HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 5/11/2009 . ' - ~llY OF SPRINGFIELD ..MENT REVIEW COMMITTEE I DISTRIBUTION DATE May 12, 2009 TO: .J 7' t ~ --;;7 =9 ~ --;7 ~ ~ t: -7 t -Z :7 .. RECEIVED Current Planning Staff: G. Karp, J. Donovan, Liz Miiler, M. Metzger, Lissa Davis, 11 2009 L. Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy Limbird, Dave Reesor~teve Hopklns~Moily Markarian MAY 'Matt Stouder, Engineering - Public Works Department 'Les Benoy, Engineer Group, Engineering/Public Works By' b R" p~ ~ Brian Bamett, Traffic EngineerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2/02) . L 'Jon Driscoil, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Department I (' l /1<2- 'Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshail, Fire & Life Safety Department 0 -r ()(lj) t:/..) Meiissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only r - - J 'Pat French, Planner, Wiilamalane Park and Recreation District 'Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) 'Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Jack Foster, Springfield Utility Board (Energy ConselVation) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions, Street name changes) Dave White, U.S.P.S. (Growth Mgmt. Coordinator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for Partitions/Subdivisions) 'Celia Barry, Lane County Transportation Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) Lane County Land Management [Urban Transition Zone] George Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian [Urban Transition Zone] (if applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water District(. only if in the North Spfld area) (if applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Poilution Authority (if applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Fire District (if applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable (if applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) (' If in Glenwood) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) ('If in Glenwood) Steve Mae, Glenwood Water District ('If in Glenwood) Bill Grile - Development SelVices Director (agenda) John Tamulonis, Economic & Community Development Manager (agenda) 'Dave Puent, Building Official (agenda) Lisa Hopper, Building SelVices Representative (agenda) . Greg Ferschweiler, Keith Miyata, Brian Conlon, PW Dept. (agenda) 'Craig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept George Walker, Environmental Works Dept., (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant, Public Works Dept. (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) *Will Mueiler, L TD Norm Palmer, Quest Corporation (agenda Dennis Nuuanu Santos, ODOT, State Highway'Division (agenda) Jeff DeFranco, Springfield School District (agenda) Wiiliam Lewis, Financial SelVices, Springfield School District ( agenda) Andrea Damewood, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Joe Leahy, City Attomey Dennis Emst, City SUlVeyor I Carole Knapel, PEACEHEAL TH/JUSTICE CENTER/FIRE STATION ITEMS A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development SelVices Office. Specific concerns of your division/department/agency should be addressed. If you have comments or requirements of this proposal, please send them in' writing to the assigned pianner @ Development SelVices Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. If your written comments are not received by Friday, May 22, 2009 specific. concems of your division/department/agency wiil not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on May 26, 2009. The Development Review Committee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday@ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday if you have specific concems so that the Planning representative can discuss them prior to meeting with the applicant. If the Planner feels it is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings he/she wiil let you know on Tuesday. . will receive a fuil packet . .. .. AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: May 26, 2009 @ 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 1. DISCRETIONARY USE #DRC2009-00007 JEHOVAH'S WITNESS CHURCH 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 18-02-05-21 TL 8700 Address: 885 S 42"d Street Existing Use: Residential : Applicant submitted plans to construct church building and parking lot. Planner: Steve Hopkins : 1 ~ .. .. Jeity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Discretionary Use , ,"'- . , , ~ A licant Name:PJ~? !SLttOg '1741:::11 ';"., :'" , "' A (icant's Re .. Com an :" 1 IN6 Fax: OR.. 401 ~PO~,'4'>1'lE ,mt\... ~ '1tii':"P -iitJb'..,-~'-"'0: ';""'<"'AA Phone: 7Z0-eZZ-1 Fax: Address: ffiif' '" ~;;,) iftJ!ii! ;'1\ TAX LOT NO S g,iOO Acres ~ S uare Feet 0 '!MM' sf Associated A lications: Pre-Sub Case No.: 'itc. ?~i( lL - 6BX>1 Date: Reviewed b Case No.: 'blzc261:A,~ C5l;0 Co Date: Reviewed b ~ A lication Fee: ~ost~ e Fee: $ ~<tSS- " PROJECT NUMBER: AZ..s~ - D01J'0::r- '~'"'";~of '__ . .;i "'i!"-." = . ~;_~~:::::-~~_ TOTAL FEES: d-l.40 '~~'~ Date Received APR 2 2 2009 Original SubmittaL._._.___ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 .. .. .. DISCRETIONARY USE CRITERIA FOR EAST CONGREGATION OF JEHOV AHS WITNESSES Map 18-02-05-21, Tax Lot 8700 SDC 5.9-120 NARRATIVE " The property proposed for development is currently owned by Steve Jackson. Th"e property currently has one single family dwelling on it and three existing storage sheds on site to be removed. SDC 5.9-120 (A) (1) The subject property is zoned LOR Low Density Residential which is consistent with low density residential zone designation for the property as shown in the General Plan Diagram contained in the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan. Religious Facilities are permitted uses within low density residential zoned property through the Discretionary Use Permit process as administered through the City of Springfield Planning Department. SDC 5.9-120 (A) (2) The subject property is not located within an area governed by an existing" Refinement Plan of the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan. SDC 5.9-120 (A) (3) The subject property is not located within an area governed by an existing Refinement Plan of the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan. Therefore no Plan District standards apply to this Discretionary Use application. SDC 5.9-120 (A) (4) The subject property is not located within an area governed by an existing Refinement Plan of the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan. Therefore no Conceptual Development Plans apply to this Discretionary Use application. SDC 5.9-120 (A) (5) Religious Facilities are permitted uses within low density residential zoned property through the Site Plan Review and Discretionary Use Permit process as administered through the City of Springfield Planning Department. SDC 5.9-120 (B) (1) The subject properties entire frontage is located on South 420d Street which is a fully improved Minor Arterial as designated by the Springfield Conceptual Road Network Plan. The subject property currently has two accesses from South 420d Street, the applicant is proposing to widen the southern most access to 34 feet and remove the access to the north. The applicant proposes to construct an asphalt parking with 79 parking spaces, 3 luminaries, and landscaping as shown on the Tentative Site Plan. Date Received: APR 2 2 2009 Original Submitial .. .. {: SDC 5.9-120 (B) (2) Adequate and safe circUlation to and from the site will be acheived by widening the existing driveway as shown on the Tentative Site Plan. On-site circulation and emergency response has been addressed as shown on the Tentative Site Plan per SDC Fig.4.6-A. Bicycle parking is provided on-site per SDC Table 4.6-3. As stated above South 42nd Street is a fully developed minor collector with sidewalk and bike path along the entire frontage of the subject property to allow for adequate circUlation of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The nearest transit facility is the Thurston station which is located approximately 2.2 miles away on Main Street. SDC 5.9-120 (B) (3) No wetlands or water courses exist on this site. The subject property is mostly flat except the southwest comer which has a low spot that naturally gathers storm water. This low area lends itself well to be partially filled and utilized to construct a Raingarden to capture and treat storm water on-site. SDC 5.9-120 (B) (4) Adequate public facilities exist for this subject property as follows: .There is an 18" storm pipe is stubbed out beyond the East right of way on South 42nd Street and a 8" Sanitary Sewer stub. Both the storm and sanitary have adequate elevations to serve the entire property. Also there is a 6" water main out in South 42nd Street with a service lateral and meter which currently serves the existing residence. Power and Communications are also located within the right of way of South 42nd Street along the entire frontage of the subject property. SDC 5.9-120 (C) (1) As shown on the Tentative Site Plan the applicants has met or exceeded all landscape buffers and setbacks per the applicable sections of the SDC. SDC 5.9-120 (C) (2) The applicant has attended a pre-submittal meeting for the Site Plan Review process and will submit a completed Site Plan Review application after approval of the Discretionary Use Permit. Therefore any and all Site Plan Review conditions will be met with the concurrent application process. SDC 5.9-120 (C) (3) The City of Springfield planning staff/approval authority did not site any approval conditions other than what was discussed in the pre-submittal meeting PRE2009-00007. SDC 5.9-120 (C) (4) The applicant has met or exceeded all standards and conditions of approval set forth by staff during the pre-submittal meeting dated 3/24/09 PRE2009-00007. SDC 5.9-120 (0) (1) The applicant is not proposing any telecommunication facilities therefore this section of the code does not apply to this Discretionary Use Permit application. SDC 5.9-120 (0) (2) The applicant is not proposing mUlti-family development therefore this section of the code does not apply to this Discretionary Use Permit application. SDC 5.9-120 (0) (3) The applicant will comply with the approval criteria set forth in SDC 4.4- 115 as shown on the Tentative Site Plan. PRE2009-00007. SDC 5.9-120 (0) (4) The applicant is not proposing any schools therefore this section of the code does not apply to this Discretionary Use Permit application. Date Received: APR 2 2 2009 Original Submittal j .. .. ~I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2009-00016 885 S 420d Street tni :ri MJ: VERNOIIl_ J SITE Map 18-02-05-21 Tax Lot 8700 North -+ B-JASPER-R RECEIVED APR 2 9 2009 By: ~ e . I " i \ . . '=::='':'''=:~:O-~i",,::c3it''!:<C C -k- '" 1"SIoaI i _c_~_u" - -=~;.~.-_=~7= ~.....,~_,__ -=-=-=-----7j- --. ~, v :';;';;;;;';;'';;;~E.l~,s~""~,._,,.c_'''~.. '.. t ~ . 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