HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 2011-7-15 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 24-22/1230 FIRST STA IT BANK OF OREGON Canby, OR 97013 Affiliated with U.S. Bank 1-800-673-3555 Check No. 107831 ." -' Date Julyll512011 Pay Amount $12,453.33*** Pay ""TWEL VE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE A1\'D 33 /100 DOLLAR .... ToTbe OnlerOf HAWES INVESTMENTS, LLC P.O. Box 7548 Eugene, OR 97401 ~ 11"1.078 '11.11" I: I. 2 '10002201: I. 5 'lbo 1.1, 5250811' Check Date: 07/1512011 Vendor Number: 0000015515 Cbeck No. 107831 Invoice Number Invoice Date Voucher ID Gross Amount Discount Taken Late Cbarge Paid Amount 811-SPR-00193 07/0712011 00180134 ;/ 12,453.33 0.00 0.00 12,453.33 - -- -- -_.- --~ I ilOO ;flU 'IE e.lIk1::TC <;<t( , vJAY , , , , , / Check Number Date Total Total Total Total Gross Amount Discounts Late Charges Paid Amount 107831 July/1512011 $12,453.33 SO.OO SO.OO $l2.453.33 c' I . sp~~~.=~ ~.,:.!IJ:i;; ~OREGON City of Springfield Voucher Report JD: SPRA103 Handling Code: 00180134 RE Accounting Date: July/07/2011 Vendor Number: 0000015515 Invoice Date: July/07/2011 Invoice # : 811-SPR-00193 Approver : GOOD9305 Operator: WHIT4266 Gross Amount: 12,453.33 BY Terms AMOUNT 2012 00 4,168.14 2012 00 7,692.17 2012 00 593.02 Voucher 10 : Hawes Investments, LLC P.O. Box 7548 Eugene, OR 97401 Descriotion Account Fund Q!!I ProilGrant Reimburse SDC Overpayment .650116 446 62232 650116 447 62232 650116 719 62232 Payment Message: Comments: Developer (Hawes Investments, LLC) was overcharged for SDCs on two permits on the local side totaling $25,752.61 and undercharged on one permit by MWMC totaling -$13,299.28, This voucher is refunding the difference of $12,453.33. A S6 will be prepared. . .. S'tN~E~ ~J)J:rmej;tl::flfD.l)j:{~~ . ~ 225 FIFTH'STREET PUBLIC WORKS, DEPARTMENT OREGON SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ADMINISTRATION: (541)726-3670 'FAX: (541)726-2309 . ENGINEERING & TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DIVISION: www.springfield-or.gov/deptyw.htm (541)726-3687' FAX:, (541)726-2309 www.springfield-or.gov ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION: (541) 726-3694 . FAX: (541) 726-2309 MAINTENANCE DIVISION: (541) 726-3761 . FAX: (541) 726-3621 TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION: (541) 726-3753' FAX: (541) 736-1021 }O:,:.~.~'.'I,:~::':.. ~ .~, ':' "'~'~';'~~l Joseph Hawes Hawes Investments LLC PO Box 7548 Eugene, OR 97401 Dear Mr. Hawes; The City of Springfield recently discovered an error during a routine building pennit application for 400 International Way. City Staff reviewed tbe records for the original building permits for the Hawes building and are in the process of resolving the error. The error consists of an underpayment to the City of Springfield of$13,299.28 and an overpayment to the City of Springfield of$25,752.61, both for System's Development Charges. The result of these two elTors is a net payment due Hawes Investments LLC in the amount of$12,453.33. Please find the enclosed check in the amount of$12,453.33 and call me with any questions you may have. 