HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/2002 Work Session . . . r MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2002 The Springfield City Council met in work session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, February 4,2002, at 6:01 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Ralston, and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, City Recorder Kim Krebs, and members of staff. Guests: Paul Nielson, Moss~Adams, LLP 1. 2001 Annual Financial Report and Management Letter. Accounting Manager Valerie Nardo was present for the staff report on this issue. She said special Moss Adams, the city's independent auditors, have completed their audit of the city's 2000/2001 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), and have issued their opinion and Management Letter. Mr. Nielson is present from Moss Adams to review the audit process, and to present a brief Power Point presentation to the mayor and council. . We are required by the state to submit this on December 31, 2001, and said she was pleased to report that it was mailed on December 21, 2001. This is special item, it will be the first document placed on the web page for the Finance Department. She said the pc conversion mentioned in the council briefing memorandum would be accomplished by May 1,2002 of this year. Ms. Nardo introduced Mr. Nielson. Mr. Nielson provided a handout that outline the information he would be presenting on the overhead Power Point presentation. Mr. Nielson highlighted the information contained in the handout and in the presentation, which included: . Important Communications · Management Letter · GASB 34 . GFOA Award . City Wide Revenue ( in thousands) · City Wide Expenditures ( in thousands) · General Fund Revenue and Expenditures (in thousands) · General Fund Days in Fund Balance · Street Fund Revenue and Expenditures (in thousands) · Street Fund Days in Fund Balance Mr. Nielson responded to questions of the council. Mr. Nielson said that Ms. Nardo and her staff have done an outstanding job. . . . i Springfield City Council Work Session - February 4, 2002 Page - 2 2. 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Program. City Engineer AI Peroutka was present for the staff report on this issue. He said the purpose of this work session was to review and provide consensus recommendations on the Five- Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). He said the CIP is scheduled for a public hearing on February 19,2002. Mr. Peroutka said the Planning Commission reviewed the CIP at it's January 15, 2002 meeting. He said a draft of the Planning Commission minutes were attached to the Agenda Item Summary (AIS) as Attachment B, and said that they recommended Council approval of the plan with two recommended modifications. The Planning commission recommended adding two projects: I) construction ofa roundabout at the intersection of 42nd Street and Jasper Road as part of the improvement of those roads; and 2) installation of a sewer pump station at Dorris Ranch as shown in the Sanitary Master Plan for servicing the Willamette Heights area. I Mr. Peroutka said since South 42nd and Jasper Road are part ofthe State highway system, the request for a roundabout feature at the intersection of these two roads could be handled as a recommended design consideration during the eventual improvement of these roads by the State. The funding for a pump station at the end of South 2nd to serve Willamette Heights (estimated at $300,000) could only be added to the draft CIP in the fifth year, based on current fund programming, unless there was some other sanitary sewer project which the Council would like to delay to push this project forward. He said Another similar project which could compete for this available funding in the fifth year would be the pump station and force Main at 19th Street north of Yolanda which would also serve some developable residential property. Councilor Lundberg asked for clarification as to who would be in charge of overseeing the roundabout construction, as there was some difficulty with construction of the recent roundabout on Maple Island Road. She said she realizes that Councilor Hatfield suggested that Kristi Mayes be involved with this construction, as she did a very good job in the pilot project of the Thurston Road roundabout Mr. Peroutka said until all the criteria is included in the design manual for the roundabout, he would recommend all designs go through the city staff. He provided some background information to the council related to the construction of the roundabout that Councilor Lundberg was speaking about. He said since this roundabout was constructed and watched over by people other than city staff it didn't have the same amount of overview because it is a state road. . Mr. Peroutka highlighted the information on the wall charts that included: Development Improvements City Participation in Private Projects Debt Service - SLI infrastructure Debt Service - Sewer Interceptor Future Growth Projects Neighborhood Improvements Street Lighting In-Fill . . . .f :- Springfield City Council Work Session - February 4,2002 Page - 3 Preservation Sidewalk Repairs Signal Detector Repair Street Tree Replacement Guardrail Repair Sanitary Sewer Repair Drainage Repair Minor City Facility Projects Street Light Pole Replacement Sewer Wet Weather Peak Flow Abatement City Parking Lot Catch Basins Channel Improvements City Building Maintenance Street Seal/Overlays Minor City Facilities Projects (NEW PROJECTS) Floodplain Mapping Update Implement MPDES Phase II Plan Riparian Area Acquisitions Riparian Area Resource Management Evaluation Storm water Facility Master Plan OlC Pilot Project Traffic Safety Traffic Control Projects (NEW PROJECTS) Glenwood Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Local Street Std. Code & Median Policy Councilor Fitch said she is happy to see that the projects are spread around the entire town, and said she appreciates seeing that. Mr. Peroutka responded to questions of the council related to the information posted on the wail charts. ' The council discussed the idea of a possible surcharge and deferred trunk line charges. Ken Vogeney was present and responded to technical questions of the council. Councilor Simmons spoke about the wood stave issue, and that the budget might be somewhat light because of the degree ofthe contamination. The Council discussed the McKenzie Oxbow site, and asked how much longer the city would be holding on to that property. Mr. V ogeney said staff is currently working with other groups in hope to shift the work and eventually shifting the ownership as well. He.said there are still some advantages for use of that property to the city right now. . . '. I Springfield City Council Work Session - February 4,2002 Page - 4 Mr. Peroutka said there are potential areas in the McKenzie Oxbow land that could be used as wetland mitigation for other projects within the City, that are in the McKenzie Watershed that could improve those wetland areas. He said staff is working with McKenzie River Trust, in order to maximize the habitat in the area. He said there are working in a proactive manner as it relates to salmon habitat, ESA response, and hopes that the McKenzie River Trust would be doing most of the work. He said city staff involved is to oversee and make sure it is compatible. Mr. V ogeney said they are meeting this week with McKenzie River Trust. He said they are pursuing some grant opportunities, and are still in the negotiating stages. After further discussion, council consensus was to carry the 2002-2007 CIP as presented to the public hearing on February 19th. Councilor Ballew asked staff if they were going to bring forward any information as it relates to the street funding? Dan Brown, Public Works Director said there is a work session scheduled for February 25th to discuss the street fund issue. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs r-- ~ ~~ Tamalyn Fitch, Councilor ~. Kim Krebs, City Recor r