HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/2002 Team Springfield ~; . TEAM Springfield Joint Elected Officials Meeting MINUTES OF THE TEAM SPRINGFIELD JOINT ELECTED OFFICIALS MEETING HELD SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 2002 . The TEAM Springfield group met on Saturday, January 12,2002, at 8:00 a.m., in the Springfield Utility Board Meeting Room, 223 A Street, Suite F, Springfield Oregon. ATTENDANCE City of Springfield: Mayor Leiken, Councilors Lundberg, Fitch, Ballew, Ralston, Simmons and Hatfield. City Manager Mike Kelly and Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi were also present. . Springfield School District: Tom Atkinson, Jennifer Heiss, Jamon Kent, Jonathan Light and Martin Link. Springfield Utility Board: Bobbie Adams, Virginia Lauritsen, Steve Loveland and Joe Mathieu. Willamalane Park and Recreation District: Rob Adams, Jim Mayo, Bob Keefer and Helen Wagner. . Facilitator: Margot Helphand REVIEW TEAM SPRINGFIELD'S CURRENT SITUATION: 1. Springfield Chamber Summit III Results D,m Egan provided the group with a handout titled Revort: Svrinf!field Chamber of Commerce Svrinf!field Summit III. He provided a summary/overview ofthe Summit III session held on December 11,2001. Mr. Egan discussed the importance of maintaining the community quality of life as well as an organized ongoing effort to strengthen and sustain the economy. Mr. Egan noted that the economy of our community is of utmost importance. He also discussed the factors that are important when focusing on community economic development. The community needs to take the action to focus on continued opportunity for economic development. Councilor Hatfield said quality oflife goes hand-in-hand with a sound economy. Mayor Leiken acknowledged efforts of the Eugene/Springfield Metro Partnership (ESMP) as well as their continued efforts toward business recruitment. " A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board TE~ Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 2 . 2. Environmental Scan of Springfield . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Tamulonis provided a power point presentation titled Environmental Scan of Svrimdield. Information reviewed during the presentation included the following: Average growth rate (city, county and state). Population trend. Minority population distribution, race and ethnic distribution. Comparison of the Hispanic population. Map of census 2000 percent Hispanic population. Springfield age distribution. Springfield school enrollment. Household type changes (married-couple families/other family, male householder/other/non- family households). 2000 household type comparison in Lane County. Springfield families with children. 2000 family type comparisons. Average household size. Average household size comparison. Housing changes. Springfield owner/renter distribution. Census 2000 map - percent owner occupied housing. Residential new construction, 1970-2000. New and existing residential home average sale price. Springfield housing type. Lane County non farm employment. Springfield employment. Unemployment rates. John Tamulonis answered questions regarding wage rates, employment opportunity and business development. 3. Agency Status Reports . AgencyCEOs provided an update of organizational activities/status report. City of Springfield: Mike Kelly provided an update regarding the city of Springfield threats, challenges, opportunities and goals. He provided an update regarding the Glenwood area, Refinement Plan update, riverfront development, downtown area development (5th Street and downtown corridor), Emerald Empire Art Building, and noted other city property. Mike Kelly discussed significant financial concerns facing the organization. He explained that the city does not have the necessary financial resources to continue to provide the level of services desired by the community of Springfield. Mr. Kelly explained that the City . Council will hold a goal setting session this afternoon to discuss creative, voter-friendly ways we can seek voter support for funding. He said the city will need to identify ways to reduce / use of one-time money / offer voters opportunity to provide support. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board TE:6.M Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 3 . Willamalane: Bob Keefer provided the group with a handout regarding threats, challenges, and opportunities facing Willamalane as well as quick facts about Willamalane. Mr. Keefer provided a handout titled TEAM Springfield Joint Goal-Setting Session, January 12,2002. Threats facing the agency included increased growth and higher demand for services, economic downturn, parks and facilities near the end of their design life, changing population, demographics requiring the agency to look at how they market and deliver service, demand for recreational programming with no additional indoor meeting or space available, development and operation of new park programs requiring resources, recruiting staff and