'lj 1f...tL Matt Stouder, PE Supervising Civil Engineer Ph (541) 736-1035 Emai]; mstouder@springfield-or.gov Enclosure .' . WHITE Teresa \1# 1<;;$15 ~yF- 001"'66134- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: WHITE Teresa Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:20 PM RICE Rhonda GREENE Kyle; VOGENEY Ken; STOUDER Matt Supplemental Budget Request Info Hawes SDC Payment History,doc Importance: High Rhonda, Nathan said that you prepared the supplemental budgets for PW and that I should let you know that a supplemental budget will be needed for this entry. SDC Revenue was miscalculated on a project and Kyle has been tasked with re-c1assing funds to correct the errors and refunding the remaining overage to the Developer, with my help. Since the revenue involved is from prior years I talked to Nathan about how he wanted me to handle it. He said I could not transfer the funds by JE as I had hoped and gave me the account strings below to use in preparing the ' voucher. 446-62232-650116 $4,168.14 447-62232-650116 $7,692.17 719-62232-650116 $593.02 Total $12,453.33' The breakdown of the amount which makes up the refund figure is based on the difference between the overages on the local side and the shortages on the MWMC side, by type. See table below. Local MWMC Difference Reim. 5,280.47 -1,112.33 4,168.14 Imor. 19,245.82 -11,553.65 7,692.17 Admin. 1,226.32 -633.30 593.02 Totals 25 752.61 -13,299.28 12,452133 I will prepare a voucher (in FY12) to reimburse Hawes Investments, LLC for the amount of $12,453.33, with expenses broken out as shown above. Additionally, the shortages in the MWMC accounts shown in the memo need to be made whole using the remaining overage of $13,299.28 from the local side which, as I understand it, needs to be taken care of through a supplemental budget. He said if you have any questions to let him know. Thanks, Terri .~*._ w _..,<;._ _._.. ._,.___.______ '~""* .__.. ''''__'___'.._n'~'.'~_.' ..~ __.__.___.___.__,_._., From: GREENE Kyle Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 10:58 AM To: WHITE Teresa Cc: STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Hawes SDC Payment History.doc Importance: High' Terri- 1 .'.. It looks as though we will get to move forward on the Hawes SDC refund. Thank you, Kyle Kyle Greene, PI; Office: 541.726.5750 kareene@sorinafield-or.aov .+~____,...o-..~___._~__._____,~~,.._ .__._____ __.__._..___.____._____ _ _.___ ___ ~_>_____ - --- . ---- From: VOGENEY Ken Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 10:47 AM To: STOUDER Matt; GREENE Kyle Subject: FW: Hawes SDC Payment History.doc Importance: High Matt and Kyle, I've made a few edits to the memo for readability and then accepted ail changes. Please proceed with issuing a check to Hawes as you've proposed. My understanding of the budget transfer process is that we'i1 need to do a Supplemental Budget action in FY 12 to move the money from the Trans SDC funds to the MWMC SDC funds. You could ask Terri to help you prepare this paperwork. Thanks, Ken From: STOUDER Matt Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 9:15 AM To: VOGENEY Ken Cc: GREENE Kyle Subject: FW: Hawes SDC Payment History.doc Importance: High Ken1 Attached is the memo you requested from Kyle with the SDC table showing the breakout by reimbursement/improvement. Thanks, Matt 2 ,. J -MEMORANDUM Date: June 28, 2011 To: Ken Vogeney, City Engineer City of Springfield From: Matt Stouder, Supervising Civil Engineer Kyle Greene, Civil Engineer Subject: Hawes SDC Payment History Hawes Investments, LLC (formerly Progress Investment Group, LLC) entered into an annexation agreement with the City in July 2007 for the property located at 400 International Way. In the agreement, the City agreed to "credit Progress up to the full amount of eligible transportation SDC credits for Progress's proposed development of the property." That amount totaled $295,518. Since signing the annexation agreement, Hawes has submitted several building permits with varying scopes of work for the property. Staff has noted that some