language. Ms. Summers said staffhas followed the DEQ suggested guidelines in the policy document. She referred to Attachment 1 page 18 "Goals and Related Management Strategies for Swface Water Component of Drinking Water Protection Plan ". She said these are the same goals, which were listed, in the original Plan. . . Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - June 10, 2002 Page - 5 . Councilor Simmons referred to Attachment 2 - page 30 "Historic Waste Dumps/Landfills/Settling Ponds/Lagoons ". He said there is no identification or assessment as to the potential contamination from both of the sites, nor is there identification of the bag house fumes. He said they are within the management area, and not identified, nor is there any methodology within the Plan to assess whether or not those are going to have impacts upon the well fields. He said if they do we would have a substantial problem of water supply on the 28th Street well fields. He said if we are going to have a management plan that refers to contaminant sources, you should clearly identify those sources that are there as part of the management strategy. He said all the aquifer up from the 28th Street well fields are not identified and should be in the process. He said this does have fundamental impact, that we can compel people who are within that wellhead protection area to conform to the rules ofthe regulatory agency. City Attorney Joe Leahy said there are some enforcement powers included in the policy document as well as other statutes that can be utilized. Councilor Simmons said we have to have the concept that the City of Springfield and SUB are going to be responsible for the drinking water quality for the citizens of Springfield. He said it is important that we take an aggressive look at this. Councilor Ballew asked who between SUB and the City is responsible for what. Is this an instructing policy for SUB or the City? . Mr. Leahy said it is for both. This is between the county, the city and the SUB board. This policy supplements the existing DWP ordinance, and will be the groundwork for further adjustments for council review and public hearing. J;Ie said the interesting issue is once you make the determination of who makes the law, who pays for the enforcement? There has been a lot of discussion regarding that issue. Mayor Leiken said when the DWP was adopted the city was in much more control. On this addendum the county is now involved and he has some concerns about that. ' Ms. Summers said the Mayor is referring to the Overlay District & zoning. When the DWP was adopted we had input from the task force and advertised to the public. For the policy, public hearings were held, however no one attended. Mr. Leahy said if county approves this, there would be some basis for discussion. If there is any enacting legislation we will enact in the city. It will be enacted within the county pursuant to either a county ordinance or an IGA with the county for the city to implement within the city limits and the UGB. Again this is simply the policy document. He said ultimately, there are a variety of statutes that can be looked at. There have been draft ordinances prepared by city staff and presented to Susie Smith's staff. Mayor Leiken referred to situations in other cities that involved contaminated water and the DEQ took over jurisdiction and clean up. Mr. Leahy said there are a couple of issues currently pending. . Ms. Moreno said there are certain guidelines from the DEQ that they are to follow regarding surface water and setbacks. Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - June 10, 2002 Page - 6 . Ms. Summers said there would be no impact or financial cost to the City of Springfield. She said public hearings are scheduled before the Planning Cominission on July 2, 2002, and before the City Council on September 16, 2002. 3. Gateway Area Traffic Impacts Traffic Manager Nick Arnis and Transportation Planning Engineer Gary McKenney were present for the staff report on this issue. He said the Gateway/Beltline intersection is a key transportation facility in the Gateway area. Operations at that intersection influence traffic impact studies for major developments and the operations at the I-5/Be1tline interchange. The intersection is at capacity while projects to improve the intersection will be built over the next ten years. Mr. Arnis said a City Council goal is to develop the Gateway area. To implement this goal, the City strives to balance land use growth and transportation projects. For over ten years the city has conducted and implemented land use and transportation plans in the Gateway area. In the last. two years, Symant~c has located in the area and Peace Health has announced its intention to develop a regional hospital facility. At the same time, the Pioneer Parkway Extension (PPE) was funded and construction is expected to begin in 2004, and the I-5/Beltline interchange was awarded $18 million by the state and the Environmental Assessment (EA) is expected to be approved in early 2003. . Mr. Arnis said at this time staff recommends the City Council direct staffto prepare a resolution to affirm and implement TransPlan Policy #2 "Motor Vehic1e Level of Service" and continue seeking federal, state, development, and local funds for major transportation projects in the Gateway area. Councilor Simmons said he understands the political feasibility, but stands firm as a citizen user that we should not reduce the level of service criteria. He is opposed to further reduction of servIce. Councilor Lundberg agreed with Councilor Simmons, but said in an effort to move forward, a temporary reduction in the level of service would be ok. After further discussion, the majority of council directed staff to prepare the resolution as proposed in the staff report. 4. Affordable Housing Implementation Project - Code Amendments. Planner II Kay Bork stated that the purpose of the work session was to follow up on the public review process of the code amendments. She said in June 2001, the City Council authorized staff to pursue several code amendments that would implement the Residential and Housing Element of the Metro Plan around the issue of affordability. Since that time staffhas worked with a Technical Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission to draft the changes in the code language. She said the proposed language was circulated to interested parties and outside agencies for review, and is presented for council review as Attachment 2 ofthe Agenda Item Summary (ArS). . Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - June 10,2002 Page - 7 . Ms. Bork said the code amendment project would continue in phases, and the first phase would include 1) amending the Cluster subdivision standards to be more flexible, and 2) adding code language for accessory dwelling units. Ms. Bork said the proposed code amendments are intended to encourage higher densities than current practices but within the prescribed densities of the Metro Plan. They are also intended to allow a greater variety of housing types in the Low Density Residential than are currently allowed. Councilor Hatfield asked Ms. Bork if there was anything in the proposed code amendments that is more restrictive than what we currently have. Ms. Bork said no. Councilor Simmons referred to page 2 - 3 (#2) regarding the width of the sidewalk. He said they need to be wider than that in order to facilitate impaired movement. It needs to be wide enough to handle the track of a standard wheel chair. He suggests checking on the width of gurney wheels as well. Councilor Lundberg said there was a comment about accessory dwellings in the Planning Commission minutes leaving out the Washburne District. Do we have to make up for leaving them out? Ms. Bork said we would not be below any housing units that are needed. . Councilor Hatfield said the Planning Commission's recommendation excluded the Washburne District. After further discussion, council consensus was to proceed with the recommended code amendments, with the exception of the increase in the width ofthe walkways. 5. Discussion of the Proposed Intergovernmental Agreement for Reconstituted Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Partnership. Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis was present for the staff report on this issue. He said the draft Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) included in the council packet has been modified, and circulated a new draft of the proposed IGA. . Councilor Hatfield said this new draft is a result of a meeting held on Friday, June 7th. He said there are no substantive differences from the prior draft, and the only outstanding issue is arbitration. City Attorney Joe Leahy said his office did not receive the new edits of the IGA until late Friday afternoon, and therefore, he has not had an opportunity to thoroughly review the draft. After further discussion, council consensus and direction to staff, was to take this forward for council approval on June 17th. Approval would be conditioned on 1) Mr. Leahy's approval, and 2) the funding of$170,000 is authorized by Lane County. It was agreed that this should be . . . . . Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - June 10, 2002 Page - 8 brought forward under Business from theCity Manager, in case council de~ermines there is a need for further discussion. Mr. Leahy requested council contact his office if there are any legal questions related to the IGA, prior to Monday June 17th. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7: 17 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ( A~~ Kim Krebs, City Recorder