HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/2002 Work Session ~ . . City 'of:Springfield Council Go~l Setting Session . MINUTES OF THE GOAL SETTING SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD SATURDAY, JANUARY 12,2002 The city of Springfield council met in a goal setting session, in the Library Meeting Room, 225' Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Saturday, January 12,2002, at 12:22 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Administrative Coordinator Julie Wilson and members of the staff. 1. Gold Stars. City Manager Mike Kelly briefly reviewed the Gold Stars document. This document was labeled as Attachment I in the agenda packet. Mayor Leiken recommended staff send out a public information article summarizing some of the gold stars accomplished in 2001. He said the accomplishments are very impressive. Mike Kelly said the gold stars list would be complied to note the significant accomplishments, from the consumers perspective. A marketing document would be created and submitted to council for review/approval. . Councilor Hatfield noted the importance of the TEAM Springfield newsletter containing content, not just . filler information. He said the gold stars list would serve as good content information for the newsletter. Staffwould condense the gold stars list to 20-30 items and bring forward to council for review and approval. 2. 2001-2006 rFive Year] Council Goals. Mike Kelly introduced this item. The 2001 council targets were listed in Attachment 2 of the agenda item summary packet. Mike Kelly said the City Council Goals, 200 I - 2006 were not listed in priority order and the council could prioritize the eight items if they had interest in doing so. One addition was recommended to the goal titled Expand the Springfield Economy. Councilor Hatfield recommended the goal be revised adding the language creating family wage lobs. This revised language is included in the bullet listed below. The goals were approved as follows: City Council Goals, 2001- 2006 · Provide financially sound, stable city government. · Utilize resources efficiently and effectively to meet citizen needs. · Expand the Springfield economy creating family wage lobs. · Continue to make Springfield a safe community. · Deliver quality services. . · Participate in a renaissance for Springfield. Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 2 . . . Partner with citizens and other public agencies. . Preserve our small town character. I Later during the meeting, the council confirmed that no changes were proposed to the five-year goals. 3. 2001 Targets The 2001 One-Year Targets were briefly reviewed. The targets that were completed in 2001 will be deleted from the list. Councilor Fitch recommended that staff publish some of the completed 2001 targets in the TEAM Springfield newsletter as previously discussed regarding the gold stars. She said it is important to get the word out regarding accomplishments of the organization. The 2001 targets were reviewed as follows: 2001 Targets One-Year Targets (2001) - Top Priority . 1. Glenwood Development . Work with community . Identify opportunities . Review Plans · Define future direction . Develop multi-year action plan [Ongoing target for 2002] 2. Gateway Development [Ongoing target for 2002] . Review concept and opportunities; define city's role; determine direction; initiate action. · Evaluate traffic congestion problems; develop options; implement. 3. Millrace: Inlet to Outlet [Ongoing target for 2002] · Work with TEAM Springfield to develop a multi-agency plan for increasing the asset value ofthe Millrace; implement plan. · Explore ways to use as a community resource. 4. Community Policing/Public Safety Staffing and Facilities [Delete] · Hold conversation with community about timing for implementation of Long Range Police Plan; timing of bond measure for improved police/fire facilities, including need for additional jail beds; timing of increased staffing for Fire and Life Safety. · Work with TEAM Springfield to inventory existing community programs/services and facilities; focus on program/facility needs of kids during hours of3:00-7:00 p.m. 5. Downtown: Direction [Ongoing target for 2002] · Pursue funding for the L TD Station, Bus Rapid Transit, Millrace project and other public investments in the Downtown. . Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 3 . . Work with TEAM Springfield to assess the feasibility of establishing new public buildings or a Civic Center as a component of downtown revitalization. . Continue efforts to attract a major public or private development to the Downtown to act as a catalyst for additional investment. . Finalize the Springfield Station Specific Area Plan and adopt recommended revisions to the Downtown Refinement Plan, Development Code, and other planning documents as needed to implement it. One Year Targets - High Priority 6. Citizen Involvement: Action Plan [Delete] . Evaluate effectiveness of current mechanisms, boards and commissions, etc. · Work with TEAM Springfield to identify opportunities to work together to improve citizen involv~ment in Springfield government. · Explore the feasibility of neighborhood livability program. 