of the SDC's for the permits were processed incorrectly. Staff has completed a review of these permits and corresponding SDC payments; a summary of the payment history for three relevant building permits below is presented below. The first permit (COM2008-00716) was for occupancy of the main building on the site. Hawes paid a total of $55,357.04 in SDCfees. The total transportation SDC of $134,448.99 was deducted from the credit due ($295,518) per the annexation agreement; therefore Hawes did not pay transportation SDC's and had a remaining transportation credit in the amount of $161 ,069.01. MWMC SDC's for COM2008-00716 were collected in the amount of $40,486.51. Due to an excel spreadsheet error, the MWMC's SDC's for the resulting use were calculated incorrectly, resulting in an undercharge of $12,665.98 plus $633.30 in administration fees, for a total amount of $13,299.28. The second permit (COM2009-00939) was for a tenant infill (Mookie's restaurant). The SDC's for this permit were calculated correctly, but the transportation SDC's were not deducted from the credit remaining. Thus, the City collected transportation SDC's in the amount of $23,792.17 plus $1,189.61 in administration fees (a total of $24,981.78). Therefore, Hawes is due a refund of $24,981.78. The transportation credit remaining after the refund, minus the administration fee, is $137,276.84. The third permit (811-SPR2011-00193) was for a tenant infill of office space. The SDC's for the permit were calculated correctly and paid by Charles McClair. Transportation SDC's in the amount of $734.12 plus $36.71 in admin fees (a total of $770.83) were collected by the City. However, due to the agreement made in the annexation agreement, the transportation SDC collected should be returned to Hawes and deducted from the credit remaining on the property. The credit remaining after refunding would be $136,542.72. , '. In summary, the City owes Hawes Investments a refund in the amount of $25,752.61 for overpayment of transportation SDC's. The transportation SDC credit remaining for the property is $136,542.72. Additionally, the City is owed $13,299.28 for underpayment of . MWMC SDC's. To make the process as ~~~e for Hawes, staff recommends issuing a check to Hawes in the amount 0 $12,45.3.33 25,752.61 - $13,299.28) and appropriating the internal money transfers unng IS year's budget process. ~s-- The breakdown of over/<under> payment is as follows:l- . -\ Permit No. Trans. Trans. Trans. MWMC MWMC MWMC Reim. Impr. Admin Reim. Impr. Admin "-\4 (, - 441- 2.hk&D4- 44'3bC).fo '-\t\2.0J.. 1 COM2008-00716 <1,112.33> <11,553.65> <633.30> COM2009-00939 5,122.41 18,669.76 1,189.61 811-SPR2011-00193 158.06 576.06 36.71 Totals: 5,280.47 19,245.82 1,226.32 <1,112.33> <11,553.65> <633.30> ~/ '5 'tsa" (a. { d, \0. ;).C}q ,;;2<[, , '5::2. '110 .Ll7 <\ \ l~,O?J> -{1&';{.\4-- I \q,~4S,'8-;;J, < \l L~53.C,b> ( Lz..q~,ll ) \ ~ clcA. j ~ -< c,"D?i. =00')- 3D) ;'3. 0;;( F'i I ~ O{\..\c3 - 5{;lff\'<Uv,~'cJ &J~ ~k ~ I ~;<J;) 3.3 3 ~t~vYL-5 ,Jj((). c1I~~,) &I Lj t '\ov~ y2~~1 <\-4 tv _ (p ';)~ - G, 5'0 ( l " :) ~'5 ~ JL_/ 5D c- fy-;(;Jy l((r 'I~.~u.e. \lull ~lV"r % lot 1;;t4'S.'