HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Easement 2004-7-22 Community Services Div, Building Safety .Job Address i-o-r Ib I ~ cut OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . CityJob# C- ff'-t9/!'1- '5!;; . 225 5th Street. Springfield, OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759 ;553 ~ - Affidavit For Site Investigation Questionnaire Foundation:: SulrGrade: Approval. for Residentia 1 R~ding:Sitejn- ArnblesideMeadows---l st Addition SiIbdiVision~. ~e:undersignf"1i.hf"J'ebpffirmcth~t1:he:Cl.4v4Lio~.5trlictmauiILandmoistme. . stabilization:methods:.iliLLhe:bni1rlin&:sitP"~t-tbe;~nnress-shuw .u:.above~was:observed by me~0r.an:authorized:employee:of..LU.1:fL.lL4Wi-tb.cLi.Leof611owffig:is:tme:: ..1. ... .The:fonndatiorr~grade:is:~abIe:ofsupporting:.amjnjmnm:ofJ500.psf;. and is . - adequate~to~ snpport1he:biriIdiIi5: X'.1uyosed.IuL.Jris:site..:- 2. .Th~ moisture content. of the excavation was adequately maintained during the site preparation process and was adequately. covered to stabilized moisture content. . priOr to any significant chaIige in moisture content of the sub-~e. . 3. The site is adequately graded and drained to prevent the collection. of water in the excavated area during construction. . 4. The accompanying report title(L"Site Investigation Questionn3iIefor-ConsUlting Design f\uf~ona1s" cOntaiiring field observations and instrpctio~.made on . . 1-' ~ ...4 l ~ , - t..z..-tP4- (date) fei the building site wasoCvUJfJleted either by myself or by an employee of my firm under my supetvision. To the best of my . knowledge, the information contained in that u"yuu is ~u.q.tlete and ~w.ate. Name of Licensed Professional (print) l. €t.l.d Date 'l-"ZL-of ..,,~' // Signature ~ S) I EXPIRATION DATE:/t.-l'-CIS' Community Services Div, BU..lg Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. 225 5th Street, Springfield, OR 9.7477 Ph. 726-3759 Job Address ~ l~ City Job #, ~~;..~~~1;:.~~'.:_ ~~~_."''''; .;;";/~~;t~~[~~f -.- ".:;.\' : :~.:-,:~:: ~':'~ ~ .~::;: J' ".:..i~'i~l:~';~ ~'''_' '~<" ..:;~, . ;~. .~. ',~I""J ......1~" " - AMBLEsruEJ.\1EADOWS SUBDIVIsION-1ST ADDITiON SiteInvestigation. Questionnaire for Consulting.DesigrrProfessionals fOllnrl~ tion: requirements. - new. structures. onTesidentiallots This.fornI.ULclJ'.bansed:as.a~~rary'vt.l..ii:ication:to.allow ~~ "ction.to. continue on. thejob:sfie..u.utilthe:.con~I~'~'ctampec:bimdavit:on:the:site:soil....~action . and:smhm7'mmd~'l;llhtnittPrl,.fo1he=City;'::"'I'JiiS:L.~completedby a licensed:dP!clL'~-l'J..uI~~...;nnal~(enemP.E'r..'''''' hitect):or--bi~f'~antborized' ... "t-1oyee, . anrl:~lnnitiPIiio:the:bnt1n:~~. :"~~p~~~il~~ons:or P1':",.n.., ..~.~ t -~.... I '.'~n-1pleSti be ered... . 1a~..~on.COJ1'lr' c. ~t -u.at!U' .....1....,. 7. ODS: ~ :'. l.Ul.llplete11.~udhe:fonnif~tion-mp'~O.:~~'prov.