7. Comprehensive Plan: Periodic Review . [Ongoing target for 2002] . Implement mixed-use zoning. . Support implementation of Trans Plan. · Metropolitan Natural Resources Study: NR Inventory conflicting use and ESEE analysis. Councilor Fitch discussed target number seven, Comprehensive Plan. She said she was aware that we are targeting final review and adoption ofthe Metropolitan Natural Resource Study in 2003. She asked that we try to stay on schedule. . 8. Jasper Natron Development [Ongoing target for 2002] . Complete the road extension. · Finalize and adopt the Jasper-Natron Specific Development Plan 9. TEAMSpringfield [Delete - new language will be included, resulting from proposed new 2002 targets] · Report TEAM Springfield goals to the community. · Determine city role in TEAM Springfield goals. · Convene a meeting to assess six-month progress toward achieving TEAM goals. 10. Code Enforeement [Delete] · Initiate research/effort to increase compliance with Code regulations. 11. Charter Election [Delete] · Determine level of City Council/community interest in revising the City Charter. 12. Funding for Outside Agencies [Delete] · Review current policies and practices; define city's role; seek policy direction. . 13. Financial Strategy on Electoral Issues · Work with TEAM Springfield. [Delete] Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12, 2002 Page 4 . . Initiate Blue Ribbon Panel to evaluate services, provide recommendations to Council. 14. Museum Oral History Project [Delete] . Determine if current project can be expanded or accelerated. Mayor Leiken recognized staff for the 2001 accomplishments. 4. Ten-Year Financial Perspective. Mike Kelly explained that the structure of the meeting today was to review past accomplishments (gold stars, goals and targets - previously discussed) and then look toward the future direction of the organization. Bob Duey will provide a presentation on the ten-year financial perspective. Following this presentation, Mike Kelly will discuss the current and three-year budget strategy. Councilor Hatfield said the council would have to make critical decisions and provide direction today. He said he is confident that the group will do the right thing and provide for a financially stable future. Bob Duey distributed a handout titled Primary Operating Funds with Discretionary Revenues. He explained that previous focus has included a two to three year projection. He said looking at a ten-year perspective is good. He reviewed the handout with council. In response to a question from Council, Bob Duey explained that the net cost ofthe Fire Department is approximately $4 million. . Councilor Ballew discussed history regarding the staffing of Fire Stations. It was noted that when Fire Station #5 began operation it was understood that we would have a reduced fire presence at Fire Station #3. She said at that time, she was assured that that the staffing would be acceptable. She said assumptions might be made that all council members support an increase in (F &LS) staffing but that may not be the case. She said the city is currently facing organizational reductions and we need to review priorities of the entire organization. She said if this is an extension of the EMT program, it's possible we may not be able to afford it. Mike Kelly explained that the group would discuss stabilizing the General Fund. He said discussion will include answering the question of increasing or not increasing services, what services should be increased, how much and when. The discussion of an extra fire crew will be part of that future discussion today. Councilor Hatfield discussed the long-range projections current to the year 2013 and noted the current year deficit of$8,684,419 (see page 3 of handout from Bob Duey). He said absent other changes/direction, council would continue to reduce each year to balance the budget - if we don't plan for the future. He asked what decisions council could make in the next year, three years and five years that could change the assumptions and the future of the organization. Councilor Hatfield referenced discussion held during the December Chamber of Commerce Springfield Summit meeting. Economic Development was discussed at the Summit meeting. He said Economic Development could generate additional tax revenue. He discussed assessed valuation, inflation, the increase in health insurance premiums, state regulations, etc. He discussed economic development and the result of economic growth. He said economic development could change the ten-year projection. . Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 5 . Councilor Hatfield further discussed the topic of economic development opportunities. He would like to broaden the discussion today to look at our future, ten years out, and noted the importance of building our future. Mayor Leiken polled the council regarding structure of the agenda. He asked if council members would like to continue discussion according to the agenda, or if they would like to further explore options/discussion suggested by Councilor Hatfield. Mayor Leiken reeognized that staff is flexible and willing to adjust discussion accordingly. Councilor Ballew said she would like to stay on target regarding the agenda topics. She said staff needs direction from Council to proceed in the budget planning process. She said that Councilor Hatfield does have a very good idea, although, we couldn't rely on new economic development revenue until it is secured. Councilor Simmons said economic development is a good concept in terms of looking at strategic revenue projections. He said it is a good idea to look at the ten-year outlook, although, we need to look at what the demands will be. He said the assumptions are not adequate to meet reality - resources do not meet revenue. Councilor Ralston said if we rely on some reserve from continued growth over a long period of time, and it does not happen, it will financially impact us. Councilor Lundberg said we are looking at cuts, but we also need to have an idea of our ten-year perspective. . A work session will be scheduled March 11 to further discuss projections for ten-year alternatives and revenues. 5. Three-Year Budget Strategy. Mike Kelly introduced this item. He reviewed Attachment 3 of the agenda packet as well as summarized attachments A through H of Attachment 3. He explained that today, he is looking for general direction, confirmation that staff considering the appropriate mix of reductions, one-time and on-going revenues, etc. Staff is seeking Council direction regarding a three-year budget strategy. It is not staff's intent to obtain specific directioIJ.s regarding the budget, however, general direction is needed in order to make sure that the budget that is submitted to the Budget Committee, this spring, fits within the long term direction established by the Council. during the goal setting session. Staff is recommending a basic strategy (see Attachment A of the agenda item summary packet) for correcting the general fund deficit. It contains a mixture of the use of one time revenue, revenue increases, and decreases in staffing levels. Potential service reductions that may occur as the result of staffing decreases are described in Attachment B ofthe agenda item summary packet. Assuming that the General Fund deficit is eliminated, the City Council has options for increasing services in areas that have been previously identified by Springfield Tomorrow and the committee that established the operating levy that was defeated by the voters in November 2000. Those options are presented in Enhancement Options - Post Downsizing (see Attachment C ofthe agenda item summary packet). . Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 6 . Public perceptions and voter preferences will impact how the city of Springfield approaches budget and service issues. Public perceptions regarding street issues and alternative revenue sources for transportation are presented in Attachment D of the agenda item summary packet. Survey results pertaining to voter behavior regarding a new fire district, a new library district, increasing the number of police officers for patrol, and building a new municipal jail is presenting in Attachment E of the agenda item summary packet. Since moving to a fire district is part of the enhancement option, council was provided with a draft executive summary ofthe Fire District Study (see Attachment F of the agenda item summary packet). Staff has completed some initial work to determine how changes in state regulations and laws might ease the current financial pressures. Attachment G of the agenda item summary packet presents the initial results of that work. Continuing the growth of the city's assessed valuation will playa critical role in the financial health of the city organization. Attachment H of the agenda item summary packet presents the financial impacts of the 5 developments similar to Symantec's most recent investment in Springfield. Bob Duey reviewed items one through seven listed on the basic strategy document, Attachment 3, page 2 and discussed the following points: Basic Strategy to Solve $1.4 M General Fund Deficit Problem in FY 02-03 . 1. One time transfer ofvehiclelequipmentfunds to the General Fund. Mike Kelly provided information regarding this issue in response to questions from Councilor Simmons. He said more specific information would be helpful regarding this topic, item 4 (increase existing fees), and item 3 (sale of property). He said more specific facts need to be identified to make these decisions. Councilor Simmons asked what type of equipment would be impacted by this transfer from this fund. . He said it has been difficult over the past 20 years to bring Fund 13 to an appropriate level. He said there are areas we are already under-funded. He said he needs information regarding consequences of using this fund. Bob Duey said the Fund 13 transfer does not impact any specific equipment at this time. The transfer is an accumulation of funds from 10-12 years ago. Councilor Hatfield asked if this fund transfer would impair future ability to replace necessary equipment. Bob Duey said the transfer could impact future replacement. 2. Use some interest incomefrom 1996 GO Bond to offset public safety eq~ipment purchaselsinkingfund. Bob Duey provided additional information regarding this item. 3. Sell city property to replace Qwest revenue. . Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 7 . Councilor Ballew noted the importance of holding onto excess property for future increased value or at least evaluate this issue when we consider sale of property. Councilor Ralston asked about the sale of specific property and staff confirmed that proceeds could be used from the sale of specific property discussed. Councilor Simmons said we need to consider fair market value issues and weigh the pros and cons of selling property. Mike Kelly said several factors would be considered when evaluating the option of selling property, such as fair market value. 4. Increase existingfees (SaniPac, Impound Fees). 5. Decrease capital outlay. 6. Decrease Materials and Services. 7. Decrease Personal Services Council discussed personal services and the opportunity folks have to retire under the PERS system. She said she would like to see projections regarding long-term employees and retirement projections. . Council noted that some of the positions targeted for possible reduction are entry-level clerical positions. Mid and upper management positions may be considering retirement. Long tenure senior staff member might earn twice as much as an entry-level position. Council noted that it is also important to continue to move toward automation and reduce paper and staff time. Bob Duey said the Human Resources Department is reviewing early retirement programs as well as other programs. Councilor Fitch said when looking at personal services, you must be sure to include benefit cost. She said Springfield has excellent staffs that works hard and are very professional. Given the current financial situation, its possible the city may need to look at how we operate. Councilor Lundberg discussed the possible internal classification study. She asked how that would impact personnel expenses. Bill Spiry provided information regarding the survey. Councilor Hatfield said we need to look at the way we conduct business and deliver our service, including increased revenue and reduced expenditures. We need a long-term solution for the budget situation. . Councilor Hatfield said health care benefits are critical for employees. He does not want us to move backward in this area and he wants each and every employee to have these health benefits as well as Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs). He said as labor contracts expire, we might want to consider an Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 8 . annual negotiation process. Given the financial situation, it might be difficult to make a three-year commitment. Work groups may consider forfeiting an annual COLA in lieu of possible reductions. This process might allow time to get a handle on the revenue situation. Councilor Ballew expressed the importance of balancing a reduction in city services not just personnel (rightsizing). Councilor Lundberg said we need a better definition of services (current and long-term) and where we want to be in ten years. She said at this time possible service impacts are reflected among all departments. She said the council might want to consider prioritizing critical services and create a budget within these guidelines. Councilor Hatfield said nothing precludes the council from providing direction to Mike Kelly regarding services that council identifies as high priority (not to be reduced), and the ones that are discretionary. Mike Kelly reaffirmed Councilor Hatfield's comments and said staffwill try to bring back more defined information to the council at the March work session meeting. Councilor Fitch referenced Attachment 3, Page 7, possible service impacts, Library. She said if the Schools change their schedule and children are out of school earlier, it might be important for the city to consider this as Library accessiblelhours are determined. She briefly discussed the TEAM Springfield approach to community efforts. . Other documents contained in Attachment 3 ,included the following: . FY 03 Possible Service Impacts (Attachment B). · Enhancement Options - Post Downsizing (Attachment C). · Executive Summary - Street Fund (Attachment D). · Executive Summary - Telephone Poll Regarding Voter Support For Public Safety Issues . (Attachment E). · Executive Summary - Fire District Feasibility (Attachment F). · Possible Legislative Agenda Topics For 2002 (Attachment G). · Economic Development / Possible Goal Of Recruiting 5 "Symantec" Type Businesses And Jobs (Attachment H). Council further discussed the basic strategy and possible service impacts. Mike Kelly reviewed section two of the Basic Strategy document, how to solve the $2.5 million General Fund deficit problem in FY 03-04. 1. . Savings Adjusted For Cost Increase. 2. Increase SUBS In-Lieu-OfTax Payment. 3. Increase EWEB In-Lieu-OfTax Payment. 4. Increase Fire Service Contracts Payment. 5. Further Reductions in Personal Services. . Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 9 . Councilor Fitch requested that the potential for an adjustment to the COLA or contract be included in the strategy. . Mike Kelly said staff is looking for general direction at this time. He said council would see information in more detail this spring during budget review. He said we are now down to the issue of making proposed reductions, cuts between $1.4 to $1.7 million this next year, with more reductions next year. He said the service impacts would be similar to the report presented today, or at least at the level indicated today. Mike Kelly asked if the council supported enhancements, over the next few years, while we downsize basic government. He said the Executive Team recommends the enhancement proposal. He reviewed the handout titled Enhancement Options - Post Downsizing, Attachment 3, page 9 of the agenda item summary packet. Mike Kelly said council could approve a strategy that involves going to the voters in November (even numbered years), new revenue charges and/or the creation of a fire district. He said staff does suggest that council create a strategy, within the next three years, to deal with Library, Police and Fire issues. Councilor Hatfield reviewed the examples contained in the document regarding options for possible enhancement. He discussed a Charter amendment to reduce the tax base that the city is allowed to charge. He said staffing at Fire Station #3 would most likely not justify the proposed tax increase to the citizens of Thurston. He did not think they would pay that much for additional library hours either. He said running a jail is very costly. He discussed annexing to the Willakenzie Fire District. He said from a financial standpoint, there is a lot of promise. He questioned voter support of a levy. . Mike Kelly provided additional information regarding the possible creation of a fire district. He said he believes the fire district is a viable option. He said there are advantages and disadvantages for creating a special district. He reviewed advantages and disadvantages of the proposal. Councilor Ralston said we could do whatever it takes to get to the $1.1 million to staff the fire station, increase police officers (or the selected option). He said we would not have to levy the entire amount. Mike Kelly further discussed levy options, tax increases, SUB in-lieu-of fees, etc. He discussed possible fee alternatives to fund various services. He also discussed a first response fee proposal. Dennis Murphy outlined the concept of first response fees. Councilor Lundberg discussed the executive summary related to the recent telephone survey conducted. She said this might be the time to consider a tax levy due to current community climate regarding employment in the area (other community employer reductions/layoffs). She thought voters might be more receptive to the levy request as an enhancement (not a tax levy). She also discussed the resources that are required to conduct a levy campaign (education, etc.). Councilor Ralston said staffing of a fire station is critical. He said this is a citywide issue that is sellable to the community. Councilor Fitch discussed the enhancement options and said she was supportive oflooking at Metro Plan changes for creating a fire district. She discussed the concept of freeing up some money, by creation of a district, and use the funding to address police needs (e.g., officers, police facility, extra bed space at the jail, . Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 10 . etc). She discussed the importance of considering all factors related to the enhancement proposal and the importance of considering the domino effect resulting from our action (e.g., more police officers to address crime, the impact to Lane County Jail, inmates released due to capacity/matrix issues). Councilor Fitch said she would be supportive oflooking at the bond measures for police only, if we are also looking at the potential creation of a fire district. We will have some funding for the Police Department by way of the freed up money resulting from the creation of the fire district. Councilor Hatfield said if we are going to enhance the Police Department, we need to look at continued support for CSOs, dispatch, and other internal things that need to be fixed. He said these areas help the police department to operate more efficiently. He said we should continue the school programs. He also said the Police Department does a good job with the serious crimes. Councilor Hatfield said he would like to see what the state does related to budget issues. He said he would not consider the creation of a fire district a priority, although, staff could continue to review the issue. Councilor Simmons said the fire district concept is complex. He said voter survey information indicates support for police officers. He said the fire district process is worth looking at, although, when all is said and done, he believes the project will go away. He said he would support a police levy, at some point. He said citizens are inclined to want better law enforcement protection. He said we need a way to keep the community safe. He said we are facing difficult budget decisions. He would like to explore the fire district concept and does support the levy for police services. He said long-term implications and other details are needed in order to make budget decisions. . Councilor