HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1984-2-6 - .. RESIDENTIAL" AFPLICA';'ION!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr-~r4fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job !.oc:ldan: c>9/~ ~ , (l ():j2.lo II T=!<;t # ()~2.?~ L ~S:Je800J"3 :-!.2? Skbdi:ri.stcn: C'_"ar: (~, ~__,.0 O~ . ,. V Addre." ';;1 &K' 0 f( ~ --I~tJ'>rl.J ~f~~u-~,.() I t)M 6 ~;~ #r.ar:e: 1Oh- /J18 Zip: q 7f( 7 7 ~~- ~;JJ ~..-17/~ C~~1: n n n n .,,,.., ..tee:: tic" R~sZ ,'!ob-i:Ze H(r,'I01 Dat~ of Applic.a:icn oH..'iJ'/ ~:on:r!:c:ors Ceneral Plumbing El.ct"':co! t't1 0 J. hALJI r>L..ikU/ U.char.iccl. II COI'tSt'r-.4cti.:m !.C'1dp.r' ......... Deacl""';be rl'ol'k: -"J)n~ ~ VaLue Add.....es3 . .,cceo,=' B(j, 2 ~ U 7 :~.~ 1../1u / S. 00 '00 J '!>,G~ Siar.ed: Date: ~c- ";;.(,-5Jt.{ Lise..' E:::;ircs Phon~ '/' 155. /U./y,f-<:y-. )&Y' 7t=~_I(P~f'- , YOUI' City" Desigr.atozd Job Numbs..... [3: O I:'lSULri'!'ION/VAPO_~ BARRI2R n!S?::CTION: To be r.:ade after all. ir.sul.:;ti..?n l2"".a: . l'cqu~red vapor Ca:!T";era are in place 1:u't cefors any tc.th~ gypS".Jr.I beard or r.ntz. covering is appZied~ and be{ol's any ir..r..tZation ~8 conceaLed. O Dl?':ilALl nlSP::CT.!O~I: To be mads ajtsr aH c.:z..:!'!,JaH is in placs, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Stilel z.acatUm~ boitd beam3, grou"ting or vepticaZa in accozv1....ance wi:h {J. B. C. Section 241S. O WOODSTOVE: After instal.lation is cc:t1pl.et~. '" o CURB & APPRCACl! AP_~N: Afte:o forms are ilrected ou.t prior to pcur{.ng .:on::retQ. SID:;:lALt<. & 'JRnThA?: Foro alL con- creta paving r..Jithi; st1't!€t right- of-we:;, to be ma:J.e a;~t21' at.! e::::ca- va.ting currp'leta & tom work & zui>- bass material. ::n pla=e. '1/~/~l{ ?11-tJ87CP !t. U ~n. respCnGibi1.i.ty of the permi:: hold.u- to see that al! inDpscno1tS are r.uufe at ::he proper tim~, tr.at ~h ~SS8 is I'.,....:...:..:.o1' from t1uJ strest, and that ths permit card is 'Z..xated at the front of the property. .=tli!.di~.g JilJi.:i.o-:: 9P.ot:sd pz..a:" sr.c.n rma~n on tr..=. Bu~Zdin[1 S-:.t.: at all timss. ??OIT!JUP.:: F'on T,'t$PEC':'IOu R!'~UES1':CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.a.ted job nur..ber, .job ~css, type of in:;p6a~icn l'zquestea ar-d ~~en you ~ll. be ready for ir~pcction, Con~actars or ~~~s ncme end ~r~ne nu~cr. Requesz8 received be;~re 7:00 ~ ':..'ilZ. be tfCc"s the Bamll 0=-1, I'equss:s:ncde cft-=r 1:00 a:n wiLL b:z made the ru::.:::t :.:cI'king dtr:j. .~Pn'IJ~:?Oe>rl_ r..'{-..,.."':ir.?J" O SI';r Itl.5PEC7'IJ.V: To be rrcc!e af:er e::cav.::t::"n, .;ut prier :~ ss~ U? of fi7l'm'. o tr.lD~:~S[.A3 "?~l'''.(!3r:tc, El.2C";'PIC.1!. ..ee,;;.);li.':.u,: ';0 be made before wr.i(: :'8 .;ouc:-ed. , ""y o F'CO'!' !.'iG ~ F'OU:!D,t T 1=.'1: To be ~c!e attar :rencnss are s.:ccoJat<2d ar..d fcrma are erec~~a.", but pr~r :0 pourir.g e::ncret.:. !J:'!Ct:1G.