~or.:co~uCtiO~~--::H'_. _ . . OwneI?aridlor~~ntra~r-.L~M ~. ~~~~~ ..t~~p~t:..: .... . . ..L ... ~:of_th~:design:pl.~f~J~~~I~:~~~~a~~~?t~d./r":i1L+.J':''-I.~ ~ .bL.. . . . : - . .... . ." :'; . - . . '. 2. . Has the design professional reviewed a copy of the geotechnical information : fo~~subdivision that was provided ~th.the-bnilding p~nnit? . YesLNo_. Ii not, please contact this office for a copy'ofthe report. . The design professiorial must~familiar with the geote~ information before completing this form. 3. What was the size and depth of the excavation and lor fill? . EXc.AVkr"loil Cor? N.t,ll;t'l, () f; ? ~~ ~A l..-~ . b~T\JC: b&= ~~IJ.t,.l\o c..1<\ M. ~. ~.. ~ 7~~. , . .t.J '" l;<:KI&'Ti"-l/-r P" .IJ ~ ~~~}, ~'~rA"UN~"-'" A.T 11\.,'-; SI re ,.. . vias ~g non-stmctura1 fill or expansive soil encountered on the lot? Yes~No~ If "yes", what types, depths and locations? ~o ~Pt.l~STf1.~CTIA~ .;::"''..1..;. l~( ffo.J~-t'IoI".ln1l.l1:b ~- n4l'!" (I) S rr i2.' L1.) NI\n~'1 \^loJ)'\~~~ <'''I'.:~ ~"Lf~!tr ,?r= r.)(pAN~l\J~ Goll-!.. ~PAN~l\r~ c"O\'.ff~ ~l~n p1-T ~....?!~ FIL.t'w.~ ~tJl[ -f'L70r g U-OlU ~6 SI^,').IAt..~ JtJ ~: ~\.(Tl'/l.l:' Dt.~ C!" A->..d. ~ t..~,n~,-1 M.kle'lM ukA. 8') . What measures were tlllrpn to remedy the soil condition (include type of engineered fill used to stabilize the soil)? ':I:r-J 1,1-A I.' . , 2.. tyf '3 ~ - ~ c.Jl,l{~tfb)\ 12PcJ.(..., 11\)<::'7)41.:\: A-:Dl>l~\l)lIMl ~ '% -. - lr< D/2.u~t+t...~ 1L~c.J'.. ~ At:LtMl &A-Il~e 51".Af3 'fILL. ~ Q(~.tl.~ ..:.(,," l$"1cAJtc. ~~T1.:,Yl t.b~ DFFtJ'r1tY.f~ 0") ~b t,iM,~ ; ! 1 ". . Community Services Div, B, .Ig Safety Job Address L-e~ I ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . City Job # 225 5lh Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759 e't.cr.;PT.-rrI:E' \.{ ,",SL.oPE "? (/'H>: AT IA..04 t..or?l?; oS I 0 ~. ICX.~D '\i1l) I " .. . -.r . (!)l..\.~ f..DI9.l;;:" of ~'1"'A\N.U\c., W~\.'.! ~_ r=i>o<nNf,\_ COM(i}Ac"'T Lh.L S'Nl..V\A-1lAVLA-\. J==.II I _. To 92.~", lLa,...~\^~ t .. ,- _ ...~ c.. D Mo A-vY'H to> f\...1 0 i"\ I iF1 r;i\\ .? a.o c. TI?R.-. . ., .. Is the site as prepared. adequate rsr" inadequate 0 to maintain constantmoisture contentiILthe.sub:g:rade? Note: Verification ofmoisiUrestabilization in the sub grade is a requirement of the geotechnical report; and must be affirmed before consrruction can: conrinue. Ifinadeqnate;. wh atlDeasllres:are: needed. to:provide. constantmoisnIre:content:in . the:snb:grade? .. . .. ..., :..~.... . ;....>~...:~.. . ... -:;'-..'.. 0..:::-:;'..'...>:". ~,.: .l!;.the'~:as-~~!I,~~~~~.i!u~4eqJ#l!e~ D;;to:~ul'~~~~~~";;.. : S~7~~izffi,-~~-;'f.!ivXi:fii#Wei:ifie~i.~o:p'r~i#ig;~:~~~~. . . If ma~:'i~~iidditiol1al:work:iS;'neededto.p~'; f;de;adeqimteil: .. r. .:1':'-=.:.. . ..... . . . - -e.. . ~\!_UllWUilUnsnpport?:".. . . 