HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/2003 Regular . City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MAY 5, 2003 The city of Springfield council met in regular session in the Council Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, May 5, 2003, at 7:02 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Burge, Fitch, Malloy, Ralston and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Interim Assistant City Manager Cynthia Pappas, City Attorney Tim Harold, Administrative Coordinator Julie Wilson and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Leiken. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Administer Oath of Office - Timothy Malloy, City Councilor Ward 6. . City Attorney Tim Harold administered the oath of office to Timothy Malloy, for City Councilor, Ward 6. 2. Mayor Leiken announced that a rally is scheduled to welcome home troops. The rally is scheduled for May 10,2003, at Alton Baker Park, 1-5 p.m. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. 3. Councilor Burge recognized the students of Briggs Elementary School. He said they conducted a cleanup of downtown Springfield. They washed windows, swept sidewalks, picked up trash, etc. He said they were committed to the downtown area. He appreciated their efforts. 4. Councilor Ballew reminded everyone that Spring Clean up is scheduled this Saturday. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO ADOPT THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Claims a. Accept the March 2003 Quarterly Financial Reports. 2. Minutes . a. March 17,2003 - Work Session Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 5, 2003 Page 2 . b. March 17,2003 - Regular Meeting c. March 24,2003 - Work Session d. March 31,2003 - Special Regular Meeting e. April 14, 2003 - Work Session f. April 14, 2003 - Regular Meeting 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO. 03-19 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30235 THURSTON GREENS SUBDIVISION, 62ND STREET, E STREET FROM 61 ST STREET TO 63RD STREET AND 63RD STREET FROM E STREET TO F STREET. b. RESOLUTION NO. 03-20 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30293 EAGLE'S FLIGHT SUBDIVISION, 66TH AND THURSTON. 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Annexation of Property to the City of Springfield, Journal Number LRP2003-00002. . RESOLUTION NO. 03-21 - A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION. City Planner Susanna Julber presented the staff report on this issue. The property owners of the subject territory, Willowbrook Development, have requested annexation in order to develop property located east of Laura Street in Springfield, 2191 Laura Street, Assessor Map Number 17-03-27-10, Tax Lot 1400. The applicant wishes to develop the property consistent with the standards of the Medium Density Residential zoning district, and has indicated that the 1.64-acre tract of land will be developed as a residential subdivision, comprised of 10 duplex lots. Such urban uses are not permitted in the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District, and annexation is required to develop the property. Sanitary and storm sewer will be provided as part of the Laura Street improvement project, scheduled for construction late summer of2003. The City will be constructing a sanitary sewer stub up to the applicant's property line, and drainage will be available upon completion of the improvements to the roadway. . Article 6.030(2) of the Springfield Development Code requires that territories considered for annexation must be provided "key urban facilities and services," as defmed in Metro Plan Policy 8.a, Page II-B-4. Among these key urban services are water, sewer, storm water Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 5, 2003 Page 3 . facilities, streets, electricity, parks, fire/emergency services, schools, etc. Based on its analysis, Staff finds that key urban services are available to the site. The City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed. There are no registered electors currently residing within the territory proposed for annexation. The area proposed for annexation lies directly east of Laura Street. Laura Street is an unimproved roadway within the jurisdiction of Lane County. The parcel to be annexed is developed with a single family home. Signatures from the property owners have been obtained. With Council approval, this resolution will be forwarded to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission with a recommendation for approval. A public hearing will be held on the annexation at the June 5, 2003 Boundary Commission meeting. Mayor Leiken said he and other staff had the opportunity to meet with the applicant. The applicant did have some concerns/issues. Mayor Leiken asked if those issues have been addressed from the city's perspective. Ms. Julber said they were addressed. Mayor U~iken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 03-21. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. FY 2003-2004 One Year Action Plan of the Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. Housing Program Specialist Kevin Ko presented the staff report on this issue. Council is asked to conduct a Public Hearing and adopt the Springfield portion of the FY2003-2004 One Year Action Plan of the Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. The Five Year Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development, adopted in May of 2000, is a requirement of the federal government and is necessary for Eugene and Springfield to continue receiving funding from HUD. One Year Action Plans must be submitted to HUD each year and are designed to indicate how communities intend to fulfill the priorities established in the Five Year Plan. The FY2003-04 One Year Action Plan includes the one-year funding allocations and proposed activities and must be approved by both the City of Springfield and City of Eugene prior to submission to HUD. The document was available for a thirty-day review and comment period from April 2, 2003 ending May 2,2003. As of May 1 S\ no comments have been received. The Eugene portion of the Plan is being adopted separately by the Eugene City Council. The combined Eugene-Springfield One Year Action Plan is due to HUD on May 15,2003. . The One Year Action Plan needs to include the CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) and HOME funding allocations for the fiscal year 2003-2004. The City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 5, 2003 Page 4 . receives CDBG funds as an entitlement community and HOME funds as a participant in a consortium agreement with the City of Eugene. CDBG funds are awarded to communities who carry out community development activities directed towards neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services. HOME funding is a housing block grant program allocated to communities to be used for rehabilitation, new construction, acquisition and tenant based rental assistance activities. The City has completed the allocation process for both CDBG and HOME programs. Kevin Ko reviewed the agenda item summary packet attachment. He discussed Attachment Number 1. He discussed the FY 03-04 CDBG allocation of $164,000 to the Wildish Center. He reminded Council that council reviewed / discussed this issue two week ago. Kevin Ko discussed Attachment 1, page 9, last paragraph on the page. He discussed the last paragraph on the page regarding the project currently under council consideration. Mr. Ko said that is enough language in the document, to get it into HUD, so that, should council decide in favor of the project, it can be initiated. Ifnot, that is ok too. Mr. Ko noted a correction on Attachment 1, page 10, last paragraph, Minority Concentrations. He referenced lines 4 and 5 and it should read as follows: .. ..block group 2 is located to the .w~~~ of Pioneer Parkway and ~if~t of Kelly Butte... . Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO ADOPT THE SPRINGFIELD PORTION OF THE FY 2003-2004 ONE YEAR ACTION PLAN OF THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD CONSOLIDATED PLAN FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE No one appeared to testify. COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from Barbara Blomquist, 1224 F Street, Springfield, Oregon, Regarding the Proposed Name Change of Centennial Boulevard. 2. Correspondence from Roy Gray, P.O. Box 117, Walterville, Oregon, Regarding Springfield Inventory of Natural Resource Site. [Please see attached staff response] . 3. Correspondence from Roy Gray, P.O. Box 117, Walterville, Oregon, Regarding Natural Resource designation on Q Street Ditch along 30th Street. [Please see attached staff response] Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 5, 2003 Page 5 . 4. Correspondence from Willamette Family Treatment Services, P.O. Box 23338, Eugene, Oregon, Regarding the Anticipated, Significant Change in How Crisis Services are Delivered in our Community. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO ACCEPT AND FILE CORRESPONDENCE/ITEM NUMBERS 1-4 WITH FOLLOWUP THAT HAS BEEN CONDUCTED BY STAFF. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BIDS ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments a. Historic Commission Appointment. City Planner Mel Oberst presented the staff report on this issue. . In work session on April 28, 2003, the Council recommended a four-year re-appointment of'John Tuttle to the Springfield Historic Commission. The four-year term will expire April 30, 2007. On April 28, 2003, the Council interviewed candidate John Tuttle for re-appointment to the Springfield Historic Commission. The Council recommended Mr. Tuttle for re- appointment and confirmation at the May 5,2003, regular session. Mr. Tuttle has served on the Historic Commission since November 5,2001. This will be his second term. He is a resident and property owner in the Washburne Historic District and operates a business in downtown Springfield, which specializes in home designs. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO RE-APPOINT JOHN TUTTLE TO THE HISTORIC COMMISSION FOR A FOUR-YEAR TERM DUE TO EXPIRE ON APRIL 30, 2007. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. b. Planning Commission Appointment. Planning Supervisor Mel Oberst presented the staff report on this issue. . There are three vacancies on the seven-member Planning Commission. Steve Moe's first four year term on the Commission expired May I st. Tim Malloy has vacated his position as of April 28, 2003 to take a seat on the City Council. Marilyn Phillips resigned her position on the Commission on April 1, 2003. Steve Moe's position was appointed to the Commission on May 1, 1999. The appointment for this position is for a 4-year term. The term of this position expires on May 1,2007. Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 5, 2003 Page 6 . The City received three applications for these vacancies on the Planning Commission. Marilyn resigned after the recruitment had begun for Steve's and Tim's positions. A second recruitment notice has been advertised and will close on May 16th. The Council chose to re-appoint Steve Moe and carry the other two applicants over to the May 27th work session when they will interview candidates for the remaining two vacancies. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO RE-APPOINT STEVE MOE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A FOUR YEAR TERM DUE TO EXPIRE ON MAY 1, 2007. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. Councilor Burge spoke with Jack Gishell and Mr. Gishell said it was somewhat of a relief not to be appointed. After all the years of public service he has served to-date, he is ready to enjoy other things. He wanted Councilor Burge to relay that he has appreciated the time he was able to serve previously. He wanted to thank Council for the opportunity. Councilor Fitch said council would keep him in mind for special projects and Councilor Burge replied that would be good. 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports. . 1. Councilor Fitch will attend a BRT meeting tomorrow. 2. Councilor Fitch said she was unable to attend the Budget Committee meeting. She said she was sorry she could not attend and noted that they held discussion regarding a change in meeting dates. She understands the need, although, Budget Committee meetings have been held on Tuesday evenings for at least the past five years. She had reserved Tuesdays and with the change in date, she may have a conflict with Budget Committee meetings. She will do her best to attend but it will be dependent on what appointments/commitments she can modify. 3. Councilor Fitch competed in and completed a half marathon! Council congratulated her for her success. 4. Councilor Woodrow provided an update on PSCC. The PSCC modification was presented and accepted. PSCC will ask for resignations of all members and then re appoint members for the remodeled PSCC. Mike Kelly said the positions have been reduced to half what they were due to resources. 5. Councilor Ballew announced that an event sponsored by Lane Workforce partnership to discuss future trends, economics, etc. is scheduled for May 16 and May 17. 6. Councilor Burge said a small group is scheduled to meet tomorrow regarding campus industrial zoning in Springfield. They will see if there is agreement on interpretation. He will keep council informed on status. He said this will be a short process. He said this is not a land use process, it is an informal review to see if there is consensus on interpretation. 7. Mayor Leiken reported on a recent Governors Industrial Lands Task Force meeting. Jack Roberts is also part of the Task Force. The meeting was held in Albany. Much discussion centered on an issue raised by Mayor Leiken, as well as others, regarding unfunded mandates, brought forth by state and federal governments. He will continue to keep council updated. . Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 5, 2003 Page 7 . 8. Mayor Leiken recognized the Tony Hawk event held at the new Willamalane skate park. Mayor Leiken said many from all over the state participated. It was covered live in Portland, as well as two other states. 9. Mayor Leiken announced that the Mayor's Prayer breakfast is scheduled for May 16, at the Eugene Hilton. b. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. FY 03-04 CDBG/HOME Request for St. Vincent DePaul's HUD 202 Housing Proiect. Housing Program Specialist Kevin Ko presented the staff report on this issue. A letter was provided from John Van Landingham, Housing Policy Board Chair, expressing support for St. Vincent de Paul's proposed HUD 202 project. Council is being asked to review the information provided and discuss the request for $330,000 in HOME and CDBG funds by St. Vincent de Paul for the proposed 59 unit HUD 202 housing project. Council is being asked if the City should support St. Vincent de Paul's application to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for $5.1 million in HUD 202 Program funds with an allocation of HOME/CDBG funds totaling $330,000. . St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) submitted an application for $330,000 in Springfield HOME and CDBG funds to purchase a suitable site for a 59 unit HUD 202 housing project. The HUD 202 program assists with the development of housing for very low-income elderly residents. The requested $330,000 will support SVDP's application to HUD for approximately $5.1 million ofHUD 202 program funds. HUD 202 funds are awarded to deserving projects through a national competition. If SVDP's application is successful, it will be the first HUD 202 project located in Springfield. The proposed site is located at 3rd and S Street in Springfield, and is one of 20 properties considered by SVDP. The 2.3 acre site is properly zoned for