HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/2003 Team Springfield . MINUTES OF THE TEAM SPRINGFIELD JOINT ELECTED OFFICIALS MEETING HELD Wednesday, July 16, 2003 The TEAM Springfield elected officials met on Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 5:30 p.m., at the Willamalane Park Swim Center, 1276 G Street, Springfield Oregon for an informal social and barbecue and was followed by a discussion by elected officials from City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Springfield Utility Board, and Willamalane Park and Recreation District. ATTENDANCE City of Springfield: Mayor Sid Leiken, Councilors John Woodrow, Tim Malloy, Dave Ralston, Stu Burge, Tammy Fitch, Anne Ballew, and City Manager Mike Kelly. Staff included Ed Bergeron, John Tamulonis, Rod Lathrop, Dennis Murphy, Ardis Belknap, Bill Spiry, Dan Brown, Nick Amis, Ed Black, Debbie Steinman, Bob Duey, Jerry Smith and Mike Harman. . Springfield Public Schools: Board Members Al King, Jonathan Light and Garry Weber, Superintendent Nancy Golden, and Deputy Superintendent Steve Barrett. Staff included Bruce Smolnisky and Karen Lewis. Springfield Utility Board: Board Members Joe Mathieu, Ted Johnson, Ginny Lauritsen. Bob Schmitt, Director of Resource Management, was also present. Willamalane Park and Recreation District: Board Members Greg James, Jim Mayo, Helen Wagner, Christine Lundberg, Blake Hastings and Superintendent Bob Keefer. Staff included Chris Pryor. Facilitator: Mayor Sid Leiken 1. Welcome and Introductions City of Springfield Mayor Sid Leiken welcomed the elected officials to the sixth TEAM Springfield meeting and representatives of each agency introduced themselves. Mayor Leiken welcomed Nancy Golden to her first TEAM Springfield meeting and extended appreciation to Steve Barrett for the outstanding job he did as interim superintendent. 2. Review of TEAM Springfield Programs . Written reports were provided on the following topics . Bike Patrol . Meadow Park · Nevvsletter · Peer Court · D.A.R.E. Program A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Springfield Utility Board . . . . TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes July 16, 2003 Page 2 Mike Kelly explained that the intent of the meeting was to allow the elected officials an opportunity for discussion. Brief written reports were provided and no presentations were planned on any ofthe items. Staff were present as resources on the various topics. Joe Mathieu asked about the arrests made by the Bicycle Patrol. Jerry Smith said that many of the arrests were made for alcohol and drug violations, particularly in the park area. The officers patrol between Main Street and Centennial and Mill Street as far as 5th Street. In response to Garry Weber's question about the Peer Court report that states that 65% of the former defendant youth become permanent volunteers, Christine Lundberg said that many of the respondents have volunteered. Bob Keefer reported that TEAM Springfield has $5,000 budgeted for Peer Court in the current fiscal year. Dave Ralston commented on the DARE Program report and the contributions from the City of Springfield and Springfield Public Schools for one DARE officer. It was pointed out that the program was approximately $37,000 short of having two full-time DARE Officers. Discussion on the topic of DARE included a middle school component, the time frame necessary to implement the program, additional funding, and additional training of the officers. Jerry Smith explained that one DARE officer is dedicated to the current program, which is scheduled to begin in September. A discussion was held on the possibility of the other agencies assisting with the $37,000 shortfall for the DARE Program, which could provide two officers for the program. Joe Mathieu reminded the elected officials that the funding issue was something that each agency would need to bring before their individual boards for consideration. Christine Lundberg spoke of her personal experience with the DARE program with her older kids, and reminded the group about the existing curriculum already in the schools. She said she was not supportive of expanding another program at this time. Garry Weber clarified that the DARE Program was not an expansion, but a re-design, which would include a middle school element. Jerry Smith clarified that the timeline was critical and that he couldn't guarantee having an officer trained in time, by the September start of school. The group discussed the possibility of bringing the program in at the second semester. Mayor Leiken suggested that the CEOs discuss the issue further at their August meeting. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Springfield Utility Board TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes July 16, 2003 Page 3 . 3. Oregon Revenue System-Best Practices Update Ed Bergeron provided an update on the upcoming meeting scheduled on July 30 in Tualatin, sponsored by the Oregon Mayors Association and the League of Women Voters of Oregon. The focus of the meeting was to begin the search for a solution to Oregon's fiscal crisis. Mr. Bergeron invited representatives from TEAM Springfield to attend the meeting. The next planning meeting would be held in October. Al King said he supported the idea and said it may be time for agencies throughout the state to begin discussions on moving toward a calendar budget. In addition he shared ideas for dedicated revenue. Joe Mathieu suggestion that each of the TEAM Springfield members need to define the issues important to their agency, before it can approach issues at the state level. Mayor Leiken clarified that the July 30 meeting was the beginning of a grass root effort and that the agency representatives would