~~c.r.!D ?:'~'M2T:l'j. Su::R. ~1~E.~. DRA.!.'Jl..C2: ro ee J:1:l.;;'e pr-:.or :;:0 /i.~- lir.g :rer.cr.es. D o Ullr;E.~!':CC.q !'!.i}Y!J:r,.'C ,.{EC!ANlC:'!.: ':0 :'8 tr.aC.1I pri.;I' i;Q vI3z.::Lz.at~on ot f7,.0or ir.suZa:ion or deci<.ir.g. ?JST .J.j'~A,'-f: To be ~C pr-:..or eo 'ins. w':'::z~n 0;" floor :::,...st.;l.a:ior. or ckiN;. o o RI'JW;;; ~':..[,~~r:!c =:r.2~.o,!-::~!. ~ :€C.1- ~NI~A~: Jo ~~~ ia :;:0 be co~e~ec ur.:::.:: Z. thCSil "':r.spe.c:icr:s ;'''::V'if ~eer. mcca :rd =??r7~e~. F;?::?U~2: ~or:o ?~"-1 fc:i.~ ma~"riai.cJ ar.d aejara [r=:ring inspec- tier.. PP..J.YI.'l":: NU3t be req-""J3to1'd at:Jr C?prc~.;.~ of rough pl-ur.iJi,..g, ':!ec:r-::_ cal & r.:ee;...:m~:::.Z. AZ! :"Oofi7'l..1 b~ci".g & chimn.::ya, st~. l.':'..lS't ,;e comoLJ:cd. :.'0 -Wl"< ~S' ~o be CC'I1. . C8C:!~ until ~J:is inst'6Cticn r.as ~bc~ mad~ and c?proved. [] ~ o D :TIle::: When compL.ts -- Provida gates or movabLe sectians thrOtlgr. P.U.e. & ~OO '7 :;;:2..- I CS,':OLI'l'IO."! OR .~:O~; 3UILDIiiCS .=J Sarti:ar;/ Sff'Jer capped at ~op&I'r:i Zi'!':s . ~ Septi= tank p"~i:d cr.'".d f-:'ZZad r.Jith ~::3Z I Final. - rfhen c:bcve ite::'ls are c~~let&d ---1 ar~ when demcl~:ion is complete or st;r~~. ture ~4v~d axe pr~3eB :leaned up. I Nobit.e ifc.;:es o =:J BLocking and S~t-~p =:J Pl.wnbi~ connec:~ Ba.JBr and wa~.r ---, EZec:ric::.l. Ccnr.ec~ion - BLockir4, set-u? ---1 and plumbing connections /Jr'..:.st ::e appr~L'.c before reques~~r4 eZec:ricaL ir~p.,c=io~ :==J Ac:esso~' Bu.i!.:~ng --, Fi1"..:1.l - ~1ft;;r Farcr.es, sJ6rti1".g, aecl".s, ---1 etc. are c~Ze=~. D -, F......,. ~r.,.tDr.'G ~ ~'.M~ c_~~~.., ALL pra;ec: cor.di;ions, JUC~ cs ~he ~ns;aLZczi~n of s:reet :;:re~s, :~~!a:::~n ot t~ required Zane:icc:pir4, etc., :nus: :;e sae::sfiad Dt:jore :i:a 3L'II.:n:C ?!:!Al. can !;" r~qusst.zd. =:J 7'"L ~ :!::~, .=:J .~!E':.!J"A:l!CAl. o .":'!:IAL a:J!E.:J!;,/C: The Final. Sui'Ldi,..g !r.s?ection .~t; bll ~eque~toui =f:zr 'the Fin.:::.l. ?t~ein.; ~!zccrical, and .vec;..a.r:~c::.Z Ir.speczi:m:J ;:ava been .'Tlca-e and c.pprolud. !ZZ=:RI::'r. .A':;i; :.!:':IP't;,.~r:o I..ND CLr~.\'cUT'=' '11).':"'" 3E AC"'':"S~'''~l.:'' 'IJ-:.'~'I':".,,,.,..O:tr ~'1cr ,'~ "0 t"''''S'1'' ".') "'I~V I ~-'.-e --- -'.- .. .... ."1 "'_ ....-' "', ."1...1.<..:..._.... .;:;l_.. _ _._ .' ~_.... ... ._: ! of 2 I JOB No.&iltJ-ot?7 !::7.!: l;.at Sq. F~. . .., 1__ ,.......,.___ " -, -. -.. ..,- ~ of Se"r-:.es I..".. 1.0..':" ...r~r.: I Topoqra;:h-i 1:,:;.'./ I.'.t:::. 5Q.F:C ~I'::::'S' :.:r=ct"':" 1.-iC~C33":'"".J I I Is.D.c. 1.S = ~!,.g VA!!.'!" (.:c.I.:J.f:J E1Ail.dir.g Pem:it St.:ta Sur:i'IJ1"Oe Total C}.a...-ge3 I !E.Y '....0. I:L-::.:res I ?e.sid.tl'1tial (1 bc.:hJ I I Sar.i.t.::.r! 5e<..Je'l" , I.'c:t"-w I I PI:mtbing Pend. t Stata Surcr.:I!";B Tctat ~es 111'::..." , .