HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/24/2003 Work Session . . . ,. t.~ MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2003 The Springfield City Council met in a work session, in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, March 24,2003 at 5:31 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, and Councilors Ballew, Burge (by conference phone), Fitch, Ralston, and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, AlC Assistant City Manager Cynthia Pappas, Police Chief Jerry Smith, City Recorder Kim Krebs, and members of staff. 1. Springfield Nodal Development Update. Planner Mark Metzger was present for the staff report on this issue. He said in May 2002, the City Council directed staff to evaluate the following five sites for their potential for nodal development: · Downtown Springfield . Glenwood . Jasper-Natron · Mohawk . Riverbend Mr. Metzger said Council's selection of the five nodal areas was based on a preliminary report by staff and the recommendation of a Steering committee and the Planning Commission. Extensive planning has been conducted each of these nodal development areas, including concept plans (Glenwood Riverfront Plan, Mohawk Specific Development Plan, Draft LTD Station Area Plan, and the draft Jasper-Natron Plan) illustrating desired nodal development patterns. However, various consultant teams developed these plans at different times. Planning is still in progress for some of these areas. The city lacks an overall strategy to implement nodal development in these areas. ECO Northwest is working to develop an implementation strategy based on market analysis, transportation impact assessment, and design considerations that: · Confirm that the amount and type of development described in the concept plans can be supported by the market, and if not, recommend changes to the concept plans. · Highlight probably traffic impacts from higher-intensity development in the nodes, and suggest potential mitigation measures. · Recommend the plan designations and zoning needed to ensure nodal development in the selected sites. · Prioritize City investments in infrastructure, services, and amenities needed to support nodal development in Springfield. · Identify other steps the City can take to encourage nodal development in the selected sites. Mr. Metzger said staff has secured grant funding and has hired a consultant to assist with this project. Terry Moore, from ECO Northwest, is present to provide a brief presentation, which will Springfield City Council Work Session Minutes - March 24,2003 Page - 2 . describe his team's fmdings and progress in the delineation and evaluation of Springfield's proposed node site. He will share a Power Point presentation that will include some of the key issues that will affect implementation of nodal development as well as recommendations for how to address those issues. He will also respond to any questions the council may have On February 13,2003, stakeholders in the node areas were invited to participate in an Implementation workshop focusing on how best to implement nodal development. The consultant team has compiled the feedback from the workshop and has completed an initial assessment covering each of the areas mentioned above. Mr. Moore provided a Power Point presentation that included information on what has been accomplished to date, what the next steps are, land use pattern, and finally how it all interconnects and applied to the final report that is due for completion at the beginning of April. Mr: Moore responded to a question of Councilor Burge regarding the exclusion of Booth Kelly from the nodal overlay. Councilor Burge said if this is going to be applied to the downtown it should also be applied to Booth Kelly as well. Councilor Fitch said this area impacts her as well, so she will have to step aside from the decision process. Options in all 5 areas, apply the Metro Plan Nodal Development designation, and options they would recommend in developing the implementation techniques. . Mr. Metzger said staff will take the comments made this evening and Mr. Moore will use these comments to assist him in the preparation of the final report due in April. Mr. Moore responded to various questions of the council related to mixed use, pedestrian friendly, and concluded that the key is fmding the balance. Councilor Ballew asked a question related to downtown, wanting to make it pedestrian friendly, mixed use, residential. She would like to read more before a final conclusion. Councilor Woodrow said in the nodal plans, what does it do to existing structures in the zone. Mr. Moore responded to a question of Councilor Woodrow regarding existing structures, and that no changes are being recommended to existing structures nor would they be required to meet any new design standards. He provided a more detailed explanation and example of how or why they would have to meet new requirements. Mr. Metzger said in general when a zone is changed, it would mainly apply to new development. The existing structures would be "grand fathered in" if you will. . Councilor Burge said this is one of the most subjective and potentially damaging to the city. We have a terrible situation downtown; this will further prohibit any attempt or desire to do any renovation or improvements. No one wants to deal with new rules. He would like to know how soon nodal lateral developments and projects that have been designed developed and marketed. Failed as well as prospered. List and brief description, the full evaluation of whether or not they are successful would be difficult to determine. Mr. Moore said in working with Mr. Metzger they will provide the information being requested by the council. S"pringfield City Council Work Session Minutes - March 24,2003 Page - 3 . Mr. Metzger responded to a question of Councilor Burge regarding the cost to date, how it was funded, and what the anticipated costs would be in the future. Mayor Leiken said on the issue of Borden, that is one of the more profitable organizations, as natural resources continue to diminish, laminated projects will be more in demand, really believe we need to have a plan in place that would suggest that if they don't meet the criteria, are they going to move, and what would the cost be? What would be the cost to the city, before council can provide a definitive answer on this issue. Mr. Metzger concluded by saying once the report is complete the funds received from the grand g will have been exhausted. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m. ,- Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs . ATTEST: :JGJJ~ ~ City Recorder .