HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2001-5-24 Ma~ 24 01 09:41a J K~vin M_pe~erson l541J 688-3020 p - 1 ... " ~. May 24, 2001 I O..n Grover Engineering P.C. 1050 Bethel Dr. Suite # D 4 I (Eugene, Oregon 97402 i (541) 688-3020 I I r / Dukes & DukC'~ COl'b"'tructioIl P.O. Box 71095 Eugene, OR 97401 RE: City l~L~.nr:iJ)gJj~ld Correction Letter for 3516 Ambleside. Pennit #01-00280-01 Job #:'Q.tQ7..~2, ' This letter is in response to the corrcclion letter tor the above noted addrcss dated May 22,2001. 1, A copy of the post-lension in....-pection report is attached to 1hislcttcr. 2. The slope of the grade underneath the residence below the cntry is excessivc, To l.:oITceL this problem. strip footings 12'" wide by 6" deep with (2) #4 bars are to be instaUed aT J. -0" OIl center running belw~~n the upper concrele wall li)oling and the edge of the lower post-tension slab. 4. The support column at the beam is adequate as illstallcd. L\ll latcral loads in this area arc transferred from the slab to the concrete walls by the #4 dowels at 24" on center at the slab edges. The decking should he puddle wdd~d to lh~ sled beam holding it in place .so the vertical loads may be transfi.'rrCd to the looting without the support column being bolted in place. The steel reinforcement in the slab will actually transterthc vClticalloads around the opening in the SUPPOlt wall atthi. edge of the slab, Essentially the beam and support column will noL carry any vertical loads J()mlthe s.lab, The garage slab pan deck wiIJ support the dcsj~,:; loads without the #4 stcel rcintorccmcnt. "lbc reinforcement was ID:.'taUcd to' control shrinkage crack.ing that ,ould occur due to the depth of concrete above the pan deck. 5. The fireplace is adequate as installed with 2x4 joists and 2x4 kickers down to exterior wall at 16," on center. Thank yOll lor lhis oPPOrtunity to be of service. If you have any questions plcase don't hesitate to ~aI1 me at (541) 688-3020 v cry truly yours Owen Grover P.E. Ma~ 24 01 09:41a Kevin M.Pee~rson [54!J 688-3020 p,2 L' oweD Grover Elglneerl~.c. 1050 Bethel Dr. Suite # 0 4 Eugcne~ Oregon 97402 (541) 688-3020 April 30,2001 Dukes & Dukes Constructwn P.O. Box 71095 Eugene, OR 97401 /" ,I Rc:3516 Amblcsidc Drive. SDrin(!neJd Job #01016 As you requested, an inspections of the Post-Tensioned slab installation WI.'I'C performed at the above noted location. During those inspections the following observations were made. An in.o;;pection of the tendon layout was performed on Aprilll. 2001. A total of 15 tendons had been installed, with a totallcngth of 417 feet as per tendon placement plan. The tendons were instaUed by Post Tension of Oregon. All tendons were installed according to allowable tolerances noted 011 the plans to pass around plumbing and electrical stub outs required in the slab. An inspection of the tendon tensioning was perf.... ....ed on April 18, 200J, after the concrete had reached the required 2000 psi tor tensioning. The tendons were stressed to a jacking force of 33 kips. with a pump gauge reading of 5500 psi See attached monostrand tendon stressing record provided by Post Tension of Oregon dated 4/18/01 for measured tendon elongations. The serial number of the jack used for stressing is #1028. and the gauge is #PTOl. The tendon mill tesr certificate flV3238 shows that the tendons have a Ulodulus ofc1asticity of28800 ksi. The calculaled and mea-mred elongation fOT aU oCthe inSlalJed tendons was within the acceptabl< deviation range 01'+ or -10%. The installed and elongated tendons meet the calculated design requir.:........ns of the post-tension slab and the tendon ends may be cut. Thank you for thi... opponwlrty to be of service. If you have any further que~1:ions pJease contact me at (541) 688-3020. Very truly yours, Owen Grover, P.E. Ma~ 24'01 09:41a I Kevin M_Peee~5on .', POST TENSION OF OREGON P.O. BOX 26423 EUGENE. OREGON. 97401 [541J 688-3020 p.3 MONOSTRAND STUSS[NG RECORD ! ,. I'n.jCl'-1 ~JWTlc : J\MHJ.FSIDJ.; MEADOWS tOT I ~l\ sit" l\d1t.W~ ; ,~51 (> .'\J."ILiL!:-SJDI: SI'IUNtWIF:l.n, O"~(i()N (i~nl;rll,1 C,'lHfll'.::t"I': DUKI:!S &. DCKnS CONSTRUCTIC)N 1'1""r II POllr 11 :>lr':M<.:<! by ; JOHN (j(ilJ!.D V",.ili..,t: KnVIN rIITcRSON S~'CCi,,1 Rcmur\o;; or...: luluT. JlIcking ; GIlU~C elLIe, Nt!. L""..:II.I;iln F()1'cC fl,,"Jinll !'loll",. Al T:lKip~ :;500 1111 ^-; :~~ Kil>:l i :;~IIlJ 11H (\J JJ KI'I'K 551111 7/!l ;\4 3::1 Ki\,>r. ~5Cl(1 I 1/~ A'5 JJXipll :5S/)(J I "711'. ;\(, :IJ K.:lp~ 55o(J '"Ie 'iril. A7 ~':i Kips, 5500 1111 Ai\ :':1 Kip~ 550U in" iii :\3 KiJl~: 550u "2 J/X In :\3 Kil)~ S~l}i) :1 :!fX , In :13 Kip~ 55')(j "2 :lIX n.a :nKip~ 550u "2 :l/li !IS ;\:> Kiv< 5500 ~ 3//\ hG :UKi"" .:1500 "2 :Ill! 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Ff\X (760) 246-3023 SWPC p_4 r / 1..I;;j.: 1'1JLL CI'~:~lI:; }Cr:"JTL c:'~ l;~SPCCT,:,ljr'l ~f.;I',i: 1':'(:,Gt~ J, or:' ORDER NUMBER : V3238 1:.:;sr,JI~ l)~nF : 0'-';/1.6101 COtvlMOD1'i"Y STE:EL STRAt'!(J, UNCOI:~TI:O SEVEN-WIRl: FOR PRESTRESSED CONCRETE I=JSTM 1~416 / G,',').oe 270 Size 1/2 Low Relaxation (Minilax) ~:3PEC.1 r I''::AT J Ol'l CUSTOMER P.O, NUMBr;r~ Sr~ITC 3013 I'!I) POST TENSION OF NEVADA, INC 1 ~. .1. 6 t'1ANI.JI:AC n)Rt:H DES,. T.I\!AT JON SlJmiclen W:Lr'C !='roch..ct Corpor,~t:i.on HENDERSON NV PACK NUM6~~ C~RlrVI~D: ,.. .- ... .~ '. __ - ~" ... ... p" - .n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ... _ _. _. .... '.. ,.. .~ _ .-. _ _ _ ... .... _ _. _ _ _. _ _ _ .._ .... _ ... _ _ _. _ '" _ ~.. .... _ ..... _ ...., ~.. ... .... .... ." .J1. .... _ ... _ _ _ ... _ ._ .. _ _. ... _ .... _ _ ... _ _ .. _ . . .. ... _ '" _ _ .... _ __ .... _ .... ... ..... ... ._ .... _ ... _ _. .... _ _. 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