HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/2003 Regular . . . . . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JULY 7, 2003 The city of Springfield Council met in Regular Session in the Council Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, July 7, 2003 at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Woodrow, Burge, and Ralston. Also present were Assistant City Manager Cynthia Pappas, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Attorney Meg Kieran, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. Absent: Councilor Malloy (excused) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Leiken led the Pledge of Allegiance. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT Mayor Leiken acknowledged Boy Scout TrMp #55 from the Thurston area. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH ITEM 4 B REMOVED. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Claims 2. Minutes a. April 21, 2003 - Regular Session b. April 28, 2003 - Work Session c. June 16,2003 - Work Session d. June 16, 2003 - Regular Session e. June 23, 2003 - Work Session f. June 23, 2003 - Special Regular Session g. June 30, 2003 - Special Regular Session 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances a. ORDINANCE NO. 6057 - AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF 69TH STREET IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY OREGON (2ND READING). Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 2 . 5. Other Routine Matters b. Approve Liquor License Endorsement for Mohawk Inn Tavern, Located at 1501 Mohawk Blvd., Springfield, Oregon. c. Approve Liquor License Endorsement for Chu's Chinese Restaurant, Formerly the Double Dragon Chinese and Vietnamese Restaurant, Located at 5676 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Ordinances b. ORDINANCE NO. 6058 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EAST MAIN REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM AND PLAN DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO MIXED USE FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS ASSESSOR MAP NUMBER 17-02-33-34. TAX LOT 100. SOUTH OF SOUTH 52ND PLACE AND MAIN STREET. IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD (2ND READING). Councilors Fitch and Woodrow recused themselves from 4B due to a conflict of interest. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BALLEW WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BURGE TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 6058 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EAST MAIN REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM AND PLAN DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO MIXED USE FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS ASSESSOR MAP NUMBER 17-02-33-34, TAX LOT 100, SOUTH OF SOUTH 52ND PLACE AND MAIN STREET, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 3 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (2 ABSTENTIONS AND 1 ABSENT). PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Proposed Springfield Development Code Amendments. ORDINANCE NO. 6059 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS. BY AMENDING PORTIONS OF SECTION 2.020; ARTICLE 3 BY AMENDING THE TITLE PAGE AND SECTION 3.040; ARTICLE 33 PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT STANDARDS BY AMENDING EXISTING SECTIONS AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS. ADDING ARTICLE 42 REPLAT STANDARDS; AND AMENDING APPENDIX 1. FEES RELATING TO REPLATS AND TYPE II SERIAL PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENTS; AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. . Planner Gary Karp was present for the staff report. Mr. Karp said that the proposed SDC amendments are intended to: · Amend current Article 33 Lot Line Adjustments based upon: o Warfv. Coos County Land Use Board of Appeals Final Opinion and Order No. . 2002-087 which gives direction concerning the review of individual and serial (multiple) Property Line Adjustments; and Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 3 . o Bringing the entire Article into compliance with Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 02 (these regulations govern land divisions and the relocation of property lines in the State of Oregon). . Add Article 42 Replat Standards to create a consistent review process based upon the regulations in ORS 92 for replatting partitions and subdivisions. . Amend Article 2, DefInitions pertaining to Property Line Adjustments and Replats to comply with ORS 92. . Amend Article 3, Deyelopment Approval and Land Use Decision Procedures to update the Pre-Application process and create a new Pre-Submittal Meeting category to help facilitate the review of Partition, Subdivision and Site Plan Review applications. The Pre-Submittal Meeting will allow staff to get together with the applicant, property owner and development team to determine application completeness before an application is formally submitted. The intent is to save the applicant, City staff and the public time and money in the review process, and to provide more certainty to applicants. · Specify that existing land division fees also apply to Replats and create a fee for the review of Type II serial Property Line Adjustments. . Mr. Karp said that the Springfield Development