Ballew did not want to dedicate staff resources toward something that might fail. She said she would consider some implementation of fees, ifthey did not require going to the voters. Councilor Lundberg said the Springfield community has been fortunate to-date. She said we have wonderful services, a wonderful city, great community support and we always try to be accommodating and nice. She said it is time to evaluate what we can provide. She said she agreed with comments made by Councilor Ballew. She was willing to consider implementation of fees, particularly ones that are service specific, such as first response fees. She said looking at other enhancements is not unrealistic in the future. She said services need to be adjusted according to resources. Mike Kelly summarized the comments made by council members as follows: Library Improvements: Library Services. The Blue Ribbon Panel considered an increase in library service hours as a valued service. The Executive Team suggested we not look at a library district or any majorimprovements to library services until 2004. rfthe council directs staff to increase service, on a limited basis, this could possibly be funded by the Bancroft Fund. No major enhancements are recommended at this time. Issue of Enhancements: . Fire Service. There is some support for continued work on creation of a fire district. It is not a high priority. Staffwill continue looking into this issue on a low-priority basis. Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 11 . Fire Service. The second consensus statement is that there is some support for fees to support fire improvements such as EMS First Response fees, increase the fire contract surcharge fees, SUB in-lieu-of fees, etc. There is some interest in reviewing these options, but not endorsements. Information and details would need to be brought back to council for review and direction. Police Service. There is some support to look at police improvements. Examples included things that support the police infrastructure, such as CSOs, dispatch, etc. Comments included waiting until 2002 to see what happens statewide regarding property taxes, look ways to approach voters. Councilor Hatfield clarified that his comments regarding "waiting to see how the landscape looks" [regarding property taxes] is specifically related to the creation of a fire district, not necessarily police. Library Improvements - The Executive Team recommends that this be addressed in 2004 or after. No major enhancements at this time. Councilor Fitch asked about the police enhancements. Mike Kelly clarified that you can only go out for a levy every two years. Ifwe do not go out for a levy in 2002, we would be looking at a police levy in 2004. If there is not support in 2002, we may not want to try. There appears to be many statewide initiatives. Mike Kelly clarified his understanding that council may have some interest in a police service levy, but timing ofthe levy is critical. If there are many initiatives on the ballot in November, this may not be the best time to propose a levy to the citizens. If some items do not qualify for the ballot at this time, council would be asked about support for a November 2002 levy. . He clarified that we would look toward police improvements in two to three years, continue to work on the fire district concept, as time permits, and immediately look at funding fire improvements through fees. This information will be brought back to council for further review and direction. Councilor Hatfield said he would consider looking at first response fees as a high priority. If council considers a levy in 2002, he would support this for police services, a small and narrowly targeted focus. He said we need to focus on critical elements. Councilor Simmons also discussed a police proposal. He recommended council be presented with draft information regarding timelines and a narrow focus. Council could review the police proposal and provide additional direction. He said the information should be prepared for review and clarified that no action should be taken yet. Chief of Police Jerry Smith answered questions from council regarding the police long-range plan and staffing issues. Councilor Lundberg did not support a police.k.Yy at this time and provided clarification regarding this statement. Later during discussion, she provided additional information. She also clarified that she does support police services and her comments are focused on the levy issue. Mike Kelly said he sensed that the majority of council members would be willing to consider a police levy . in November 2002, subject to the proposal, cost factors and consideration of other local or statewide issues . .' Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 12 . included on the ballot. Councilor Hatfield said this would be a good initial test regarding voter support, especially ifthere is consideration to seek voter approval for a fire district. Councilor Fitch said if we opt to go out for a police levy, she requested that we don't promise more staff than can actually be provided for. She reminded staff that proposed reductions before council do not include public safety, and that is the majority of our staff. She said we need to ensure that proposed staff increases, via a levy, do include fringe and other associated personnel costs. ' Councilor Simmons referenced Attachment B, page S of the agenda item summary packet and noted that possible service impacts listed do include animal control, crime prevention and the DARE program. Councilor Lundberg said she is supportive of fire and police services that are total and complete. She said we need to look at long-term solutions. Councilor Fitch discussed building in funding to pay for additional jail beds. Councilor Hatfield discussed jail and inmate matrix issues. Councilor Lundberg said she would support and lobby, as appropriate, for any effort that would impact how much we pay, how much we have to do, legislative efforts, etc. Mayor Leiken said we should continue to support CSOs. He discussed customer service requests regarding abandoned vehicles, stolen property, etc. He said the police officerS do an excellent job of handling violent crimes, and the CSOs help with other police service issues. He would like more information, in the future, about what needs are, how we can initiate interim fixes, and keep the fire district in the queue. We could continue to look at economic development issues. . Councilor Ballew did not see support for a fire district unless people see that they are not paying twice for a service and that they are not paying more for the same service. She said she did not see the fire district as an attractive commodity to the citizens. Mike Kelly recognized that council has mixed views on the issues presented today. 6. Proposed 2002 Tar2ets. Council reviewed attachment 4 of the agenda packet, Carryover 2001 Targets and Proposed 2002 Targets, department -by-department. City Manager's Office: No comments. Approved as is. Devt:;lopment Services Department: Councilor Hatfield recommended that we look at areas and committees we are staffing that might not be a high priority. He discussed staffing of the Region 20-S0 project. He said we need to look at areas we can reduce staffing if possible. Councilor Hatfield said we need to evaluate discretionary versus mandated projects/staffing. An example of mandated projects might include nodal, natural resource inventory, ESA, etc. He also applied this recommendation to areas noted under the Public Works department (reduce staffing where not required/mandated). . Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12, 2002 Page 13 . Councilor Hatfield had no comments regarding the carry-over or proposed targets. He suggested we look at ways we could possibly delay mandates as appropriate. He said we might not be opposed to projects, although, we are diverting staff time, which will be reduced, as we address personnel reductions. Development Services / Public Works: Councilor Lundberg said we need a balance between projects and resources.. She discussed the Public Works Department targets. She said targets include the Millrace and downtown is listed under Development Services Department. She said Glenwood is ambiguous in terms of the components and what we have to and don't have to do. She said Mohawk is not listed at all. If there are redevelopment areas that need our attention, she would prioritize downtown over Glenwood - just next year. She said if she would place more effort and energy into a space, it would be the downtown. If there are parts of Glenwood that could be delayed for another year, that should happen. She understood that we have r to do things in the Jasper Natron area, although Lane County is taking the lead. She said she would like to see focus placed on the downtown area, the Millrace, etc. Finance Department: No comments. Approved as is. Fire and Life Safety Department: Councilor Hatfield noted that the Fire District Feasibility Study is a lower priority. Councilor Fitch said we have a great ambulance billing program and should look at expanding that. Dennis Murphy provided information regarding the service. Councilor Fitch recommended that this be added as a target. Information Technology Department: No comments. Approved as is. Library Department: No comments. Approved as is. Police Department: Councilor Hatfield said we need to look at how and what we can do with a possible levy. He said we need to further review this. Public Works Department: Councilor Hatfield said he had the same comments as noted earlier regarding DSD, look at mandated versus discretionary, staffing of committees, etc. We need to divert staff to more critical projects. Mayor Leiken said we need to continue to explore joint cooperative opportunities such as Fire and Life Safety training with Eugene, Street Fund issues, public safety opportunity, etc. . Mike Kelly thanked the council for their guidance on these matters. Mayor Leiken thanked staff for their efforts for the excellent information and noted that Springfield has the best staff in the state. . ADJOURNMENT .. Council Goal Setting Session Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 14 . The meeting was adjourned at 3: 1 7 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson Attest: ~ ~. Kim Krebs City Recorder . . r