HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/13/2002 Work Session . . . ." , . .# MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, MAY 13, 2002 The Springfield City Council met in work session at Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, on Monday, May 13,2002, at 5:30 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Kim Krebs, and members of staff. Guests: Jan Childs, City of Eugene 1. West Eugene Parkway and Associated TransPlan Amendments. and Exceptions to Statewide Planning Goals 3. 4. 1 Land 14. Planning Manager Greg Mott was present for the staff report. He introduced J an Childs, City of Eugene. The purpose was to primarily give the council an opportunity to review the materials and ask questions about the process. Ms. Childs said she circulated a procedure list that had been developed for the joint hearing. It highlighted the ground rules, and procedures. Mayor Torrey requested that the cards be sorted in favor, neutral and against. She said she knows that Springfield normally adjourns its public hearings at 10 p.m. and that has been agreed upon for this hearing. She highlighted the balance of the information contained in the handout. The public hearing will be on May 29 in the Eugene City Council Chambers at 6:00pm. Ms. Childs highlighted information contained in her Memorandum, which was attachment 1 to the Agenda Item Summary (AIS). She highlighted all the information in the packet and additional information council would receive prior to the hearing. She discussed the responsibilities of each jurisdiction regarding certain amendments. Tom Schwetz circulated a copy ofthe adopted December 2001 TransPlan. Ms. Childs responded to questions of the council. Councilor Ballew asked for a timeline. Ms. Childs said the public hearing would be held May 29; the close of record one week after that, and the Eugene City Council was scheduled to hold a work session and possibly take action on June 19. There is a back-up date for the work session of July 8. It looks like the week of July 15; the other three groups are scheduled to take the matter up again. Assuming all four groups agree, there could be final action by the end of July. If there is a LUBA appeal, it would be difficult to predict that time frame. 2. ATT Broadband/Comcast Merger. Technical Services Manager Len Goodwin was present for the staff report. He said the purpose of this work session was to discuss the proposed merger of A TT Broadband with Comcast to . . . . . .i Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - May 13, 2002 Page - 2 form a new company, ATT Comcast. That company will own TCI Cablevision of Oregon, our current television franchise agent. There are no changes in the franchise, in the operation of the franchise, or ofthe identity of the franchisee. It is a second level merger involving the acquisition of the owner of the company holding the franchise. Under the existing franchise, the consent of the city is required to approve the transfer of control. Mr. Goodwin said the information contained in the AIS and attachments included a number of issues that were raised by staff of the City of Eugene, City of Springfield, and Lane County relating to the implementation of the current franchise. He said staff of all three agencies met with ATT staff to discuss this transaction. From that meeting, ATT presented them with a "Proposed Memorandum of Agreement" (Attachment G), which addresses franchise compliance. He said there is adequate comfort by staff to consent to the transfer of control. He said just recently it became public knowledge that ATT Broadband had filed a change to the merger plan. He circulated a letter dated May 13 from AT&T, which states that there have been no substantive changes in the terms of the merger. Staff is prepared to bring this forward to the council at the next regular council meeting with a resolution recommending consent. He introduced General Manager of ATT Broadband for the local area, Sanford Inouya, who will also be available for questions. Mr. Goodwin responded to questions of the council. Councilor Simmons said upon reading of the whole document, the implications to the city are neutral, but to the ratepayers they are not. It is his perception that the transition will allow a potential of the burden to be born by the ratepayers. He is not opposed in spirit, but is opposed as it relates to the ratepayers. Mayor Leiken asked Mr. Goodwin if the FCC oversees those issues. Mr. Goodwin said that there is limited oversight ofthat part ofthe transaction as part of deregulation. The debt to asset ratios do look very high and Councilor Simmons concerns could be founded. Councilor Hatfield said the questions raised by Councilor Simmons have been raised at Metro Planning Commission level. He is reluctant to grant the change in franchise without the information. He wants to be assured that we will still be provided the same service at the same price to the consumer. Councilor Ballew said the Communication Act of 1996 was intended to remove barriers and provide service. She asked if there is anyone that can compete with A TT in the same market. Mr. Goodwin said the penetration of satellite services has grown remarkably in the past few years and in some cases, the satellite use is competing