HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/20/2011 ....... + '\ :l.t. .'~ li (!',' j,. ~,: '~:-, . f: ~~: H: m r-'! Ii' !g' [8 ~ H ~.: ~i. 1= iJ $. fl ~ .~. ~. Ij 13' ~~ 'f5:" .:'i .cr; II 0: H t- IVI ] ~'.. iI.' ~. ~. r r l'1." . ~ ~" .: jj:' m ... .il ~ ;1 ~ ~I ' ~1 ~i :'t ~ ~~ ?i m' < .:)' ~! J f.~ ~l . ~j " il !i! :j ~ ::! ,~ , .:; "f~U'-'" '.. .~i<;.-; "" . '.' '~t{r<;.::::",; g~~if<< :.?': I;f-\'j ID'~2r~:~:'?\:: ..1 .....'I~i\i . '. ~I~:i<;;; . ..: ." ~:g~1.~{~{':~. .....:. .~ID,;:~;y(:,;> :i'II:.J~.t:f'f . '. ~~}.'" ....... .'. . .~. rM!;io~,~'i',~?'f; >If;;{]il' r~_,. - . ,~~\':::"':;;:': ....i..."r'~0;{t( .:: ij;;:T;;~"/',,? ;;:;.."(:'::'::.,-:;,:,.' .' ""~-".' ,..,. ". :, '';}g~:~:~.;-;',;,}:: Hljt;tl: .' ~{;C,,:, . fl~C'~:: :.'.:':" i;j%: [iff?;;; ." 'l:;~~j~. VJ~";: '. '.' ~;c"i" H:..:/',', '..'. f:' .' :Dare ~ece\ved:' . F?:.... '~JUI 2 0 2~fl> I'. . " '~JJ.tIrIJI' . vttAl'i :V~..-' . 19'1r-s- . ..........- ~~lXL.~CIfIIJl':Ot NS . }... ~ I c ,..... 9841448 ..,..... I" ~l\1ob8JcrloiSbl>.kl>.lllLJ!.l.!t9hmnl!.. ._--2;90& Gapfip.l<1Sllc.cL" _'_~_ F.tJp"'~. OR .J!1.4l1.5...:- CImJIlDr'II~"'''''''' Tzoqy,Ji. IlInd KAth-:yn~v' -570 I!.. '4oth C" . . .'EtlV'nti, O.R.J1.4llL-_~_~ .' . . ................... . .' . '_'~~Nbn._""'-= . . '. , ~I..:i- W..~ ['u:.~-c-:.~ 6PACERESa:IIIEIi. -. _USE. R<d 2424R . lane CoUnty 0FAClAl. ~ Lane'Coimty aerie f).;;-.p,,/ ,;j.;R.j/ .B,r. County a.rl< AUOty s_ of Onogon . County of Lane - ss. I, the County Clerk, In and fDr the saki County, do hereby certify that the within instrumenl was recdved far record at ".,.., '.. _ day. _,at '98IlAY29PN 1:59:c1ed in lpagc . .' instru-, --. J' UIlIll...-.a............I:II_........IlD--.~_ -Tmy K.'llInd KAth~ Lypn Ri~ . -570 F_ 40th '. . R1'vn@r 01LJt7_4ft5..__________ . -~~~- . Jeputy. . ~AHDSAI.E~ '. .' KNOW ALL BY'IlIESE PRESENTS lila, . A. UJ,IOIJJ\-JERIN and SHOKOUIUJ,____. . ~JI01IA::dllB.IH..HIISbanll..anlI.Ni(~ . . . here_ caUid gianlo" ro, Ihc c:olWdcmlinn hereinaOcr stated, does ben:by gnmJ. batgain. sdIl:ld COlIYoy unto . , I' . TROY K. RTClHIlY Rnd KATTTRY.N LYNN RICT{llLJ!l!li!2Irn!.J!!!d Wife.' . . '. here_caIlcd gran.... and!lJllo _'s beiJs, stIlXCSSQJS and.,.;gn., all oftha' certain rea1 propeny, wilh Ihc"'emonts, bored- . it8ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way aPPcrtaining. situated in . _ County,' Stale of ~iegon. desCribed as fOllows., to-wit: . . . ~at a Point sOuth 89.52' West 100 reetrroin the N~h\vest comer or Lot. 1, . :. Block 50 MARYLIIURST, as platted and recorded In Oook12, Page 27. 'Lane COlDlty.... '. . Oregon Plat Records; run thence South 890 52' West. 5~.3 ~eet,. more. ~r.lesst.to t.h~. ' . .'. ' .'East line or 16th street; thence South 0.' 21'West along the East line o~ 16th Street .128 ::" feet; 'thence North 890 52'.East 52..3 feet; thence North 00 ~1' East 128 reet to the po~t, orbeglnning. in. Springfield, Lane.ColDlty, Oregon.. . . .,. . Subject tf? ~ef!1ents, reservations and restrictions of record. " " ...~;~;~~;U~~~B , .. . . '.: . ciFSPACe:WSUf'fIClEK1;OONnNlJE~ON~'.. '. : . To'HavcandtoHoldthcsameUDtogranteeandgmntcc'shcirs.successoJSand~igns_forevc[, . _ . '. .:.:. '. :i'The ttuc:'and actual consideration paid for'ibis transfer,' stated in'termsofdoIfaJS, is S 24nJnnn'n~; CD However, thC. . .-. . actual consideration consists of or includes Other property or value given. Of promised whicb is 0 p:lrt of the iii the whole (indicate. .. .'. wllich)C?OnSideraiioIl.CD('I'be~belweeI1.tbcS)'mbo1s~.if_~sbauJdboddctal.SccORS93.030.) .:. _'.' >'.:. :....;~.. . ,. In co~iDg this deed; wbere the contcxl so rcqiJires, the sin8uJar i~udes the pIlIral. and all grammatical cbaoges sball be: . . madDSO'b.lIlllsdccd,baJlapplyequallytoc:orpotaliousandto.individuals. .'jz?#' . 