Code has had provisions concerning Lot Line Adjustments since its adoption in 1986. A Revision to ORS 92 in the early '90's changed the term "Lot Line" to "Property Line" Adjustment, however, staff did not amend the SDC at that time. Staff became aware ofthe Land Use Board of Appeals Final Opinion and Order No. 2002- 087 from Coos County in March 2003. Discussions with the City Attorney led to the proposed amendments relating to Property Line Adjustments and Replats. Staff presented the proposed amendments to the Midwest Chapter of the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon on June 10, 2003 and met with Roxie Cuellar of the Lane County Home Builders Association on June 18, 2003. Comments from both groups were favorable. In addition, the City held a meeting with developers on May 19,2003 to address concerns about the Planning application review process. One of the items suggested and discussed was the Pre-Submittal Meeting. Staff is proposing the SDC be amended to include this process. These amendments were scheduled for Planning Commission review and recommendation on July 1. If the Planning Commission recommends approval on July 1, the City Council will conduct a public hearing after their work session. If the Planning Commission does not recommend approval on July 1, staff will ask the City Council to open the public hearing and continue it until September. The Planning Commission made the following changes in the Ordinance: On Page 2 of the Ordinance - Section 2: The Title Page - Section 3.040 was revised from Pre- Application Meeting to Development Issues Meeting. On Page 3 of the Ordinance - Section 3: The title of Section 3 and Section 3.040(1) were revised from Pre-Application Meeting to Development Issues Meeting; in Subsection (2) the second word in the second sentence was changed from process to report; in Subsection (3) the fourth sentence was included in the text of this section, rather than as an exception. Mayor Leiken opened the Public Hearing. Noone appeared to speak. . Mayor Leiken closed the Public Hearing Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 4 . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 6059 WITH THE CHANGES MADE BY THE SPRlNGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Honoring Martin Luther King. Jr. in Springfield. RESOLUTION NO. 03-35 - A RESOLUTION NAMING THE FUTURE PIONEER P ARKW A Y EXTENSION PROJECT THE "MARTIN LUTHER KING. JR. P ARKW A Y" IN HONOR OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING. JR. . Transportation Manager Nick Amis and Human Resources Assistant Rita Wallace-Ostrofsky were present for the staff report. Mr. Amis said to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mayor Leiken selected a twelve member MLK Advisory Committee with Council President Fitch as Council liaison to the group. On April 2, 2003, City staff and Council President Fitch met with the eight members of the MLK Advisory Committee. The charge of the Committee was to study the feasibility of a memorial tribute in Springfield to civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Committee was advisory and scheduled to meet once or twice and forward a recommendation to the Mayor through Councilor Fitch. A number of ideas about the type of memorial and tribute for Dr. King were discussed and a brainstorming and round robin session took place with the Committee unanimously agreeing in its first meeting that the Pioneer Parkway Extension Project should be named after Dr. King. Pioneer Parkway Extension was recommended because it would be a new limited access road that would not impact existing homes or business owners. The Extension would be named "Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway" and is located between the Hayden Bridge/Pioneer Parkway intersection and the Game Farm South/Beltline intersection. The major land owner along the Extension is PeaceHealth. Officials from PeaceHealth were contacted and verbally told staff they had no problems with the new name for the Extension, although they also believed that naming Pioneer Parkway as Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway from the Beltline/Game Farm South intersection to Q Street could make it easier for people to find the new hospital. However, renaming existing streets requires a different process and may include multi-jurisdictional coordination. Therefore, staff recommends council consider approving the attached resolution to name the Pioneer Parkway Extension the "Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway". Councilor Ballew asked if it will all be in city limits. Yes, it will. Councilor Woodrow asked ifthere could be residents on that roadway in the future. Mr. Amis said that most of it will be PeaceHealth development, not residential. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. . 1. Kenneth Raymen, 2150 Laura Street #25. Springfield. OR. Mr. Raymen would like to recommend some additional changes to the Pioneer Parkway Extension. He would suggest that all of Pioneer Parkway and its planned extension be named Pioneer Kingway, honoring both Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Pioneers. He described the reasons that this would be beneficial. Mr. Raymen also suggested the City name the bike/walk path along the Parkway Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7,2003 Page - 5 . the Cesar Chavez Bike/Walk Path. This would honor the heroic efforts of Cesar Chavez on behalf of all migrant farm workers. 