HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2000-11-16 I ... -----} . o~-t.=-~8--=OO 03: 13P ./ ;./'.. .,. ;.... - ,... .. P.Ol '.. The lollowing project as ISUbmitted has the following zOllingand does not r~quire specilic land use &pprovai . . L.1)1L---- Zoning ,_ 225 FIFTH S'rRRET . Il - (J. cl'D SPRINGFIELD t OREGONJ~.~ 4/1 . i I ~ "\ INSPECTION REQUEST :Auti1cA1ieo 1:6~hatLJre L~ OFFICE: 726-3759 3.. LOC.ATION OF INSl'AL~TION 3(0 II A~'o4l(>.~,d~ Dy, I LEGAL DESClUPTION JOB .::>ESCR1PTIO~ \ . pYn_. . "~I (0 c:=X::.cU....D -\-,( LA /lJ ((Y\ I~ l.!-I ~ ?ermits are nou~t[ansEerable and Jxpire i.f \l0rk is not start~d wi thin 150ldays of issuance cr if ~ur~ is suspended for 180 days. 2. COtlTRAC1'OR INS'!'!> r T ~TION ONI.Y ., Ele<: uic.sl CO!1tr;;.c tor t>S"A Adcire$s~ ~ 'DL\~ . . I ~;i ty kJ.oO-..\f)U'l\ I'hN'.e ~SY )-4'5\ -133D . -- I supe::v i :::rl r .Li r.:€!iS€ Numb~r 3C8J-121:::::-r . ID ~\-O~ I GOrlsn ContI. NI):.Jbet: . '5(~I\f- 1 Expi ration Dat€! L\) b'-f I oct S ' .: S .. RI' . i i 19n'$:?Pd:tnc '"~ . O;.lners Namer<~rt; LJklA) 6u\!Ld~r? D. Expb:aticn Date' .t..odr€1ss City Phon~ O'.t1lER JNSTAI.I.ATION The installatjon~s being ~ade on ptClpi!WfreI\9'''''D ...~~ch. is t1Ct int€:l~d€:d for ittfc W l'e~..-el\Jo,lirflb~El'r/awreq .~ i 1\ n+" ~.,}u'e~ adopted b t w. eEl yoU to O'-'T.:'rg1fS,):gn:artW-tJiHer. Th y .heOregoh Utility ;n OAR 952-001-0010t Ose rules are set fortr 0090. Yn" rn""" ",I- i . hroughOA~ CI~".."I.'\~. _____~_~. . _~2_~~'~~UE~~~~---~-~~-~~~~ DATE,~~Cl".lf/g me Center. (I\i;;;'.~~~~ l~'e rUles by RECEln'L4::r Tor thfl ()rlQ,...,,,, _ ;::.::.e 1~It:lpnone P.ECEIVlm 1U~~ntt:lr i,~ of ~"""::" \"Ill/ICY I\JOfifir.::ttin... -':'_.'VVI.J~......,/ 0344 -.. . UV_-o:.. ). 003806. 6 2000 . AMT RECD:2 $.22.00 CHANGE: . CASHIER: 059 - P.LEct1UCAL PEPJU'r APPLICATION ~ity Job Numller oo.~ 0/;;<, C-/3~()(' 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE nELO~ . A. NEw nesidential-Single o~ M~lti-Family pe~ dwelling unit. S~!:v,ice Induded: Itsms 1000 sq. ft. or l~ss ia~h add~rional 500 sq- ft O~ portion thereof Each Hanuf'd Horne. or ~odu13r Dvelling Service or Fe~der B. Services or Feeders Inirallation, Alter~tioris or F.~lo<:.ation: 200 amps or less . L01 amp:s tc 400 arn?s . 401 amps to 600 amps ~Ol amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts 1l.econrLE!ct Only Cost. SUIIl S 85.00 S 15.00 S 40.00 S 5C.l..lO 5 60,00 $100.0f: $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 c. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relo~ation 200 ar;tps"oT less 201 amps to 400 amps ----- O.e~ 401 to 600 amps Over 600 a~rs or 1000 volts Uranch Cirel.li ts S 40.00 $ 55.00 S 80.00 see "B" Jbove New, Alter&ticn or Exten~ion Per P~ncl One Circuit S jS.OO E.;:lch Additiunal Cjr~uit or vith Service or Feeder Permit . $ ?OO t. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each i~stallation Pump 01." irrigation. Sign/Ol1tline Lighting ~i mi red Energy IRes I Limited Bnergy/Comm ~,!Or'CIE. .. 1). ~1~SUETotALOF ABOVE . dO- CD (r:.'-'lil=/s~llrS~Str'c::l~'r.gell= IFTHE'......L.. ~r-. .-....-.." rr. - -).~ :ft.' ,.:-(~(;Ef:~mini~ltr.at i ve Fee ."vvnt\~O . . TOTll!::U U/"IIUt.R THIS PERMIT I~Ja\prn ;.. ~ ,';~J'~E!\!CED OR IS ABANDONED FOR -. MhN 180 DAY PERIOD. .1>.... . $ S S 40,<)0 4a.OO 20.00 $ 36.00 oL.o, uD