HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5522 08/06/1990 . . . \. "" \ ORDINANCE NO. 5522 (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING PORTIONS OF ARTICLE 16 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, ARTICLE 18 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, ARTICLE 21 SPECIAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, AND ARTICLE 32 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Section 16.100(11)(e) is hereby amended as described below: (11) Professional Offices. (e) Professional offices permitted are limited to: accountants, architects, attorneys, computer programmers, designers, engineers, insurance agencies, investment counselors, licensed real estate agents, medical and dental practitioners, counselors, planners, and studios for artists, interior decorators and photographers, and similar general office uses engaged in support services to other businesses and/or their parent companies. Section 2: Section 18.010(1) is hereby amended as described below: (1) NC NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. The NC District is intended to implement Metro Plan Text addressing Neighborhood Commercial facilities. This district designates sites to provide day to day commercial needs of the neighborhood and may include individual convenience stores. Neighborhood commercial centers typically include a convenience store or market and several personal service establishments. This district shall be no more than 5 acres in size. Section 3: Section 21.020(1) is hereby amended as described below: (1) The minimum lot size for tracts of unincorporated SLI land that do not have Conceptual Development Plan approval shall be 50 acres. The minimum development area for the SLI district with Conceptual Development Plan approval shall be 5 acres. Office complexes shall have a minimum development area of 2 acres. Section 4: Section 21.030 is hereby amended as described below: (1) Approval of a Conceptual Development Plan for a special light industrial site shall occur prior to the development of the site. The plan may be prepared and submitted by the initial developer of a portion of the site covered by the Conceptual Development Plan, the City, or as part of a refinement plan or amendment of the Metropolitan Area General Plan. Ordinance 5522 Page 1 i . .' ""'.t" . Ordinance No. 5522 Page 2 (2) All development of a site which has received Development Plan approval shall be consistent with provided, however, the initial developer, a subsequent or the City may seek modification of the Plan. Conceptual the Plan; developer, (3) Applications for initial Conceptual Development shall consider to the extent applicable, the information: Plan approval following site (a) Natural features and amenities; (b) Access and circulation needs; (c) Access to arterial and collector streets; (d) Provision of public facilities and services; (e) Development needs of future users; and ( f) Preservation of river access sites that abut the McKenzie Greenway. for all properties within SLI River or the Willamette River (4) Applications for Conceptual Development Plans and applications for modification of Conceptual Development Plans are exempt from the requirements of Section 3.050(2)(b) of this Code. (5) Applications for Conceptual Development Plans or substantial modifications to Conceptual Development Plans, submitted by the initial developer, subsequent developer, or the City shall be reviewed in accordance with Type III procedure. Conceptual Development Plans which are part of a refinement plan or amendment of the Metropolitan Area General Plan shall be reviewed in accordance with Type IV procedure. Section 5: Section 32.120(4) is hereby amended as described below: (4) Major Electrical Power Transmission Lines. (a) Except as provided in (b) and (c) below, in the event it is necessary to increase the capacity of major electrical power transmission lines to provide service, utility providers shall provide such increase by use of existing rights of way or easements. (b) In the event that a utility provider determines that it cannot provide such increase by use of existing rights of way or easements, siting of major electrical power transmission lines shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of the Metropolitan Area General Plan. Ordinance 5522 Page 2 i' Ordinance No. 5522 Page 3 . (c) Notwithstanding (a) and locate major electrical identified on Auxiliary Metropolitan Area General (b) above, a transmission Map Number Plan. utili ty lines I dated provider may along routes 1982 of the (d) Applications for siting of new major transmission lines are exempt from the Section 3.050(2)(b) of this Code. electrical power requirements of __0" Section 6: The recommendation of the Springfield Planning Commission, Order No. 90-06-98, has been reviewed and is hereby adopted in support of the adoption of these amendments. (See Attachment A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). 6 ADOPTED for and 0 by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by against this 6th day of August, 1990. a vote of APPROVED by the Mayor of the Ci ty of Springfield this 6th day of August, 1990. ATTEST: Mayor . Ordinance 5522 Page 3 RCVI EWED 11 APPROVED .AS TO FORM " =-s () ':::.~(' \~ ~ L'P-A ,-\ ~==.- DATE: Rub 2, \qC\O OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Ordinance No; 5522 ATTACHMENT A Page'4 ," 'R'eCOMMENDATION AND STAFF REPORT . . . BEFORE THE PLANNING COHHISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT] OF THE SPRINGFIELD ] DEVELOPMENT CODE TO ] AMEND ARTICLES 16, ] 18, -AND 21; AND, 32 ] Jo. No. 90-06-98 RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The application is to: Amend portions of ARTICLE 16 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, ARTICLE 18 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, ARTICLE 21 SLI SPECIAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, and ARTICLE 32 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS of the Springfield Development Code. RELEVANT FACTS, CRITERIA AND FINDINGS 1. On June 15, 1990, the following amendment application was accepted: City of Springfield Jo. No. 90-06-98. 