effectively. He said unfortunately the 1996 act stripped the local governments of regulation with the exception ofthe fundamental services. Councilor Simmons said this is no longer just an entertainment service. They haven't completely submitted the adequate information in order to complete the decision process. He believes it ought to be denied until they fulfill the response. Right now a lot of pieces are missing and it is not appropriate to proceed. . '. ,.A Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - May 13, 2002 Page - 3 . Councilor Fitch said because attachment G is present, she would support going forward. This document allows negotiations for the next 120 days to resolve the issues. If the issues are not resolved, it will come back before council, but service will not stop in the meantime. Councilor Hatfield asked what leverage we have to enforce that 120 days once we have consented to the merger. Mr. Goodwin said we could either terminate for cause for failure to comply, or cancel the franchise. In either event it removes the franchisee's right to operate, but does not require them to remove their facilities from the public right of ways or cease providing service to the citizens. It may be necessary for the city to determine if there are other options. He said staffhas already begun the process of termination of franchise by giving them notice with respect to the failure to placate fees on cable modem service and by their unilateral change in speed resolution. Ifthey do not comply with the franchise within 60 days, whether or not we consent to this transfer, we can take action to terminate the franchise. Mayor Leiken asked ifthe franchise were terminated, what would be the next step. Mr. Goodwin said hypothetically, if we terminated for cause, the franchise provides the option for the city to acquire the assets and sell them to another- provider of services. He would not suggest that as a positive alternative. . Mr. Leahy said Mr. Goodwin has shared the non-compliance letters with him. The letters outlined what they would do if ATT doesn't comply. The idea would be to come back to council in an executive session and discuss what the options are either to the city by itself or to the city in concert with other cities to reduce the cost. There may be some options appropriate for an executive session. After further discussion, council consensus and direction to staff was to bring this item back for further discussion in 7 days in regular session. 3. Staffing Information in Aid of Levy Decision. Police Chief Jerry Smith was present for the staff report. Mike Harman Management Analyst for Police Department and Springfield Municipal Judge James Strickland were also present to answer questions. Chief Smith said the department is experiencing an increase of calls for service. These calls take precedence over other calls, but that in turn causes a back log of the other calls. Crime rates have continued to increase. All crimes went up by 7% and about two thirds of crimes are property crimes. Some of the challenges and service gaps the police face include number of calls, young officers needing more supervision, and decisions on sentencing based on jail space. Patrols are becoming reactive instead of being able to work on preventative measures. He is concerned about the deterioration of response times and the significant reduction in public satisfaction. Chief Smith highlighted the different options that he has provided in the Council Briefmg Memorandum (Attachment 1). . . . . . .. Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - May 13,2002 Page - 4 The National Institute of Corrections has confIrmed their willingness to provide research and analysis information relative to jail needs. He said we expect that product to be completed by August 1,2002. Chief Smith said the City has an opportunity to apply for grant funding for police officers through the Universal Hiring Program offered by the Department of Justice. The filing deadline for priority consideration is May 24, 2002. The funding would be for 3 years, and the expectation would be to keep them up for an additional year after the funding cycle. By receiving these grants, we could substantially lower the amount we would ask for in the levy. Mayor Leiken asked the chief about using the pods at the Juvenile Justice Center as part of the j ail system. Chief Smith said the answer initially was that it would not work. He said we do know there are two pods available, and he has talked to the sheriff about lost revenue because there is no place to keep criminals until they can post bail. The only way to make this work is to make people post bail. Mayor Leiken asked if Eugene had the same problem. It seems there may not be support for a jail right now, but we need to continue looking at it for the future. Springfield will continue to grow. We need to continue to look at some ways to be creative and look at that option because the cost recovery is there. Councilor Hatfield said we could also look at the pods in another way. We don't have to look at them as temporary, but can use them for the intermediate term prisoner in the 3-12 month range. Judge Strickland said he has concerns that would require the cooperation of Lane County and the city of Eugene. He