HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-7-13 (2) .. l{1:~IUI:N IIAL" . APPLICATIO};J,/.PERllIT 225 North 5th Street ... Springfield, Ore::on 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: ~'. ~ .;)<-J 17 0':3 1::.od. t1~ I .:J7 ;;:)2 e.roxt. AsassGors Map II SUbdivision: Ta Lot f 02,QOO Q.mer: KtUfw iJ()1i&Y' 1(1+ Describe J..'ork: Y\lottsY .#()~ cr~~ , '(}.;~.. ~ b Q.:..J:: \J , , it. ',' d) 0~ajJS-B8 Value .3; ()W ~PALV~ ? AddJ.ess: ~ , ~ .;; <..J ~~ u , .... City: Sfval ~(:; piAl \ n r9J n n N~", Addi ticn . Remodel Hobile Roma . Date of Applicaticn (;ont'ract:ol'S t')u..) n e...r- General Plumbing Electrical Mechanical q~nstl'Uetia71 Lcndezo Phone: 1~f.c, ~'8'03 CJ7Y-7'1 . f! 102/; c tiol \ t t I Zip: i , i ..I I ."" ;,' I") Siqr:ed: Date: (!.u "7-/3-Y'l Add:res3 Lisc.H i Phant; Eroires ( -' It i8 the responDibility of ths permit }wIder to ese that all. iMpections are r.zade at the proper timsl tr.at each .:ddrBBS is readabZe frcnr ths street. and that the pernn:t card is located at the front of ths property. "Bu.i.tding DilJi::ion ....I."r~ ~,....J plan shan remain on tha Building Sit:>. at all times. . PROCEDU.~E FOR INSPECTION R!,QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nur.:ber.. reques~cd cr.-.d when you tJiz.z. be ready for inspecti.on# Contractors or OI.mers ncme c.nd Fhone number. ;."i'L'L be rmde thE: same day# requests made aftao 7:00 am win ba made the na:t ".JOrkin.; day. CD Reaui~p.d ~1sop~ticnR ~X SITE INSPECTION: To be nr:uie after excavation# but pM.Ol' to set up of .forms.~?~ VR8I'.I9'~T_.' ;-:'"] . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & '--J . MECHA:1ICAL: To be made before any . ,,~r~B COl}C~: . v I FOOTING :I FOUNDATION: To be m::zde F) after trenches are excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to pouring ccncret.. Xl l1ND'S1?q~W!TJ PWMBING, SEWeR, '&I.iTER, ~ ~RAlllAr.iE> To be 1OO.de prior to fi'L- .Ur.g trenches. ~. UIlDERFLOOR PLU/.!BIIlG & 1.fEC!/AIlICAL: To be made prior to inata'LLation of floor insulation Or decking.. POST A!,'D BEAM: To be made prior to insta'LLation of floor inszdation or decking. ROUGH PLW!BIllG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered - .ur.til. theB8 inspect.ions have been made and approved. . FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing material.s and before framing inspec- tior.. Vl FRAHINC: Must be requeBted after ~ approval of rough plwr.bing, alectri- I... .ool & mechanical. An roOfing .'1/.' bracing ~ chimneys# et.::. nr.J.st be :'completed. flo LXJrk is to be con- ~........cealed until. this inspection has ..'!' bB~~ made' and approved. .:' :J :J :J ~' 21FIF"oL PLUI'.BIl!G =:J FIliAL MECHANICAL =:J FINAL ELECTRICAL .~ .Your Cit;y Desigr.ated Job Number Io: U iNSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPE:CTIOll: To be made after a'll insul.::tian w.d 0- required vapor barriers are in place .. ~ but before any lath# gypswn board or wtl covering is applied# and before . any insulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTrON: Tc be made after al.l. drywa'll is in place# . but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel l.ocation.I bona beam3.. groutirlfl or verticals in . accordance wifli U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpl.etE:d. O CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: 'After" forms are ere~ted but prior to pouring C01U!rete. o SIDEWALK & DRIITEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- pf-LX:.Y# to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & cub- . base materoial in pZa::e. , O PENCE: When complete -- ProvU:!e. gates or movable sections through P,U,E, ' o '?\'K'6S7J job aCCrcss# type of ir~pec=icn. Requests received before 7:00 ar.l I i , ' I DEf.!OLITIO!! OR !.:OVE!J BUILDIi!GS ~ Sani-:ary Se:Jel" ::apped ::t propcrt-:i 1.ir.e ---.J _ ! =:J Septi~ tank P''''''Ped and fi H.d : th ;;raos I :J Final - h~en above ite~s are cc~leted and when demolition is completelor stru.=- ture moved and pr;::m'iaes aleane:i up. r; .'