community change. Opportunities include increased cooperation between public agencies, comprehensive plan update, community support and respect for district's quality and professionalism, availability of open space, partnerships with organizations in private and non-profit sector, metro open space study completion, success of Eugene's recreation levy for after-school programs has stimulated conversations among other agencies to address funding on a larger scale. Bob Keefer discussed state block grant opportunities as well as coordinating efforts with other local community efforts. Springfield School District: Jamon Kent provided the group with a handout titled District 19 - Springfield Public Schools, dated January 2002. He reviewed the handout and reviewed the following items: . . Career survey. . Oregon income and property taxes. . Oregon school funding: a then-and-now overview, state funding prior to Ballot Measure 5, School funding formula (general purpose grant, transportation grant, local revenues, state school fund grant total), school enrollment, budget object summary for 2001-02, examples of how the statewide revenue shortfall could affect Springfield schools. Jamon Kent discussed the importance of providing educational opportunity for community students. Springfield Utility Board: Steve Loveland provided a status report regarding the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). I He discussed the following: . . New electric generation plant development. . Update on rates. Mr. Loveland explained SUB rates are one ofthe lowest, although, did have to increase rates. Water rates may be increased this year. . SUB is currently puilding a new water facility for Springfield (28th Street area). The project will be complete in spring 2003. . SUB purchased the Glenwood area EWEB facility to provide electric and water service for the area. SUB is currently using the EWEB facility and will, in the future, build a SUB electric and water facility. . Natron area services. Efforts are in progress to consolidate that area into the SUB service district. . He provided information regarding aluminum companies that buy power from BP A. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board . . . TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected OffIcials Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 4 4. TEAM Springfield Background and Accomplishments Chris Pryor provided a handout titled TEAM Spring.field, What is TEAM Springfield and briefly reviewed information regarding TEAM Springfield. TEAM Springfield is comprised of the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane Park & Recreation District, and Springfield Utility Board. Its purpose is to coordinate activities, share common resources, develop joint community goals, advocate for common interests, and maintain informed contact with each other and with the community, TEAM Springfield is an outgrowth of informal meetings held between the CEOs of the four public agencies in the 1990s to assess resident values and determine community priorities. The process known as Springfield Tomorrow, involved close coordination of staff from each agency to conduct surveys, focus groups, and community forums, and analyze results. The costs oftwo Springfield Tomorrow projects were shared by the partners. TEAM Springfield formalized itself in 1998 with the creation of a TEAM Springfield newsletter which is jointly published by the four government partners and distributed to every household within the group's boundaries. The TEAM Springfield newsletter provides information on important community issues, activities of the TEAM Springfield partners, profiles of community leaders, and future events. TEAM Springfield continues to meet every month and participants include the Mayor of Springfield and City Manager, the Springfield School Board Chair and Superintendent, the Willamalane Board Chair and Superintendent, and the Springfield Utility Board Chair and General Manager. Elected officials and staffs from all four member agencies also meet in full session once a year to conduct joint goal-setting. One of TEAM Springfield's first projects involved revitalization of the Meadow Park Neighborhood. This included dedicating Springfield Police bike patrols, more security lighting, park rules adopted as City ordinances, a trespass program, park watch programs, utility initiatives, community gardens, neighborhood cleanups, efforts to target and remove drug dealers and drug houses from surrounding areas, and vacating old rights of way to make trespass violations easier to enforce. This highly successful effort is serving as the model for future neighborhood rehabilitation efforts. Other joint goals of TEAM Springfield include initiatives in public safety, education, the economy, and community livability. TEAM Springfield is unique among Oregon cities in that it truly represents a collaborative effort between individual governments to assist each other and their community through joint projects. The ability of more than 25 elected officials from four different public agencies to meet once a year to hammer out joint goals is, itself, unprecedented. Chris Pryor recognized the commitment made by the TEAM Springfield members. REVIEW TEAM SPRINGFIELD FIVE YEAR GOALS. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board , .' TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12, 2002 Page 5 The group held general discussion regarding the five year long-term goals. General discussion . included: . We need was to enhance revenue. . Small business can't afford increased fees. . Consider adding a new target to address joint lobby efforts. · The group discussed Education. Education is more critical now than ever. We need to work with local representatives that support us in Salem. Education needs to be a top priority. Consider a Springfield "united" approach. Need to look at our state structure. There is no money on the table. Also need to look at the fact that a major tax levy may not pass. .. There is a serious disconnect with our citizens about the cost of services being provided. Citizens need to be educated on this issue. If citizens are not willing or able to pay for specific services, agencies need to reduce services being provided. Resources and service need to be balanced. · Consider efforts to raise income opportunities. All TEAM Springfield members broke into five groups. Each group discussed the long term goals as well as reviewed, revised, add/deleted items. The following is a summary of goal discussion. Long-Term Goals (Five-year) . Develop projects jointly. . Explore Partnering. . Increase number of Joint Meetings. TEAM Springfield · Continue to coordinate government services. [DELETE] · Avoid duplication of services [CARRYOVER] · Reduce the rate at which the cost of government services increases in Springfield. [CARRYOVER] [CARRYOVER] [NEW] [NEW] . Public Safety · Increase public perception that Springfield is safe. · Attract quality businesses and families. · Eliminate negative or unsafe aspects ofliving in Springfield. [CARRYOVER] [CARRYOVER] [CARRYOVER] Education .. Increase community confidence in Springfield School District. [CARRYOVER] . A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board . . . TRAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12, 2002 Page 6 . Educate each.child to full potential. language. ] Produce employable kids. rDiscussion: with state cuts we need some new [CARRYOVER] [CARRYOVER] . Economy . Raise the median income. [CARRYOVER] . Provide job opportunities so kids can stay in Springfield. [CARRYOVER] · Attract family wage jobs. [CARRYOVER] · Continue to diversify economic base. [CARRYOVER] · Offer government services at a level that can be supported by Springfield's tax base. [CARRYOVER] Livability · Maintain small town feel in Springfield. . Create an attractive community. . Build stronger neighborhoods. [CARRYOVER] [CARRYOVER] [CARRYOVER] SET ONE- YEAR TARGETS Agenda item numbers 1, 2 and 3 were combined and discussed together. 1. Review Last Year's One-Year Goals And Recommendations. 2. Brainstorm New Targets Within Each Goal. 3. Prioritize Targets for 2002. Short- Term Targets/Projects: TEAM Springfield Explore The Feasibility Of A TEAM Springfield Neighborhood-Based Citizen Involvement And Communications Plan. [DELETE] Develop An Inventory Of Services Already Offered; Existing Facilities. Identify Gaps. Make Recommendations. [CARRYOVER] New Proposed Language: The group shall maintain the intent of evaluating duplication of services once information is compiled. Discussion: · Continue to look at where we duplicate services. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board . . . TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 7 Develop A "United Front" Approach To Lobbying In Salem. [CARRYOVER] New Proposed Language: Increase State Lobby Efforts. · Delay unfunded mandates during special session. · Develop Team Springfield legislative agenda/priorities list, issue based. Develop A Communications Program To Tell The "Springfield Story." [CARRYOVER] New Proposed Long Term Goal (Five-Year): [add to five-year goal document as a new bullet] . Explore Partnering. . Increase number of Joint Meetings. New Proposed Language: Continue and improve marketing. Discussion: · We need to continue meeting in joint sessions such as today. Consider scheduling two joint sessions per year, not just one session. Consider a summer session and invite other agencieslbusiness organizations such as Sony, Legislative representatives, etc. · Continue to hold events such as the SUB generation "open house" event. · Continue efforts to enhance benefits of Filbert Festival. · Reevaluate and do a better job with the content of the TEAM Springfield newsletter (efficiency, resource management). · Content improvements - energy conservation, generation plant and volunteer opportunities. New Proposed Language: Bring more partners into coordination of services, include private partners and non-profit groups. Note: This was discussed under the category