717 '. ::....:.....: ~:., ." . IN WITNESS WHEREOF,lhc gnmlor has exealled Ibis 1Il5tr1ImCltl1bis. day of . _~__~_, 19~; if ' giantor is a corporation. it has caused its name to be signed and itsscaJ. irany, affixed by an offia:rotOlber person duJyauthorized '. ,-IO'dO_:sobyoidcro,fits~niofdirecto~. .~... ..' _ .,....,. . _ ..... ..... THIS INSmUMENTWlll NoT'ALlOW USE OF THE PIlOPEATY DESCRIBED IN .. ~~i:'~ J .: _____~_________ THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION Of APPUCABlE LAND USE LAWS AND REGU- ~1LM9ha-. ~~~~%NGTH~R~~~LDlNSC:&~v:re=. ;:rXl?h . '.I----l- =~t5~~W:~~~~~~~~~~~....~.~kOuhM M jerin - PRACTICES AS.DEANED IN ORS.30.satJ. . . ....:... " . . '''.':'.:;':. -..:._-.:~____________ STAJEOFOREGON,Countyof. . Lane '. ~... 'This instrurDcnl was acbmwlcdged befQJC me on ~ 3 9. by ....s......B.....M.o!J.@=.mrinand!;!hokouh M. MO!!!derln' This instrument was aCknOWledged before mc on by . . . as .19~98 . __.i9 __., eo.............. . ANNA UAE,UlGUORI!1TO NOTARY PUBUC . OREGON ,,-' COMMISSION NO. 056916 . .uy~ . ~~(lL~~4B OlDy Public fo, lliegoo '. ;!f- ":",l . My c:omm.issioo expires -LL=_~~ ;;;C<'. Ii;., . .:... · r< 'iL': - ..... . :;'~.:" " '~'.,;':' .,.' ::~';Y'. '-":,:.: . I~ig;~....:; '\:;;/:.' :',",:,.;; Original Submittal ' -~. .... ~ . After Recording Return to: B. Kevin Burgess P.O. Box 10567 Eugene, OR 97440-2567 f Division or Che Deputy Clerk 2005.o15J9~ "' Lane County Deeds and Records 111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 III $36.00 00673306200500153980030035 03/04/2005 03:09:33 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Stn=15 CASHIER 04 $15.00 $11.00 $10.00 ~. Until a change is requested aU tax statements shall be sent to the following address: NO CHANGE WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM Kathryn Lynn Richey, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Kathryn Richey, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Legal description on attached Exhibit A. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. The true consideration for this conveyance is property other than money. The liability and obligations of Grantor to Grantee and Grantee's heirs and assigns under the warranties and covenants contained herein or provided by law shall be limited to the amount, nature and terms of any right of indemnification available to Grantor under any title insurance policy, and Grantor shall have no liability or obligation except to the extent that reimbursement for such liability or obligation is available to Grantor under any such title insurance policy. The limitations contained herein expressly do not relieve Grantor of any liability or obligations under this instrument, but merely define the scope, nature, and amount of such liability or obligations. Dated this (n- day of ~d/ . ,2005 Date Received:' ~~ JUL 2 0 2011 Original Submittal . . . i' STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on /'i)<.>.....\.- _ l- ) Kathryn Lynn Richey. 2005, by . OFFICiAl SEAL , BETTY EDLUND '" ,: - NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 358849 111 COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 16, 2006 ~~"h~'j~ Notary Public r Oregon My commission expires: ~)I":)1":,,(f' Date Received: JUL 2 0 2011 Original Submittal ,,~ - . . . ExHIBIT A Legal Description PARCEL I: Lot 4, Block 4, THIRD ADDITION TO FIRLAND HEIGHTS, as platted and recorded in File 72, Slide 42, Lane County Plat Records, in Lane County Oregon. PARCEL II: Beginning at a point South 890 52' West 100 feet from the Northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 5, MARYLHURST, as platted and recorded in Book 12, page 27, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; I1lI). thence South 890 52' West 52.3 feet, more or less, to the East line of 16th Street; thence South 00 21' West along the East line of 16th Street 128 feet; thence North 890 52' East 52.3 feet; thence North 00 21' East 128 feet to the point of beginning; in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: JUL 2 0 20ft 'Original Submittal