HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/2003 Work Session ~ . . . :- City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JULY 21,2003. The City of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, July 21, 2003 at 6: 1 0 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken and Councilors Ballew, Woodrow, Burge, Fitch, Malloy and Ralston. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Cynthia Pappas, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. 1. Eugene/Springfield Metro Waterways - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers General Investigation Study. Maintenance Manager Ed Black was present for the staff report. Mr. Black said tonight's meeting is just informational and no action is requested at this time. Mr. Black said that staff from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, City of Eugene, Lane County and City of Springfield have been working together to develop the Project Management Plan for the Metro Waterways General Investigation Study. The plan identifies and designates roles for participating agencies, and establishes a schedule and cost estimate for the next step in the investigation, which the Corps calls a Feasibility Study. It provides the basis for a Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement which, if work continues, will be presented to the council in September. Mr. Black said in April, 2001, Dr. James Johnson, Director of Policy and Planning, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers visited the Eugene/Springfield area to inspect a number of Corps-funded projects in the metropolitan area. Based on his observations, Dr. Johnson recommended that the local governments take a more comprehensive, integrated approach to address water resource issues in the urban watershed. Based on that advice, in February, 2002, United Front representatives sought, and gained, federal support for the Corps to initiate a General Investigation Study of water resources in the Eugene/Springfield metropolitan area. The first phase ofthe project was initiated in April/May of 2002 and continued through October, 2002. Mr. Black said on November 25,2002, staff presented results on the first phase to the Council- a recommendation by the Corps that the study proceed to the next phase - Feasibility. Although no substantial local fmancial commitment, other than staff participation, was required in that first phase, subsequent phases, if completed, do require local participation. Council instructed staff to negotiate a cost sharing agreement with the Corps for the Feasibility Study (Phase II), and staff will be bringing that agreement to council in September. Council can decide at that time whether or not to continue. The Council Briefing Memorandum, included in the agenda packet, provided additional information regarding the current status and future direction of the project. Mr. Black said the project objectives are to take a look at all water areas and look at those projects with regard to what kind of improvements can be made. Mr. Black referenced a chart that showed where the City was at this point in regard to this project. He discussed costs involved and how some of those costs could be offset. . . . '. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes, July 21,2003 Page 2 Mr. Black said there are some advantages and some disadvantages to this plan. Some of the advantages include being able to create a five year plan; leveraging the moneys we already have designated to some ofthese projects in about a two-to-one ratio; Federal Government would pay for 65% and the City would pay 35%, including the engineering work and the construction; the opportunity for in-kind contributions, including real estate; and access to federal expertise in managing a complex project like this. He explained that this could also be valuable for future projects in Springfield. It also supports council endorsed water resource strategies. Mr. Black said some of the disadvantages include the fact that continuation is dependent upon congressional action, and there is a risk of losing that funding; and the project will most likely be done at a slower pace with the federal government involved. Mr. Black explained the cost sharing responsibilities; 50/50 cost sharing for the feasibility study and the rest ofthe project is 65/35. He explained that some ofthe in-kind matches will apply to this project which are already in progress. These include a storm water facilities master plan and the Cedar Creek project. He noted that Lane County does not have the funding to be a partner in this. Eugene and Springfield will be handling it on their own. Mr. Black noted that originally Maple Island Slough, Keizer Slough, and Cedar Creek were listed as the three priority areas to be finished. He noted the areas on the map. Environmental Services Manager Susie Smith pointed out some discrepancies on the map. She explained the correction. Mr. Black said that staff felt that Mill Race had a higher priority than Maple Island Slough and noted that to the Corps of Engineers. The Mill Race has now been included in the top three priority projects. The Corps will analyze the priority projects for engineering, design and construction. The other projects will be analyzed to look for possible problems, but will not have the funding to go forward for engineering and construction. City Engineer Al Peroutka said we can use some money as match for the Corps money for a portion ofthe work to update our master plan. He said we have about $350,000 in the budget at this time to do that work. The City also has had past direction from council regarding flood plain mapping and $100,000 has been set aside to match with FEMA for an update on this with no success. The City may be able to use that money as a match with the Corps to get that update. He