have an opportunity to get involved. Garry Weber pointed out the ultimate goal, as stated in the handouts, is to craft proposals on tax reform and state funding to submit to the voters, and supported the idea that the agencies get involved. . Mayor Leiken questioned whether the meeting was a sales tax presentation or an opportunity for discussion oflong-term strategies for the state? Ed Bergeron said it's just the beginning, a work in process, and the work ahead will determine the focus. He said that the steering committee is attempting to reach out to as many stakeholders as possible for input. The group discussed the issue of a sales tax and the need to define strategies of the group. It was agreed that interested parties contact Ed Bergeron and Mike Kelly about attending the July 30 meeting, and Mr. Kelly will share the discussions of TEAM Springfield at the meeting. 4. Consider Approval of Goals and Targets Mayor Leiken pointed out the Draft Mission Statement, 5- Year Goals, and One-Year Targets for TEAM Springfield. The document was prepared by chief administrative officials of each agency and reviewed by the elected officials of each group. Bob Keefer said that the group tried to address the elected official's comments and concerns shared at the January 2003 meeting of TEAM Springfield. Motion: Tammy Fitch moved, Stu Burge seconded, for adoption of the goals as presented. . Garry Weber commented on the General TEAM Springfield Goal addressing the coordination of services to avoid duplication. He said he would like agencies to publicize, when possible, the elimination of any duplication in services. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Springfield Utility Board . . . , TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes July 16, 2003 Page 4 Joe Mathieu suggested that when agencies are working with the press, it is important that it be known when an event or activity is sponsored by TEAM Springfield vs. the individual agency. V ofe: The motion carried unanimously. 5. Future Prolects Mayor Leiken presented the following future projects for the group's discussion: United Front Revitalization of Downtown Seek Grants J oint Ventures The representatives had a discussion about the need for support of the downtown area. Suggestions arising from the discussion included new trash receptacles, possibly sponsored by local businesses; pedestrian level lighting; regular street sweeping and communication with area businesses about the schedule; and updated signage and city regulations regarding signage. Other discussions included possible joint ventures in the downtown area. It was suggested that the City could take the lead in cleaning up the downtown area. It was suggested that future Community Development Block Grants could be redirected to downtown projects rather than low-income housing. Other suggestions included the need for downtown parking; activities that would bring people to the downtown area, i.e. Saturday Cruise; and involving the neighborhood schools in the project. Christine Lundberg suggested using the Meadow Park project as a model for possible projects, and suggested a smaller task force to recommend solid changes and proposals that could be reported back to larger TEAM Springfield group. Mayor Leiken suggested that the CEOs discuss Future Projects including Joint Ventures and Revitalization of Downtown, using a model similar to what was used for Meadow Park. United Front was also discussed and it was suggested that the agencies continue to seek grant funding with the focus and efforts on one major project, making the revitalization of downtown a top priority. Another effort would be to focus on obtaining CDBG funds for downtown projects. Joe Mathieu reminded the group could also include other partners: Chamber, Rotary and other major businesses in the area. A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Springfield Utility Board . . . . . - . . TEAM Springfield - Joint Elected Officials Meeting Minutes July 16, 2003 Page 5 6. Debrief and Discussion Mayor Leiken commented on the need for continued discussion about the local United Front efforts at the state legislature. He suggested that the CEOs discuss this at their next meeting and again with the board chairs at a future meeting. He said that the federal United Front efforts focused too much on Lane County and, in the future, the proposals need to focus on one or two major Springfield projects. Joe Mathieu shared information he had received recently from lobbyists when presenting information to representatives in Washington D.C. The suggestion was to take a maximum of three issues forward and put them on a one-page document, in bulleted format, in order to get the attention of the Senators and Congressmen. Helmet Safety Project: Dennis Murphy shared information on the project, including the public information campaign and the donation of all the helmets. He said the project showcases the cooperation between the City and School District. Mayor Leiken recommended members of Team Springfield thank Senator Morrisette and Representative Terry Beyer for their work on the new transportation bill, that the Governor is expected to sign next week. Tammy Fitch and members of TEAM Springfield thanked Willamalane for the barbecue and hosting the meeting. Nancy Golden announced that Springfield Public Schools Board of Education retreat and goal setting would be held in early August and encouraged members of TEAM Springfield to give input for consideration. 7. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m. Minutes Recorder: Karen Lewis, Springfield Public Schools " Attest: a~~~1J()flL Amy So a City Recorder A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Springfield Utility Board