HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/2002 Work Session .. . . . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 28,2002 The Springfield City Council met in work session at Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, on Monday, January 28,2002, at 5:35 p.m., with Council President Hatfield presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Mayor Leiken was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Attorney Meg Kieran, City Recorder Kim Krebs, and members of staff. 1. Arts Commission Application Review. Library Manager Judy Harold was present for the staff report. She said there are five positions on the Arts Commission, which expired on D~cember 31, 2001. She said all five members currently holding those positions are eligible to serve another term, and five members have reapplied. She said Eleanor Palm has also applied for membership. Ms. Harold said the Commission believes all six candidates are well qualified to serve. She said at this time the Commission recommends that each ofthe five current commission members, John Keskinen, Judith Macomber, Scott Wylie, PJ Sargeant, and Nada Zawodny be reappointed to the Commission, with terms expiring on December 31,2005. She said the Commission further recommends that Eleanor Palm remain the top candidate to fill the next Commission vacancy. Council consensus was to follow the Arts Commission recommendation, and directed staff to prepare the necessary paperwork to ratify the appointments at the next regular meeting of the council. 2. Springfield Sign Code Update. Community Services Manager Dave Puent was present for the staff report. He said that the Springfield Sign code is amended on a fairly routine basis. Throughout the year, the Development Services Department collects suggestions from contractors and business owners regarding reasonable improvements to the Springfield Sign Code and where possible, includes these suggestions as proposed amendments for the following year. A first reading andpublic hearing for the proposed amendments is scheduled for the February 4,2002 Regular Session. City Attorney Joe Leahy and Meg Kieran were both present to respond to various legal questions ofthe council. The council discussed the existing sign code requirements, and asked Mr. Puent about the number of complaints received. . Mr. Puent said not many complaints have been received from the general public. He said the sign code might not meet the needs of a national retail chain. Springfield City Council Work Session - January 28,2002 Page - 2 . The council discussed the utilization of portable signage for commercial purposes on public right- of-ways, and asked staff to investigate whether or not those types of signs could be regulated. The council discussed the possibility of allowing sandwich boards for advertising, possibly some modification that would specify private versus public property. They said they would defer to staff, and asked staffto report back on their investigation.. Mr. Puent highlighted the changes in the proposed Sign Code amendments. Council consensus for staffto follow up on the sandwich board issue, and the portable sign issue. If not resolved before February 4th, then directed staff to reschedule the public hearing. 3. 1-5 Beltline Interchange Update. Traffic Manager Nick Amis was present for the staff report. He said that representatives from ODOT and CH2M Hill (Project Consultants) were present to assist with the work session presentation and to also show a Power Point Presentation. Mr. Amis introduced Jay McCray from CH2M Hill, Bob Pierre, Carl Wieseke, and Susan Vickers from (ODOT). . Mr. Amis said the purpose of this work session is to provide an update and information related to the 1-5 Beltline interchange, and the environmental assessment. He said there has been some recent meetings with the Gateway Owners for Positive Change, and that recently the OTC approved the 18 M for the first phase of this interchange with a couple of conditions. Mr. McCray circulated a copy of his power point presentation titled "I-5/Beltline Interchange Project Overview and Update" that he would be following during the presentation. The information included 1) Process and Overview; 2) Evaluation and Framework; 3) Description of Alternatives; 4) Environmental Impacts; 5) Next Steps; and 6) Questions and Answers. Councilor Lundberg said a great deal of time has been invested in this project, and when the environmental assessment is resolved, it would be a document that we all can live with. She asked council to provide any comments, suggestions, or feedback for her to carry forward to assist her in the EA process. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ~-d~- ~~~am~n-;~h, Councilor . A~~ Kim Krebs, City Recorder