~ ~ J~bik' ~\ :2:10,'3 d I 44'1 - l\ -- II 1) 0\ - (( 1 \ .. ;-. WHITE Teresa:' From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: GREENE Kyle Tuesday, June 28,2011 10:58 AM WH\TE Teresa STOUDER Matt FW: Hawes SDC Payment History.doc Hawes SDC Payment History.doc Importance: High Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Terri- It looks as though we will get to move forward on the Hawes SDC refund. Thank you, Kyle Kyle Greene, PE Office: 541.726.5750 kareene@sorinafield-or.Qov From: GREENE Kyle Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 10:52 AM To: VOGENEY Ken; STOUDER Matt Subject: RE: Hawes 5DC Payment History.doc Importance: High I noticed a small formatting error, and while I was at it updated my title. Here is a "fixed" version for the record. Thanks, Kyle Kyle Greene, PE . Office: 541.726.5750 kareene@sorinafiefd-o~aov From: VOGENEY Ken Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 201110:47 AM To: STOUDER Matt; GREENE Kyle Subject: FW: Hawes SDC Payment History,doc 'Importance: High " Matt and Kyle, I've made a few edits to the memo for readability and then accepted all changes. Please proceed with issuing a check to Hawes as you've proposed. 1 .~..' . .1' My understanding of the budget transfer process is.that we'll need to do a Supplemental Budget action in FY 12 to move the "money from the Trans SDC funds to the MWMC SDC funds. You could ask Terri to help you prepare this paperwork. Thanks, Ken From: STOUDER Matt Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 9: 15 AM To: VOGENEY Ken Cc: GREENE Kyle Subject: FW: Hawes 5DC Payment History.doc Importance: High Ken, Attached is the memo you requested from Kyle with the SDC table showing the breakout by reimbursement/improvement. Thanks, Matt From: GREENE Kyle Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 8:20 AM To: STOUDER Matt Subject: Hawes 5DC Payment History .doc Matt- Here is the updated memo with the table included. Thank you, Kyle 2 "J j <!.~ <!' ~ ~ OF' "1-14-0/ ',:',~ I _I'- ..\ ~ ~y ~ .", , . y-* /:5S /5 - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYS~ DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER 811-SPR2011-00 193 / SDCs previously paid except fixtures NAME OR COMPANY: Hawes Investments LLC t See COM 2008-00716 LOCATION: 400 Internatinnal Way L'-, . -'<' J1 . \3 0 ,. 1 '54 i\ C MAP & TAX LOT NUMBER: 1703154000500 DEVELOPMENT TYPE: Tenant Mill NEW DEVELOPED AREA (S.F.): EXISTING DEVELOPED AREA (S.F.): TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE (S.F.): L STORM DRAINAGE NEW IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT. A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT. 8. IMPROVEMENT COST: IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT. tfe-rl?~ v 1.116.00 1.116.00 MWMC: MWMC: 710 ITE: . 710 ITE: LOT SIZE (S.F.): 710 714 -- --~ i I ~ \ -g .lE.".;:.to Xr lEi 'u ~".l:ll! :50:"'01 _ 'G~~!6ml-~otBi x $ 0.231 PER SF x Cost per SF= 2. SANITARY SEWER-CITY (see reverse side) A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU's B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU's $ 0.337 PER SF $ 0.567 TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE SDC:' $ 5 131. 72 PER DFU x $ 64.29 PER DFU $ 196.01 TOTAL LOCAL WASTEWATER SDC:' 5 x $980.04 I 3. TRANSPORTATION BLOG AREA TGSF x TRIP RATE x COST PER ADTx NEW TRIP FACTOR NEW: A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: 1.12 x 11.01 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: 1.12 x 11.01 EXISTING: A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: -1.12 x 7.98 8. IMPROVEMENT COST: -1.12 x 7.98 NTF 1 I $574.33 1 $2,093.221 x $ 51.94 PER TRIP x 0.9 x $ 189.29 PER TRIP x 0.9 NTF x NTF 1 $ 189.29 PER TRIP x 0.9 NTF 1 ($1,517.15)1 $ 241.22 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT SDC: _ TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SOC: - TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SDC.:' $734.12 0.9 ($416.27)1 $ 51.94 PER TRIP x x 4. SANITARY SEWER - MWMC NEW: A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's 