5th Grade students could have an annual walk reenacting the 1960's march along this path. He explained how this could benefit and include all of the community. This would be an annual, educational, and living memorial to those who gave their lives to improve our society. 2. Robert Baines. 1125 N 58th Street #13. Springfield. OR. Mr. Baines feels it is not appropriate to name the extension after Martin Luther King, Jr. He feels the original naming of the parkway in memory of the Pioneers was and still is an idea that pulled the community together. Mr. Baines feels that Parkway extension should continue with that name in honor of those pioneers. He believes naming the extension does have merit, but he feels there is an alternative. He feels we should honor our veterans who have paid the price for our freedom. Mr. Baines served in the Air Forces during both World War II and the Korean War. He proposes the entire Pioneer Parkway be renamed the "9-11 Pioneer Parkway" with kiosks or small plazas along that parkway. Mr. Baines would like to see the community come together again and honor all the pioneers by the naming of the "911 Pioneer Parkway". . 3. Kate Wallace. 2923 Game Farm Road. Springfield. OR. Ms. Wallace said she lives on Game Farm Road and their property abuts the future parkway. She spoke in support of naming the Pioneer Parkway Extension for Martin Luther King, Jr. She noted that part of their property will be given up to allow the parkway to be built and she feels it is an honor to have what was formerly their property named after Martin Luther King, Jr. Ms. Wallace is also a member of Springfield Alliance for Equality and Respect (SAFER) which helps to sponsor the Martin Luther King Jr. celebration each year. She explained that Martin Luther King Jr. 's dreams are a large part of the group's values. She also noted that Martin Luther King Jr. was not only a hero to the black population, but to all people. She read a quote regarding Martin Luther King, Jr. and his dedication to the cause of justice for all. 4. Dennis Shine. 2923 Game Farm Road. Springfield. OR. Mr. Shine is a board member of the NAACP, Springfield-Eugene branch. He explained that the NAACP discussed this issue prior to the Springfield discussion. Ideally NAACP would prefer all of Centennial Blvd. would be named after Martin Luther King, Jr., but he realized that would not be feasible. He feels that the naming of Pioneer Parkway Extension after Martin Luther King, Jr. is a fitting tribute. Mr. Shine said that he marched with Dr. King and he heard his speeches. He feels it is time for Springfield to honor Dr. King. He feels naming a street after Dr. King also honors Springfield. He reminded the council and the audience that Dr. King won a Nobel Peace Prize. He noted others in the Eugene/Springfield area that were behind this naming, including Commissioner Bobby Green. 5. Lisle Veach. 1126 South 34th Place. Springfield. OR. Mr. Veach said he and his wife moved here from Eugene 4-5 years ago. His wife works for PeaceHealth Medical Center and he works for Holt International Children's Services. Both of these businesses are slated to move to the end of the parkway extension. He and his wife feels the naming of this parkway to Martin Luther King Parkway would be most appropriate considering the types of services these businesses will provide this community. He also noted that he and his wife serve on the Race Unity Celebration Planning Task Force and they have found the people of Springfield are very honest and straight forward. . 6. Scott Bartlett. 1445 East 21 st Ave.. Eugene. OR. Mr. Bartlett has worked for Springfield representatives for years and feels Springfield is a city that cares. Mr. Bartlett wanted to Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 6 . thank the council for taking the lead when things weren't going well with Eugene. He asked that Springfield name the extension Martin Luther King "Parkway" to alleviate confusion with Eugene's Blvd. He described the good that Dr. King talked about and believed. Many in Mr. Bartlett's family have lost their lives in the service of our country. He feels that Dr. King died for his country as he pursued his beliefs. He feels that Springfield is morally correct and he feels that naming this the Martin Luther King Parkway would be a great extension and he thanked council again for their leadership. 7. Thomas Finney. 1443 Centennial Blvd.. Springfield. OR. Mr. Finney has watched this process over the last few weeks. He would like to thank council for honoring the legacy of common sense. He feels council has handled this in an exemplary fashion and that this is exactly the type of action Dr. King would be proud of. He is in favor of honoring Dr. King. Dr. King was all about love and tolerance and worked his entire life for it. He is proud to be part of Springfield. 8. Steve Moe. P.O. Box 847. Springfield. OR. Mr. Moe is in favor of the proposal to name the Pioneer Parkway to Martin Luther King, Jr. He would like to see it go all the way from Beltline to Main Street in Springfield. . 9. Bruce Miller. 