- /1 I I I I Mobile Homes =:J Blocking and Set-:.lp =:J Plwnbing connections Ba,Jer 7 IJQ:-er ---, Elcctrical Connection - Blocking# set-up -.J and plumbing conn.ections m-...st be approved beforc requesting electrical inspection .=J Ac~essol"i Build:ng .. ~ 0..' ] Final .- Aft;:r porcr.es# s1d.rting# decks~ etc. are ccmple:;:d. o ~.., AU p"oject conditions.I Qucl: as the installation of street trees, co.":1plcti.:m of tile t::: required landsccpir.g~ etc. # must be satisfied before tr.e BUILDING FINAL can be request3d. \~ (Q FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted aft.er the .FinaZ PZumbinJ ElectricaZ# and Mechar:icaZ Inspectiono hava been made and approved. AALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS }lUST BE ACCESSIJLE# ADJUST!fENT TO BE J.!.1DE AT NO COST TO CI'!"Y I Pa@e .1 of 2 -.......-_. -. .~~ .... ,JOB NO. (,2f<'nS7/:;ULAK Al.;l.;c::'::' KCY.':' L-COG- Izano: I I'lK.... De"""""". .~:.frJ-/ T"DeICor.at:.;;)-.Js/. B.dro"".: Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT T . r Lot Faces - . I I Ena1"au SrrJ.1"Ces TlJtle : f ,. . I S.tbacks I Heat S 0 ~t COIJerage Intel'1.Or I P L H r I' .. CUBe ...araae Access. Water N~(1tpr- .f of Stories Corner <<oroth j Range Total Height PanhandZe gostl I' I Fi't'cDZace South WOod.;;tOl)8 T~hy CUt-de-sac -'-0. ~ I....t I I I:T::M "bin I Gtzraca SQ.FTG ~~ Ctln)ort Accessoru IS.D.c. TOTAL VALUE, (vc:"uc) 1.5 :c Building PfIZ'mit State SUrcharge Tota l Cha.""!Ies lITEM I Fi:rtv.res I Re.idential (1 bath) kanitary Sewer ~""'t.". i I . " I NO. I I I i Plumbing Permit 'State Surcr.arge 7'atat Charaes . 1::"'1 I I I I I I ITEM Res. Sa. fta. NJtJ/E:rtend Circui ts 11~"~"""""':J Service I Ele~trical Permit St::te Sur::fhara8 Total. CharC8S lITEM I Purn.:2ce ~U'S r E::hau.st Hood. I-vent Fan I . I WoOdStO:J8 I Ne. t FEE I I I I I Pemt Issuanca Me~hanic:zl Permi t State SurduI1'oC J'qtal ChmoqP.9 - ElICROACBME.'\'T -- i SeC".lntl( Daoo3it i , Storaqe Maint~e Permi t Total Charopcs CUJt~cu~ I-/B' Side>.>alk F~e ". E1ectrical Label Nobi l6 HOmB TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' ~ ,"".' ....,.. x Value , I q~.--J I I '3.l5'.50 1 /. ~~I-)' i ~o , ~ 31' FEE CHARGE tOl:.G I . , , CdAHGE 1 I I I I I I I I I I I , ' C/lARCE: J I I I I /2.'70 I I I I I 53,(3 -_.~ -~~'~.J~"'iWotr-..'''_ Faes Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition that the sa"id construction shall~ in all respccts~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieLd~ inc!uding the Zoning Crdinance~ reguLating the construction and uae of buil.dings~ and m:zy be sUDpended or revoked at c:r.y t"';me upon vio- Lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , IPlan Check Fee: ~-;o:; loate Paid: " - ~ - 88 Recoipt N: II K~ ISi!1"ed: ~. (~ l.v..~- Plumbing Permit . No person DhaU construct~ instal!~ aUer or change any new or e--isting plwnbing or drainage system in whole or in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license~ except that a pe~son Jtr:ly do plw::bing work to property which is oz.med~ leased or operated by the app1.i- cant. " , , Electrical. Permit , Where State LazJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Con-tractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the ELectrical Contractor. Yc;7'?/7'''''' /r ~"'r~"'=~~ -;:?6"f.v/<<:.cs:' /S /#rE.;yp€c>.~ ~,2:>. ~/Y7r/?':I.r:.S:::>. !JOtJe Cc-- Mechanical Permit . ~~(~ 7-//- ea UC"e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hDreby certify that all info:mation hereon is true and corrcct~ and I f'.u>ther certify that any and all work perfo-mred shall be do:'le in accor- dance Lrith tha Ordinances of ,the City of Springficld~ and the: La:.Js of tho .. State of Oreg.::m pzrtaining to the lJOrk described heroBin~ and that NO OCCU- I P/:.NCY li1ill be m::l..:fe of any structura L1itho-oAt p3rmission of the Building Di- ~")11iBion. I furthel' cartif:; that cr.11y contraetors w.d f'!J1P~Y8es who are in I cc:r.tpliance with ORS 702. O~~ L1ill be used on this project , JLM/~~ 'Si~ . _~ - J/./ 4?I:.... !kits