1.12 x $58.27 PER FEU I $65.031 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's 1.12 x $762.04 PER FEU 1 $850.44j C: COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU's 1.12 x $12.93 PER FEU 1 $14.431 EXISTING: A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's -1.12 x $58.27 PER FEU , ($65.03)' B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's -1.12 x $762.04 PER FEU 1 ($850.44)1 C. COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU's -1.12 x $12.93 PER FEU . ($14.43) MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) TOTAL MWMC REiMBURSEMENT FEE: TOTAL MWMC IMPROVEMENT FEE: TOTAL MWMC COMPLIANCE FEE: MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: TOTAL MWMC SDC:' $ - SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3,&4) 1$ 1,714.16 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES: BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) $ 1,714.16 x 5% ~. $85.71 TOTAL SEWER ADMINISTRATION FEE: TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE: $ Kyle Greene, Ell 3/25/2011 DATE TOTAL SDC CHARGES I $658.59 I $321.45 I' $980.04 !. $158.06 $576.06 $734.12 $49.00 .. 36.71 $0.00 $0.00 , , , 1 J I , i ~1,i7_~J ;- l : .1 ,n83\\ - I i '1:;8~,1 , $0.00 ' -...9 \1i &J \t' '\fr- " I I lQ l~~ , t-- I 1-' , ,!~ ~'I'J3l : 'I09~J.,," i.. -.J 1-"" , , I I r~ , , , , , .' ; r I , " 1;'- I I ", ,. , I I 1 ; , , ,I , I .j $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 , I I i 11054'i ',1'186; ;'1)871 . ';1891 . I I i i I \ I':i:~~ v o ---3 ...':I <6 1 Cl $1,799.86 , ,0'. =- ... DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUIV ALENT ~ DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS (NOTE: FOR REMODELS, CALCULATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL FIXTURES) Tenant Infill FIXTURE TYPE FIXTURES UNIT NEW OLD EQUIVALENT DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS BATHTUB 3 0 DRINKfNG FOUNTAfN I 0 FLOOR DRAIN, FLOOR SfNK 3 . 0 fNTERCEPTORS FOR GREASElOIUSOLIDSIETC 3 0 fNTERCEPTORS FOR SANDIA UTO W ASHlETC 6 0 LAUNDRY TUB 2 0 CLOTHES W ASHERlMOP SINK 3 0 CLOTHES WASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) 6 0 MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER) 12 0 RECEPTOR FOR REFRIGERA TORlWA TER ST A TION/ETC I 0 RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAL SINK! DISHW ASHERlETC 3 0 SHOWER, SfNGLE STALL 2 0 SHOWER, GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) 2 0 SINK: COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN 3 0 SfNK: COMMERCIAL BAR 2 0 SINK: WASH BASfNlDOUBLE LA V A TORY 2 0 SINK: SfNGLE LA V A TORYIRESIDENTIAL BAR 2 I 2 URINAL, ST ALUW ALL 5 0 TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION 6 0 TOILET, PRIVATE fNSTALLATION I 3 3 MISCELLANEOUS: 0 NUMBER OF EDU'S' TOTAL DRAfNAGE FIXTURE UNITS ~ I 5 *EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit) is a discharge equivalent to a single family dwelling (20 DFU) set at 167 gallons per day CREDIT CALCULATioN TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFTER ANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE, CALCULATE CREDITS SEPARA TEL Y YEAR RATE PER $1,000 YEAR RATE PER $1,000 ANNEXED ASSESSED VALUE ANNEXED ASSESSED VALUE 1979 or before $5.29 1992 1980 $5.19 1993 $1.45 1981 $5.12 1994 $1.25 1982 $4.98 1995 $1.09 1983 $4.80 1996 $0.92 1984 $4.63 1997 $0.72 1985 $4.40 1998 $0.48 1986 $4.07 1999 $0.28 1987 $3.67 2000 $0.09 1988 $3.22 2001 $0.05 1989 $2.73 2002 $0.00 1990 $2.25 2003 $0.00 199\ $LBO 2004 $0.00 CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) x x $0.00 $0.00 CREDIT TOTAL $0.00