3000 Willamette. P.O. Box 50968. Eugene. OR. Mr. Miller noted that certain students of color from the UofO were not in attendance at this hearing. He feels this naming is tokenism and not meaningful to those of color at the UofO or in high schools. He feels that Centennial Blvd is just a name and does not mean anything to many ofthe citizens. He said that he was from the Seattle area and Portland and was familiar with some of the black speakers of those areas. He feels that many students and young people don't care and naming a street will not mean anything to them. He handed out documents with other black leaders listed and other suggestions. 10. Marion Malcomb. 110 Mayfair Lane. Eugene. OR. Ms. Malcomb was here to speak in support of naming the Pioneer Parkway Extension after Martin Luther King, Jr. She feels that naming has a power and the community needs to make sure that it isn't a hollow thing; She is pleased that the Springfield Alliance for Equality and Respect works with other organizations in the community to do the Martin Luther King celebration and works with the schools to give that celebration content. Often other people come forward with opposing views when someone is being honored, feeling that others are being excluded from being honored. She feels we need to multiply honoring and continue to honor others. . 11. Genevieve Brackebusch. P.O. Box 2064. Eugene. OR. Ms. Brackebusch lives outside of Springfield and Eugene, but was told she was welcome to attend and speak. Her son and daughter are raising three black daughters, thus she is the grandmother ofthese girls. She is not racist, but feels that any street should have only one name from the beginning to the end. Itis difficult to read maps when streets change names. She is opposed to any naming which changes a street that is already named. Pioneer Parkway should be Pioneer Parkway all of the way. She feels Eugene made a mistake when they chose to change Centennial Boulevard to Martin Luther King, Jr. She would like council to think carefully, about the naming of Pioneer Parkway Extension. She feels it will be difficult to know which side of the street it Pioneer Parkway and which is Martin Luther King Parkway. She does not want Springfield to feel stampeded into making any decisions based on accusations and intimidation. She feels Dr. King should be honored at a park with large displays of pictures showing who he was and what he accomplished. Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 7 . 12. Marilyn Mays. 1081 N. Pine Road. Eugene. OR. Ms. Mays is the President ofthe Eugene- Springfield branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and she is here to address council and give support on behalf of the NAACP for proposal to name the Pioneer Parkway Extension in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. Councilor Woodrow thanked all of the citizens who came forward to speak tonight. He especially thanked Councilor Fitch for her work with the committee. He is in favor of this proposal. Councilor Burge also thanked Councilor Fitch and the Mayor for their process. He does not see color, he sees people. Councilor Burge feels this is probably overdue and certainly small recognition in honor of a man who did great things for our country. . Councilor Ralston said that he has not been afraid to take a stand, but this is a divisive issue. He acknowledged many of color who are good friends and colleagues. He is not racist, but feels that this is a no win situation. He spoke to 70-80 citizens in Springfield over the last week. He asked many questions of citizens to see what their true feelings were. He asked if they should rename an existing street, and 100% said no. He asked if we should honor Martin Luther King, Jr. at all and the response was nearly an even split. All of those who did 'think we should honor Dr. King did not believe we should honor him by naming a road. Lastly, he asked if we should name the new Pioneer Parkway Extension and only two people said yes. Ten people said they would be o.k. with it, only because it was a new street. Naming a new park was on the top of the list. People asked him why we were rushing into this and what was the agenda. He feels this only splits the community and does not heal anything. We need to start working on the future. He quoted Gary Webber who said that naming a street after Martin Luther King is an ordinary way to honor an extra-ordinary man. He suggested the plaza in front of the Library near the fountain being named Martin Luther King Freedom Square. He highlighted the practical features that makes naming the street illogical. He will not support naming the Pioneer Parkway Extension after Martin Luther King, Jr. Councilor Ballew said she feels this is a good decision and we did a good process. Dr. King was an important American and this is a way to honor him. . Councilor Fitch thanked those that served on the advisory committee and the staff. She feels it was a thoughtful process that we went through. She said in Springfield we don't always agree, but we are polite when we don't agree. She mentioned that in better economic times, a new park or statue might be erected, but at this time it seemed the most appropriate way to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. a man who brought unity and broke down the barriers. She said that the committee felt that as we do get into better economic times and we are able to build new parks, schools, transfer stations, etc., that would be an opportunity to look at ways to look at honoring others. She explained that Centennial Blvd. does have a lot of meaning for citizens and she feels that Martin Luther King Parkway can also have meaning and bring unity. She appreciated the comments regarding PeaceHealth and Holt International being on this parkway and the meaning that would add to it. She agrees that it would be best if we could have a street with one name through both towns, but it becomes multi-jurisdictional and difficult. She hopes the council will agree with her as they move forward with this naming tonight. Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 8 . Mayor Leiken thanked Councilor Fitch and the advisory committee for their time. He addressed the confusion of multiple names streets. He noted other breaks in street names and that it is not uncommon in cities and communities around this country. He feels that part ofthe issue is minute. He said that this is not about color; we are all a combination of many backgrounds. This is much larger than our color. We are honoring a man who left a lasting legacy on this country. This resolution will also be a lasting legacy. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 03-35. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 1 AGAINST. Mayor Leiken agrees with Councilor Fitch that we don't always agree, but when we disagree we are polite and dignified. He feels that has been a lasting legacy in this community. , 3. Applicant, L.B. Olson & Associates Request to Vacate a Seven-Foot Wide Public Utility Easement (PUE) and a Portion of a 20-Foot Wide PUE in the Thurston Greens Subdivision. ORDINANCE NO.4 - AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY OREGON (FIRST READING). ORDINANCE NO.5 - AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY OREGON (FIRST READING). . Planner Ashley DeForest was present for the staff report. Ms. DeForest said the applicant is requesting to vacate a seven-foot wide PUE in the Thurston Greens Subdivision, as there are no existing utilities located within it. The applicant is also requesting to vacate a portion of a 20-foot wide PUE in the Thurston Greens Subdivision because there are no public utilities located within that portion of the PUE. The subject property is located at 62nd Street and E Street, Assessor's Map Number 17-02-34-24, Tax Lots 5100, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5500, and 5600. The property is also referred to as Lots 11-16 of the Thurston Greens Subdivision Plat (C.S. File Number 37702), filed with Lane County on September 17, 2002. Ms. DeForest said the seven-foot wide PUE running along the eastern property line of Lots 12-16 of the Thurston Greens Subdivision was originally established in 1967 to accommodate storm sewer improvements for a proposed Church. The Church was never constructed and no utilities were ever placed within this easement. There is no public benefit being derived from the seven- foot PUE since there are no utilities located within it. Moreover, the City of Springfield utility providers have indicated there is no future plan to locate utilities within this seven-foot PUE. Staff received no negative comments from utility providers or the public regarding the proposed easement vacations and recommends vacation of these easements. Councilor Woodrow asked what was between the back of the property and the next street. Ms. DeForest said there were more vacant lots. Councilor Woodrow asked where the sanitary sewer came from for those vacant lots. . Ms. DeForest said she believes it is from the 7 foot PUE running along the western portion along 62nd Street. She can get that information when she brings it back for the second reading. Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7,2003 Page - 9 . Mayor Leiken opened the Public Hearing. Noone appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the Public Hearing NO ACTION TAKEN. TillS WAS A FIRST READING ONLY. 4. Gateway Refmement Plan Diagram Amendment - Emergency. ORDINANCE NO. 6060 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE GA TEW A Y REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM AND PLAN DESIGNATION FOM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL FOR THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S MAP NUMBER 17-03-22-44. TAX LOT 7200. 433/449 HARLOW STREET IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Ordinance Enactment and Effective Date: In the event an ordinance contains an emergency clause, the ordinance shall become operative immediately upon passage by the council by a two-thirds majority of all members of the council. Ordinances not containing an emergency clause shall not take effect until 30 days after its passage. . Planner Kay Bork was present for the staff report. Ms. Bork said this is a continuance from the May 19,2003 public hearing. She said that staff has requested an emergency public hearing in order to facilitate a public hearing at the Planning Commission on July 14,2003 for a subsequent zone change request. Once the Zone Change request has been approved by the Planning Commission the applicant intends to submit a site plan review