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Permit Correction Notice 2011-7-22
~~'.~~~"lIjl~~~.~~~,Nr~'oI'Jin.-;.."tfp.-.q.';1-1'~~"'l$r~41w-...~.~f:if..Ij.'\'gi$l'!"I';-~~t~'\),Y~~~'f~('l.iW~.il#&,.;l:nr':";J;'r,t/O'~iP~";;:J.,~;~~;;.!tj~'i..-~,:').,;;fl![j~..{.,~,jl',""*~ to, .("",,Jr'...~.~ " '~"'vJ' It.. !'?~ ~ " ", ~P~~."V.,f VOl Date:~ / tZ,/11 lob# SI/ - fiCJb _ frolrl ev1 T e"-"plc Address: Q50 11.1 f-lv II&<. f,{7I~\..A.),/ TO: l,ve.. W/~l-/IJ;tD~ . IrspectionType: 1f1{I>I~4 pUIA/lI"lllASjJ. lV~v7j)~,I5/Z50/{b: fur€. wo-y -U....t f"c}", ~S- IfU.JJ 10 6e. Bo..JJ NEc-7Z~,/?&: IIJ~.:J W ~ Ms./.,jl cedI&- fvvy ~,. 1-C/1-.J Vol/--,:!,- ~ Tb t;L..../ dike,) <It) c.~"'-<!"?Y--+c cl,,{.$ 2- CeL6It:$~Y()"" f()w<"~ w,'v..c. I//E{.,7Zr;: IS'1(cj', B/at/I.... J,..(}IAJ VOlh~ D<_blt noJ.s. rk be 11$1.-.1 ~I/ c,,-6/~ 7",(,1/. City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street SPRINGFIELD ~~ Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within ~ calendar days. Call for reinspection~es DNo Inspector y ~, t: ",,,,,,,,,,,,,"'''''''''''''''',,,Call for inspection 726-376 "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Questions 726-3759"'''''''''''''''''''''' / .' ,/ .' /