can see the Sheriff wanting to put the class C prisoners there. He thinks we need to build a ship that we can control ourselves. He said November may be too soon, but he is willing to volunteer his services to speak about the issue. He said an education program is something that needs to begin. Councilor Hatfield said it is the general populace that we need to educate. We need to do something with the staffing issues. He said initially if we followed the recommendation of Councilor Ralston to get the levy down to about one million dollars, we might be able to solve the staffing issue. Then we can move toward the broaderidea of a public safety building with police, jail and possibly incorporating the fIre department. Councilor Simmons is supportive of the levy for operations, and the universal hiring program as a short-term fix. He is also supportive of Springfield taking a lead in the corrections area. We need to go forward with the correction's study. In addition, we need to work towards the operational levy and work constructively towards getting a fmancing mechanism. Councilor Hatfield said PSCC is looking at different fmancing options. Councilor Simmons feels we need to move forward independent of Eugene and the county. We still need to have discussions about how we can collectively use the pods. Councilor Fitch said she is supportive of safety and the police department; however we have a problem with reoccurring crime. The only way she will support this is if we are extremely honest , ..,; . . . Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - May 13, 2002 Page - 5 with the public that it is only a band-aid. It will continue to reoccur until we have a place to incarcerate people breaking the law. The public will not see a vast improvement because it truly is a temporary fix. She thinks that you can only cut so much and she does not want the illusion that ifthis is done we will solve the big picture, because we won't. Councilor Lundberg said this might not be a perceived issue from the citizens. It is not necessarily coming from the public that there is a sense that we need to do something. rfthere is a 3rd jail we will then be paying for three jails; the city, the county, and the juvenile. By paying for additional jail space, we are not reducing crime in the same sense as having folks graduate from programs such as Drug Court. There is a huge public piece we have to look at seriously. Do we want to be in the corrections business? If we build a facility, we would need to have a way to staff it. We need to look at where some options are that currently exist in terms of officers that can be pulled. We then need to take a look at what we would put out in a levy. Mr. Kelly said in a perfect world we would have determined the 1 O-year vision for the city of Springfield. We would then have that general view whether or not there is going to be a police/court and fire administrative facilities. Is 2002 really the best time for a levy, and if not, what do we do for the next four years regarding crime? The pods could be used as an interim process as one option. If we put it in our levy for money for staffmg and the operations cost to run those two pods, and we asked Eugene to come up with part oftheoperational costs, he doesn't know if the county could come up with their portion ofthe money. He knows that Lane County indicates there could be discussions about the pods. It is not necessary for us to have a decision tonight, but they can direct staff to pursue some kind of a police levy. Staff can report back to council in the next month or two. Mayor Leiken asked what the timeline was for the ballot measure filing. Mr. Kelly said Lane County Election filing deadline is September 5. He said if there were consensus of the council to proceed, staff would like council to authorize the continuation of the interim discussions. Councilor Hatfield said the best way to approach this is to continue discussions regarding the pods at the intake center. He said he personally is not ready to make a decision on what the best route to take is. He said if staff would bring more information back to the council in June for further discussion, that would give the council plenty of time to discuss and decide how best to proceed. Staff could prepare ballot title wording prior to council recess. He said key information needed is whether or not the School District and Willamalane plan anything at all for the November election. He said coordination with the TEAM Springfield partners is essential. The council discussed the grant application process, and when the grants would be awarded. After further discussion, council consensus directed staff to proceed with the COPS grant application and continue discussions with the County regarding jail space. This item will be scheduled to return to council for further discussion in June and July to make final decisions on levy proposals prior to council recess. 4. Unused Olympic Right of Way vacation agreement. Traffic Manager Nick Amis and Civil Engineer Ken V ogeney were present for the staff report. Mr. Amis introduced Mr. John Hammer. He said Mr. Hammer has subdivided the property on 't' <7 . ."" . . . Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - May 13, 2002 Page - 6 the west side ofN 42nd Street between Olympic Street and the Weyerhaeuser rail line (the old mill pond) He is requesting vacation ofthe unused Olympic Street right of way, which is located primarily on his property. Mr. Hammer is making infrastructure improvements to the site such as constructing a new street, which provides access for the proposed Mt. Hood Beverage office and distribution center. His subdivision approval requires him to create a 25 foot wetland setback and next to that a 10 foot public utility easement for a total of 35 feet in easements. Vacating the right of way allows better flexibility for developing the site including the street system. Mr. Amis said staff recommends initiating an agreement that accompanies the street vacation and includes Option 3 from the Council Briefing Memorandum (CBM) (Attachment A), with the following provisions: . Add a 15 foot easement to the 35 feet of easements for a total 50 foot easement . Construct to City standards an asphalt multi-use path . Realign two driveways onto 42nd Street to vacate right of way He said there would be a multi-use path, and the owner would contribute funds for improvement of the vegetation along the corridor, and two driveways would be closed, and the multi use path would be built by the owner. ,Mr. Amis referred to an overhead map and highlighted the area in question. He also highlighted two additional options in the CBM. Councilor Hatfield said he is agreeable to Option 2, but said he has a problem withthe 50-foot setback. He said there is not a need for that; he believes the 25 foot setbacks with a 10 foot public utility easement is adequate for storm water sloughs. He said this is already part of the agreement currently in place with Mr. Hammer. Given the time constraints Mr. Hammer has to get the road in place for Mt. Hood, encroachment permits need to be processed as quickly as possible. Mr. Amis highlighted the on street bike lanes on Olympic on the overhead map. There was discussion regarding the need of a multi use bike path in this area. Councilor Simmons said it is important that the city clearly understand what its responsibility is, and what Mr. Hammer's responsibility is. He said an agreement is necessary in order to clarify all of these responsibilities. He also agrees that this needs to be expedited in order to allow the development to proceed. He asked a question regarding the landscape buffer, and whether or not that can be integrated as part of the setback. Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas said yes she believes that could be done. After further discussion council consensus was to proceed with the encroachment permits in order for Mr. Hammer to meet his agreements to Mt. Hood, and provide any feedback staff may have on any grant funding available. Staff will return with an agreement, as well as checking on the planning commission action that has occurred to date. Mr. V ogeney responded to questions of the council related to the process of encroachment applications and permits. He said staff would be meeting with Mr. Hammer quickly in order to discuss the encroachment process. ., . <. .. .. . . . Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - May 13,2002 Page - 7 5. Business License Program. Finance Director Bob Duey was present for the staff report. He said staff has completed extensive research and has drafted a proposal to alter the City's current business license program from a specific business license to a general business license. The Business Tax Ordinance would require that all businesses located inside the city limits of Springfield, unless specifically exempted, be subject to an annual business licenses charge for the privilege of doing business in Springfield. The charge would be comprised of a set fee to recover the administrative costs ofthe program and an additional tax based upon the number of employees at each business. Mr. Duey highlighted very quickly the information contained in the Agenda Item Summary and attachments. He said the program would pay for itself from a fee standpoint. Mr. Duey responded to questions related to the possibility of exemptions of foster care homes, day care providers, and home occupations. Staff is prepared to begin soliciting the public and business community's input on the proposed Business License Program. Staff would like to receive any [mal direction and authorization from Council prior to soliciting this input for probable presentation at a subsequent public hearing. He said the public information campaign would be conducted during the fall of 2002 for implementation in January 2003. Mr. Duey responded to questions of the council related to the Draft Business Tax Ordinance (Attachment B). After further discussion, council consensus was that staff should check with the state to determine how many day care providers are in the city, and provide that information to the council in order to determine whether or not they should be exempt. City Attorney Joe Leahy said there may be a lot of requests coming forward for exemptions, and would suggest placing them in different classes in order to determine whether or not they should be exempt. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m. '" Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ~ Kim Krebs, City Recor er