said they have another $100,000 for a stormwater permitting process and a lot ofthat money can be matched for some of these Corps projects. He discussed other matches that could be made and other funding options. Councilor Fitch asked if they need additional money to proceed with the $500,000 feasibility study. Mr. Peroutka said they only have $100,000 that has been solely identified as match money. They may ask for additional money for the upcoming Capital Improvement Program (CIP). A lot depends on the agreement with the Corps. Mr. Black said it is difficult to estimate the amount of money that will be needed because they are still in the middle of negotiations. He said they are just updating council on where staff is in the process. They will return to the council in September with a scope of work and a cost sharing plan. Councilor Fitch asked if staff could bring some options when they bring it back in September. Mr. Black said they would prepare it in that way. He said they do have some flexibility. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes, July 21, 2003 Page 3 . Councilor Ralston said it worries him that Lane County is not working with them on this. He said all of the Cedar Creek area is in Lane County and he doesn't understand why they don't feel responsible. All three jurisdictions are short of money at this time and he feels they should be sharing the cost somehow. He understands that it will cost $lM and our cost is $500,000. He asked if Eugene's cost would be the same. Mr. Black said they do not know at this time. He said the projects will be pretty independent. He said we will be responsible for our projects and Eugene for theirs. There are some areas where the responsibility is shared. Councilor Ralston feels it is important that Lane County is part of this. Mr. Black said staff has worked on this with the County, but the County has opted out at this point. They did share in the cost of getting to this point, but are saying they cannot go further. Councilor Ballew asked if the County might participate with staff support. Mr. Black said that has been discussed, but it appears they are not going to participate in that way now. Discussion was held regarding the County's responsibility in these projects. Mr. Black said there are a series of projects they feel they need to address in the Mill Race and they have $100,000 in CIP for this project. He said work needs to be done on the lower end of the Mill Race and this is one way to get some federal funding to assist in this. . Councilor Burge said he understands that the County has budget problems, we all do. He feels, however, that is not the way a partnership works. He asked ifthe County could provide some in- kind support such as engineering. Mr. Black said they did discuss in-kind support, but nothing specific was discussed. Councilor Burge asked if there was some estimate of how much this whole metro waterways project would cost. Mr. Black said because this could be a 15 year project, it is difficult to give an estimate. He said the figure of $20M -$40M over that period of time has been discussed. That is the number for the metropolitan area and spread out over 15-20 years. Councilor Burge said if the County does not have money now, and this project continues for 20 years, what happens when they do have money. Do they then join with the rest of us? It seems that they do have to be a participant to some degree in something essential like this. He asked if operations and maintenance would be high. Mr. Black said it would be similar to what it is to operate and maintain current systems, which is approximately $lM. That figure is our portion only. Eugene's costs would be approximately $4M-$5M. Technical Services Manager Len Goodwin said there could be mandates that could cause it to accelerate. . \ . . . ~ . City of Springfield Council Wark Session Minutes, July 21, 2003 Page 4 Mr. Black said the scope ofthe project included areas outside city limits in Lane County, such as Cedar Creek and up the Mohawk drainage. He feels that staff has done all they can. Councilor Burge asked if the CEO's had met to discuss this. Mr. Kelly said the County does not have monthly user fees or SDC's such as Eugene and Springfield by choice. Their drainage is out of their road fund, so it must be road related to address. The County has asked to meet with the City Council this fall to discuss issues. Mr. Kelly suggested this might be a good issue to discuss at that meeting. He said the metro waterways project is a federal concern and they will most likely assist with the costs. He also discussed some of the downsides which Mr. Black mentioned. Staff will bring some options to council in September. Ms. Smith noted that the County may be willing to participate. She discussed the stormwater permits and the fact that the County also has to have those permits; therefore, they may be willing to participate in this project to gain a part of the funding from the federal government. Councilor Fitch asked if staff would bring back some of the options regarding County staff and cost/service sharing during the September meeting. Mr. Peroutka discussed the issue of the two cities, the two rivers and the Urban Growth Boundaries. With storm water management becoming more complex it would be beneficial to work together on this. Mayor Leiken said he received a message from Commissioner Sorenson regarding the joint work session. The Mayor suggested that they present some topics that they want to discuss, and send it over for approval by the Council. He feels this is a good topic to include. Mr. Kelly said he and Bill VanVactor will work together to create the agenda and present it to the council for approval. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 pm. Minutes Recorder - Amy Sowa Attest: ~1JU}-O-- Amy S a City Recorder