4. Did ~ design professional witness placement and ~~action of the engiD....lL'l;.J fili; or is there a special inspection report forthco~ 1i. UUA.a . qna1ified agency? J witneSsed PIacimzent 0 Specii.d Insp/compaction report ~ 5. The design p~:~onaI ~ten~ to use the. foIL Il:"'g ~od fo~ installation. of .per~oLal perimeter footing dI-afus: .....: The design on the attached drawing provided by the design professional ...~.. ~ The mdbod shown on the original constmction drawings................ ~. ~...... 0 . The i.J}I~ 'Foundation pram' dci.wing attached to permit..... ....... ~........ 0 .Perfu~cJ.;J'perimeter drains are not required,' ..... .... ..... .~...... .......... ....... 0 Com~ Note: City Inspectors will inspeciinstalled drainsprior to cover upon request... Call.: 726-3769 to schedule inspection. 2 .~ Community Services Div, J.. .ling Safety . CITY OF SPRmGFIELD, OREGON 225 Sill Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759 Job Address u-~r J City Job # Low-point ~4nl space drains are required to prevent the build-up of.excess moisture inside the foundations during (and after) coristtuction._ This drain may be installed after foundation placement onlv with the exnress oermission of the desim orofessional a. The design professionaI.has determined the following: The crawl space drain is required when thefoundaIion is i:nstal1ed..... 0 The. low-point drain- can be. installed-after foun.dationplacement without a signifit:an!moisture-build""upproblem within thefowidation............. ~. (TJie-Iow:..point:dr~~.lUay:be:installed.:auhe .. ... ~. stage ,.;:. . ....,.;~) past &:berzm,)._._.g.~1fK1JUlg.. ac._ 0~~~~- . ... . . b._ Hizs:the:desilS~~~,.vJessional:obser.ved:and:approveti~~ofthe. refprired- T ~point:drO.iizL............~............. .....~.._y es;~ N 0-0 V- . . il"yes':;: w1iereis:the;low.point::drain:locatettunder:t1iiJJili1diiig;and:.~ ... . _ _ _. _ }J!.lzere:dtJ~:~~-f1:t:~?.;(n;ustbe:an.:':"t'Y.:!. u !eA.:IiJc:atjp~i.e.~. . street:~r;::sto~:sewer;:sump.pz.anp~tirid:diScharg~tO:tlie:siTeet,::~: . .e~). .. . ...- .. The design.professional must determine whether the approved permit.drawings have. .. adequate. foundation steeL Is any additional foundation steel required that is not shown on the fotindationdrawings for the building? .. -... . . . . . Yes No /. If "yes", describe. additional steel required (or provide drawing). --,-- - I.' The following statement mUst be signed by the iruIividua1 dlJing the observations and providing direction for the eJ:CllVatWn and site preparation work on the property.. 