HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/2003 Work Session .., ...-\ . . . '\ City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, APRIL 21,2003 The City of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 21, 2003, at 6:01 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, and Councilors Ballew, Burge, Fitch, Ralston, and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Interim Assistant City Manager Cynthia Pappas, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Kim Krebs, and members of staff. 1. Planning Commission Interviews. Planning Supervisor Mel Oberst was present for the staff report on this issue. He said tonight there are three interviews scheduled for positions open on the Planning Commission. Three positions on the seven member Planning Commission must be appointed. Steve Moe and Tim Malloy are current Commissioners whose terms expire May 1 st and April 30th respectively. The appointees for these vacancies will be appointed to four-year terms. Marilyn Phillips resigned on April 1 st to relocate her family to Las Vegas. The appointee for this vacancy will be appointed to complete the remainder of Ms. Phillips term, which expires on May 6, 2005. The appointments for these positions will begin immediately upon council ratification to bring the Planning Commission roster to the full seven members. The city received four applications for three positions on the Planning Commission. However, the appointment of Tim Malloy to the council rescinds his Planning Commission application. The Planning Commission by-laws provide for no more than two non-city residents serving on the commission simultaneously. Mr. Moe and Ms. Phillips were the non-city residents on the commission. All three applicants reside outside the city limits: Steve Moe of 3698 Franklin Boulevard in Glenwood, Cynthia Hart of 3130 Game Farm Road and Jack Gischel of 2457 North 15th Street consequently, two of the non-city applicants may be appointed to the commission if the council desires. No more than two commissioners may represent the real estate profession. Currently, there are no commissioners employed in real estate. Mr. Moe is an engineer, Mr. Gischel is a commercial real estate broker, and Ms. Hart is an accountant manager. Staff is re-advertising for the Planning Commission vacancies with emphasis on recruiting city residents. The council has the following options to choose from in filling these Commission appointments: · Appoint one of the candidates to serve a 4-year term and another to serve the remainder of Marilyn Phillips' term. · Appoint one of the candidates to fill one of the non-city vacancies and re-advertise for the remaining positions. · Re-advertise for these positions. The council discussed the options and which would be the best. Council decided to wait until the interviews were over and then make a decision. . . . . .. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes - April 21, 2003 Page 2 The council discussed the potential interview questions and decided on the following questions. · Why do you want to continue serving or want to serve on the Planning Commission? · Many of the land use laws applied by the Planning Commission are State or federally mandated. During a Planning Commission hearing how would you reconcile your own personal opinions with the applicant's interests when those interests do not comply with the land use laws? · Excluding Peace Health, what do you think will be the significant issues the Planning Commission will need to address in the next four years? · Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes decisions. · How did you vote on or what is your position on the Peace Health issue? · What personal or professional contributions would you make to the Planning Commission? · What is your understanding of the role of the Planning Commission? The Mayor explained the interview process to each of the applicants. The council interviewed Steve Moe. The council interviewed Jack Gischel. The council interviewed Cynthia Hart. Ms. Hart asked the Council why Planning Commissioners are appointed to a four year term. She asked about the time commitment. She asked about recusing herself in possible cases of conflict of interest. Council and City Attorney Joe Leahy addressed her questions. Council consensus was to appoint Steve Mae and re-advertise for the other two positions. They will then look at the balance of the applications and appoint the remaining two positions. In all fairness it should be left open to accept all applications. If no one else from outside the city limits applies during this second advertisement, consensus is to appoint Jack Gischel. 2. 1-5 Willamette River Bridge. Transportation Manager Nick Arnis was present for the staff report on this issue. He introduced Dean Fuller from Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). Mr. Amis said Mr. Fuller is present to provide an update to the council about the 1-5 Bridge Replacement project across the Willamette River. ODOT must replace the bridge across the Willamette River on 1-5. To complete this work, ODOT proposes to construct a temporary parallel bridge on the east side of the current structure. On February 12,2003, city staff submitted a communication packet memo about the load limits for trucks on the 1-5 bridges crossing the Willamette and McKenzie Rivers. Another communication packet memo on April 10, 2003 gave a brief update about the April 16, 2003 Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) meeting where the OTC will consider granting approval for ODOT to construct a $30 million temporary bridge while the main bridge structure is being replaced. Final location for a temporary bridge is not known although conceptually it will be to the east of the current bridge as shown on the attachment. (~ . . . . .. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes - April 21, 2003 Page 3 An OTC approval for the temporary bridge would allow ODOT to formally initiate the project and begin a series of approval processes such as permits with local governments and federal agencies. ODOT staff will attend the council work session to provide more information about the OTC decision and provide council with information about the project. Mr. Fuller explained the areas they will need to build this temporary replacement bridge. He said they were trying to get this under contract this summer. It is a very fast-paced project. The bridge will be a four-lane structure, which is wider than the existing structure. He said it is anticipated the existing bridge will be in place for five years. Mr. Fuller said the reason they are expediting is because they are uncertain how long the existing structure will last. Councilor Ralston asked why they don't build a new highway and tear down the old one when the new bridge is completed. He also asked ifthere had been any thought of building another off ramp into Glenwood. He asked what the new bridge would cost. Mr. Fuller said the best location for a bridge across the river is its current location. He explained the placement of the replacement bridge. He mentioned there is a potential of another off ramp in the TransPlan for Glenwood and that is why they are building the new bridge back in the current location. He said that they are interested in getting traffic off of the old bridge as quickly as possible because ofthe damage it has already incurred and the safety issues such as the current cracking. It's estimated initially the permanent bridge would cost $60 million dollars. Councilor Ballew asked if the replacement bridge would be taken down when the existing bridge is completed. Mr. Fuller said that once the new bridge is built, the replacement bridge will be torn down. Councilor Burge asked for a complete and final figure for the cost of all of these steps; the replacement bridge, the new bridge and the tearing down of the replacement bridge. Mr. Fuller said there are many factors that could affect the final figure. Councilor Burge asked about the inspection schedule and if council could get that information from ODOT. He asked why these cracks were just found and if there could have been repair work done at an earlier date if they had been found sooner. Mr. Fuller said the bridges are cracking because ofthe way they were designed and it is not possible to repair them. Councilor Burge asked what capacity the bridge was designed to carry. Mr. Fuller said it was built for about 80 thousand pound capacity. Councilor Burge said he agrees with Councilor Ralston regarding designing and constructing an interchange now. Mr. Fuller believed that would be an option that would be pursued. Councilor Burge suggested inspections take place frequently. . . . , , City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes - April 21, 2003 Page 4 Discussion was held regarding what type of funds would be used. It will be state funds used for the detour bridge. The replacement bridge will be federally funded. Mayor Leiken suggested that staff provide answers and make contact with officials from ODOT. He asked staff to get information from the futures of TransPlan and provide details ofthis to council regarding what it would take to begin the idea of programming it for federally funding. Councilor Fitch asked about the emergency lanes on the temporary span and what savings could be found by eliminating those lanes since we do not have them on the current structure. She also mentioned that often the City has worked to obtain permits and struggled with issues with ODOT. She hopes to see additional partnership with ODOT in working with these issues. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Council asked Mr. Amis how many states allow trucks over 105,500 Ib on bridges, and when did this happen or when was the decision made in Oregon? (This last question was asked of Nick Amis after the meeting) " Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson < Attest: ~t ~/J{rWL City Re rder