HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-3-20 .. RESIQ.ENTIAL.. APPLI.ON'/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 01 '" I I I I Job Loaation: '3 g:3 / /J Y/ffY/ a./ &;. Asaesaol's Map # /10;J 3 J L/;; 0 It? '7 h Lot II Subdivision: (/J ) CMnel': f11a}/- ! ~ Address: ':1 f. :j J ~t/L- City: New Addition Remodel Nobile Hom!] Phone: 1{j~ - tJ 39<< Zip: Desaribe r.'O'1'k: 'vJt1O~ N-~ Value 1/ ~~()O{) .Bldrs Date of Appliaation Contractors General 3-2JO ~8'7 Address Lise. If Board Re~. : Plumbing i Hechanical I Electrical Suoe_rv ising /}.. /J ( A/LI>> r' ~ Elec t I:':i c i;1 n /J .4. ( AJYJ0~ Yi;/&; / Reaeipt fI Ole Sigr.ed: Date: tv ;2, --- ~?O - f q Expires Phone 9jF Cf It is the l'esponaibility of the permit holdeI' to see that all inspections are made at the propel' time, that eaah ~ddl'ess is '1'eaiaboe fl'om the stl'eet, and that the pel'mit card is located at the front of the property. ~Bui!ding Divicior: apP!'oL'ed plan sJ:all l'emain on the Build'ing Sit::: at all times. PROCEDUl'?E FOR INSPECTION RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorde'1') state youI' City designated job nW7:ber, job address, type of inspec-;icli l'equested ar.d when you will be ready fo'1' inspaction, Cont'1'acto'1'S 01' Owners name and phone numbel'. Requests l'eceiL'ed befol'e 7:00 ~" :..'ill be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am will be: made the next :.JOrking day. ~ C; 0 ;;lcJ. c::::- Your City Desigr~ted Job Numbel' Is: ~ D. MASONRY: Steel UNDERGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER, r-l.1TER, b .. " 'f'l eams, gl'ou~ing DRAINAGE: To be ma;,;,e p'1''/.Ol' to 1. - accordanae with lir.g trenahes. 94 c: UNDEl?FWOR PWMl1INC 8 MEC.'lANICAL;~/""\ ~~~'VE: Afte'1' installation is To be made prior to installat'ion 0 cempleted. f100'1' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made p'1'ior 0 D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After for'TT/s installatien of floo'1' insl,;lation 0'1' are er'e:]tedbut pl"ior to pouring decking. aoncrete. Reauired InsD~ctiens '0 SITE INSPECTION: To be made af'ter exoavation, but p'1'ior to set up of fol'TT1s. ~ UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & ~ : MECHANICAL: To be made befol'e any work is aovered. D FOOTING .& FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are exoavated and forms are e'1'ected, but prior to pour~ng ccnaret~. ' o D. o I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made after all insulation a~~ . required vapor barl'iers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board 0'1' wall aovering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in plaae, but prior to any taping. loaation, bond 01' vel'ticals in U.B.C. Section ROUGH PWMBTrIG, ELECTRICAL 8 MECl!- D ANICAL: No work is to be cOL'e'1'ed ,ur.til these inspeations have beer. made and approve2. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir~ faaing materials and before framing inspec-. ' tior.. SIDEr-lAT,X & DRIIIEr-lAY: 1"01' all con- crete paving within street right- of-wc:.y,. to be made 'after all' exca- vating complete & foY'm work & sub- base mate'1'ial in plaoe. D D D FRAMING: Must be requested afte'1' approval of rough plumbing, elect'1'i- cal & mechaniaal. AU '1'oofing ,bracing & chimneys, etc. ~~st be . completed. No work is to be oon- , cec.led until this inspection has 'been made and app~oved. D PENCE: ~'her. complete -- Provide , gates 0'1' movable sections through ~P'UPM~~ DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS :=J Sm;itary se'Jer oapped at p~op.;;rt;i Zi.r.e ~ Septio tank pumped and filled with gra~el I Final - [.'hen above items are ecmvleted ~ and when demolitior. is complete ~r st~:]- ture moved and pl'emises oleaned up. 'Mobile Hemes ~ BZoaking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections scwel' arid water ~ Eleat'1'ieal Conneation - Blocking, set-u? ~ and plumbing connections ~~st ce apP'1'oL'ed before requesting electrical inspection ~ Acaessol"d Bui7.ding I Final - After pOl'ahes, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are aompleted. D A U proJect condi tions, such as the 'i.nstallation of' stl'eet trees, aocrpletion of the ''1'equired landsoapir.g, etc., must be satisfied befol'e the BUILDING FINAL aan be requested. o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICIIl. o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o PIN.1L BUIT,DTNC: The Final Building Inspection must be '1'equested attel' the Pinal PZumbing' Electrical, and Meahanical Inspections have been made and approved. *AT,L MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!1ENT TO BE f.!.1DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa(~e of:; --.-;: I I JOB I Zone: No,'6qO;J;2~ SOLAR ACC1ESS REQ.- L -CO C-1l Lot Sq. Ftg. % af lot Caverag~ # of Stories Total Height Topography Occupancy Group:, LOT TYPE Type/Cor.st: Bec.i'oor7:s: EneiY/l/ So,wces !feat " r,ratel' .'Ieatcl' RW1!iC Fireplace Woodstove TYDe Interior Corner I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P.L. !louse r:al'a(fe Access. INorth lEast ISou th lr"est Panhandle Cul-de-sac -- Fees ITEM SQ.PTG' x Value Building Value & Permit Main GaraGe This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respccts, conform to the Ol'dinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Cl'dinance, l'egulating the construction and use of buildings, and ma.y be suspended ,or revoked at allY time upon vio- ~tion of any provisions of s9id Ordinances. Carpol't IAcCeSSOrlJ I I TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. Ivatue) 1.5x * Building Permi t Total Char-ges * Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Recdpt II: I Signed: State Sur>cha:r>ge I ITEM I Fi:r:tur>es I 'd . IRes~ ent~l (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer I/"ater - NO. FEE CHARGE I I I Plumbi'ng Permit No person llhall construct, install, aUer or change any neW Cl' existing plumbing.or drainage syst~~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a vaUd plumber's Ucense, eXcept that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plumbing Permi t State Sur>charge ,Total Charaes I * ITEM NO. FEE CHARGE Electrical Perm it Res. Sa. ftq. I Naw/Extend Circuits Tempora:r>y Service Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has b~en signed by the Electrical Contractor. Electrical Permit State Surcharge Total Charqes ITEM . NO.' FEE I Thrnace ETU' S I Exhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I ~)Psto;)e fl. r 1l(1\t- ~ Permit Issuance * CHARGE Mechanical Perm~t IS. tlO Mechanical Permit ~.'fe) State Sur>charae , Total Charaes I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~rity Deposit I Storage I Maintenanae , * Plan Examiner Vate Total Charqe8 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ara all work perfo~ed shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th~ L<<~s of the * State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and 'that NO OCCU- . PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further' certifi:J' that o~ly contractors and e:-npl.:;yees who a:r>e in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project Permit CUI'bcut; I Sidewalk PC~I:]e' TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * I. I I I \S ocJ * ./J>> AM h;;;~ . 8'ig~ "/ f/ - Date 3~2cf-roq i Electrical Label I Mobile Home I