application to develop the site. The applicant has requested to re-designate the property from MDR to NC in order to develop the site with a children's museum and entertainment center called Minds in Motion. The proposed uses of the site (exhibition hall, recreation center, and playground) are listed as permitted uses in Neighborhood Commercial Zoning Districts in the Springfield Development Code. The Development will be subject to special siting standards in regards to building height, parking, and lot coverage. Ms. Bork noted that staff's findings indicate the applicant has met the criteria of approval for a refinement plan amendment to re-designate the 1.2 acre parcel from MDR to NC. The Planning Commission has forwarded an affIrmative recommendation to the City Council. . Ms. Bork said the subject property is located on the south side of Harlow Road, between Pheasant and Laura Streets. The site is surrounded by High Density Residential designated property to the west and south and Community Commercial property to the east. Once the Laura Street extension project is completed by the City, the subject site will be located on the corner of Harlow Road and the newly extended Laura Street. Currently the site is developed with one single-family dwelling and a duplex. According to the Historic Commission, the single family dwelling was listed as a Contributing Historic Resource, but today has no architectural significance and has been significantly altered over the years. On March 4, 2003 the Planning Commission with a recommendation from the Historic Commission, approved the demolition of the historic structure. Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 10 . Ms. Bork said there is a public benefit for processing this request as an emergency. The benefit of processing this as an emergency is the applicant has shown on preliminary plans that they wish to take access from their proposed development from Laura Street. The Laura Street re- alignment project initiated by the City is scheduled to begin in the Summer or late Fall of2003. Processing the site plan review application prior to the commencement of the street project allows the City to request street dedication through the land use decision process rather than the City having to purchase the right-of-way outside any land use request. The right-of-way is small but considered an essential component of the street project. If this plan diagram amendment is not processed as an emergency and the City has to purchase the right-of-way, the cost would be approximately $15,600. Ms. Bork said that staff findings indicate that the applicant submittal has met the conditions of approval for the refmement plan amendment. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 1 and adopted the recommendation to approve the refinement plan amendment and have forwarded their recommendation to the City Council. The Planning Commissioner's Public Hearing was a continuance and there was no testimony against this during that hearing. During the fIrst public hearing held in April, the Game Farm Neighborhood Association testified in favor of the amendment and testified in favor of the proposed use for the site. If the City Council approves the ordinance to amend the Gateway Refinement Plan Diagram, the applicant will go forward wit4 the zone chang~ request at the next Planning Commission meeting and will submit a site plan review application to develop the site. Mayor Leiken continued the public hearing. . 1. Terri Harding. 132 E. Broadway #536. Eugene. OR. Ms. Harding is the Planning Manager at Satre Associates in Eugene. She said that this proposal came before the Planning Commission in March and they have already acted on two different applications. The first was demolition and salvage of an old house just west of the 7-11 on Harlow Road. The reason for the continuance is due to the length of time it took to negotiate on the property. Ms. Harding noted that the applicant, Becky Stenzel, is in the audience. Ms. Harding explained that this was for a specific project, Minds to Motion. She said this is something totally unique to Eugene/SpringfIeld Area. She described the activities that will be held at this site. The applicant felt that this property was ideal for this use. The applicant did a transportation impact analysis which showed an insignificant change. Councilor Ballew asked if this would put the site south of Laura Street after it is realigned. Ms. Harding said the site is slightly west of Game Farm and the Laura Street would go through the 7-11 site, not the subject site. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 6060. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. . 5. Annexation of 3.35 Acres of Light-Medium Industrial Property to the City of Springfield. Planning File LRP2003-00006 (Willamette Beverage Company Applicant). Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 11 . RESOLUTION NO. 03-36 - A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION. Planner Jim Donovan was present for the staff report. Mr. Donovan said the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from more than half the owners and a majority of the registered electors residing in the territory proposed to be annexed (i.e. double majority). Written consent from the president ofWillamette Beverage Company (the sole owner) has been obtained; there are no registered electors residing at the site. Availability of key urban services required by Section 6.030 of the Springfield Development Code and Metro Plan Policy 8.a., including but not limited to fire, police, library, sewer, water, streets, sidewalks and storm drainage, has been verified during staff review of their request. The land is partially developed. The value of existing improvements will be added to tax roles after annexation. It is approximately 3.35 acres and is partially developed. Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. He noted the impact on the response time for Fire and Life. The Fire Marshal has putthem on notice that adoption of this resolution and annexation will continue to potentially lower that 80% response time in the future. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. - No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 03-36. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE 1. Mark Vukanovich. 15754 NW GrafStreet. Portland. OR 97229. Mr. Vukanovich represents developer of Jasper Meadows, Crossroads Development, LLC. Mr. Vukanovich said that this is a time sensitive issue. There had been a Council Meeting on this issue scheduled for July 21 st and now he has heard that will have to be extended to September. This would push the project to 2004. This is a major issue for them and for the stakeholders of the project. Mr. Vukanovich said they are happy to address all of the issues to receive council approval. The developer has been working on this project for the past 4 years, and phase 3 for the past 12 months. They have worked through the Corps of Engineers, Division of State Lands, DEQ, Lane County Boundary Commission, Lane County Public Works, and City staff. He described some of the hurdles they have faced. He discussed the issue with the fire response times and that he was told that they met the time criteria. He would like to ask council to authorize staff to write their report to bring this to public hearing for the July 21 Council Meeting. Councilor Fitch asked if we could have this on the July 28 Council agenda. Councilor Burge said we need to be cognizant of the construction schedule for the developer. . Mayor Leiken said we needed more time for work session to discuss the details of this issue. Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 12 . Councilor Fitch said that all things are time sensitive as we approach council recess. Councilor Burge said we are here for service, and we need to go out of our way if they meet criteria. Council agrees. COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS BIDS ORDINANCES 1. An Ordinance Amending the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Text Adopting an Exception to Statewide Planning Goal 15 Willamette River Greenway. ORDINANCE NO.7. - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN TEXT. CHAPTER III. SECTION D. POLICY #13. ADOPTING AN EXCEPTION TO STATEWIDE PLANNING GOAL 15 WILLAMETTE RIVER GREENWAY; AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE (2ND READING). . Planning Manager Greg Mott was present for the staff report. Mr. Mott said the detour bridge has been the subject of hearings by the Springfield Planning Commission, the joint planning commissions, and, on June 18,2003, by the joint elected officials. After the close of the hearing, the Eugene Council moved approval, conditioned on additional findings in the form of a right-of- way map, a description of the full width of right-of-way map, a description ofthe full width of right-of-way on both sides of the river, and a statement that because the detour bridge is temporary it will be removed after the replacement bridge is completed, therefore the restoration plan preserves the Greenway values and is consistent with the OAR for this exception. Mr. Mott said the Eugene Council moved to delete language in the proposed plan text that refers to "replacement of the existing bridge" and "future capacity or safety improvements." The Springfield City Council did not support this proposed change to the plan text; the Lane County Board of Commissioners deferred any further discussion until after both cities had formally acted on the Ordinance. The Eugene Council's proposed changes result in a more accurate relationship between findings in Exhibit A and the proposed text. The findings cannot examine the effects of the replacement bridge on the Greenway values because the form, size or construction type of the replacement bridge is unknown; the same is true for future capacity increases. The findings in Exhibit A are responsive to the effects of the detour bridge and what otherwise will occur from the centerline of I -5 east to the edge of the right of way. The NEP A process for the replacement bridge should resolve any issues that mayor may not arise regarding the Greenway. . He referenced the map requested by the Eugene Council. He also referenced the revisions to the text within the ordinance. Springfield City Attorney, Eugene City Attorney, Lane County Counsel and the planning directors have reviewed this new text language that would reflect that motion accurately. This additional text is included in the second ordinance, attachment 2. The Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 