this type of development, and all utilities and services are available to the site. The site is located near shopping, public transportation and other services and conveniences. The proposed project will consist of 59 one-bedroom units and a community center arranged in a single, three-story facility. The project will serve very low-income senior residents who have the ability to live independently if provided with enhanced ADA and accessibility amenities. The project will meet stringent federal design standards, and will be developed and managed in accordance with HUD requirements and other federal regulations. The per-unit hard cost of the proposed project is $69,915, which is consistent with other similar projects recently developed (see attachment 3). The Project will be owned by a non-profit limited partnership created by SVDP and Ya- Po-Ah Terrace. Manor Management will provide property management services. . On April 2, 2003, this project was reviewed favorably by the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) based on the following: (a) Springfield has not had a HUD 202 development, yet the 2000 Consolidated Plan found that the need for affordable housing for the elderly is increasing as the population of Springfield ages. This finding is supported by the data presented in the 2000 Census. The proposed project will meet this need; (b) The Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 5, 2003 Page 8 . $330,000 requested will provide a local subsidy of $5,593 per unit. Typical per-unit subsidy funded through our CDBG and HOME allocation process is between $15,000 and $25,000. Efficient use of local funds is a factor that the CDAC considers when reviewing each proposal. Another factor is the leverage that local funding provides in securing funding from outside sources. This project will use $330,000 in Springfield HOME/CDBG funds to capture over $5.1 million of federal funds, a leverage ratio of 15.45. This is another indication that local funds are being utilized in an efficient manner; (c) The CDAC considers the development "track record" of the applicant, and its capacity for seeing projects through to completion. SVDP has been a primary developer of affordable housing in Springfield for many years, and has several noteworthy projects to its credit, including Ash Meadows (69th and Main), the Bluebelle Apartments (41 st and Bluebelle) and the Vincent Court development on 35th Street. The financial impact of the proposed project will be positive for the City. The City will use $330,000 of HOME and CDBG funds on the project, but the project will bring over $5.1 million of federal HUD funds into Springfield, funds that would otherwise go to other projects in and outside of Oregon. Additionally, the project will pay approximately $275,000 in planning and permit fees and systems development charges. There will not be any additional burden on the school system, since no children will be living in the facility. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO APPROVE FUNDING OF $330,000 OF HOME/CDBG FUND ON ST. VINCENT DE PAULS'S HUD 202 HOUSING PROJECT, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THEY WILL NEVER PAY MORE THAN THE APPRAISED VALUE. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 1 (BURGE) AGAINST. 2. Purchase of Tax Lot 17-03-22-4407300 and 07401 (7-11) Property. City Surveyor Don Rogers presented the staff report on this issue. Council is requested to authorize the City Manager to move forward with the purchase of this property at the agreed price for the Laura Street Realignment Project. The subject parcel of land, is a 13,000 square foot (0.30 acre) Community Commercial zoned lot that is located along the south side of Harlow Road at the intersection with Game Farm Road. The property is currently occupied by a 7-11 convenience store. Acquisition of this parcel was reviewed at a March 12, 2001 City Council Executive Session and found necessary to accommodate the realignment of Laura Street with the southerly terminus of Game Farm Road. The project is budgeted with $200,000 in Lane County funds and $900,000 in Transportation SDC funds. Staff has negotiated for and is recommending purchase of the property at the negotiated price of $360,000. Our agreement consists of $30,000 to 7-11 (Southland Corporation) to terminate lessee rights and $330,000 to the property owner. In addition, the City is legally responsible for relocation costs for the 7-11 store, which is currently estimated at $30,000. If approved by Council, completion of the property purchase is expected to occur this week. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF TAX LOT 17-03-22-4407300 AND 07401 Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 5,2003 Page 9 . WITH A PURCHASE PRICE OF $360,000. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. Council Initiation of an Amendment to the Metropolitan Area General Plan - Willamette River Greenwav Goal Exception. Interim Assistant City Manger Cynthia Pappas introduced Greg Mott to present the staff report. She also entered into the public record correspondence from State Senator Bill Morrisette, expressing support to accommodate ODOTs accelerated schedule for this project. Planning Manager Greg Mott presented the staff report on this issue. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is proposing to construct a detour bridge over the Willamette River just east of the existing bridge to re-route traffic during replacement construction of the existing bridge. The detour bridge will have several in-river support columns that require fill placement within the Greenway setback. The existing Willamette River bridge has deteriorated beyond the point of repair and must be replaced. This bridge cannot be replaced and simultaneously continue to provide reduced travel lanes; the bridge must be closed and an alternate provided. Diverting 58,000 auto and truck trips daily onto city streets for 5 to 10 years would cause extreme stress to a system not designed for such volumes or gross vehicle weights. . The proposed detour bridge will begin at the northbound Eugene off-ramp to Franklin Boulevard and will elevate over Franklin Boulevard in Glenwood, cross the Willamette River and Patterson Slough in the East Gate Woodlands, and return to grade approximately 1,000 feet south of Centennial Boulevard merging back into the northbound lanes of (-5. The bridge will be supported by poured in place concrete structures, 8 of which will be located within the Greenway setback and/or the river channel itself. Policy #13 referenced above requires an exception to the Willamette River Greenway Goal. By definition, a goal exception is a Type I Metro Plan amendment that must be initiated by one of the three governing bodies. A site-specific goal exception not related to a UGB expansion requires the participation of all three jurisdictions, even if the proposal is entirely within the city limits (SDC 7.070(1)(b). Referrals have been sent to Lane County and Eugene requesting an expedited schedule for public hearing on this matter. Both Tom Boyatt and Dean Fuller, ODOT were in the audience to answer questions. Mayor Leiken said he held a conference call with Jeff Schieke, ODOT Region Manager. Mike Kelly, Cynthia Pappas and Nick Amis also participated in the meeting. He said we are being asked to expedite this, yet there are times when our issues are slowed down when we need ODOT to sign off. He said examples discussed included BRT, and overall issues with 1- 5/ Beltline. There were times when we thought there was an agreement (vote), someone not in the room/meeting disagreed, causing delays and hang-ups from that perspective. These issues have to be addressed. When we work on projects that may be beneficial not only for Springfield, but the region, we need to have the same collaboration from ODOT as well. We need to build a good relationship with our partner agencies. . Councilor Burge was glad the conversation took place between the Mayor and ODOT representative. Nick Amis provided information regarding weight load limits. / Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 5,2003 Page 10 . Councilor Woodrow said because this job was so large, he heard it may not be bid locally. ODOT representatives Dean Fuller responded that it will be bid locally. The difference is it will be bid as A plus B bidding (cost plus time). ODOT has been working with the AGC, local contractors in order to set the contract to a manner that would be acceptable to the local community, so we will get the maximum number of local bidders. Councilor Burge said when you have an infrastructure that is volatile, distress~d, and other issues, there should be some preventative maintenance inspections made on a'more timely basis, than waiting until repair becomes critical and has to be done immediately on a fast track. He would like to know more about periodic inspections, inspection schedule, when it was last inspected, did they find anything, did the damage just occur within the last few months, etc. ODOT staff will relay answers back to staff so council can be updated. ODOT representatives also provided additional information about this subject. They also discussed the Greenway Goal as well as water dependent issues. Mayor Leiken thanked Springfield staff for working with ODOT and recognized the good working relationship with Springfield staff. Mayor Leiken recognized Tom Boyatt and appreciated work of local ODOT staff as well as the work Tom Boyatt does. Councilor Fitch said she appreciated work ODOT staff is doing and appreciates staffs good working relationship. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR FITCH, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO APPROVE INITIATION OF METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT REQUIRED BY POLICY #13, CHAPTER III, SECTION D WHICH STATES: THE TAKING OF AN EXCEPTION SHALL BE REQUIRED IF A NON- WATER DEPENDENT TRANSPORTATION FACILITY REQUIRES PLACING OF FILL WITHIN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER GREENWAY SETBACK. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. Mr. Mott clarified that council action to initiate on behalf of ODOT does not waive any other normal responsibilities that the applicant would have regarding this in terms of the fee and providing findings and so forth. 4. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. \. (: Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson . Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 5, 2003 Page 11 . Attest: ~MWo-- City Reco r . .