of public safety, although, clarification was provided that this was related to the general category of TEAM Springfield (Five Year goals). Work On General Funding Strategies, In Salem And Washington DC, For All The Partners. [NEW PER 01-14-02 E-MAIL ] Public Safety Study Alternative Sanctions, Identify Options For Springfield. [CARRYOVER] New Proposed Language: Find a way to more effectively assist Lane County in handling incarceration, jail space, booking and retention (matrix). A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board . . . TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 8 Examine Need For Public Safety Facilities And Jail. [CARRYOVER] New Proposed Language: Examine the need/capacity for Springfield public safety facilities. The group briefly discussed the jurisdiction of the LCSO and explained that officers have jurisdiction throughout Lane County and have the ability to issue traffic violation citations within the County. Continue SRO And DARE. [CARRYOVER] New Proposed Language: Find funding to continue SRO and DARE, but not at the expense of local finances. Jerry Smith explained that funding will end this year for SRO/DARE officers. Develop a TEAM: Springfield position regarding funding for publie safety and an)' yoter proposals, whether eommunit)' or eounty. Seeure additional funding for pubUe safet)'. [DELETE PER 01-14-02 email] Explore whether TE}..1\f Springfield ean do a eombined pub lie safet)' measure. [DELETE PER 01-14-02 email] Continue To Coordinate Services (Willamalane And SD #19) [CARRYOVER] 01-14-02 Email: Modify to emphasize that all TEAM Springfield partners should be involved in coordinating services. Implement Springfield Poliee Long Range Plan [DELETE] Discussion: Get the Police Long Range Plan off the list and direct it back to the city, it is a city issue. Ditto for other "city" items of similar nature. 01-14-02 Email: Delete. Provide fire and life safety serviees at adequate levels. [DELETE PER 01-14-02 email] Explore The Feasibility Of Developing A TEAM Springfield Program To Address Increasing Rate Of Property Crime. [CARRYOVER] New Proposed Language: Target Joint TEAM Springfield [prevention] programs toward high-crime neighborhoods and areas (like Meadow Park). Consider downtown area next. Consider other areas in need of attention. Continue coordination to reduce costly vandalism, which costs to member agencies physical asset protection. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board . . . TEAM Springfield -Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12, 2002 Page 9 The group briefly discussed use of volunteers. Police Chief Jerry Smith briefly discussed contract/labor issues related to use of volunteers. Education Note: The education targets were updated and prioritized. The items are listed in priority order as listed on the chart. Lobby In Salem. [CARRYOVER] New Proposed Language: Retain state legislative lobbyist. Build broad coalition, League of Oregon Cities, League of Women Voters, Mayor and Councilors. Discussion: The group discussed this topic in detail. Comments included: . All CEOs need to make a commitment regarding lobby efforts and track issues. · Support schools. This may not be the number one priority but keeping kids safe in the community is also important (public safety). · TS should hire a lobbyist that understands the process in Salem, has experience, etc. · Make use of membership to the League of Oregon Cities. Get our message out to our representatives. Consider City Taking Over Some Of The School District Functions. [NEW] Discussion: The group said education is critical. The city should consider taking over some programs, short-term, to help the Springfield School District through crisis time. Review And Revise (Comprehensively) State Taxing System. [NEW] Discussion: The group discussed the need for a long-term review of the tax structure. Create A Community Fiber Optics System. [CARRYOVER] [DELETE] Psss laesl 8ptiaB fUBdiBg far seltaal distriet. Communicate With TEAM Springfield Constituents About The Excellence Of SD19. [COMBINE WITH TARGET LISTED BELOW] . Publicize On-Going Intergovernmental Cooperative Programs. [COMBINE WITH TARGET LISTED ABOVE] New Proposed Language: Publicize private partners (recognize the partners). Discussion: Education and Economic Development is critical for TEAM Springfield. Consider including other agencies in the TEAM Springfield group, such as the Chamber of Commerce, Sony, etc. This could initiate a stronger group. Mike Kelly provided information regarding the structure of the TEAM Springfield as well as information regarding monthly meetings the CEOs hold, etc. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board . . . TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 10 Explore Library Special District Feasibility. [NEW] Fund Part Or All Of Library Long Range Plan. . [COMBINE WITH TARGET LISTED BELOW] [COMBINE WITH TARGET LISTED ABOVE] Start Library Foundation. Expand Willamalane School Programs. [COMBINE WITH TARGET LISTED BELOW] Develop After School Programs For Springfield Youth. [COMBINE WITH TARGET LISTED ABOVE] New Proposed Language: Seek other partners. Maintain Support For Alternative Schools. [CARRYOVER] Discussion: This item was originally deleted on the chart. After some di'scussion, a comment was made to retain the item on the list. Wording may change. Publicize Private. Partners (Recognize The Partners). [NEW] · Should honor business of the month in TEAM Springfield newsletter too, e.g., Sony, etc. Note: This item was diseussed under the target "publicize on-going intergovernmental cooperative programs, although, it was listed in priority order on the chart as the last item under Education. Economy Encourage Chamber To Work On Convention Center/Hotel. [NEW] Recruit And Site A Federal Natural Resource Campus In Springfield [NEW] · Work with GSA, Forrest Service, ODFW and State Water Resources. Match Service Provision And Expectations With Available Funding. [NEW] · Publicize this to citizens. PromotelEncourage TEAM Springfield To Buy Local Goods And Services. [NEW] Fund/Support A Focused Recruitment Effort That Includes Marketing The City As A Place To Do Business. [NEW] Implement TEAM Springfield Approach To Millrace Project. [CARRYOVER] [DELETE] Reeruit the federal eourthause to loeate in Springfield. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board . . . TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 11 Broaden Mckenzie Theatre Project To Cultural District. Implement The Mckenzie Theater Project; Use The Facility. [CARRYOVER AND REVISED] Discussion: Expand and finish the theatre and encourage a cultural downtown district. The language broaden McKenzie Theatre proiect to cultural district is new language added above. Provide fundiBg for improved tUf'Bof'ound time for development opplieotions. [DELETE] Discussion: Need to be realistic. Delete. We can't change the turnaround time. Don't make promises we can't keep. Chart Notes: Delete from list: Provide funding for improved turnaround time for development because we are using technology to do this to a certain degree. Make Progress On Downtown Revitalization - Consider "Old Town" Concept. [CARRYOVER] Complete Transportation Growth Management Plan For Glenwood. [CARRYOVER] Discussion: Complete Glenwood riverfront plan, 2nd year grant. Let's get it done. Get private partners involved. Increase Inventory Of Developable Land. [CARRYOVER] Discussion: Increase developable land. If we bring in five more big companies, need land to develop on. Livability All targets listed were retained and reprioritized. The targets are now listed in priority order. Improve Bike Paths, Open Space, Neighborhoods. [CARRYOVER] Discussion: The group discussed this issue in detail as well as Willamalane's Comprehensive plan. City resources (repair of potholes) were also discussed. The group briefly discussed priority issues, such as maintaining existing roadway versus work on bike paths. The group recommended that Willamalane let the community know what they are doing (publicity). The group briefly discussed street trees and the importance of keeping them out of power lines. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board . . . TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12, 2002 Page 12 Get Federal Transportation Funding - Be Involved In How It Is Used In Springfield. [CARRYOVER] Improve Public Transportation System - Grid System To Serve Schools. . [CARRYOVER] [CARRYOVER] Implement Mixed-Use Zoning. Plant Trees, Flowers, Etc. [CARRYOVER] [CARRYOVER] [CARRYOVER] Bury Utilities Where Possible. Replace Street Lights. 4. Prioritize Targets for 2002. Jamon Kent suggested the CEOs meet to further review and agree upon process to further prioritize the targets. SUMMARIZE THE DISCUSISON Margot Helphand summarized discussion held today and said the group would continue to build upon accomplishments/targets from the previous year. Councilor Hatfield proposed that the TEAM Springfield group meet this summer. This meeting should include broad representation, (County and State representatives, Congressman DeFazio, Chamber leadership, other agencies, etc.). Agenda topics might include the following: · A United Springfield group 2010, talk about a future community vision in 2010 and what we have to do to sustain and deliver services. · Tax system and impacts the Springfield School District will experience. · Prioritize enhanced services and identify possible resources to deliver services. · Iffour agencies are able to discuss a preferred future vision for Springfield, we may be able to begin united lobby efforts. The group thanked SUB for hosting the meeting. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board If RAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes January 12,2002 Page 13 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11 :30 a.m. Minutes Recorder: Julie Wilson, City of Springfield. A~ ~. Kim Krebs ) City Recorder . . A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Sprinqfield Utility Board