13 . change in the text language does not provide for a goal exception for the replacement bridge or any future capacity additions to the replacement bridge, but does cover this detour bridge and the removal of this detour bridge. The detour bridge is in Springfield's jurisdiction, but ODOT's right-of-way. They do not know what configuration the replacement bridge will take; how many lanes, ramps, etc. Staff did not prepare findings to allow the replacement bridge to go in because of that. He explained the process with all three jurisdictions which is similar to the process that was taken for Beltline 1-5 which is part of the NEP A process. Councilor Fitch listened to the tape from the Joint Elected Officials Meeting because she was not at the joint meeting. She confIrmed that Acting Development Services Director Dan Brown had a meeting with ODOT on Wednesday, July 9. Mr. Brown said the meeting is with Bob Pirrie, but he may have additional staff from ODOT Councilor Fitch referenced the comment from an ODOT speaker about being held hostage by Willamalane and having to do some repaying of some payments to get their agreement on this. She said ODOT needs to come and speak with Springfield. She is proposing that council table this tonight until there is a heart to heart discussion with ODOT and some partnership with ODOT. Staff has worked hard to get Jasper Road Extension under way and ODOT now has a hold-up in locating wires in that area which could postpone that project even more. She stated __ that she will not give her vote for this tonight. She would recommend they table this for now until ODOT meets with City staff to partner with local municipalIties. . Councilor Burge did not participate in JEO meeting and did not hear the tapes. He will not discuss this at this time. Councilor Ralston agrees with Councilor Fitch. He also mentioned an issue with a possible 42nd Street cutback to Olympic Street that he would like to further discuss. Councilor Ballew said she recognizes the temporary bridge does need to be built. She was hesitant to act immediately when Eugene made their amendment because she had visions of a project taking too long. She feels our local state people have been good partners have with us. We need to be good citizens as well as good partners. She feels we need to move ahead. Assistant City Manager Cynthia Pappas informed council that the signal modification permit was submitted by Lane County to ODOT on June 30. Councilor Fitch said she apologized regarding the signal issue. She said she still has an issue with ODOT and the difficulties they sometimes cause for our citizens regarding access issues, etc. She said that to the citizens government is government and when there are delays, they come to the City with their complaints. She asked Mr. Mott when the other two jurisdictions were voting on this issue. Mr. Mott said that Eugene would be voting on July 14,2003 and Lane County on July 16,2003. Eugene Planning Director Jan Childs said that the Eugene meeting starts at 7:30pm and this item will probably be addressed sometime between 9:00-10:00pm. . City Attorney Joe Leahy confIrmed that a Special Regular Session can occur at whatever time council would like. It will not be a public hearing so that is not an issue. Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7,2003 Page - 14 . Councilor Fitch said we do need this bridge and we do need to vote on it. She said council could vote on it next week and that would be in sufficient time. COUNCILOR FITCH MOVED THAT THIS ITEM IS TABLED UNTIL THE SPECIAL REGULAR SESSION ON JULY 14, 2003 AT 5:30PM. COUNCILOR WOODROW SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. Mayor Leiken asked Dan Brown if Representative Beyer was going to be involved in the meeting on July 9. Mr. Brown said yes, she would be there. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments . a. Mayor Leiken confirmed the new council liaisons to the following boards, committees, and commissions: . Finance & Judiciary Committee - Councilor Tim Malloy · Lane County Boundary Commission - Councilor J olin Woodrow · Legislative Committee - Councilor Anne Ballew · Museum Committee - Councilor Tim Malloy , · Public Safety Coordinating Council- Councilor John Woodrow . Region 2050 - Councilor Stu Burge 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports 1. Councilor Ralston said that the Rockin' by the River was a great event and they had the best fireworks display he has ever seen. 2. Councilor Burge said that the Campus Industrial Task Force will have their third meeting on July 15th. He hopes they will be making progress on that in the next 30 days. b. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Joe Leahy said that regarding the lot line adjustment amendment, he felt that Planner Gary Karp did an excellent job in preparing that item. He said that Mr. Karp looked carefully at the state laws to make sure we didn't have any impeding actions in our own ordinance. Mr. Leahy also commended Mr. Tamulonis for negotiating the agreement for the Jasper Road Extension properties and pulling it all together. . Springfield City Council Regular Session Minutes - July 7, 2003 Page - 15 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa " Attest: Amy~ktn- City Recorder '- ----"--- - - -- ~ . .