3 Community Sc:rvic::s Div, Building Safety CITY OF SPRlNGr It:.LD, OREGON 225 Sib St:re:t, Springfield, OR l[l477 Ph. 726-3759 Job Address kT 1$' City Job t: . '. .1' The laZfIersiglled design professional (or authorized employee) izttests that heJshe observed required moisture stabiiiiy procetiures on this site, and that su.ch procedures were CU?CDmplished before any cJuu;,ces 0.........., .A in the moistui-e content of the Sub. grade. under and around tJze building (where expansive soils were encountered). The ll1Ulersigned j~ Sd!T- attesJs that the sub-grade, as 1" .:.:'~ is adequate to ~""1:'1'ort the building P' u!lDSed for this site. Additional Willi' ,pn~: . . ~ote)::A::copy:of:thiS:repa&~t:.n. ~lr'n:~~proved:pbn:,:."'( all~2_ . . : - t.imes;_ . . ... . . .' . _.._Thic:~u- ~ll0e:f611~~~bymr:ffi1rl~ \';; j~eriffi'mlfi~ .J",..~..:~by:tD.C:~in:-:':.'. .'~pro~--'. .:... ,... ..- d. . ...~cOnfl;.ted;~~.::"a.tbe:mformation - . ~hCrei~~;. .Lhe~~~P.di;~~ffi~~ido~.witfi.r.~!lJ oftbis.report:sbaIlbe- snb~:t;01his:or:n~'Prior~~~~ ~~ inspection. for. the.bUilding.-:~ . Sien:l~ ~);) .~ f.e- _ <;.\>~ . Name~.....~ FAI!>Llc..AfoLr Pit..c;.~ rnfe P#l.\~C.,PItt- Comp3ny ~^t4C4 ~r~NE.ei.~liaJ ,'.I:NC_ . Phone 1+" otoY1 .. .Licei1see 'E.€..a. -i- ~ILJU\",r . ~cense#~4015l~ r..; . ~..s /'1. - ~r': o~ .The gcoteclmicaI Icpart foitbe ). mh~~ Meadows - 1st Addition.Snbdivision . ds . .. . '-'iI" of ~ . ~~":;"":and:. ..t..___ ...~~"..iP:Il II11Tnf"rt1~mrn......u~mm .,,,I.no. ~~. ..~......Il:TVC..____~- .WAl. expansive soils be ~1.....-eL.4..u...J and~l~f"l"t:i "~atleast12inchcs offill ~ to at least95% of ASTM D698 fur 11 H ...rlmlon u.....~..... d. :nn The ...';'U\JJ.i. also J.~" .... ''''TIQs that~_..~l...) betaken to preVent "'4LIo..4. ~UllLcclL.~in or .....u...:o. the .zuuudarion ar-..zs during and ~ the consirnction tlJ.L' -', and that ~YL. site drainage be :n-uv.i.ded to . reduce the ~~on or ~uuAce VI cw.... into thC ~WJSivcsoiis. Tne 5~Lf:Chnical reoort fw~ emorrnc:i7t"<: that the :finish grade or landsca:oe soil . adjacent to the founrlanon should be at least 24" above the ~<WSive b~ soils, fumlv S:OIJ:lnacted to rerince the infilmtion of warer at the sm:fi!ce. The adeqnacy of fill soil m.aterial ~uWJd the bnilriina mnst be \~ed to the ~..-facrion of tbedesi2n ~ - professional. 4 file ~ j 1'-- SEE I<ETAINING WAll. telGNS FOR ~AOO:ILlI<ECllIr<EM:NTS k ~~~ ~b~~, .Y- 'Y):::-'y," ':;(, <<<<' ~ " r= ~I f: "-",,", ~~--<: VARIES: \. ~I~IIJ.(; 111"'1'.1( " rif::~~ 5LAf> a< WOOD R.OOR 3401 CR EQJJV,ALENf g~~ , r Ib' ~ ,f/j....~~ ~ ROO( J/> .:!~ ~r;<'~~li~i.;}~~:;'~A~- - .1. - \ \ ' 5:xir: ily!i~f~lii?~~i~~~~~J~;:"r~:~';;.;1i~;~'; .-!~ ~ ~>'>%"0>>>>Y~"0)>>~~~\>>~)~~"~~~" 61,3/4'~-.(J $,<<j,~~~ff~%~~%~~ :<%.~~~~ . J]i!J:;n:v;r<ocI( I CXM'h.lt:IJ'TO tcm EXISTING -..J ENGI~ ~TIVE:aM'ACTI()J LJt.DIS1Ufm) RLl.~IN "--<J~:;;~=-~~r<ocI( Gr<a.W aM'AC1a:rro tcm ICElATlVE:aM'ACTI()J MOOIMCZ/PI<OI..I t:K J EXPIRATION DATE: I"-'I-.,J eJGI~ 'FILL. J<EaJ11<EMENT5: CONSTl<UCT FILL O~ENTIRE FOOT ~INT OF BUILDING . EXTEND FILL ?h'. BEYoo ClJIt::J<.EDGE OF FOOTING ()J ALL.SIDESEXCtt"1 1HE UPSLOPE SIDE. . EXTEND FILL It BEYoo 00f8( EDGE OF FOOTING ()J THE UPSLOPE SIt\: ENGINEER Fill REQUIREMENTS