2. The application was initiated and submitted in accordance with Section 3.050 of the Springfield Development Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 14.030 of the Springfield Development Code, has been provided. 3. On July 5, 1990, a public hearing to amend the Springfield Development Code was held. The Development Services Department staff notes and recommendation together with the testimony and submittals of the persons testifying at that hearing have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the requested amendment application is consistent with the criteria of Section 8.0~0 of the Springfield Development Code. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact an conclusion. PAGE 1 RECOMMENDATION A .1 I.; Ordinance No. 5522 Page 5 . . . RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission hereby recommends the Springfield Development Code as . Council to amend nning Commission Chairperson ATTEST AYES: 7 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 .,', PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION A-2 ". Ordinance.No. 5522 . Rage :6, . . . SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT REQUEST Y;' , STAFF REPORT ~ '. . APPLICANT City of Springfield - Jo. No. 90-06-98. PROPOSAL Amend portions of ARTICLE 16 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, ARTICLE 18 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, ARTICLE 21 SLI SPECIAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, and ARTICLE 32 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS' of the Springfield Development Code. See EXHIBIT 1. , v ,,' DISCUSSION 1. ARTICLE 16 is being amended to permit additional uses which have minimal traffic impact to allow those uses which may b~ elements or divisions within a larger business to become an RP use. 2. Article 18 is being amended to increase the size of Neighborhood" Commercial development areas from 3 acres to 5 acres and to delete the size limitations for buildings. 3. ARTICLE 21 is being amended to decrease the size of minimum development areas from 10 acres to 5 acres and to revise the Conceptual Development Plan (CDP) process by: a. providing for citizen or City initiated CDP submittal. b. specifying design elements for inclusion in the CDP~ c. exempting citizen initiated applications from the provisions of Section 3.0S0(2)(b) of the SDC. d. establishing a Type III or Type IV review process for CDP approval. Exemption of the consent requirement in SDC 3.050(2)(b) prevents individuals, without basis, from blocking the application submittal. This change does not affect the public hearing process or the right of appeal. 4. ARTICLE 32 is being amended to revise the review process and siting of major electrical transmission lines. CRITERIA OF APPROVAL SDC, Section 8.030 states: "In reaching a decision on these actions, the Planning Commission and the City Council ,shall adopt findings which demonstrate conformance to the following": PAGE 1 SDC AMENDMENT' STAFF REPORT A-3 (; Ordinance No. 5522 Page 7 . . . , ),.' " 1. THE METRO PLAN; REF. - AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 16 - RP STANDARDS. "Land Use Designations 1. Residential This category is expressed in gross acre density ranges. Using gross acres, approximately 30 percent of the area is available for auxiliary uses, such as streets, elementary and junior high schools, neighborhood parks, other public facilities, neighborhood commercial services, and churches not actually shown on the diagram. Such auxiliary uses shall be allowed within residential, designations if compatible with refinement plans, zoning ordinances, and other local controls for allowed uses in residential neighborhoods." P. II-E-2 Residential Professional (RP) uses are a buffer between residential and more intensive commercial uses. RP uses are allowed in residential districts upon meeting the standards of Section 16.100(11) of the Springfield Development Code. . The Springfield Development Code has been found to be in compliance with the Metro Plan by DLCD. "12. Promote compatibility between residentially zoned land and adjacent areas." P. III-A-5. . ; , ~ I' The language proposed to be added to the Code will allow additional uses which have the same or less impact than uses already permitted. RP uses require Site Plan Review approval which considers compatibility issues. "16. Encourage location of nonresidential uses, such as neighborhood commercial and ~mall scale light industry, within residential designated areas when those auxiliary uses are. compa~ible with refinement plans, zoning ordinances, and other local controls for allowed uses in residential neighborhoods." The proposed amendment allows lesser uses than may be permitted by the Metro Plan, i.e., general office uses, not retail or industrial uses. REF. - AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 18 - NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL. "1. Residential This category is expressed in gross acre density ranges. Using gross acres, approximately 30 percent of the area is available for auxiliary uses, such as streets, elementary and junior high schools, neighborhood parks, other public facilities, neighborhood commercial services, and churches not actually shown on the diagram. Such auxiliary uses shall be allowed within residential, designations if compatible with refinement plans, zoning ordinances, and other local controls for allowed uses in residential neighborhoods." P. II-E-2 