~e!J. Sa. f~o. I NGJJ/E--tend Cil"C"'.d ts l TCfr?Cra:rtj Service I , ..;0./ I I I E1..:tl"icaZ Permit 5t.:ts Sur::;..o:rce !ot.21 crL::l'~es I"'~'I P>A'":""..::e,q ?'!r.J'S I E.:~.t Hood. I VQ?1t F::n I ilx;cstoJe I ,~'C:. , Pe~t !3SU01Ca .4fflcr.an-:.c::. Z Pa'rm"i. e Sta.:e Sur~~c "'o::t CJ-cro~"!J . ?~", 2 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- ,-('"-(-c":C'".J .;:'':''.....;,: !.c':' :JP~ !r::artC1" COl""'le:" l'w.c."'UiIJ Cut-de-sac x i'aLu.l I I I I fEE C.::A.~:E :....::.;_z.G~ /5,0 0 I 1'5 . ~ 0 I .&0 I 1';,(pJ ,. :'t':" C.r!)..?~Z :.'lC.~~AC.:J.~!E:r: I SeC'.L.-;t"J !)~=c:;;it I StcrZ:B I ,\:4!:i1"[t0"-=r...:~ I Pc.""';t i To~.-::Z. C}o.t:~Jcs I CUr=CO.l: '5" .. I t.::::e:..'Q1..c I!'r!"'~e I Z'!llC:l'".:c~Z i:.:=~t . ! .\foCi!., n:;r.:s I_~.. ....,U.~ L.:~~^" ......1.1 ". CU!:" I I I , I I I I 15.(; tJ . L-COG~ 1 [,0: '=-~C~3 - I I ?L I HOUS02 lao~~iz t~C's:: ISOl':h IWest t:..=e/C~"'..s';: 3o.td......'or.:3: I I ~....er')"'.J Scr.J.rzes I , I I II i II I T:;~a };.ea; ;(a~;!."r Rance ~-'!:='1:;:I':S .;:;rcae rlC'cess. ~~~":~r" .:';'reD~ace ;(ooa:;;ot:e rre>ft I I J I I I I , I J I , . I i I Building Value & Permit This PSl't1T";t i..1 g1'C7'l::ed on the ~r9S8 condition :r.at the sa.id. CO"stl'Uc::~on shall, ~n '.lll !'espccts, conjcT'm to the Ordi11ar.ce =do~ted c.y the :~:"J oj" Spt"i.ngf'ield, -:'nc!ud~ng :he ~n.ing era-:'nar.ce, !'egul...::-:'r:g 'Cne ccr.st.r"'..l.:':icn =r.d UD'S of bu.ildi.ngs, ar.d m=tt ~e su:;pended or revokiiC at cr.y :';'-::6 :.l;:,cr. vie- lation of a:ny pr,visions of said. Ordir.a.nces. IPlan Check I'ee: I Ca~c Pa.:.a: Rec:-:'pt II: S;q,:ed: Plumbing Permit No person ahall construct, ins:aZ!, attar or change cny r~ Or e--is:ir.g plumbing or drainage syst~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is tr~ Z4gal possessor of a valid plumber's license, ezcept tr~t a pe~son ~ad do pl.ur.:bing work to propert:-:f IJhich is 0TJn.ed, leased or operat<<i by the a;;p'Li- cant. / I. Electrical Permit Where State LaJ.J requires tr.a.t the elecmcal LJOrk be clane by ern. SUlctricaL Contractor, the eLectrical portion of ~hi.s permit shaLL roOt bs valid untiL the labeL has b~en signed by the EZecrncal Contractor. I, I I I I I I I Mechanical Permit ., P {,.an K:.=m.ner ua-c3 I BAV'F CAilEFU!.Ll EXA..'!INED the comp!oleed application f'or ?B:-mi.~, ~ da hereby certify that all i~fo~4tion hereon is truB and cor~cc:, and I t.J.I'tr.er cer:ify troat any ar.d aLL J.:Ork Ferfornred shall be do~.8 in accor- dance :.lith tha Ordin:mces of' troS Ci.ty of Springfid..d., and -chz !.a:.;s of t:~a .. State of Oreg~n psr-:.::ining to the wori( cesC1";bcd herein, cr.d :;..a: .va OCC~'- FL'/CY :.1iZ~ 001 .7fl.:!.a of anu 3truCt-.ao3 IJit;''c:..t :Ia~s3io~ ~i the 3u..iZdina Di- t.ris-ion. ! fiJ.l'~her oert~f"j tha.t <r.tLy oontrac~ors ~.d ~l.;yee3 w}o.o erG in co:::pLi.ance with CRS 701.0St will be used on this projact ~ '- 8"1 Ca.:e