PAGE 2 SDC AMENDMENT STAFF REPORT A-4 . . . Ordinance No. 5522 Page 8 Neighborhood commercial services are part of the residential designation which may be used for Commercial uses are permitted as specified in Development Code. The Springfield Development compliance with the Metro Plan by DLCD. approximately 30 percent of auxiliary uses. Neighborhood Article 18 of the Springfield Code has been found to be in "2. Commercial e. Neighborhood Commercial Facilities (Not shown on the Plan Diagram) Oriented to the day-to-day needs of the neighborhood served, these facilities are usually centered on a supermarket as the principal tenant. They are also characterized by convenience goods outlets (small grocery, variety, and hardware stores); personal services (medical and dental offices, barber shops); Laundromats; dry cleaners (not plants); and taverns and small restaurants. The determination of the appropriateness of specific sites and uses or additional standards is left to the local jurisdiction. Minimum location-standards and site criteria include: (1) Within convenient walking or bicycling distance of an adequate support population. For a full-service neighborhood commercial center at the high end of the size criteria, an adequate support population would be about 4,000 persons (existing or anticipated) within an area conveniently accessible to the site. For smaller sites or more limited services, a smaller support population or service area may be sufficient. (2) Adequate area to accommodate off-street parking and loading needs and landscaping, particularly between the center and adjacent residential property, as well as along street frontages next door to outdoor parking areas. (3) Sufficient frontage to ensure safe and efficient automobile, pedestrian and bicycle access without conflict with moving.traffic at intersections and along adjacent streets. (4) The site shall be no more than five acres, including existing commercial development. The exact size shall depend on the numbers of establishments associated with the center and the population to be served. Neighborhood commercial facilities may the latter meets applicable location though community commercial centers size. include community commercial centers when and site . criteria as listed above, even are generally larger than five acres in In certain circumstances, convenience grocery stores', or similar retail operations play an important role in providing servic~s to existing neighborhoods. These types of operations which currently exist can be recognized and allowed to continue through such actions as rezoning." P. II-E-6. PAGE 3 SDC AMENDMENT STAFF. ,REPORT . A-5 ~ . f.l .O.rdinance No. 5522 Page 9 'I . The Springfield Development Code is more restrictive than the Metro Plan .in terms of development area size and square footage requirements for convenience stores and markets. The intent of this amendment is to change the current 3 acre development area to 5 acres to be consistent with Metro Plan language cited above. In addition, as written, the Neighborhood commercial District effectively precludes markets larger than 3,000 square feet. When the SDC was adopted, it ap~lied only within Springfield's City Limits. The only neighborhood commercial businesses within the City were "Mom and Pop" or convenience stores. Once the City took over administration of the urbanizable area, this situation changed. . There is an existing market zoned Neighborhood Commercial in a 3 acre site located at 20th and Yolanda that has become a non-conforming use. Deletion of the 3,000 square foot limitation cited above will allow the existing market to be conforming. The Metro Plan does not place a limitation on the square footage of a structure. Each development area is restricted only by the required parking, loading, landscape and setback standards. Therefore the 2,000 square foot building standard is also proposed to be deleted. . . REF. - ARTICLE 21 - SLI DEVELOPMENT AREAS AND CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS. Land Use Designations rie.' Special Light Industrial ...Local governments shall take actions to protect premature or piecemeal development and subdivision." the identified sites P. II-E-8. from The protection afforded by the Springfield Development Code is the Conceptual Development Plan (CDP). The CDP process is being amended to exempt the developer from the current requirement of obtaining the consent of all property owners in the SLI before submitting a CDP and to make all CDP submittals subject to Type III procedure to ensure public input in this process. In order to encourage development in the SLI, the minimum development area is proposed to be reduced from 10 acres to 5 acres subject to CDP review and approval. REF. - ARTICLE 32 - REVIEV AND LOCATION OF MAJOR ELECTRICAL POWER LINES. "G. Public Utilities, Services and Facilities Element 19. Additions to or deletions from the project list or project location requires amending the ,Public III-G-7. significant change to Facilities Plan." P. The text of the Springfield Development Code has been amended to comply with the Metro Plan Policy cited above. PAGE 4 SDC AMENDMENT STAFF REPORT . A-6 . Ordinance ~o. 5522 Page ,116 .at .2. APPLICABLE STATE STATUTES. There are no applicable State Statutes. 3. APPLICABLE STATE-VIDE PLANNING GOALS AND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES. There are no applicable.. State-wide Planning Goals or Administrative Rules. Goals 1 and. 2 process requirements are being followed through the Springfield Development Code's public notice and public hearing processes. There no other applicable Metro Plan Issues, State Statutes, State-wide Planning Goals or Administrative Rules applicable to this request. This request is in conformance with the above. . ". . PAGE 5 SDC AMENDMENT STAFF REPORT A-7 fJ